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>Tropical paradise SEA countries on my country's doorstep
>Riddled with poverty, crime, ugly architecture, scammers etc

Guess I'll go to Singapore... again...
Just GO to one, be a white explorer or something idk.
Not very Faustian of you
It's not the bad but i think the bus im on broke down and it's getting very hot in here
I'm imagining the smell.
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>crime, scammers
lmao yeah right
even the worst shitholes in asia are havens of peace compared to the west
>even the worst shitholes in asia are havens of peace compared to the west

Easy for you to say ngfl.
Isn't Australia filled with gorgeous beaches plus the benefit of being a high trust society?
Why go to Singapore more than once?
A good khao mangai? Then go to Thailand.
Singapore is a boring place to travel t bh...
I've never heard of someone almost being lynched on the streets because of a car backfiring during Ramadan in the west but it's happened to a guy I know who went to Indonesia. Maybe you think all western cunts are as brown as yours?
i dont get why they keep crimemaxxing all the time they would be very rich if they didnt
Filipinos are nice to Whites and East Asians, if you are either you are safe here

If you look SEA Asian and go to Tondo or other poor areas, you will have a very bad time
No indians no smell
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I wouldn't have to resort to crime if they lowered job standards and pay right.
pick one
Yeah we are, no idea why he's whinging like that
What kind of crime do you do?
>filipinos are cucks to foreigners
Yeah we know Pedro.
Shoplifting, scamming from online wallets
To Hong Kong you go
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dumbass wypipo's pic related is paradise. tropical beaches are hell on earth
That's what you get for welcoming Muslim Arabs and Africans to France, in contrast we forcefully Christianized Islamic Manila and Mindanao and the Spanish Empure ethnically replaced the Moros with Mexicans, Spaniards, and Christianized natives. So we tamed Islamic savagery while you guys welcomed it. I want France to start another Crusade. After all it was a French Pope, Pope Urban II who launched the Crusades.
I love that pic so much, man I want to be back in MN where I can sit around late at night drinking aperitifs and watching comfy 40s movies :(
Thailand is ok... maybe

'the west' is not a country and stfu ignorant retard there is no comparable poverty and the lawlessness that can go with it

the tropics have sun and water for growing food thoughever. i don't why people even bother with agriculture in northern part of the world.
australia legitimately has better beaches than the world.
westoids are truly ingrate bastards
>t.has an ongoing civil war and and has isis take over his major cities
>bbut le evil franceshit has black peoples
i will go on a sexpatting crusade in philippines to finish what the spanish started
lmao you're that kid who made that cringe crusade post last week arent you, the one where you referenced "tie me into a rocket" and had to explain the joke
It's good that ISIS attacked us, now we have a Causus Beli to expel or Christianize all Muslims who helped ISIS. The Muslims have been losing terrirtories here since the 1500s, first they lost Manila (territory of Brunei Sultanate), then they lost Mindoro (formerly of the Brunei Sultanate), afterwards, Palawan (formerly Sulu Sultanate's), then Zamboanga (formerly belonged to Sulu Sultanate), and then Mindanao (home of Maguindanao Sultanate); all these areas used to belong to several Sultanates and were Muslims but are now Christian majority. ISIS attacking will be a great excuse to continue on forcefully converting the Muslims to Christianity up until the entirety of the Philippines becomes Christian! DEVS VULT!
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Unironically Filipino Eskrima, used to beat up Muslims here, descend from French Escrimé French knights used in the Crusades in Jerusalem and Reconquista in Spain.

>Kalis Ilustrisimo archivist Romeo Macapagal also estimates that 40% of the blade-oriented style of Antonio "Tatang" Ilustrisimo† (1904–1997) descends from European styles, brought by the Spanish.[46] Some authors state that these Filipino Martial Arts were also cross-trained with martial arts brought over by Spanish soldiers and Jesuit priests.[47]


Also, we love European Cum, let your penis be ready! Aren't we call Feel-a-penis, I mean Philippines aren't we?

Ladies like in the webm will be waiting.
Iba ako na tao kompare. Medyo coño siya amigo, ako naman, simpleng jologs lang.
This excellent post deserved trips.
this one too
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Anon I have a problem my Flip vagina is too tight can you loosen it up for me?
Thanks wow your tripcode post is sweet too. 4 consective repeating tripcodes in a row. There are no coincidences, God love us. God wills it.
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Upperclass Spanish-Filipinas are simply divine.
post shit-colored hand with timestamp
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Reconquête! En memoria de la Philippine Le Noir de Carlan!

Yes, please go. Go! Shoo! Off with ya! Git! Scram! Good bye! Sayonara! Selamat jalan! Adios! Au revoir! Heil Hitler!
>tropical beaches are hell on earth
Maybe not hell, but by far the most boring place one could imagine.
>almost being lynched on the streets because of a car backfiring during Ramadan
lolwat? Why?
If you running over someone well yes maybe you will get lynched. But I bet the crowd didn't gather to lynch some rando wyte but to watch the commotion. We even stopped burning thieves lately.
Dw buddy pal, I'll be going to Australia and scamming you very soon.
I'll bring the tropical to the paradise if you catch my drift
>the butthurt brown chuds arrive

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