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do people use cash or credit in your country
debit cards and other such electronic payments but that sign would increase my chances of using cash again
Translation: we don’t wanna pay taxes or give our employees a fair wage
nothing wrong with either of those 2
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No you dumb goy

Credit card processing fees are exorbitantly high

They’re charging 2 to 3 percent for each transaction
they can at least say please or thank you
2 is literally the 2nd smallest number dumbass
It’s uppity faggots like you who allow businesses to operate cash only and hire illegals
this would not be a problem if the government made it illegal for payment processors to make it a condition that the process fee can't be passed on to customers
same for how Steam forces companies to sell on other platforms at the same price they sell on Steam
it's behavior that hides costs from consumers in order to leverage those costs on the producers
if disgusts me that nothing is done about these market capture maneuvers by the governments that should be protecting the market
the freedom of the market depends on interventions
Why should I help business owners save money? Is the business owner going to give me discounts or a blowjob?
>I don't want to do my taxes myself I want turbotax to do it for me! >:(
Do I get a discount for paying with cash? No? Just you? Credit card please.
cash is gay&retarded
lmao imagine holding your wealth in an asset that can be printed without limit to fund retarded government scams

credit is like cash but even more retarded imagine taking out loans and paying interest you dont need to pay. only idiots use credit its like the opposite of investing more like inpooring
I sympathise with small businesses on this but there's too many jamals and abduls out there these days to be wandering around with cash in your pocket
So based people?
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Based. I always pay in cash where possible. Won't be submitting to the electronic Jew.
True. The places that love cash here are hairdressers and scammers for used cars
I try to pay cash as often as possible
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>this would not be a problem if the government made it illegal
I'm so paranoid, my only credit card stays at home at all times and my main bank account doesn't have money transfer enabled though the phone, I can only get money at ATMs or go to the bank to transfer to my card account.
card most of the time
if a place doesn't let me pay with card, at first I pretend I don't have cash with me, if they don't relent and let me pay electronically, I pay them with 100 euro bills and then blacklist the place forever because they're tax evaders
people who know about my transactions when I pay cash
>the store owner
people who know about my transactions when I pay with card
>the store owner
>the bank
>the government
Card pay-piggies will be in for a rude awakening when cash has become obsolete and you'll be browbeaten into altering your spending habits or taxed up to your ears every time you've exceeded some carbon-neutral consumption limit or purchased too much red meat for this month.
even the shady tax dodging places accept cards here nowadays
dont remember when was the last time i couldnt pay with a card
what are you paranoid about? no one gives a fuck about you
I have never been anywhere that doesnt take card. I haven't even held cash in my hands for probably 2 years
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I only pay cash to a local kebab bro who seems to be struggling to help him out in case he does tax avoidance.
>when cash has become obsolete
Some states/cities have passed laws saying that businesses must accept cash.
>no one gives a fuck about you
until you want to get a loan or something. i know someone who got denied loan because he used to gamble small amounts
Kek yeah hairdressers always ask for cash or to have it transferred via the Israeli version of tikki and to not mention haircut on the transfer reason
gambling is haram so that's based
Neither, we use direct payment either via debit card or digital like Swish.
Cash is completely dead.
i do
why are germans such goys for taxes
we use pix
Businesses that post signs like this are cheating on taxes by not reporting cash sales.
what a tranny
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Haven't even held cash for 15+ years.
Idk about USA but its certainly true here. The only places that only accept cash here or state that they prefer cash are dodgy hair dressers and arab kiosks
>no one gives a fuck about you
that's precisely why they'll crush you under their boots like they already are
yep, same thing here. or their workers are illegal immigrants
>if you don't pay your goyfee your heckin dodgy
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This is why we need a cash free society.
Same. Cash is for fags and neets
the elites are my friends
Not even NEETs use cash here.
We take tax evasion and economic crimes incredibly serious here. It’s very hard to not pay your proper taxes without taking a big risk of getting caught
It's still used but globalists are pushing hard for various electronic payments and zoomers and various liberals always fall for it.

