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Would I pass as a local in your country with this outfit?
Also please try to guess my age, I wonder how old do I look to strangers.
also how the fuck could we tell without your face?
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You can see every part of my body but my face so that has to give you some insight dumb moid but anyways. Here.
>dumb moid
but you're male
you're cute and you make me seethe
you must be half blind. chekt
man face
back to >>>/lgbt/
Post your cock already
Your butt*
the local freak
I mean sure but I for one want to see if she's packing a fat hog.
whiter than me
come to ireland as a refugee and be my gf you will pass as a local
I'll kill you and rape him
>thin eyebrows
> pierced nose
Yuck, First time I’ve made a face of disgust because of a picture, this reeks
let's just say op is big... where it counts.
Yeah you look retarded like us, no one would notice
says who?
Since when did this become a simp side of sub5 females?
i've seen enough hung trannies in my time
i can spot em like that
is op even a tranny or just a guy
No, contrary to german propaganda Polish men don't dress like that.
If i had to guess Id say you're somewhere around 18 - 25.
you look like one of those hel-looks trannies
i never understood where the polish femboy meme thing came from
I also have no idea. First they said it about slovenia and it kind of made sense as a joke but we simply are not like that. Maybe it's because some brainded westerners fell for the meme that we're conservative nazis and then they made association with deranged discord nazbols being trannies or something?
Take off that VPN NOW
Also cute youd fit in here
im not a simp
im a tranny whos jealous of her looks
I've seen people make the joke about every country except for America. Why did Poland catch on so much though?
I saw some people making this joke but on individual states.
I seriously have no idea.
Nice bulge, m8.
I googled it once and I remember it said it's because some known Polish politician replied to or followed a femboy on some social media site
turkey is a white nation
Maybe in Berlin. It's a bit too high effort for most German girls.
BTW, why do girls like those ugly boots so much?
good job freak you have redeemed poland's 4tranny reputation I bet you'll be first world now
It's because they're random funny sounding countries no one in the USA knows anything about so zoomers who coom a lot imagine that they're full of femboys
Poland has a lot of visible trannys thoughbeit
most masculine turkish male
What close proximity to Europe does to a mf

im attracted to you based off your gaze.

also, nice quints btw
Seeeex. Post your cock!
OP is a whore, and she started making whore threads a year ago or earlier. She also posted her kik account in /pol/. She was happy to get attention, she just wanted to fool poor Incel. She also mentioned that she wanted a green card in the United States or the European Union.Use the means of marriage, but please note that she will most likely use you as a tool and will cheat after the goal is achieved
You didn’t need to post that
Your ugliness penetrated the blur in the OP pic
r u that chinese femoid attentionwhore?
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christ you're such a tease
here anons, (s)he shared her pic once
I am a proud Chinese patriot who is loyal to CCP, with a monthly income of 4000$, a car and a house, and I am also a member of the Communist Party of China
damn he cute
>Would I pass as a local in your country with this outfit?

Sure. This is Brazil.
great lips
can some brave turkish hero behead this bitch already i'm tired of these attentionwhoring posts
Hmmmm. That's odd isn't it.
You are a wretched Hittite.
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fucking assyrians this is a hittiteCHAD bronzeware site reeeee
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You do not pass in any country
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Kemet won
Hatti lost
Simple as
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You mean this?
If that thing showed up here called itself "Turk" it would be nationwide lulz at the absolute state of their "men"
Looks heavily edited. Coomers are faceblind.
Because their latent submissiveness got activated after Russia invaded Ukraine and now many are transitioning.
>First they said it about slovenia
I believe it was a statistic that Slovenia has an oddly high percentage of crossdressers. And I can tell you from others anecdotes they are unusually effeminate overall.
The fact that there exists a polish man like that one on the right is proof enough.
It's a woman you retard

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