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What would /int/ernational anons vote in the Norwegian parliamentary election of 2025? Surely you have an opinion on what coalition is best fit to govern Norway for the next four year period?
>im vooting

not really
Fremskitt ofc
Chud pride world wide
They are not currently eligible to run for next year's parliamentary election akshully. They need to collect a number of signatures, depending on each county in order to have an eligible candidate.
Why? Their last period accelerated ghettofication and had the highest number of asylum seekers on record.
Voting for chuddy parties just really fits well my aestetic, I don't care about actual political policies
The green party
I think quite a number of chuddy vooters are like this.
They're eligble to run, they're just not eligeble to appear on the ballot list or receive government funding and also their leader is in prison for saying illegal things because norway is the world's most democratic country with the most free speech
Død over borgerskapet og deres håndlangere.
>They're eligble to run
False, they received less than 5000 votes total in last year's parliamentary election, and must therefore collect a a list of signatures totaling at least 1% of the electoral population of any given county in order to run a candidate.
In order to be listed on the ballot anon you can still vote for them
No, but you could vote for a member of Alliansen if you wanted to. A vote for just "Alliansen" assuming they are not able to create a list of candidates is simply regarded as a blank vote.
Senterpartiet, the 4chan party.
I would vote for Rødt. The ideal coalition government would be SV + Rødt + MDG but that will unfortunately never happen. Maybe Ap + SV + MDG + Rødt, but that is just as unlikely.
Based retards.
R + MDG is never ever happening, there are far too many key issues that they have contradictory stances on. SV + MDG could work, but then again they're dead in the water without AP.
Hore based on logo
Red obviously. Any other party is a NATO cuck party.

Vår jord er forpesta av kviskring, Høyrer du den, proletar?
Det minner om Göring og
Quisling, Hugsar du dei, proletar?
Det kviskrar frå oljeog stålprodusentar.
Det kviskar i Pentagons fredskanselli.
På fem kontinet kviskar Moskvas agentar; 'Gløym vårt krigsmaskineri!'