Nobody is falling for anything. It's simply much more convenient to have everything wired digitally. I remember having to withdraw cash from the ATM and keep change, just overall annoying
Banks seething kek. In 2023 less than 7% of all purchases was made with cash.
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use cash at white shops
card at immigrant shops
Start your own business and pay your employees good wages then, retard.
>the Israeli version of tikki
do jews really
>so what if i'm a slave to the state and their corporate overlords? it's much more convenient and comfortable bro, stop being such a chud
no. i have a cushy job

entrepreneurship is for poorfags who wanna fail
Times have changed, senpai, all that data is shoveled into an AI now. When humans were reviewing it you could rely on the guy not giving a fuck. The machine has infinite fucks.
pieces of paper and metal have negligible value except that the state says they do
I buy illegal drugs with my card on the daily and nobody has been knocking on my door yet kek
>using e-mail instead of post mail makes you a slave to the state now
My local Chinese accepts card.
My Kurdish barber accepts bank transfer.
Most places still accept cash apart from a few cafes which are card-only.
Cash doesn't help.
When our state switched out all our old bills they made the old ones useless after about a year.
And if you had more than €1000 you wanted to exchange into new bills you needed proof of where the money came from. So if you saved money in a drawer or something you were fucked. Cash is only worth something until the state says "nah". Then it's just paper.
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Do you not have anything similar?
Of course they are falling for it. So called convenience comes with additional control and regulation.
>In 2023 less than 7% of all purchases was made with cash.
And yet the Swedish government wants to go as far as writing new legislation to protect cash? Maybe it's not a good idea to let two American companies maintain a monopolistic influence over how most consumers complete their transactions?
This. Had around 1200 euro (13k sek) saved in a box. Tried to exchange it in 2017 but got denied because I had no receipts.



I tried three times.. Each time took about a month to be processed, then came an email with a request to "please provide proof of origin/receipt from atm" which I didn't have and then a week more before it got denied. Kek.
Savings = in the trash.
There is no new control or legislation. It is just much harder to hide illegal activity
How is the second one effected by cash over card?
Part of why the US is king. All card using countries are paying the US-tax on everything they buy.
They spent billions on replacing all our currency with newer, safer ones in 2016-2017 only to realize that nobody was fucking using cash. They have been trying to get cash to come back ever since and failed miserably.
When the banks released Swish, it was truly over for cash.
>80% of the population uses Swish as a main method of payment
Damn, debit really fell off.
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what a controlling dictatorship. but at least muh jewdp right?
I'd rather pay their card fees instead carrying cash and coins around like a luddite
it's like 1% here
People chose digital over cash.
And the stores SHOULD decrease the price of payment with cash by 1% or whatever the fee is for them to use digital
Handling cash costs a lot more than digital payment cuts.

t. work in retail.
I know, its way more convenient for them aswell to not bother with cash, just pointing out the obvious that they arent doing that because its not actually cheaper to deal in cash
I use cash when I need to get rid of my grey money.
Based. Report your local cash only business
That is control. Goverment has access and control of your money, just because they haven't done anything yet does not mean they won't do it in the future. At the moment they are simply watching, the moment you stop being good goy they will take action against you simply because they can.
didn't they just do that in canada during muh covid protests? but the tranny doesn't care, they told her she's paying muttmerican megacorps every time he pays and her response was based gigacorp gods fuck me harder
Government doesnt have access to shit. Its all banks
The more time passes the more I associate cash with third worldliness but maybe that's because I very rarely travel outside the EU
Goverment (police, courts, tax office etc) has access to banks. Banks themselves have a ton on shady secret rules that allow them to take your money, freeze or close your account with zero explanation given. They can't do that with cash (at least there MUCH LESS control of cash than bank accounts)
Only drugdealers use cash, in a funny move ”status brand items shops” are now being pressured to remove cash as a paying options since arabs are completely retarded and waste all their cash drug money on gucci bags (for men apparently, don’t worry all arabs are gay) and shit like that
This should be the standard everywhere fuck the gov
Here people prefer cash but UPI so widespread now they have no choice but to accept
yeah. dodging taxes is a whole industry here
>because criminals use X, then X should be banned for everybody.
Good goy
It shouldnt be banned
Controlled then? That is even worse. Goverment has no right to control(track, freeze, take away) the money of a private individual.
fuck cash
>we retain 100% of its value
yeah, like you dont report it and pay no taxes so i as a working guy have to pay more taxes because my income is reported wether i get it in cash or not.
fuck business owners.
reporting is useless here and can even be harmful for the person reporting because the people supposed to enforce tax laws are southern criminals themselves
>credit is like cash but even more retarded imagine taking out loans and paying interest you dont need to pay.
You don't pay any interest if you pay it off automatically. In fact you are getting a small amount back / discounted
Stupid Jew you should know these things
Neither controlled nor banned. There is no reason to change the cash system. I dont know why you think I am
>this would not be a problem if the government made it illegal for payment processors to make it a condition that the process fee can't be passed on to customers

The cost of everything in a for-profit enterprise gets passed on to the customer. A business is not a charity anon.

The opposite should be true
On every single item you buy it should be mandatory to disclose the credit card industry's processing fees and these should never be added up to the price an item on a receipt but rather kept as a separate listed surcharge kind of like VAT is in Poland.
>with CASH we retain 100% of it's value
yes, before it is inflated away lmao

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