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I have been reading a fan translation of this and HOLY SHIT, it's so good. It's addictive, for all the korean posters out there, I need to know, is there plans to publish this in Mexico? Because I would buy it without thinking twice.

An anime series would also be good.

To those who don't know what it is:
>Korean guy Isekais himself into the birth of the Mexican Empire
>Changes the history of said Empire

I am really tempted to get help to translate a letter of support to the author, suggesting him to have it published
buy an ad
>An ad
>For a novel without an official translation
>For a property I do not own

you are the same faggot that reported me on /mex/ for pedo stories, I don't see why wouldn't buy an ad for some other faggot like you
Kek, you are imagining things, I have not even been here for the longest time, plus if you're a pedo you should be castrated.
> plus if you're a pedo you should be castrated.
may be you should stick to /pol/, they also love anime those retards
There's no time to read those kind of crap
what is this called
I wonder if it was written by an actual worst korean or if it was written by a mexican living in worst korea as a way to promote mexico
a mí me gustaban tus caldopolludeces
espero que un día puedas compartir más
'I became the heir prince of the Mexican Empire'
Yes it is actually wrote by actual worst Korean
It's no secret that many humanities grad students live off by writing alternate history fiction here
>It's no secret that many humanities grad students live off by writing alternate history fiction here
I think it's cool tho.
>It never crossed my mind that an actual South Korean would read it
me neither.
algun dia, sigo escribiendo en tor.
listen man, I'm a slop reader but this seems a little larpy even for the regression slop genre
>Mexcremento reads shitty gookean pseudo-nippon(muttmerican) comics about le Europe
Makes you think
tf tp situation
>look it up
>the main character gets isekai'd into emperor of mexico then conquers the untied states

It's about the Mexican Empire, Vodka Tetris

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y deja de usar VPN joto
tan avergonzado estas de tu cagadero?
idk how this was translated into spanish. aren't all mexicans who speak korean a bunch of zoomer women who watch kdramas? that web novel looks like it was written for a male audience.
>a gook ruling an empire
lol, lmao even
You do realize that it's been several years since Korean pop culture became popular right? That Korean is the easiest asian language to learn and that there's an increasing number of Koreans living in Mexico, right?

It's a Korean in the body of the Prince. Shit's fucking awesome
If you weren't mexican you wouldn't even read it, let alone call it good
Gay ass post
You should show them a Korean speaking Spanish with a Mexican accent. That shit is weird AF.
>Historically accurate
>Quite well thought out
>The main character is clever, and not idiotic

I would read it, even if it was about France desu, and I fucking hate France

One of the most popular youtubers in the country, is a Korean girl who lives here

>Historically accurate
>Quite well thought out
>The main character is clever, and not idiotic
Is it really? Manwha always gave me a poor impression as just slop manga for zoomers scrolling on their phones.
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still the comment section is 90% female
btw has this web novel been translated into spanish too? it seems to be quite well-received among korean alt-his sloppa readers
It's not a Manwha though, it's a novel. It would be pretty cool if there was an anime, but it all depends. I am hoping that it goes even more viral, because that shit is all over the internet.

I have not seen it. To be fair most of the Korean content consumed here tend to fall into two categories, Kpop and K Dramas.

There's some people who are slowly migrating into literature, but it will be gradual and slow.
is he ok?
It's astonishing how many peoples die such a horrible death

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