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I'm gonna travel to Austin, Texas soon to visit a friend
Any advice or tips for a first timer to America?
it's a boring humid shitty city

why not travel a bit? why just go to austin then leave
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Because I have a friend there and he's gonna show me places and stuff
Why do you think it's a shitty place?
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>I'm gonna travel to Austin, Texas soon to visit a friend

That's cool. I live in DFW but I've been to Austin a few times. It can be a cool city for tourists. Some general tips I guess:

>there's a lot of homeless/drug addicts/weirdos on the streets nowadays, if they try and talk to you, just ignore them completely. Don't say "no thank you" or "I'm not interested" or anything; just keep walking and ignore them
>the food scene is pretty cool in Austin, a big mix of cultures there. Tex-mex is always good, and I'm biased but I think Texas BBQ is probably the best in the country. There's a lot of good BBQ joints in Austin, but the most notorious/famous one is called Franklin BBQ. You can look them up on YouTube, it takes like 5 hours of waiting in line to be able to order, and it's only open 3 days of the week. It's not worth the wait, I mean it's good food but not worth it. There's a million other BBQ spots in Austin that are just as good, don't waste your time at a tourist trap
>if you're into it, tell your friend to take you to a gun range. Even if your friend is a nogunz, you can hire an instructor that works there who will bring out an assortment of guns and teach you to shoot. My foreign friends love shooting guns and always demand we go to the range.
>there will be an army of Mexican aunties who will hear your accent and spend 10 minutes asking about your life story and how it is in Argentina. That could add up to be hours of your precious time, be aware.
>if you're into bars/hookup scenes, do the opposite and flex your accent to every guy and girl in there. Chicano girls love South American accents, so it's like adding +2 to your looks

If you've got any specific questions feel free to ask. Otherwise be safe and have fun!

The weather in Texas is perfect at this time of the year. I'm originally from the Midwest and it's like 40 degrees during the day and 20 at night back home; fuck that, give me Texas weather 8 days out of the week pls.
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Thank you a lot anon I'm gonna remember that when I get there (probably next month)
Yeah my friend told me about texmex and bbqs so we'll prob check those out
What are some must-see places in Austin?
>there's a lot of homeless/drug addicts/weirdos on the streets nowadays
he's from argentina I'm sure it's worse
doubt OP would be too shocked by the level of freaks on the streets desu. maybe idk
Well there's cultural/historical sights like the state capitol building, museums and art galleries, but most of that probably won't be very interesting to non Americans, you can find that kinda shit in every big city. But Austin is known for it's night life/music/bar scene. There's a lot of young people in that city. I don't do any of this stuff so I'm only speaking from 2nd hand stories, not experience, but apparently is pretty fun to spend the night walking on the river front, going into random bars, drinking and eating and listening to live music. There's also music festivals like Austin city limits and SXSW, but idk if those are going on when you'll be here.

>there's a lot of homeless/drug addicts/weirdos on the streets nowadays
>he's from argentina I'm sure it's worse
>doubt OP would be too shocked by the level of freaks on the streets desu. maybe idk

Idk. My job requires me to interact with foreigners from all over the world on a daily basis. I can honestly say that not a single one of them have seen the rows and rows of tents, RVs and the drug addicts and homeless who live in them and told me "meh I'm used to it, I've seen worse back home". They're either mortified/terrified or at best cautiously nervous. Now mind you, most of my clients are from places like east Asia and Europe, so I get that it must be a shock to them. But believe it or not, for most of the world, developed or not, you aren't used to seeing homeless and crazy crack heads running around what should be a downtown area. but In 3rd world countries these people would have been chased away as soon as they appeared, and if it's a developed country then they'll send them to an all expenses paid mental facility or some shit. No other country but America just let's these motherfuckers just run around freely.
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>spend the night walking on the river front, going into random bars, drinking and eating and listening to live music
Yeah this sounds awesome I'm gonna totally do that thank you!
I'm used to seeing the occasional homeless person but I wouldn't say they're too common here
How big is your "friend"?
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He's 6'2" and he's pretty big if you're talking about his pp
Austin has nothing worth seeing, just eat food and walk/bike around downtown for a day

Then go to Snow's on Saturday morning and Fredericksburg (Texas German food)/Enchanted Rock. Also go see Lost Maples near San Antonio, this is the season for it.

