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Are you a neet in your cunt? Were you one? Describe me your story.

I was NEET from my age 19 till 24, so about 5 years. I lived with my parents and got 400 neetbux monthly. I just played video games all day and spent the rest of my bux on my gas money, insurance and going out with my friends.

All in all depressing times that I don't miss. Working sucks thoughever
What is a Neetbux exactly?
Your government gives you money unconditionally?
I thought you have it in japan too
You get welfare money from government because you can't get a job
I fucking wish

southoids have no idea of how soul draining it is to wake up and go to work while it's still pitch black outside
note that most who get massive sums here on 4chan are clinically retarded because of autism so they get extra money
It’s almost impossible here if you have a family and you don’t have handicap.

What’s the point of working if you have that?
Graduated in September 2023, got a shitty job till December. Got a job through an old manager in April but my job got outsourced to Bosnians and was laid off in June. Been NEETing till October, now I'm joining the air force
>What’s the point of working if you have that?
400 bucks is nothing here it wont even get you a place for rent.
Its just to assist people that are out of a job due to getting fired. The more you work the higher your neetbux will be if you get fired. I was at the lowest cause i never worked.
My friend had 2k neetbux when he got fired but every month it went 200 bucks down
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im a neet since graduation from school in 2022
This kek, always some retard here bragging about getting 2k neetbux then you find out hes a troon or 60% handicapped.
what's the point of working?
We have unemployment benefits but if you didn't work you can't have it lol.
Find a working environment that suits you then? Be surrounded by people you actually enjoy the company of and don't do stuff that you dislike all day
At least you had friends to go out with. Most of the time during my neet years I would just sit around at home playing games and watching anime. Also no bux
Yeh it's when the ""governmemt"" (their parents who actually work and get taxed at 55%), give them money to be independent from them.
Quite a different deal from southern europe where you pocket your parents' money directly from them.
>taxed 55%
If we do this we will burn down the government
I make minimun wage from a whiny bitch of a boss who skimps out on every bit of your paycheck unless you mention it and never pays it in time
I miss being a neet
Hang every fucking small business owner
i've been unemployed for 4 months
i had 2 job interviews in september and both ghosted me aftewards
i was driving to a job interview today then my tire went flat

being unemployed is fun at first but now i'm losing it. i can't live like this.
your government is fully owned by big business and you're not doing shit bro
>Hang every fucking small business owner
Based, I also want to stab to death the absolute cunt of an owner of the restaurant I work at
I hope she gets cancer. Whiny bitch
Because there's no alternative
Sounds like what we call unemployment insurance.
They give us 2/3 of your previous income for 3 months and that’s all.

I had been unemployed for 6 months and it was good at first, but i felt worse as time passed.
Besides my health deteriorated because I didn’t have enough sunlight and due to neglect.
In your case there is an obvious and opposite alternative. Are they still sending balloons filled with waste to Seoul?
It's an internet dipshit only term for payments you get from welfare programs like unemployment insurance, disability insurance, food stamps, Medicaid, housing assistance programs, etc. The bureaucracy is a mess in America in particular, because the federal government, the state governments, local governments, and private companies and charities are all involved... People don't even know what all they're entitled to half the time, they have to waste time learning about the retarded system. And then there are sometimes situations, especially for single parents with young children, where earning more at their job would cause them to lose income overall because they get less from all their welfare programs. This is called a welfare trap and before trump came along it used to be a big meme among republicans but it still does happen sometimes.
I was NEET for 18 months from when I got my master's degree until when I was actually able to get a real job. Was a chill post-graduation summer vacation for the first three months and then I spent the remainder becoming increasingly suicidal.
I became a borderline alcoholic during my NEET phase. Showed up drunk to my friend's gf's grad ceremony
Im a NEET for 3 nearly 4 years
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>niggas unemployed for 3 months
i really cannot cope with NEETing anymore. long term neets, how do you do it? how do you enjoy life? how do you not suicide?
i was a NEET for maybe 6-7 years and that was because i was mentally fucked up for other reasons. it was literally hell.
Did you ever want to off yourself at any point
been unemployed for most of my life at 26, occasionally i get a summer job and work for a few weeks or months
i live modestly, cheap apartment that the state helps pay for, around 580€ monthly unemployment
dont have to live paycheck to paycheck because i rarely spend any money so ive still got money saved from jobs i did like 7 years ago

