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Varg just wrote a very long post about his oldest daughter. The one who had a black boyfriend

How are deadbeat fathers seen in your country?

How is he a deadbeat? Her mother took her away from him
E-celebs and those who simp for them are so fucking cringe holy shit
sending virtual hugs x
He should be less of a Nazi desu.
Because he went to prison for being a low life piece of shit
>for being a low life piece of shit
Is that what leftist media told you?
Didn't he use to talk massive shit about her in some post he made ages ago? I remember him claiming he barely remembered her or something. Is he getting sentimental now?
I will enjoy seeing his little Varglings grow up. In line 10 years some poor fag is going to come to their house or something and his sons will go like "NEVER SHOULD HAVE COME HERE" and attack them with a copper axe
Varg is a mentally ill freak who after decades still holds the same shitty views as always.
I think being a dysgenic murderer and arsonist is pretty lowlife for anybody's terms not just "le heckin leftist media"
who gives a fuck lmao
>Varg Niggers

He's the equivalent of a teenage edgelord who never grew past it, deciding that being a forest nigger is a better alternative ( and a big middle finger to a society whom he relies on to continue his larp ) to being a normalfag.

Good on him that he shitted out a few autistic kids but God help them the moment he kicks the bucket because I don't see a future for them beyond being a welfare leech.
He literally murdered someone in a violent matter and claimed it was self defense when it obviously wasn’t. He was planning it for months. The court case laid everything out, idk how retards believe him
Lol, I hate having empathy. He would probably bludgeon me to death but I feel sorry for him.
Varg has a brother?
Funny how, despite that, he is still more successful than most normal men.
But that stupid court system is to blame.
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>The gods send nuts to those without teeth
nigga, that is NUTS
It's a lot of words just to say "I acted like an asshole and nobody wanted to put up with my shit." Why are euroids always so long-winded?
>Calling yourself a failed father
Very unfaustian and slave-moralitypilled
I mean this unironically. Dudes gone through andropause I guess.
Honestly he got 16 years for 1st degree murder.
In many other countries that's at least 40 years to life.
>euronomyous was a saint lil bro, he was innocent and kind, its just a coincidence that there were other people around him besides varg who also stated publicly they planned to kill him lil goy
german humour be like
50kg Hyeronymous was a mortal threat to piggy varg even when wearing only his underpants, such is the power of ugrobaltics (non white) chads
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fuck you
Yeah he’s just like every rapper, there are tons of guys like him. He was just angsty teen who killed someone and thought he could get away with it

Not saying eurofag was a saint but he was becoming a normie and it clearly bothered varg. Varg was the most extreme one out of that entire group, he was like Pelle (the guy who killed himself)
In the Scandinavian mind it is okay to murder someone if they annoy enough people, it explains quite a lot of your, er, history
Norwegian Jails are a joke anyways.
>kill 50 people
>get put under house arrest in a 5 star hotel
Norwegians see shit like this and think "based"
He could’ve gotten out in 5 years because Nordic jails will end your sentence early if you behave well by 2/3rd.. but he escaped prison and committed crimes while in jail, he was also not sorry about what he did and didn’t regret it

Andres brevik killed 150 people and was up for parole after 10 years but did nazi salute at his trial
The women who still open their legs to him are also to blame.
Yeah Scandinavians need to be more like the Amerimutts and have shootings and massacres every day.
>Andres brevik
That cannot be true. Isn't he locked up for life?
Teenagers rebelling against their parents are normal, if her father is a giga racist neo nazi chud she will become the exact opposite just to spite him
>but he escaped prison and committed crimes while in jail, he was also not sorry about what he did and didn’t regret it

Nigger-tier behaviour. Which is ironic for a white supremacist.
You sound like a incel loser.
Why? Because I point out that women pretend to be morally superior but then open their legs to a literal Nazi criminal?
>Andres brevik killed 150 people and was up for parole after 10 years but did nazi salute at his trial
you think that's the only reason he didn't get released? lol

wut? really?

