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worst girl
not only manlet monkeys but also pedophiles dear god please delete seasians from this world
I have to go to the police station today. My father is telling me I should visit some of his friends there to network but I don't even know why...
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wake up /asean/
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i started keeping journal on notion
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Finally fucking good OP for once
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time for the main dish
it's a AI slop doe
That’s a lady boi
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I made like $50–60k in gains this year…

Kind of wild brehs.

if whites are homo sapiens + neanderthal and the neanderthal were cannibals and cannibalism mostly seen on serial killers
whites = neanderthal = cannibal = serial killer
so for non-whites to defeat the white, the non-whites must learn how to defeat a serial killer.
usually serial killer are high IQ, it could explain the high IQ of the whites.
the weakness of serial killers is that they are lonely, they operate alone same as the whitest humans like the barbarians, vikings and nazis did, similar as Israel does.
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I take it back then

>worst girl
>when Minori exists
I can understand if anyone says Ami is the best girl. But stating anyone beside Minori as worst girl? lmao
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How does kot meat taste like? Should I go to Ambon to try it?
having a police acquaintance will be "helpful" if your situation requires you to deal with excessive bureaucracy at the police station
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the formula
whites = neanderthal ancestry = cannibal = serial killer = high IQ
it could also explain why all women prefer white men due most women are also attracted to serial killers.
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What's the easiest a job a 22 year old with no degree and previous job experience can do without interviews or requirements that pays well.
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Don't feed that tangalog bum with everything unless you like to suck his cock to make him happy
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nepotism(networking),learn2code,learn2draw, ask mommy or daddy to get you into college that doesnt require you to attend to study
>b-but dont feed unless...
look at my flag nigga
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your country's named after thanksgiving dinner, shut the fuck up
>XBIZ Awards are given annually to honor "individuals, companies, performers and products that play an essential part in the growth and success of adult films"
I managed to work in our national archives for a while. I think some universities can help you out in that regard.
excelente hilo
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I had a conversation with my fellow Indons on the name of our nation a while back and one guy told me that Indonesia and other derivative names like Nusantara had too much foreign influence (Dutch, Greek and Indian). But now I wonder, what would be the name of a place like Indonesia without loanwords and stuff like that? Is it even possible?
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greetings /asean/
Nusantara is good. Truth is unless you're greek or chinese or indian, most cultures are borrowed and there nothing wrong with foreign influences as long as it harmonise with local culture and turned into its own unique thing like what japanese did to chinese culture
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just stand in the door bro
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what's peruano yapping about
last days of the white world
>Doing nothing
>Gain 81$ daily
Nice, when you marry your home town gf?
Thought it was aharine wangy wangy for a sec. Im dissapointed
japs dont know difference between taiga and tiger
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>she said i'm not allowed to be a vet again for halloween
i'll do wizard, monk or assassin
schizo moment
Teach me senpai
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our intern laughed at me when i showed her my costume
You be Typhlosion
that's amazing
how did you fit inside the basket?
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where are the wheels
cant go to uni
Freelancing? Hmm...
If you're into cooking, you can start a small business, Philanon. My aunt earns enough to support my cousin through college by baking.
>looks at your majority religion
Keep asking that tangalog, and you'll be sorry anyway.

Ask him advice, he'll complain.

Ask him suggestion, he'll make a shit of himself

Again, better to ignore that tangalog instead of biting his daily bait. Newfags can't learn shit lmao
start your pagpag business maybe?
You are the gayest muslims in the face of the earth and Malaysians exist
am i a pervert for liking the OP? yes. do i regret liking the OP NO, I do not
You know they amended to call their country to their properly named country because of that. A literal tangalog over here lmaooo
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The mask was supposed to be here to stay. I miss them.
in asia masks are constant, right? in america, theyre done you only wear them if ur a goofy ah nigga
In some parts of Asia, not all, and it depends on their profession. My sister wears them always since she's a doctor.
in the philippines, it wasn't.
BEFORE covid if you're wearing a mask people would assume you have tuberculosis or something that compromise your immune system or you're very sick.
AFTER covid mask became a common thing. nowadays people don't give a flying fuck if you wear one or don't.
I have a theory that michlan is a woman pretending to be a man, thoughts?
Good to know but nobody asked.
is she cute?
I wear it when riding motorbike. Pollution is bigger concern than covid or flu.
>Diponegoro moment
>Based(less) Indonesian Show
basically sums it up.
He’s been posting for a decade here and there is no signs of him being a FtM pooner
No one asked yet you out yourself as a tangalog monkey though which is better lmao
Dude's a overgrown fag (like you)
He's a corrupt lawyer who's basically a local caricature of a soyboy.
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Typical Korean chick craves the BFC
holy samefag
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All in a minute apart lol
thailand must stop being a fart
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thailand wake up
Bruno Mars is a fucking filipino????
I kneel again flipchad
Jewish Puerto Rican on his father's side and Filipino on his mother's side I believe.
i just bought a house 90sqm lot and 50sql floor for 1.8m php
is this bad?
largely depends on locqtion
>All me, tangalog
That's what the monkey said
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>mfw being the father figure of the family ever since dad died
i just had a one-on-one with my baby bro because he's at that age where you rebel against you parents and he's been delaying his studies and going out a lot more
stop farting
shes just clinging on to him for relevancy since BLACKEDpink already disbanded lol
This shit eater really carrying the entire Thai economy rn
>Bruno Mars is more relevant than Kpop in 2025
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Hispanic pilot!
it is better then millions of muslims >>203547946
does thailand have google maps?
Last I checked every SEA country have google maps except laos prolly bcuz they got chinked or smth
Post my /mena/ wife Iris
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Based khutbah today. Chinks got btfo once again
That damn Taiga you niggers put in the OP is making me horny every time I see it on the catalogue, remove it.
okey smart pants tell me where you are from in thailaind. but i need to go grocery shopping brb. muaaaah you are so sweet thailand <3
Did you go to Friday prayers?
more like sisempak, they just fucking tossing around my package like kontol in sempak.
>wdym we can just send your package from kediri directly to jakarta, of course we had to let them go to jember first for one day and then to fucking surabaya somehow to have a vacation there for one whole day i guess, and then your package can finally go to west, but not before spend one day each in solo and semarang, oh btw they need to marinate on your city collection center first for three days because fuck you, oh also we only had like one courier per like 30k person so te-he i guess your package going to be delivered the next day gomenasorry
and the best of all they only give you 10k IDR for the on time warranty i'm fucking malding.
Who's Taiga?
I did!
And bought jengkol for lunch afterward.
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Yes of course, I even do fajr prayer on mosque, let alone jumuah.
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>Who's Taiga?

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