Bonde, arbeidar, grip til geværet!
Krig imot krigens tyrann!
Frigjeringskrig imot imprtalismen om han set landet i brann
Plant dine raude arbeidarfaner På kvar åker og i kvar fabrikk.
Då veks det or oska frå krigens vulkanar
Ein sosliastik og norsk republikk!
What are some of the issues that Rødt and MDG most disagree on? I haven't really familiarized myself with their stances. Hypothetically, maybe it'd be possible to have a Coalition of AP + SV + MDG with Rødt providing external support, but that would probably require Senterpartiet falling below 4% so AP has no other choice.
NATO membership probably
oh, and the EU too of course
>What are some of the issues that Rødt and MDG most disagree on?
The really big ones are scaling back the oil industry, decentralization and the model for green transition.
Nah, this is mostly just posturing on Rødt's part, they're literally the only anti-NATO party currently in parliament, since SV dropped their anti-NATO policy during their last party conference.
Nah, the EU isn't really a current issue in Norwegian politics, it would require a new referendum and neither side are keen on that.
Why don't anons here from firstie cunts stand for elections to bring meaningful change to their society (ie kick migrants out, establish a monoethnic utopia and enslave women)?
Which party was Breivik part of?
but doesn't Rødt also want those things?
I think there's a bigger difference between Rødt and Ap than Rødt and Ap.
for me it's not voting at all
bigger difference between Rødt and AP than Rødt and MDG*
You are not allowed here, this is for /int/ernational anons.
Rødt is heavy on protecting industry and favor a very gradual scaling back of the oil and gas industry, in contrast to MDG's favored shock treatment. They also have a more similar stance on centralization to SP than anyone else.
Anyway, it's kind of a pointless discussion to have, when the country is headed to another right-wing retard government. If that has to be the outcome, i hope FRP comes first so that Sylvi Listhaug becomes prime minister and their retardedness is put on full display, causing a massive drop in support for the whole government and re-energizing support for the green-left parties.
Rødt became NATO-supporters a while ago.
>The really big ones are scaling back the oil industry, decentralization and the model for green transition.
They agree to those things, just light differences in execution.
>they're literally the only anti-NATO party currently in parliament
Retard. Rødt is just like SV now.
>Rødt became NATO-supporters a while ago.
>Retard. Rødt is just like SV now.
Wrong. The party conference only agreed that the party would vote in favor of supporting Ukraine, leaving NATO is still a part of their program.
>The party conference only agreed that the party would vote in favor of supporting Ukraine
That's literally supporting NATO/USA.
i don't know what their policies are but it's pretty funny that one of them has an apple as a logo so i would vote for them
SV until recently had in their programme to go out of NATO but in practise they have been NATO supporters since they agreed to bomb Libya. Literally the same is happening to Rødt now. A vote for Rødt is a pro-NATO vote, not against it.
which one is white nationalist
Partiet Sentrum
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How do you know the right will win?
That song fucking sucks, nordic reds can't write songs worth shit, and even when stealing German/Soviet 6-star homework, they still fail.
>Right wing
Like in the UK, they are just labour with a blue ribbon.
That is to say that labour and most ''social democratic'' parties in europe these days have become total neoliberal grifter garbage.
all the polling says so. of course gotta hope it's bullshit
whichever party wants to deport the niggers
>labour and most ''social democratic'' parties in europe these days have become total neoliberal grifter garbage.
They have. The green parties too.
what does the apple party stands for?
Norwegian version of Sverigedemokraterna
Except Sverigedemokraterna actually have a nazi-past while frp started out as "Anders Langes party for big reduction of taxes, duties and public interfering".
I'll vote for the one that will let me in and give me gibs.
both parties have nazis and cryptofascists within their ranks, they just try their best to hide it, same with pretty much all the right-wing populist parties in Europe, not to say that they comprise a majority, but they're definitely in there and tolerated.
Frp has mostly gotten rid of them actually. They are pretty much 100% neoliberal.
Frp would get my vote if they didnt produce the worst chud politicans, think maga tier.
SP could get my vote if they didnt team up with AP and the other lefties all the time.
So its Høyre.
Leftiefags are my mortal enemy and i suggest they go running blindfolded through a railroad tunnel, its great fun i heard.
Norway saw record high immigration from non-EU countries last time Frp was in government. Anyone still falling for the memes at this point literally deserve to get culturally enriched. Imagine believing that neoliberalist actually are against immigration.
which party supports transitioning to nuclear power and killing minorities?
I'd vote whichever party wants third world immigrants out the most, all other policies I don't care about
>he doesnt know
Senterpartiet was once called bondepartiet (farmers party) and played heavily on national romantic values. this led to a hardcore group becoming actual nazis and eventually breaking out forming the only nazi party we ever had in 1933 and they sided with the invaders during the war up to 1945 when they where banned and several of them was executed as traitors.
SP is still rural based and kinda national romantic, and definetly the most likely place to find nazis only they hide it well.
FRP isnt serious enough to attract real nazis.
I have no idea who any of these parties are but I do love me an apple.
>Frp would get my vote if they didnt produce the worst chud politicans, think maga tier.
Not even remotely true. They get rid of anyone that steps just a little outside the neoliberal agenda.
maybe i havent paid attention lately but do you care to name some of their non chud politicans?
Why do you have to be so mean?`:(
If they are chuds or not isn't the point. The point is that they are nowhere near maga tier.
I have no idea what any of their policies are so I just don't vote or care
i see the exact same kind of stupidity and its so dissapointing because they could have been great, a great deal of their voters are even worse and would no questions asked go full maga retard if FRP decided to turn that way.
polls have shown that trump has about 10% support here and thats way too close to FRP's latest voting results to be a coincidence.
because lefties are mean, evil and selfish excuses of human beings and i just wish them the same in return.
For me, it's Venstre. Europe and the West (including Brazil) needs to unite against the ogre hordes of the Orient as fast as possible, and Venstre is the only party daring to suggest that Norway needs a new EU referendum. It's stupid how just because in 1994 or something people said no by 1% margin, that this means Norway is permanently outside of it.
the fact no one else ask for a referendum might suggest that no one else really wants it....
there is nothing in it for us, nothing positive.
But I love you ;(
It doesn't matter, we're practically in EU through EØS.
How the hell do you euros let a party with only 10% support get so much power? Even in Sweden their right wingers only got like 20%.

At least our system would make sense if we got rid of the electoral college.
Having 10% of the votes doesn't give you much power in a coalliation government.

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