having or not having a job has never really defined me, you can be miserable with or without a job
i dont have anything to look forward to in the future, no prospects of family life or career so i just cope by exercising and having active hobbies, trying to eat healthy and avoiding drugs and alcohol
i spent a lot of time daily fantasising about dying and made plans for how to achieve that and continued to do that for a few years after i started to get out of that pit. i guess it was never that serious since i never actually attempted or did any serious physical self-harm except for punching walls and (very seldom) burning myself on the stove/oven though. the mental self-harm was constant though and incredibly damaging and i would recommend for anyone to get out of that sort of habit.
Get a hobby. Note that edging/gooning/consooming anime and video games isn't a hobby.
I was a NEET for four years, here you get like £56 a week in unemployment benefits and I’d guess I spent 90% of that on games (your tax money hard at work) I enjoyed it until I had to go to the job centre or I’d think about the future and how the hell I’d ever get a job again, now I regret the time out and feel like the wagie experience during those years would’ve helped
If I had money coming in (like half my current salary) I’d have no issue going full time NEET so long as the money was guaranteed but the jobcentre visits are too much and I’ll never set foot there again
I know a guy who dug himself into a NEET hole and refuses to come out. His goal after grad is getting on welfare
I have been a NEET for 4 1/2 years
My achievements
>watch a lot of kino
>learn fluent French, German, Ancient Greek Latin, Mandarin
>reading knowledge of Italian, Spanish, Swedish and Russian. Also, Sanskrit.
>Read the Western Canon chronologically, in English and the original languages.
>Read the major works of philosophy from start to finish (chronologically)
>Study a lot of history and other humanities.
>Learn mathematics up to calculus and some other fields
>Study basic chemistry, physics, biology and anatomy/physiology
>learn to play the piano, get acquainted with Classical music
>get /fit/
>write poems, short stories and a diary
>learn to draw (architecture and anatomy primarily.
>did some basic python and C, but got bored of it.
NEET is comfy if you do your best at it.
was full on neet for like 4-5 years then i slowly started working as a tradie but still only work 5-10 hours per week on average. With like ~200 euro per hour and living in a cheap rental i'm well off. Still feel like a neet though
I was NEET when I was 19 for about half a year. I can't imagine how anyone could be one for any longer. It's actually hell
How would you guys make an excuse for being a NEET for a long time at your job interview ?
You can always go with the "I signed a non-disclosure agreement" method.
Does it work?
It’s as if telling you are a liar straight to their faces.
I fiddled with the dates from my last job and added a fake job in between
Can say you spent that time taking care of an elder that fell ill / got dementia or something
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>job would require me to relocate, job is temporary, could be evicted after job if I move
>only bad options
Quit job.
Traveled around Eastern Europe
Moved back to Sydney. To be around friends and so I can job hop too moneymaxx throughout my career.
404 Jobs.
Never had a job.
Quit school after 9th grade.
Lived on basic welfare from age 18 to 26.
Deal with the circus that is unemployment offices and welfare office bullshit.
Got diagnosed and stuff during that time.
Doctor said I should aim for "sjukersättning" (early health induced retirement/pension) because of my thick file of diagnoses ranging from autism to anger issues.
Spend the years between age 26 and 30 going to a shrink, trying different therapy and shit because they will demand I have tried everything for my application to even stand a chance.
Fastforward to 2024. Finally apply in May/June. Processing times are long.
Mid-September - get a notification on my gubmint app.
Open it and se "your application has been approved bla bla".
Feel the biggest sense of relief and pure happiness.
Never have to worry about welfare applications or bullshit again.
Get the highest sum possible plus rent-aid (around €1700 total combined, have around €1200-ish to live on after rent, bills and utilities).

