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I know all the yellow fever posters: the Magyar, the Argie, 2 aussies and me.
Plus me and the Bolivian
And it's only one Aussie I think
I don't recognize you though
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every heterosexual man has yellow fewer
we all worship asians tho!
platic tits, she was flat as a board when she started her thot career
that being said I love this pic because it clearly shows their natural skin tone, delicious pale yellow
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>delicious pale yellow
perfect way to describe it
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I'm Rusyn tho
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I have both Yellow and Jungle fever
The coalition is growing
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We are Filipin men, how could you tell?
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Filipin women fuck anyone not local men. There was this Japanese school teacher who creampied 12,000 Filipin women, and he wasn't even a millionaire, just a normal dude with average salary. Anyone can be a chad in SEA, except local men. lol
fuck you nigga
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4tb jav
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former school nurse

imagine being a horny teenager, you feel sick at school and this is who's taking care of you

just like in my hantais dougine
The Hungarian puts you all to shame, no one is more prolific
what a waste of beautiful long hair
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Why doesn't Asian girl hug??? I want to hold them but they said they never do that even family no hugs allow
Flips fuck anything. Even negro and native American preferred to flip men. Flip woman is lowest quality.
she looks objectively better with shorter hair though
Does it still count as yellow fever when you’re attracted to cute and/or sexy girls in general?
you are objectively wrong!
ayy lmao
who is this semen demon
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>ayy lmao
Cow udders look disgusting
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I will NEVER learn Japanese
I will NEVER hold a Japanese girls hand
I will NEVER start a cute Hapa family
I will NEVER be happy
Never say never
hugs aren't really a thing between friends and family here either. some zoomers do it but i consider it awkward
have you ever gotten a hug from a girl with tits?
there's no way to not make it sexual
I have lots of aunts and cousins and stuff and they hug everytime they see them. Usually they like barely touch as its like just ceremonial but I've started giving a decent squeeze and now they squeeze back.

I was talking to a Japanese girl and she's like "no one here hugs it's way too intimate " like parent child and boyfriend gf don't even hug.

I want to hug her. I want hold her tightly ;_; wtf is this okay to kiss but no hugging
I'm trying to gaslight her into thinking she's a white girl because her skin is snow white like a princess so she should do white girl things like hugging me.
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wrong, she just pushes them way the fuck up when her clothes permit it
probably pads them too
this is from her latest photobook
I had a friend in high school with massive tits (note: when I say massive I actually mean massive, she had bigger tits at 16 than I've personally ever seen any adult woman have to this very day, 10 years later) who would hug me and squeeze them hard, good times
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> boyfriend gf don't even hug
Not even in private? During sex?
Stop it, I would cuddle them to death.
Asians don't really have much sex but no they don't hug during it really either.

No hugs in private. They just don't hug. It's like hugging an animal or something they just don't understand you are showing affection. It restricts their movement and invades personal space.

Asian girl gets feels trapped and attack when you hug them instead of warm and safe
That's sad. Maybe you should find a jungle asian or an asian-looking latina to date instead.
>attack when you hug them
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Asian Brazilians have lots of segs and hugs because they're Brazilian
Unfortunately, they're almost all in the Southeast, São Paulo more specifically (the state and then concentrated in the city too)
Whereas I was born in the South but live in the Northeast. I suffer in Brazil. Help
Asians outside Asia are some kind of different species. I have smol cute girl from Japan talk too and she has like American Asian looks different. They darker and much bigger. Not just fatter but like bigger and different looking. Is not the same type of Asian.

I really didn't know how Asians really looked and acted until I met her. Weird because Europeans in America is like the same thing.
I won't even date a Korean. It's disappointing that Korean culture is popular in Japan. They are inferior Asian.

Some of the porcelain Chinese are very cute but Mandarin is an ugly evil language.
umi mi amor...
They're the same type of Asian since they're often 1-4 generations old unmixed disapora but they're different in costumes, mentality, fashion all which changes physical appearance in different ways
anybody remember that austrian? what happened to him? did he get his prized asian gf or did he just get tired of posting like all other gimmickposters?
is this a cuckold film? did he pregnate her??
just an american dude having a good time with some japanese women, and there's another japanese woman there translating
For me it's the blue one
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liking asian women is not "yellow fever" it's natural and healthy
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You can't suffer in Canada
Jyeullowngle feever
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>ayy lmao
i have no idea how to meet asian women in my country
what if you didnt want to racemix but god said: >>203523151
It's a fetish you get from watching too much japanese cartoons or going to asian massage parlors. It's not a natural occurance
Excuse me, what about me? Please don't forget about me. Thanks.
I'm in
Don't tell me this dude watches anime.
4 me it’s...
visiting brothels during the vietnam war or whatever
Omg hi
Go to Asian part of town and go to the mall around Toronto and stuff, anywhere in Vancouver. If not in Toronto / Vancouver only option in indian who smell like poo
I don't have yellow fever but the hottest Asians give the hottest Westerners a run for their money.
Japs>>>Koreans>Flips/Thai etc.
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Japanese women = Korean property

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