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does this happen in your country?

yes, it happened in my town yesterday, the military comissariat raided the local sewing factory to draft the last remaining man who works there. fortunately he managed to escape and hide behind the locked door.
Fuck I work there in button department
I guess I got lucky that I catches syphilis and called Ill day
why that effort for a middle aged man?
The last remaining man in Russia
They're running low on men for the meat grinder
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they're taking heavy casualties both in ukraine and russia, they need all men they can find. even moscow isn't safe anymore, there was a massive raid at shaman's concert just days ago.
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here's some more footage
this video from Ukraine and (Petu)sharij is a famous under-r00ster constantly moaning about Ukraine
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Thank God i’m mentally disabled and wouldn’t be drafted
I honestly respect these women for defending that man. Absolute respect.
>press gang gangsters are hiding their faces and attacking middle aged women
Kikes then wonder why people despise them.
Why do r00ster shills think anyone but Ukrainians will be concerned with that? For us it's even better if Ukraine is adamant on mobilizing everyone possible because it means it will defend itself for longer and more Russian soldiers will be destroyed.
kek, fuck muscovites
he is probably only one working in that factory, rest of women are diversity hires
>saaar this is ukraine
go back and get drafted vanya
>Ukrainians and Russians being dragged from the streets so they can kill each other
Putin is the greatest Slav butcher since Hitler, why do Russians love him?
пeeдopaшкa cepьeзнo дyмaeт чтo этo типa пpикoл тaкий "хaхaхa этo нa caмoм дeлe yкpaинa нe poccия я вac вceх зaтpaллил)))" кaк cмeшнo oхyeть
It's a bad time to be east slav
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he gives them a legal opportunity to treat their own people like cattle and it's an every russian's wet dream
im not feeling sorry for Russians at all
you get what you deserve
case in point
drop the vpn you fucking shitskin
those are Ukrainians
not sure if you want to falseflag
kek what the fuck is going on there?
Ukrainian men trying to leave the country got caught
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Slavs kill Slavs to show the west how tough they are.
Just like I would slaughter my son in a neighborhood dispute and hang him on the fence to show the neighbors that I don't like him.
Russian mentality.
That's fine with me, I've met a few nice Ukrainian female refugees - it's really hot what comes to us, mostly the educated upper class. Russia can have the rest.
there are all ukrainian videos unironically, he's just wait to you going full WE mode in posting and then just made threadshots with you.

P.S. posted from last novosibirsk man, i'm tired i need help to fuck all the remaining roasties asap
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They took my nigga solovyoy
so why are russians tolerating this shit?
shit like this would never fly here
getting fucked in the ass by tyrannical leaders is their entire history and culture
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mysterious russian soul
got em OP, they don't even know what hromadske is

kek why westernsers so easy blushed
ok so what is going on here?
and why is everyone acting like that's totally normal kek
we just love laughing at russia lol, we don't care where these videos are actually from and it's not important
we just want to laugh at you
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not even for him?
>there are all ukrainian videos unironically, he's just wait to you going full WE mode in posting and then just made threadshots with you.
But why? I don't even understand what motivation you'd have for this?
Oh wow. Op is a Russia and lying out his ass.

I'm really .... Surprised wowie. thirdies never try to scam white people... Wowie...
but all those are ukies tho
there a point of creation of that thread, to show your stupidity
Not really. Theres tons of identical videos in rasha
It makes sense for Ukrainians to force men in a defensive war, it makes less sense for russians in an invasive war
The tagline though is that both are such utter shitholes, lost to civilization and the light that it's hard to differenciate
We.. all know...
It's... Ukrainians

