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How are the Ukrainian refugees in your country doing?

Being thankful? Integrating? Complaining?
Yes. All three.
she somehow looks American
IDK. I don't talk to women
No ukrainians came to this country because borders were shut due to ”taking in enough migrants”
I should not have watched this public, fuck you kraut >:(
I'm sure she is using her onlyfans profits to support Ukraine, there is no way she is wasting the money.
Atleast she knows how to make fun of the ziggers
I saw a ukrainian girl in the woods while mushrooming. She had attached a dildo to a tree. I guess we all get lonely and sad sometimes.
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What drives women to post the most asinine shit on the internet
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>watching 4chan publicly
Is that the actual text?
Yes, they drive around in big Mercedes and shop a lot
I haven't meet a single Ukrainian refugee and I live in one of our largest cities. I've meet Ukrainian students though and they've been chill but they're all men
Are Ukrainian women unironically the biggest sluts in the world? I mean, when people think of sluts they think of something like Latinas mostly, but every time I see anything about young Ukrainian women on the internet it seems like their thought process is 60% being a fuckmeat 40% airhead. I used to think they were the biggest sluts in Europe only
Slavs had materialism as their state religion for almost a century. They've been brought up from a young age to worship money and that there's nothing wrong with whoring yourself out to get some. The biggest whore I've ever met in my life has been a French-Russian mutt
I kept watching
I saw a student scrolling 4chan, most likely vg
I met a Ukrainian guy at university during a math course where we had to form groups of 3-4 people. In our group, there was me (a German), another German, a Russian, and the Ukrainian. One time, the Russian casually mentioned that a friend of his back in Russia had joined the army. The Ukrainian guy didn’t say a word,he just gave him this thousand-yard stare, completely silent. It became pretty clear to me that the two of them weren’t particularly fond of each other, even though they never openly argued. I got the feeling that the Ukrainian was quite reserved overall, especially when it came to discussing the war. The Russian talked more about it in comparison. It seemed like they were just tolerating each other for the sake of the group work.
i occasionally see UA plates but ive never met an ukranian in person
Did You fuck any of them?
fucking hell man
well actually i know one male studient and he looks like Gigachad, althought i don't think he's a refugee since he speaks french fluently, he may have an accent though
What? No. Though... I guess I would if there were interested
I forgot to ask if they were men or women, but seeing your flag I imagine that doesn't matter.
is the implication here that the Russian side is trad and respectful instead?
I got to uni too. I noticed a pattern:
Ukrainian male in Germany = reserved, silent
Ukrainian female in Germany = loud, whorish
Apparently he unironically passed a certification in Ukrainian, and the girl he's with claimed she was Russian, although some says she's gypsy but I have no idea how gypsies look like. They get along with each other but they do jokes like locking the door when one of them is in the lunching room.
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in 2012 in london, around ~35% of Polish women gave birth to mixed race children with most of the fathers being of african or south asian descent from countries like jamaica, somalia nigeria, kenya, pakistan, etc

that was in 2012, the number is probably much higher now. Polish and Ukrainian women also have similar dating preferences in Germany where they marry and date Turks instead
>math uni course
It was obviously males
Do you think Ukrainian guys hate their women for being such whores?
I don't doubt its true, but you collecting this obscure information is a sign of serious derangement
It's a bit strange. Here Ukrainians tend to be more extraverted and more loud overall.
In Poland both are loud and annoying
Are you a girl?
They Aryan presence scares them kek
>>203481458 >>203481667
hm well the guy i talked about earlier wasn't loud, same for the girl. I cant overgeneralize because that's the only ukrainian i know of
Just saw Ukrainian store staff servicing Ukrainian customers.
It is like a little mini-Ukraine.
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You're on 4Chuds Hans, that is sign of serious derangement.
Is this like bizarre russian propaganda
No, that's sadly just the truth. See >>203480841
im collecting it to show the true nature of slavs. They have very inflated egos but reality is not what they think.

