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New Mexico edition
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10gbit toil is on the cards lads
no difference between this and a picture of a beach with a small rock to the left and a bit of sea to the right
Diego is being extra virginous this morning is he
finding this three week flu meme going round EXCEPTIONALLY sus
yes.. it's all vaxxies
when will the runts who pushed this poison be held accountable for their heinous crimes
don't go raping my arse,
i couldn't if i tried
We're all in here:
fucked up my teeth by simply not flossing enough haha why was I so retarded ah well
Never because only mongs took it
blog on
good post
thinking about brushing my teeth this week
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borg on
*AC/DC voice*
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wtf have sonics got four fingers and a thumb? whats evolution planning?
I was 8 years old and told my mom "Sometimes I just want to jump from the roof".

She grabbed my dainty arms and took me to the roof. On the roof she said "go ahead and jump, I dare you".

I couldn't jump. She called me "fattu" which loosely translates to pussy.
These words spake his parents, because they feared the Jews: for the Jews had agreed already, that if any man did confess that he was Christ, he should be put out of the synagogue.

Diego is absolutely baffled by this passage and trying to think of how he can turn it into being projewish
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In another life I could’ve had a successful career as a photographer
>zone 1 apartment
>vintage BYU crewneck
>hermes blanket
>mcdonalds saver menu luncheon on the way (courtesy of 'ber 'ats)
>gf playing wow on the desktop PC
>SOTD: Parfums de Marly Pegasus
my october monday.
but not this one because your photos are shite
He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.”
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why on earth would he think this refers specifically to a small group. why wouldnt it just say that instead.
apologist cope is very bizarre
Diego saying not all Jews want to kill Palestinians only 95% of them
lots of mormons in england?
Damn that hamster's got some nice tits
and >>203404469
are the same photo
i knew nothing about flossing until my early 20s and i never flossed but my teeth turned out fine
Approximately 50-60 million Russians have died from war and famine since 1900
When you consider 70-80 million have died from the same causes in China over the same period, it really makes you wonder how Russia still exists
And he also said “He will bring those wretches to a wretched end,” they replied, “and he will rent the vineyard to other tenants, who will give him his share of the crop at harvest time.”
Afternoon shaggers x
i feel like russia has always been hanging on by a thread its entire history
It was 2018 6 years ago
It will be 2030 soon
Not sure what dancing has to do with dental health but OK
you mean like when it says the jews who killed christ?
He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.” “Yes it is, Lord,” she said. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.” Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment.
don't think so. I just like rocking vintage crewnecks from US colleges. I have both a Boston University and Wesleyan University crewneck too.
did you ever have this thing in primary school where you had to pick a completely random country and do a report on it? i picked burundi, i had no idea about black people or poverty at the time
Nothing interesting about this photo mate. Beach? Yeah fuck off
Dudes be making posts like
>Bro, 2022 was 2 years ago!
>1-month-old baby dies after being bitten by family dog: ‘They just didn’t pay attention’
Guess the breed.
Because you're a braindead Jewish supremacist
Yes she was a cananite and his job was first to attempt to save the Jews who hence murdered him
yeah I'm aware how the passage of time works thanks
she doesn't like you
How about you bury-dis post next time
Suddenly very cold today. Wonder what that's all about
Frankly it's quite impressive when I take a shit and suddenly the toilet smells exactly like the food I ate an hour ago.
Remember a lad on here asking if you could fit an egg up your bum without breaking it. Often think about that post
Only 2 and a half months until the end of 2024 and we will start on the second half of the 2020s
Same as you, mutt
I had to do a history report and picked the local German WW2 veteran who still liked Hitler
> first to attempt to save the Jews
you mean all the apostles
and all his earliest followers lol
that trick is only the most experienced and daring benders
my towels have that mouldy, musty smell even out of the wash. Makes my skin smell of mould when I dry off right after the shower

might need to stop putting them in with my clothes on a cooler wash and start giving them their own 60C washes
You thick or something mate
No, but we had something called the Shoebox Appeal, where we had to put small gifts in a shoebox, and they were sent to children in Africa.
I'm purebred.
you shouldn't be eating poo mate
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I remember something about Namibia in school but that's it, that's all I remember from school
Id give them a 90 degree tbqh
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i did an incelvisit to inceldurham the other day, lads. here's an incelphoto i took as i incelwalked around the streets
Maybe you need new bloody towels
Toss those towels in the fire pit
/brit/ the kinda guy to never clean his towel because ""I'm clean out of the shower, so why would I?"
On Friday my company had their annual awards ceremony