Jesus fucking Christ you Russians are so far behind

We fucking know

That's why we are laughing at Russians for lying and being retarded about it

Just fuck guys you are stupid
That's what I mean, that's what you are conquering, the scum of the Slavic race. Everything that is halfway intelligent has fled or will flee to the west.
The longer the war goes on, the more brutal, the more the Ukrainian intelligentsia gets scared, the better for us.
the only stupidity that is being shown is your own
make cringey screencaps where you call these people bootlickers or orcs and then it actually all the ukies, yes it's that srhimple.
> identical videos in rasha
From another shitpost thread like this one?
People literally get blown to pieces so some edgy Russian teenager can make cringe memes on 4chan. Pretty grim.
>but all those are ukies tho
it doesn't matter
we just want to laugh at you, so we laugh at you
these videos could be from Papua New Guinea but we would still laugh at you


nah, never see one and i search for them
only aviable when skufs in september 2022, wish int was sound enabled board
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Okay maybe not as forceful but there are for sure funny draft videos of civilians in russia
he's right, there's been a massive resurgence of such videos ever since the second wave was announced. you may hide your head in the sand but you can't escape reality.
Why don’t these people just blow their officers brains out?

If someone forcibly conscripted me like this nobody in the barracks would be going home alive
it's gaslighting, an informational warfare tactic
gotcha moments like that happen all the time in russia and ukraine, they use some ukrainian footage and pass it off as russian, or vice versa
it's very hard to tell because russians and ukrainians look the same
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some do
Because Russia (and most other countries desu) have gun control, for this exact reason: so the government can enforce their will through their monopoly on violence.
But who's the target audience for this? Do russians and ukranians lurk 4chan from their trenches and go "hah! look at those stupid fuckers they can't even tell the difference between us!" ?
Yeah except they hand you guns in the military

The second they do that just start shooting the highest ranking people in the vicinity, you’re going to die in the war anyway might as well go out in protest
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That was at a small anti-war demonstration two years ago, they were all released. I know every video.
Why don't you post the famous video where the guy is filmed from the skyscraper trying to run away through gardens? At least that's not a fake. :/
I also know the videos from above, you can even see the Ukrainian flag on the badges - but we have idiots in the west too, we need frontline fodder too.
At this stage in the war, by the time you're actually given access to ammunition, you're already on the bus/train towards the front.
why do they send fat retards to do impressment hunting, should send the scary roidheads
Right so kill everyone around you anyway

As soon as you are handed a weapon you have the power to kill, be it in Moscow or on the front lines. Being gunned down in that situation seems much less terrifying than being hunted by a drone with a grenade strapped to it
>why would anyone bait people to farm (you)s on 4chan?
Because these are police raids not conscription ones
it's actually you
people from EE can easily hit where or who it filmed in millisecond
>hromadske watermark
>police insignia and writing
it's 0.1% of a massive, complicated state propaganda machine created to instill calmness, confidence and support for war among various slices of population
you can clearly see russian conscription officers in military uniform in the background on the second webm
So do you just live with the anxiety that one day you'll be called to the front, or are you exempted in some way?
(You) personally and any other westerner
Vatniks have massive inferiority complex towards west (obviously they'll deny it)
Every russian propagandist and shitposter cares a lot what west thinks and will use every opportunity to make Russia look better. Except they can't do it (because not much good here) so the only remaining way is to shit on less fortunate neighbours
Why do the women never seriously fight to stop it? They dont have or use any weapons just weak slaps.
What happened? I don't know anything about it. Old webm about mobilization?
Cars ... I saw the presentation of the new lada ... haha ... the interesting one filmed himself. You can't use the gearshift because the center console is in the way. The salesman advised him to simply bend it with pliers - that's what everyone does. lol
Don't make fun of other cars :D
No I can't
I see. Thanks for the explanation guys.
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I'm thinking of leaving this shithole. it's hard when the borders are closed but it's worth it. here's some guy managed to escape through a bridge on the checkpoint where he was working as a welder, maybe I could come up with something like this
Women are not capable of fighting nor are they meant to be

The fact that they even care enough to try to stop it is at least nice
on their way to the EU lol
>presentation of the new lada
waste of time
>The fact that they even care enough to try to stop it is at least nice