Slavic women are baby factories for every race and men
They're nice, they just work regular jobs.
Weren't there many Ukrainians in Canada even before the war?
When the internet was young I got myself a t-shirt with funny 4chan bear
Did you just get internet for the first time today?

If you haven’t noticed, posts like OPs correlate whenever something bad happened to Russia or Russians on the battlefield. Check the news in a bit.

Yes OP is a zigger on a VPN, come at me
I am a brown man
where can i get her videos for free?
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which bear
what if she donates money to AFU?
Don't bother
>Slavic women are baby factories for every race and men
Yeah not at all like the Amerimutts
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i see you dima
The internet wasn't young when 4ch and mentioned creature was born.
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>They have very inflated egos but reality is not what they think.
but we exactly know what our women are like lol
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you have a very inflated ego for somebody that's too retarded to understand basic mathematics, the picture you posted>>203481526 doesn't say anything important about the number of Polish women having children with non-white men. It doesn't mean that 23% of Polish women had mixed race babies, just that 23% of an unknown amount of women who weren't married to Polish men were married to blacks/asians

Here's the full data from your survey

>Polish newcomers to the United Kingdom follow previous patterns of ethnic integration, depending on where they can afford to live, on their educational and employment status, and on the presence of other ethnicities. In 2012 most of the 21,000 children born to Polish mothers had Polish fathers; the remainder had fathers of other backgrounds.[142] In 2014 there were 16,656 children born with Polish mothers and fathers from European backgrounds (Other white and white British). Some 702 children were recorded as born to Polish mothers and fathers from African backgrounds, and 749 children born to Polish mothers and fathers from Asian and Middle Eastern backgrounds.[5]

So out of 19000 children born to Polish women, a staggering 3% were born to black fathers, and another 3% to asian fathers

>In 2007, 4.6% of all married Blacks in the United States were wed to a White partner,

why are ameriggers so retarded???
Make love, not war.
>in a country with 30% of the black percentage as us
>fucks them at 60% of the rate as americans do
>cope, the post
aaaaahhhhhhhh i need sexo
I fail to see a difference.
That's not what materialism is you dumb retard. And money specifically is an idealistic concept.
It's a fucking dutch flag calling other cultures materialistic, you really shouldnt take the post seriously
there have been a bunch of ukrainians on the prairies since before the russian revolution. they were brought in to settle the land before americans could. as a result of living on a cold windswept plain at the far reaches of canada, i doubt anyone here personally knows one of them. The ukrainians i've seen are mostly refugees
just literally search her name, it's not that hard, she never showed even nipples anyway
you're delusional if you think things are any different, but if that helps your soldiers die in battle with a more serene mind good for them I guess
Communism is about everyone being a bajillionaire because you can always just kill your neighbor and steal from them. That's what every communist and former communist believes. In our glorious kingdom hard work and responsibility are exalted above everything as industry is the lord's greatest virtue. We're wealthy due to that coincidentally lining up with what make someone wealthy, not because we'll sell our sisters down the river like easterners do
Reminder that it has been 3 years since the mongols were supposed to defeat the Great Satan and now all you shitskins can do is spam annoying webms to cope.
I find East Slavic women very, very materialistic and money-oriented.
not even get pussy?
For some reasons all the ukrainian I've met were women. It's like inverse syrian refugees.
doing good we have hosted a coble of Muslims Ukraine's
same here
they are also inverse in the sense that the ukrainian refugees are quiet, reserved, don't demand anything but are happy and thankful with what they can get
i wish i could replace all of our me/na refugees with ukrainians
She looks fat and half black?
I mean she was obviously going to film it.
wow what a bitch
what's not materialism? marxism isn't materialist? yes it is, it is in every sense of the word.
Imagine being Ukrainian
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imagine being a zigger
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What particular mental illness is this?
Ukrainian has fallen
People who waste food make me so mad
latinas are "sluts" who love sex and want to start families
slavs are "whores" who loves sex and want money
difference 404 not found
That's it. Now I want to move to latam.
thats enough noodles for maybe 30 people lol
Come to Brazil unironically
Too hot. I think only Chile and south of Argentina would suit me.
what 100 years of communism does to a country.
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This is where I live (Santa Catarina, a state in the South region of Brazil)
what blew up?
He came back home from his toilet cleaning career job and now he needs to blame Ukrainians for it.
Without women there is no nation and Ukranian women have shown they care little for the nation. There is no Ukraine.
absolutely psychopathic behavior
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The hottest absolute temperatures are about the same as here. But daily mean 21C throughout the year sounds too hot to me.
I prefer weather with 14-15C temperature.
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That's the capital which is closer to the coastline, look up stats for the countryside
>The average annual temperature in Urubici is 14.5 °C
This city is where I was born (not exactly, my parents went to a nearby city hospital just for the birth, but still)
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Pretty mild and with lots of rains. Are there any places where temperature doesn't go above 20C?
good morning
ukie single moms are being absolute whores here
I only know about these places but I don't think so
Try with 200 at least.
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they are the fugee camp with the brownoids and i dont see them, i donated some bad bikes i found in the barn so they can fix it to have something to do
but i never see them in the village
>watching 4chan
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from my experience they behave like your average mena. I remember a group of teens screaming in cyrilic in the bus and threatened to get ouf of the bus by the driver. but they are much less numerous so it's hard to compare
Beautiful slavic angel