I was nominated for
>customer obsessed
>technical excellence
>rising star
>manager's choice
and the big one
>Mr [department name]

And didn't win a single fucking one

What a fix
Luke wasn't Jewish and the Apostles were all rejected by the Jewish people and as you well know the Jews reject baptism which all of them were
Mental how disgusting some posters here are
showered once in 4 weeks
wonder what it's like to have a cock as big as John Hamm's. Can't imagine it as I gave a puny 6 incher.
Good incelphoto incelmate, hope it was a good inceltrip overallcel
namibia is apparently pretty first world as far as subsaharan countries go, it's better than south africa at least
>Primary school
Council estate runt
the quasi interesting thing about the retard who thinks "the jews who murdered christ" refers to "the jews hundreds and thousands of years into the future" is that on the new testament view there is no such thing as jew anymore (nor greek) it would be like writing about the romans as living in 2000 ad. it's nonsensical. from the perspective of the new testament revelation is complete the jewish story has more or less fully ended there is just a final battle (as per daniel and revelation) then a 100 years of bliss and then the permanent transofmration of the world
we are all just waiting for the antichrist to rise up and the final battle to elapse
they were not thinking about "jews" thousands of years in the future because that is a meaningless term from their perspective
The /sp/ jannard deleted that lovely photo of the lass in the New York Rangers shirt showing her feet, day ruined
I remember them actively trying to make racial relations stronger and more pure growing up but then occupy wall street happened and now they're going fuck goys let's go full divide and conquer mode
surely they should last forever with proper washing, no?

I don't hear about people having to throw away old towels due to mould buildup.
Chao Mong either smells like absolute bliss or total shite
How do you brave walking the streets when everyone knows you're an incel? Do you wear sunglasses?
What is going on in this video?
At least you won for
>Biggest cuck
File deleted.
cheerscel, here's a incelphoto from the cethadralcel
yep. real deal. doing a delve on wow as we squeak.
How was it? Would also like to visit after my inceltrip to rudston monolith of course
What on Earth are you blabbering on about
do you have aspergers?
Thought "that looks nice, I should go there" and then realised I've already been, brainstein on a slow one today
luke isn't an apostle...
> Apostles were all rejected by the Jewish people and as you well know the Jews reject baptism which all of them were
basically every single one of jesus's early followers were jews which is why on the rare occasion someone outside the circle deos something right they are specifically mentioned as such, such as the roman centurion, or the "good samaritan"
Nice. As we squeak. Good one. *begins growling like an angry cat*
anyone else think the nationwide logo is really similar to the natwest logo?
ffs too small, google photocel fucked up again

it's really actually quite nice. not huge, but it's very pretty.

by no longer caring what other people think
I only know john hamm. Thought he was an alcoholic
hilarious how you think intelligent people really believe this shit lol
Why not just explain to the poor man instead of being mean
Mate. Erm. You dropped your gay card.
kinda looks like a skull cap and large nose side profile
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been listening to greggorian chants since this morning
They weren't Jews. Jews rejected Jesus Christ.
*picks it up with a Bend & Snap™ motion*
Oh, tha...wait a minute, they phased out the physical card years ago
Oh thanks ta *picks it up and tucks it in my arse cheeks*
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cheers mate! that was a close one
*inserts it back into my arse*
Mad if you did this now youd be expelled from school sent to a juvenile detention centre and forced to see psychologist for wrong think
loses any sort of masculinity he was going for when taking pictures like this, what a <literal> shirt lifiting faggot
thumbs on paws are for extra traction while the paw reaches forward
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You keep it pal. I have plenty
right lads time to get on the tins and bokkles
who needs a watch in the day of the smart phone now, look like a posing bumder with insecure financial status
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Me giving the closest yank's arsehole a seeing to
Rorke carrying a counterfeit gay card to avoid being arrested for being straight
>insecure financial status