Beer is great in the area throughout, try local brews. Shiner Bock is probably my single favorite beer on earth, nobody carries it outside Texas it seems doe
Does she have a @?
It's mini California
So you're going there to fuck him?
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Thanks for those recs!
Yeah but not only for that
>Austin, Texas
full of fags and libtards and even gayer latinx
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>Yeah but not only for that
are you a woman or gay
Queer steers
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I'm not gay nor a woman, I just wanna cuddle and kiss him after he takes me places
Are you that one argie that wants to be a troon?
Avoid the homeless people and homosexuals. Drink water and make sure you don't go to shitty restaurants. Also avoid the mexicans and liberal women drivers if you drive a car there. OH also americans are terminally retarded and can't understand how multi lane roads work so if you see a bunch of people traveling in the passing lane for no reason its just because they are mentally retarded. Also black people are like violent feral animals so don't go near them.
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No that's another person
Sound advice anon thank you!
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sorry, but you cant set it up like that
buy a cowboy hat and say howdy a bunch. texans love that shit
Which one of you bottoms and how'd you meet?
>I'm not gay nor a woman
you have to choose one...
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Howdy partner, mighty helpful for the advice y'all!
I'm that, we met on 4chan through or common appreciation of Taylor Swift several years ago
I've already met him and we went to taytay's concert here in Buenos Aires together last year!
But I don't wanna..
what cities in America aren't boring copy/paste grids of chain stores and car parks?
I imagine the north east has places with character and old architecture, and major cities like Chicago and LA and whatever, Las Vegas and New Orleans are their own thing, but between these places, are their any stand outs?
I thought Tennesee looked interesting with Memphis and Nashville but maybe I'm wrong
what cities have the most soul?
You are gonna get arrested.
Traffic sucks ass
Is he a male prostitute or something?
Memphis is full of blacks and they will fucking kill you. Do not go there. I don't really know what you want but I personally enjoy going to random small towns and out into nature. Maine has some cool stuff to see you could go out west to places like deadwood and jackson. Glacier national park , yellowstone, and zion are beautiful. If i had to visit the us I would probably take a road trip out west.
>what cities in America aren't boring copy/paste grids of chain stores and car parks?

SF, Boston, NYC
these are the cities in the USA with an interesting social fabric and some character to their development

You would probably have a good time in Nashville as well if you are interested in that type of culture.

LA is worth visiting as well

America really shines when visiting our national parks though, I agree with the other poster, going on a road trip through the country would be good fun
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>I'm that, we met on 4chan through or common appreciation of Taylor Swift several years ago

>tfw will never meet a fuckbuddy through 4channel.org

feels like shit
oh also sun valley is cool if you end up going out west
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Not with that attitude
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can I fuck you...
I am the same in being most interested in small town America and the nature too, but I guess you would have to build a road trip or something like that around some cities to see along the way right?
I would want to see the desert in the south west, and the rockies, and also Vegas for the sake of it, so I'd probably just stick to that area, but at the same time I like the south and I'd want to see the appalachians too, so I also thought maybe Kentucky/Tennesee?
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What race is he?
east tennessee is pretty nice. I don't know man i fucking hate cities and they are getting pretty bad now a days. There are so many homeless and criminals its just hard to ignore. Also national parks and small towns aren't really near cities so you would have to go pretty far out of your way to do that. Vegas is just hotels and casinos.
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he's white, like blonde with blue eyes
all American cities besides NYC and Chicago are the exact same and all of them are trash
fair enough, I guess I didn't consider doing a roadtrip of just small towns only
Vegas might just be Hotels and Casinos but I'm more interested in all the different people I'd find there, completely off their faces mind
I'd like to go to a load of diners and bars where only locals go, and see real life working class Americans in the flesh, so any place that has that kind of culture, situated somewhere geographically interesting like the desert, or mountains, or north west forest
I'm even interested in going through the boring, flat states like just to see how flat and boring it really is, they have their own charm I'm sure
Do you like that he's blond and blue eyes and do you ever do race play stuff?
how did you know op was gay
truly a prescient post
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yeah of course, he likes to put my in my place..
like kansas, I meant to say
He was acting like a faggot
>gayboy bottom
Never mind you will have a blast on Dirty 6th Street
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America is so big you should pick an area and just spend more time there as a trip. If you want to know my favorite area is here. The northeast has some stuff to see and Florida has some interesting areas like st Augustine and keys. Hawaii is pretty cool.
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I'll make sure to visit that, seems like fun!
Is it dangerous?
Yes and no
Yes there's shootings every week in the summer
No because it's filled with college students on game day weekends

I will probably turn up to party with some friends
Also if you go to some bars on dirty 6th on a weekday night they have dollar shots
Your liver will not like you
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I bet it's way safer than here
>dollar shots
American culture is fascinating
Black's Barbecue is the best in town. God I miss Norma Jean's beans and suffer where all the establishments only serve baked.
>>there will be an army of Mexican aunties who will hear your accent and spend 10 minutes asking about your life story and how it is in Argentina. That could add up to be hours of your precious time, be aware.
Kek, this checks out.
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this nigga eating beans haha jk looks like a great place
Austin is the best large city in Texas if you like biking to explore your surroundings, but all restaurants are ridiculously expensive now because of the flood of Californians.
Also, it's only safer in certain areas - Dirty 6th is right next to the hood (which is being gentrified, driving existing poor people there deeper into poverty and crime as they fail to keep up with skyhigh property tax and rent)
Think of all of America as a 80 year version of Milei's Argentina

Lemme guess UT alum, definitely before COVID? Black's is overpriced and always dry brisket now

OP I'm finna go to Snow's BBQ out in Lexington this Saturday. I've heard good things about jt
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Yeah my friend tells me (when it's not hot) he likes hiking around

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