Because the men have to stay and fight, it's mostly women and children who leave as refugees

You're literally brazilian
>he doesn't have the 4chan streaming app
They are easy because they are poor
>I mean, when people think of sluts they think of something like Latinas mostly
Don't even know why that's the case. White women are far more promiscuous.
>A study compared the sexual activity of non-Hispanic white women and Latinas in Orange County, California, where there is a high population of Mexican American families. Non-Hispanic white women began sexual relations about a year younger than all of the Latinas in the survey reported. The non-Hispanic white women were more likely to report having had five or more sexual partners, but Latinas were more likely to report no more than two.
Probably because self-respecting immigrants in the US are actually trad and try to keep their daughters from whoring out as soon as they cross the border so they grow up as family oriented women
The only trad ones are either living so far out on a farm that they dont have ability to whore out or actual autists.
Wasn't this girl some model they hired who turned out to also do porn? lmao
you didn't lose out, they keep to themselves, none of them bothered to learn even English, they speak Russian and expect to be understood
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>Youre Brazilian
That's much better than being a hook nosed vermin leeching on others
Why are immigrants and refugees who come to the first world always the most entitled people on Earth?
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Дaй мeнi гpoшeй

this video activated my flight or fight response

i hate whores so god damn much
They are doing fantastic, infact other immigrants got mad about it.

They learned Swedish within a year or two where as other immigrants havent learned it in 10. They quickly found work compared to others aswell.
I unironically fucked a Ukranian refugee a few months ago. She was a 6 or 7/10. Would recommend.
How does that contradict what I said? Yet another low end of the bell curve nordic flag on here…
When I hear the ukranian language it's always a babushka taking her groceries or a young mother with her baby. When I see arabic or adiacent brownoids "refugees" they are always 20-30 years men loitering around
Really makes one ponder
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shes so beautiful bros, how do i get a ukranian gf?
Mental illness..
Euros get a bunch of blond haired blue eyed young girls as migrants instead of their usual engineers and rocket scientists and they complain about them endlessly