I'd imagine Gregg Wallace is fairly wadded after doing Masterchef for like 10+ years.
Almost time for my afternoon poo
wish I was as small as him so I could fit in your mums snatch easier
Watch is legitimately more convenient for checking the time
Might James Bond maxx
he'd batter you
got called racist in greggs
anyone else considering leaving the uk?
Were as small*
Hypothetical subjunctive mood
hard to believe you're not a troll
literally one of the most famous passages in the pauline epistles is "there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus" now tell me what do you think that passage means?
what is it paul is doing here in his rhetoric? he is making a series of binary juxapositions, in other words, he is combining two otherwise irreconcile opposites; man, woman; slave, free; jew, greek.
on the latter case the greek is standing as a synecdoche for gentile. what paul is saying is that in christ there are no jews nor gentiles, as in all mankind is coming together. but do you see in order for him to make tihs point there has to already be a seperation of jews and gentiles in the cultural imagination of his readers. and who are the jews? well paul isn't a gentile that is well known, he is referring to himself as a jew just like all the apostles did because they were jews and "christain" as a denomination was yet to exist to them christ was the completion of judaism it wasn't a new religion it wasn't even anything different from the ot it was a continuation of the very same story which the jewish people have been a part of since abraham.
i really dont know how to make this any clearer for you
>Talentless man makes huge amount of money on the bbc gravy train
Many such cases. The guy who does university challenge now despite barely being able to read
yes to china or india
christianity was popular early on with slaves and women. says it all really
eating poo
Yer ma loves the bbc gravy
I love my country. Despite "them" making that a dangerous fascist wrong think
among gentiles yes, among jews no.
11 of the apostles preached to the jews, they were the focus. paul however went out to preach to the gentiles and inevitably as there were far more gentiles on a population focus his texts would get shared more and circulated more and hence they became the foundational canon
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You dropped this mate
couldnae batter a fillet of atlantic cod, pan-seared in butter, served with triple-cooked chips, tar tar foam and a vinegar reduction roux
prefer not to say
weather has cleared up, conditions are looking good for the post-toil incelwalk
>tell me what do you think that passage means
After a man is brought into the Church he is viewed as an equal by God and ought to do the same with his brothers.

The Jews did not enter this Church and hence rejected God.
Toillass is so grim she's even ruining black tights, didn't think it was possible
but christianity teaches women to be obedient to their husbands and not to speak in church and for slaves to submit to their masters
literally says jews did this...
day in the life of a /brit/ poster
Not really? Saint John's Gospel is pretty clearly addressed to the Greek class of scientists
funny cat videos
>Gregg Wallace has addressed claims he was being investigated for making inappropriate comments to a female member of staff at the BBC.
>The 59-year-old Masterchef star - who has been married to fourth wife Anne-Marie Sterpini since 2016 - was said to have faced "allegations about his conduct" in 2018 after he allegedly bragged about his personal life while working on gameshow Impossible Celebrities.
>“The allegations were investigated by the BBC six years ago, and my comments were found to be not sexual. I repeat not sexual.
>“He is said to have been boasting about his sex life with his partner at the time. At one point, Gregg was also accused of taking his top off in front of the woman which felt inappropriate. Gregg appeared to think it was all just banter and is also said to have made some comments in front of the live audience.
>not sexual. I repeat not sexual
>trt'ing for this
>At one point, Gregg was also accused of taking his top off in front of the woman which felt inappropriate.
he's actually a chad
im sure lots of people were addressed. doesn't mean they accepted any of it
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Ok I will eat it!!
(where's the Cherry Ripe?)
No it says "a jew" not "the Jews"
Can we start a GoFundMe for Diego so we can get him a keyboard that works?
Jay Blades and Jermaine Jenas were 2 of the most egregious cases of this for me.