Also on Varg's case i don't think it was 1st degree, but 2nd degree, since he planned. So the sentence should've been even worse.
Life sentence is Norway is 20 years but most people only serve half. You can get away with manslaughter on 1 victim and do 2 years in prison in Norway and Sweden.
Most wignats are like him
You mean mentally impaired Marie Cachet?
nigger in every other normal country he would have spent life in prison or executed
Shut up you burrito folding bull fighter we have three hundred million people nobody does crime in spain because you're all broke anyway
Like I said here >>203414083 life sentence is only 20 years over there. Brevik would’ve been released in 10 if he was remorseful but then again it would be a bad PR look internationally, he will prob be release either way.

Also yeah Vargs entire thing was premeditated, he was planning to do this for months. He also had bombs in his home and was planning to commit a terrorist attack on some church event. Either way if he wasn’t a total retard and admitted to his faults and didn’t try to escape prison or do retarded interviews where he bragged about being a nazi, he would’ve been out much earlier instead of doing 16 years
Have to keep this insult in mind for later
Honestly i wanna see Breivik being freed, just to see how the world would react.
It's like if they let that korean guy who shot an university go out free.
Euronymous was a mentally ill communist. There are valid criticisms against varg but this is not one of them.
Breivik wouldn't be released either way, but heiling in court doesn't help
You sound like an englihtened incel
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Does that excuse murder? He chimped out for some random shit and tried to pussy out by claiming self-defense
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Look at this shit lol and all the reddit users are giga smug towards anyone who finds it maybe a little questionable to give a mass murderer a nice apartment.
comfy, better than my apartment.
can’t suffer in norway tutorial country
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Bring back Mongolian boxes.
butthurt more like mutthurt lol
Considering he was planning to kidnap, torture and kill varg yeah I would say it was justified.
>he was planning to kidnap, torture and kill varg
?? that was some retarded excuse/delirium that varg gave
Explain why different friends other than Varg also wanted to kill Euronymous
Varg literally chimped out like a nlgger and stabbed a fellow white man in the back, because he was and still is a pathetic little faggot with zero impulse control. Just look at his twitter, he argues with literal kids for days and calls them all sorts of horrible names, because he can't stop sperging out for a day.
And the best part is his brain dead followers think he's somehow based. Yeah, sneaking up to one of your unsuspecting friends and stabbing him in the back like a coward, then crying DINDU NUFFIN like a coon is somehow based, because he was apparently a 'bad influence'. That's literally the MUH SOCIO ECONOMIC FACTORS N SHIET argument but slightly rebranded.
proof they did?
Several band members said the same thing iirc, varg isn't delirious either he is quite intelligent
It just shows their crew had the most mentally deranged people in the entire country. Keep in mind those things were happening in the country with one of the lowest crime rates in the world.
Varg is a massive narcissist, I don't know why so many people fall for his shit. I doubt we'll ever get the full story because he is more interested in painting himself in a particular light. The whole scene was about acting as extreme as you could, I doubt anyone really thought about murdering Euronymous until Varg went and actually did it.
>killing white people is based.
Vargtards are something else. You're like those black hebrew israelite nigs, except they lowkey understand how retarded they are in the eyes of normal people, unlike you.
Well, he has no impulse control, so you can't blame him for going full nigga and shanking his buddy. The scientific name of this behavior is called a Nigga Moment: it's when sub 90 IQ people lash out for no apparent reason, usually killing one or more individuals and can't explain why they did it other than they just kinda felt like doing it.
I do think he is quite intelligent and obviously has a knack for music, but he is a loonie. If he had been born 20 years later, he'd probably have become a full blown /pol/tard instead of a musician
You can’t save them all. You can talk till you’re blue in the face, but some stupid goyim will be naturally culled.
He's not know for his mediocre music, people know him because of him killing his friend and turning into an absolute lolcow 20 years later. That's one of his delusions, he thinks he's famous for his music and not because of him killing his associate. That's like saying GG Allin is famous for his music and not for the fact that he went on stage high on crack, covered in his own shit and starting fights naked with his own audience.
Huh, Burzum is ultra famous, even normies listen to Dunkelheit
I never heard about this memeband until I heard about Varg on /int/ mentioned alongside other Twitter lolcows
The 4 horsemen of the /int/pocalypse are Varg, Tariq Nasheed, Nassim Taleb, and Josh Luna
might be due to you not being a normie
Euronymous wasn't a communist lmao, he was just an edgelord. He basically repeated all the Black Book of Communism propaganda about socialist countries but said it was actually based
White people
I giggled

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