I'm starting to think the actual ingrates are Europeans, continent of complainers no wonder they're always so miserable. The smugness is insecurity.
she looks like a trad wife.
Thats my impression as well. In Brazil for example, there are plenty of whores, sure. But they are almost 100% low class or buttfuck ugly. Trust me, I am a professional gooner. I have yet to find a single middle or high class slut who’s whoring themselves out on pornhub, xvideos or anywhere online. There are no 6/10s and above doing this.
On the other hand, you will find unlimited amounts of 10/10 white girls of every type of background everywhere online. Usually americans or east europeans. Its honestly fucking crazy the amount of perfect 10/10 slav women whoring themselves out there. If they were Brazilian they’d 100% not be whores, and would be quite prude instead.
Its mind boggling to come across so many beautiful eastern euro women whoring themselves out.
Good for now they were getting anxious and a bit angry cause it was not a palace.
They discovered than venturing outside with no "friends" in mexico was a bad idea as i said to them at first. One of them went missing probably abducted by the cartel and killed or worse.
Good looking girls though which means a risk for myself for giving them a place to stay
They are more promiscuous with us compared to white women because we have the exotic factor.
Talking about actual latina's living beanspeak land not americanized hoes.
Poles are moving to London and I dare say Blacks are around 10% of the population there, while most white americans live nowhere near around blacks.
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Russian whores race mix the most of any white women in the world. I scroll through the filmography pornstars when I'm horny and the Russian ones take so much more black dick than other whites it's ridiculous.
>other immigrants havent learned it in 10
This is a meme.I know Argies who live in Sweden and learn the language in months.
Craving attention or mental illness
Modernity is so fucking lame, dude. Think about what happened here. You had a big war on the territory of the most smoking hot women per capita of any place in the world and they all have to flee West into Western countries. It should’ve been a boon for Western men but instead the girls become online prostitutes and “influencers” begging for attention online, basically radioactive to any man with any sense in his head at all. What the fuck?
So her message is something like
>Our men are dead, we are available teehee
the women you see in these webms are actually on a pretty small scale, there are still plenty that arent making whores of themselves
Why do women love food so much and talk about it so much
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>Russia lost 600,000 people
>Only recourse is to cope online
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Bro there is porn of a Russian chick shoving an artillery round up her vag. There is literally zero difference.
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Is that caption real or some incel putting it after she did
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Hello fellow Americans, my name is John Smith. I am from Texas oblast, city of Texasovsk. I used to be a western NATO supporter just like you, but after I see the terrorism of the Kiev regime, I fully support the Special Military Operation. No money to Nazi Ukraine. America First. MAGA ZOV. We will beat the Nazis like our grandfathers did in the Great Patriotic War.
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This is fake right?
Please tell me it's fake I'm almost crying with anger
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We love blacks. My neighbor is black
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Ok it has to be fake
Ukrainians would likely threaten her if she released this stuff even as a porn fetish thing
I'm stupid for thinking it could be real
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>I'm almost crying with anger
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Imagine dying for your "country" in this time and age. Just imagine having your guts or brain spilled out while your female "compatriots" are whoring themselves out on tiktok, not for survival or anything, but for internet fame and attention. I'd say there's nothing more cucked than being patriotic.
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Wyd if north korea invades?
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I'd rather rot in jail than joining the military until the war ends, or simply ack myself if that isn't available.
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Not him but no one knows about 4chan in this country except for redditor types that are too busy to do anything about it
Sex tourism.
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>tranny on a spamming spree again
Two more trillion posts and oinkraine will win. Keep working, trannoid sister.
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I'm happy that ukranians are moving to other country as their country is in warfare. I don't want them to move to india as life will be hard for them. but they should move to better parts of europe and live a better life. they don't deserve all the things from russia.
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Are you getting paid for this at least? I just can't imagine the will of saving all of these and posting it almost daily.
Russia has the 2nd highest rate of prostitutes on earth
An average of 250 Russians die a day in Ukraine. One image for every dead Russian to honor them
I've never seen one in person but the news were desperate to push the narrative that they were hardworking.
Xe is a troon who's butthurt at russia for banning troons.
>An average of 250 Russians die a day in Ukraine
Source: your whore mom's ass
>I don't want them to move to india as life will be hard for them.
Of course, Indians would rape and kill Ukrainian women en masse if they ever set foot in India.
>mens died in useless battle for historical religious territories and dick sizes
>woman have fun instead getting raped
As it should, the nature just doing great filtering
Fun thread
More Chechen men for the Russian women
God, I hate women SO SO MUCH
Like royalty

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