What confirms to me that these people aren't worthy of their salaries is that they throw it away by fucking up (Blades abusing his wife, Jenas not being able to keep it in his pants).

If you're being paid £300,000 a year or whatever silly money these cunts are on to do absolutely fuck all, you'd do well to keep your head below the parapet. These mongs have forgot how bad it is down in the muck with the rest of us on £27k and other poverty wages.
where does it say "a jew" lol
>wake up
>do the breakfast thing
>wfh with worker bear
>finish work
>sundae service with coward bear
>do it all over again
skin fucking stinks of mould from these towels fucks sake
watching cute korean girls go "camping"
if the lad who told me about the guy on telegram selling XMR is in then thank you lad you sorted me right out with that
Fucking hell you need to leave your smelly bedroom.
jews are so conniving
why is heathermong obsessed with gregg wallace now
It's inclusivity week at toil!
Today there is a town haul on menopause.
Hope it's a bit more exciting than the one on Amplifying Black Voices, found that a bit dry
>erm it's not stupid for these lads to have thrown away jobs worth £300k/year because, erm, because you stay in your bedroom

right you are mate
diego transmogrifying into a jew after years of constant landlordism
fuck off zoomer
Don't turn up, say you felt excluded
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I uh wow
"neither jew"
Alri jemaine any luck with the job hunt?
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idea: wallace and gromit but wallace and greggs
wait what you think he's talking about 1 jew, 1 greek, 1 slave, 1 free, 1 man, 1 woman? and nobody else?
lol, lmao even
Nothing better than lying in bed in front of the fan to dry off after a shower :3
wish i get reincarnated as a jew next time
Went to infant school then junior school then senior school
bloody cold lads might put the heater on
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oh no no no
Wait he's talking about the whole Jewish people being baptised? Where is this mentioned?
Rorke's a VL
This but with a Dyson Cool hits different.
what's wrong with her body
I can't tell if Diego is a subversive Jew or a genuine convert who is simply desperate to think his family will be saved
leave it on /wsg/ yeah
>Dyson Cool
Alri literal billionaire
Needs to take that silly hat and coat off
Post a pic of your wet naked balls or you're lying
his family probably think he's a weird little freak
what??? this isn't a passage about baptism. what are you talking about why cant you just read texts properly without imagining some other nonsense
and even if he were your logic makes 0 sense because not every gentile got baptised nor every woman nor ever slave and so on. like what
was at the dump the other day and saw a woman throw a dyson hoover into one of the containers

I don't have a hoover so I was tempted to say to her that I would take it if it wasn't broken but I was still in my car at this point and before the thought could even form she had launched it. Looked like a proper nice hoover as well, one of those ones with a yellow tornado maker inside it, y'know?
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menopause day at work? no thank you
men on pause life at home
nothing more cringe than illiterate atheists who try to take passages completely out of context or give them incoherent meanings in any attempt to undermine the words of god
Being a Christian means people are baptised
Diego don't tell my you hate Christ please no... I know you think he's a liar but this is too far
You don’t know what she’s hoovered up with that thing though lad :/
Not getting any attention today
ricky gervais already destroyed religion with facts and logic
>and even if he were your logic makes 0 sense because not every gentile got baptised nor every woman nor ever slave and so on. like what
I have a Henry hoover
go live in america you little plank

Imagine being at a party and pinning all your insecure hopes on that 3/10 fat munchkin. Go big or go home
the bible gives incoherent meanings all by itself mate
Lads, can we please talk about anything else? Politics, trannards, anything
shan't be eating the dogs and the cats
you can't make me
Diego the simple matter is the Jews as a group rejected Christ
getting banned from that gay club really did a number on him
imbibing a thirst quenching Australian lager beer
what should l wank to?
yoga instructor videos on yt
if you say so
>quote and perform exegesis on a famous piece of scripture
>the retard still doesn't get it
For the hearts of this people have grown dull.
Their ears are hard of hearing,
And their eyes they have closed,
Lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears,
Lest they should understand with their hearts and turn,
So that I [a]should heal them.’
pictures of your mum in her 20s
True enough

bought a sofa from a charity shop once and only when it was in the house I noticed it smelled funny, like it had been left out in the rain at some point. Had it for a week, telling myself "it's not so bad" until I eventually caved in and thought that I deserved to not have a sofa that smelled bad in my living room and chucked it out