This. They could be cheering it on.
often they keep ammo seperate from weapons and the weapons in a armory in the trenches and all you can think about is survival

see: ukie trench raids where they often shot unarmed russian soldiers running around cause their CO wouldnt trust them with guns

i dont think you understand

we don't care about minor details, if you told us it was russia we would 100% believe you, not only do you look the same you are morally identical or worse

its not some sort of epic own if you go ACKTUALLY THEY ARE UKRANIAN SAAR NOT RUSSIAN its like indians blaming street shitting on muslims/pakis/bengalis w

at this point even mexico is a upgrade if you have any amount of talent/skill to work on the outside
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>minor details
kek so stop whining, i'm tired of westerner idiocity with heavy moral assumptions. In Faceberg it way funnier just see how things flips and everything is acceptable to win Dart Putin whos literally like Voldemort.
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The Koreans won't save you
don't touch cover sweetie
Are you saying that's a good thing? I heard anti war talk on the internet can get you a hefty prison sentence. I'd watch your words on the anonymous image board

just understand you are literally the equivalent of a street shitter blaming everything bad online on pakis and 90% of your audience cannot tell the difference on first glance. collectively you look bad anyways and saying HAH SEE SAAAR THEY'RE ACTUALLY UKRANIAIN isnt a epic own because they already associated that subhumanity with russians and will continue to do so after the fact
They were all literal slaves just 150 years ago
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We are on the same boat, my fellow nebrat
>isnt a epic own
but amount of buttblast say otherwise
Hold up. That's a Ukrainian uniform. You trickster ruskies can't bamboozle me
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I thought you guys didn't have conscription thougheveralbeit
Why do you lie and use a VPN?
It is a minor detail though, OP literally proved the point by posting Ukranians and saying they were Russians and no one could tell the difference, lmao. Also, the funny thing is that most people here would probably actually root for Russia if it wasn't for the fact that Gurkhas were so comically evil and raping grandmothers and massacring civilians in Butsja and other places in the start of the three week special military operation, as right wing populist parties here have been shilling for normalizing relations with Putin and Russia for the last two decades and most people used to agree with this.
gotta I admit, I was tricked

but there were similar videos from russia when the war only started
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that's what they say to their own citizens so they don't run away when they see the cucumber men coming to drag them to war
Yeah that's in Ukraine and you Russians keep posting it.
I suspect that the uptake in these threads is due to the fact that Russia most likely will announce a second mobilization in near future (technically the same mobilization since the last one never ended).
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it was made on purpose, they getting everyone from jails who wish to go on war. You can imagine... things. They actually shouldn't get back.
There's a difference between everyone laughing at you for shutting your pants and pointing out your enemy is shitting his pants and laughing at them

Right now op is shitting his pants and being laughed at
Kamala looks like she's going to win the popular vote and trump is saying he wants to be a dictator openly. I think he's throwing the election to keep the campaign funds. He's kept hundreds of millions for some reason still
>I think he's throwing the election to keep the campaign funds.
Not sure how that's related to my post, but that would be hillarious, ngl.
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it's been announced half a year ago bro haven't you seen the threads?
My bad, I didn't know it already happened.
Why are you lying so shamelessly? Drop the VPN.
These webms are from Ukraine.
These webms are from Ukraine. Look at this one >>203438032 there are Ukrainian flag and "police" on the clothes in Ukrainian.
arr look same
Based retard
ruski op thinks he's doing le epic troll by posting videos of le bad thing from ukraine and saying it's from russia
you're not getting shit nigger
-15 rubles
It's actually a pretty big self own that people fell for it, it only demonstrates what people think about Russia.
demonstrates what people think they told to think
literally the same people killing each other for uber kikes & lockheed shareholders
How many of you guys on 4chan are going to be conscripted?
I thought that in Russia they recruit using a big fat paycheck and positive incentives.
To avoid unrest, of course.
I'm not talking about the Donbas meat, but real Russians.
>I thought that in Russia they recruit using a big fat paycheck and positive incentives.
Yeah, it is like that. All the webms in the thread from Ukraine.
>Even Moscow isn't safe
This is how I knew you were lying even without that other Russian chiming in. They would NEVER rock the boat in Moscow or St. Petersburg.
Why? Everything you think about the bad evil dictator Putin is actually our good fellow boy Zelenski and the democratic country of Ukraine
my man you've been coping the whole thread. get over it.
Nice VPN
so many here are actually brainwashed retards
Kek the joke is the webms are from Ukraine...

well done OP
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