And here I am. Still forgetting I made it sometimes because very fresh.
Can they prove it? I haven't tried.
yes i am one
yes I was one before as well
I dropped out of highschool because I did not care about my academic future and it stressed me out.
since then I've lived with my dad and help him when he needs it, but mostly I just sit in my room and play video games.
I've been depressed since I was a child and I suppose he took pity on me, he's a good man but I have no faith I can take up the mantle once he's too old to keep providing. I'm almost 30 years old. I don't really like what my life has become but I honestly don't see that it would've gone better if I had a job and my own place. I would just be more tired all the time, life with texture doesn't really seem to fulfill me in any way so I prefer to live minimally, cost as little as I can and eventually die when there's no one left that cares about me.
For some reason I've found a gf and I'm marrying her soon, don't ask me how or why, she approached me and seems to be fine with me not making any money or having any future. I'm even signing a prenup so it wouldn't make sense that it's some kind of land grab long con.
Life is inflicted on me and I have never asked for it, I just want to stay in my corner and wait for death. I had one friend group online, where I also met my gf but I had felt disconnected from them for years before so once I met her I cut contact with them so she's my only friend now, not that there's much consequence to that, I don't do much. Never go out, don't own a car and my only hobbies I can do from my room or cost nothing.
My life has never been that bad, I can't complain about that, some struggles in childhood but far from the worst you can find in this life.
It's all just been me, it's always been my inability to cope with the world. I can't deal with people, I can't deal with work, I can't even deal with my hobbies half the time. I believe sincerely if accountability played any part in the human experience still I would have died young from underperforming and indifference.
A guy i know is trying to do what youre doing, idk why tho. NEETbux is pitiful in Canada, think its like $1200 (800 euros) and it doesnt even cover rent
the unemployment office suggested to me that i pursue retirement but i refused. honestly should've tried to get it and i would've probably been content to just exist in that limbo.
they require that YOU prove it and give evidence, not the other way around. They won't even consider your application if you can't get recommendations from other companies or people, unless you're applying for Mcdonalds or some shit
They can call the other jobs you worked at before.
I honestly didn't expect to get approved. It's notoriously hard to get these days so the fact that they approved was a massive surprise.
My parents didn't even believe me until I sent over the email.
Do nothing, don't consume entertainment or scroll whatever just do literally nothing.
I was a NEET between 21 and 22 (about a year and a half)
I did not have neetbux because I wasn't eligible (you need to have worked previously)

I had just failed my studies and went back home to my mother's place. I wasn't doing anything and on the surface it looked like I didn't give a fuck about anything and gladly chose to rot, and so my family started hating me. Eventually they took away my computer and forced me to get a job, which was very embarrassing.

Overall it was rather shitty, I don't remember anything from those years. I was just constantly anxious, trying to manipulate and lie to my family in order to make them leave me alone. I don't even know what I was trying to do at this point. Everyday was empty, my mind was empty, and I had reached insane levels of escapism. I was just posting on 4chan and watching anime all day while trying not to think about anything unpleasant. It didn't help that I had crippling OCD that made me scared to even leave my room, and I was pissing in bottles.
I only miss not having to work.
I always just say i worked a shit job as order picker at some factory with like thousands of employees, they wont bother checking lol
Before I was a neet I was a perma-truant, I barely could even make it to school as a child and had a severe psychotic episode when i tried in high school. I barely even consume entertainment anymore but your taste has to evolve as you learn.
wow... kind of sounds like being an unemployed NEET actually isn't such a nice and endlessly fun lifestyle after all. maybe that's why most people would actually prefer being employed.
suicidal when employed, suicidal when NEET. Is there even a way to enjoy life if you weren't born into immense wealth and privilege?
I neeted for most of a year after I graduated highschool, when I called the employment office to notify them that I was unemployed, and even just hinted at benefits, they hissed at me and told me to fuck off lol.
Idk how those professional NEETS here do it, maybe it is possible but you have to endure public servants cussing you out before you get it
Yes I am a NEET, I am 27 and have been a neet most of my life
>Air Force
They have room? Did Tim retire or is he too old to be able to maintain the plane by himself now?
Maybe if you're born with the right deficiencies in your brain. Generally, no.
Are you one of those actual drooling retards, or do they actually consider you unable to work for being bad with social skills? (and I guess punching walls sometimes)
I've technically never been a NEET because I was always enrolled in university before I got a job but I spent like four years just drinking beer on welfare money without studying at all.

1/5 wouldn't recommend, it gets very depressing after a while (but also turns out that you get even more free money when they diagnose you with chronic depression and put you on sick leave from unemployment).
I'm a 33 year old NEET and have only worked for around 1.5 years (total) in my entire life. I get the basic amount of NEETbux in bongland, which is £394 per month.
I neeted for a year after I turned 18 but I didn't apply for shit and just lived on money my parent saved for me. Very chill year but I feel a little bad for my parents.
I dropped out twice and I am 2 years into my third try at university (I'm 26)
I feel like a neet tho
Used to NEET from 20-30. Lost years
Was a neet from 18 to 20, now 24 with a fulltime job, neeting was better. Normie wagecuck life is gay, vidya porn alcohol and drugs are better desu
Yes I'm unemployed with no prospects or any income. I just leech from my family
I went to uni then went neet from 24 to 30, it was of course insane to live with my parents by then. Had some odd jobs and neetbux (only about $800 a month). Had some mental issues. 33 now with ok job and renting my own place.
Dude it’s exactly like that here. I wake up to work it’s dark and I leave and it’s still dark.
Same man
>or do they actually consider you unable to work for being bad with social skills?
Pretty much this combined with the other stuff.

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