£180 wasted.
I wouldn’t if I were you
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how can I help you, boss?
gay porn
my mum is still fit
Grim. This is why I pretty much never buy second hand stuff unless it’s something very easy to clean inside and out. Think how disgusting the average person is and realise half of people are even more disgusting than that.
try on hauls
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wonder what it's like to have hope for a better future
still remember that video a lad posted the other day of a lass "cleaning" wearing nothing but bodypaint

here mate you looking at my bird?
liver sosage and an eclair please
Cheese and pickle, Penguin and one of them orange juices
yeah it was a life lesson for sure. People tried to warn me off buying the sofa as well but I ignored them.
throwing slices of ham on my nans head
Weird fake cringe vid
I'm old enough to remember when people thought this would come true, we got scammed
couldn't pay me to mate
Did the Jews or did they not reject Jesus Christ the Savior.
hot take: 2024 New Delhi street food is no more likely to give you the shits than 1924 London street food
profoundly brown post
still don't understand why god is bound by the laws of logic - the rules he himself devised and created supposedly. why would he limit himself like that
NASTY fukken tatts
>Cinema visits: 14 > 1.7 > 3

would love to know the thought process behind cinema visits bottoming out then trending upward again
Ah yes I just phoned God and he's going to make a four sided triangle for you
I’m off for me lunch lads x
Alright guys? Not long got up. Having a glass of Vimto and two ibuprofen.
if god is beyond logic in that sense then nothing we predicate of god could have any congruity with him.
it is not even seeing through a glass darkly but it's staring at a mirror
some jews did some jews didn't
i knew your biblical knowledge was terrible but needing to ask such a quesiton as this is pathetic
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cronem gettin dey braids done
Bye Spaino
Hey EW!
Aussie who posted his music still here mate?
It was quite nice
Sry I fell asleep
Will post mein music
>waking up at 2
lazy dosser cunt
Diego bloody loves those fellas in the little hats doesn't he
>if god is beyond logic in that sense then nothing we predicate of god could have any congruity with him.
So what?
Did the Jews as a group become Christians or not?
Why do deny groups exist?
What? The English never became Protestant because a few stayed Catholic?
good morning
why shouldn't he be able to manipulate the laws and rules of time and space to do whatever he wants?
he did that to create the cosmos so why not at any time. he's voluntarily limited himself like that, post-creation?

well surely god is beyond logic because he created logic. he came prior to those laws being established right? they came from his 'mind'
amazes me that some people have the confidence to sign up to dating apps I could never
i read it as 'willy post men' not even joking. im really hopeless
>surely god is beyond logic because he created logic
How so
god chose israel not judah
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wish he wouldn't pretend to have me filtered
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oh ffs
he created everything. even the laws that govern everything. all from god. Nothing came before.
Wouldn't even mind the outright rejection it's the implicit rejection of a thousand women seeing your profile and getting maybe a couple of messages from landwhales
Yeah im sure people were getting the shits from roast chesnuts
Because God is logic
Me? I literally just shave my face/head to the point I look like I have alopecia, girls seem to like it. Guess it's a way to virtue signal for them.
Quite clear that the New Testament's treatment of Jews has fuck-all to do with current day Jews
There's certainly no good reason for a Christian to defer at all to anyone who today calls himself a 'Jew'
And why do you think you are entitled to anything more than a “land whale”?
Is logic a "thing"? Or is it inherent in thingness?
still doesn't explain the limitations he is subject to.
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if it's hip, it's here
kicked the caffeine. feeling sleepy. need to work (from home)... cosy warm blanket... drifting away slowly...
Finished Couch to 5k lads, nice to have achieved a goal
Must be the first time in years
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wen di pale ting walk pass wit di big clapper
>well surely god is beyond logic because he created logic. he came prior to those laws being established right? they came from his 'mind'
god is beyond everything so in that sense what you say is true but being beyond logic does not apply to the expression of god in otherwords if god was not immanent as well as transcendent then he would not be approachable at all. instead god has shared himself with creation which includes truth which you are calling in this situation logic.
the majority of christians avant la lettre were jews
i do not know how many jews became christians because we do not have proper census data around that time
some of them also rejected christ
again this is very basic information
>God is logic
>Why doesn't God violate logic?

