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Hur fixar vi det judiska psyket?
kom och slåss hora din jävla nigger
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Hope my company number goes up today
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Slave Market Ab
dampe har varit vaken hela natten för att försvara tråden mot bögarna
och bögarna har varit uppe hela natten pozzade

Kommer assangefinnen sluta spamma om genocid som ingen bryr sig om nu?
har du sussat sött?
tänk vilket sött och lyckligt par majs och ödemflickan hade varit
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Tyska bajsungar på tretti, förti, femti, sexytalet var inte bättre människor än negrer

Du idoliserar sämre folk än negrer
läste allting faktiskt
Är finnen en arab eller varför dampar han både om judar och nazister?
>du är mot folkmord
>ergo du är en finsk arab
Vaccinet skördade ännu ett offer. En av medlemmar från bandet One Direction dog.
Jaha du är tolv åring från tjugo år bakåt
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Varför ser ishockeyspelare så cp ut? Har de halkat på isen?
Vanlig bieffekt av nervskador pga vaccin. Osymmetriskt ansikte tyder på många vaccineringar.
bara mot israels folkmord och nazister (ytangör ryssland)
aldrig sudan, azerbaijan eller andra folkmord som utförs av dina bajshudingsbröder
Vad har de med Europa att göra?
Vad är det med britter och att hoppa från balkonger på solsemester?
one direction - nedåt
EU ursäktar och ignonerar det azerbaijan gör likt Israel
Ingen hjälpte oss.
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saknar grotesco favä
Tredje säsongen sög tyvärr
EU säljer vapen till Israel. EU tillåter amerikaner transportera vapen till Israel genom europeiskt territorium. Ursula von der Leyen gör propagandavideo på sin Onlyfans.

avsnittet med föräldramötet var otroligt bra, också avsnittet med komikerfrimurarna.
Thats because its not genocide
Finland buys defense systems from israel
Finns det fortfarande rolig suedikomedi eller är det avskaffat?
säsong 1 var kino som fan, sen kom värdegrunden ikapp

gjorde ny bättre:

asg nu sjuder twinken
chudde ba
>tråden är felstavad! åh min karta nu ska jag starta en ny!
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ja det är han, och vet du vad arabers medel-IQ är? 80
>Utvecklingsstörning: IQ <70 där lindrig mental utvecklingsstörning ligger mellan IQ 55–69. Svag begåvning: IQ 70–85.
Get real you fucking faggot. WAKE UP.
95% of circassians were killed by the baltic german and his russian horde
65% of armenians were killed by the turks
And now 2% of Gaza has died. It is not a genocide. It is impossible to take you seriously when you exaggerate it like that.
Circassians and armenians very nearly went extinct. Nothing even close to that is happening in gaza
You are very dumb. You can't even read the source material. Did you go to some joke university in Wisconsin?
entirely sick how you see out as filip hammer
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54% of adults have a literacy below a 6th-grade level (20% are below 5th-grade level). Low levels of literacy costs the US up to 2.2 trillion per year. 34% of adults lacking literacy proficiency were born outside the US.
Matgeek skapade alltså en youtube shorts kanal där han bara repostar massa klipp från instagram

Denna kanal har 0 till 1/2 kommentarer per post, kanalen har 20000 subs och får 10-15k visningar per video

Bottar han?
I have followed the UN casualty figures from Gaza this entire year, including in May, when they listed 10,000 women and 15,000 children dead, then two days later they listed 5,000 women and 8,000 children.
Because they changed the metric, and neither give a good estimate. I will provide a source but you won't understand any of it.

You are asking me to accept their estimates as truth, and to not doubt them if they are off by 50% like they were in May.

According to that article, their estimate for the number of dead in Gaza by August 6th, 2024 would be appromixately 83,000. It is now October 17th, and Al jazeera reports 43,000 dead.
you have provided another example
varför gjorde herr odjur så?
Of their estimates being off by nearly 50%
I didn't ask you to read their estimate. I asked you to understand the reasoning but alas, the University of Wisconsin doesn't even try to make you fat fucks do that because you would shart yourself and Mario is tured of cleaning that shit.
Their reasoning for calling it a genocide when only 3% of palestine has died is because
a) far more have been displaced or had their homes destroyed
b) the true casualty rate could be far higher due to burials under rubble
c) genocide does not just mean exterminating a group of people, it could mean destroying their way of life or imprisoning them and subjecting them to inhumane treatment

This is all just an attempt to twist words and redefine genocide so that people associate the atrocities experienced by the Circassians and Armenians with the conflict in Gaza
You keep failing basic reading comorehension
Alright, I'll work on my comorehension. Goodnight
>Every single day I feel more confident about my decision to be a NEET
>It's not for everyone. I don't mean to sound arrogant, really, but it's a matter of creative intelligence and intellectualism. Most everything you have heard about being a NEET is propoganda. The kikes are fucking terrified. If you can get on gibs like housing a food stamps, then have enough money for a gym membership and the bare necessities like internet, then you are set. Read books, workout, create, make a youtube channel, the world is your oyster. I feel sorry for wagies, your salary is shit. Americans are getting robbed blind in the work place, the dollar is getting sqeezed dry. We are living in they live, and yes, the aliens are the kikes. I won't wage slave for this anti-white male system. Fuck roasties, fuck all this bullshit. I am the ubermensche, and I couldn't be happier. If I ever become financially independent, it will be on my own terms, from my own creative efforts. No one can control my destiny via my reputation, I don't need anyone. I'm not suffering right now as the world burns, I'm just fucking fine living my best life. NEETS win.

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