You... You aren't very intelligent
Good on you mate. Keep going
pot noodle and a wank sort of afternoon
both. logic describes that particular inherent-ness.
i still don't understand why that suggests god is limited in some way. i see no reason why he couldn't manipulate the laws of the cosmos to create a 4 sided triangle.
>There's certainly no good reason for a Christian to defer at all to anyone who today calls himself a 'Jew'
least schizophrenic atheist
Got a bit steaming last night mate.

Morning Belgian, how are you today? x
*points to a yellow car going by*
*punches you*
or, you know, people were wrong

you not getting what you wanted doesn't necessarily mean you were scammed
Talking to himself again
Alri Boris
Shift key license must be expensive in Bongland
spainfreak playing dollhouse again
a 4 sided triangle is just gibberish
you might as well ask why cant god make himself not exist
or a married bacheleur
it's just gibberish
words do not encaspulate essences but they reflect something real about the word what you are saying is that you think actually these real referents aren't real and are instead arbitarily interchangeable
doing great, had some jerk chicken for lunch x
how is your day going so far?
How so
can't stop eating burgers
dollhousingtons once more as it were
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>avant la lettre
the sort of deluded ramblings only a schizophrenic atheist could come up with
Cheers mate, going to have a go at sprints next, nice to go fast ent it
>do not know how many jews became christians
Very few hence the Apostles departure from the Sanhedrin which made it impossible for Christians to live in Judea
Sizzled that buffoon
Well I feel alright so far. Having some chocolate honey nut clusters for lunch today.
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pure ravenous
I see, so you choose not to defend your deference to Modern Jews
That's fine, I accept your concession
right I'm off to Cairo
i feel he should be able to create a reality where those could be non-gibberish. if he's able to manipulate time, space and logic then that should be within his power i think
this is not biblical
in fact to begin with jews and "christian" jews would even go to the same synagogue as they were still viewed (especially by outsiders) as the exact same thing
bye-ro! haha
This tiger is off his face
Your gimmicks are stale. Remember when you used to actually make people upset? Now you just post about the fantasy lunches you wish you had because you're fat. Get a grip.
Tilde isn't fat
so what you're saying is that you dont think god gave essential truths to the things he created and he should, as i said above, just arbitrarily switch them around. i suppose in a sense he could do that but that's not congruent with his character of being objective truth. it's not truth if he keeps changing what is true on a whim.
least mentally ill atheist
gurrrrning is grrrreat haha
mad how much reddit gold you'd get for this haha
>this is not biblical
So what, you don't believe in the Bible alone, Diego
Uh yes it is and it was accepted by the Church Fathers.
The New Testament represents the Pharisees ruling Judea and crushing any Christians they found. How you think any number of Jews could convert and live there I cannot know
wut the bible is the tradition everything else is supplemental
no it isn't, provide sources
>The New Testament represents the Pharisees ruling Judea and crushing any Christians they found. How you think any number of Jews could convert and live there I cannot know
extremely disingenuous presentation of acts and again if you knew anything about the timeperiod you would know that the expellation of christians from the jersusalem church came from the romans as part of the sacking of jerusalem
>namibia is apparently pretty first world as far as subsaharan countries go, it's better than south africa at least
That explains why foreign tourists prefer South Africa.

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