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it's crazy that white boys always settle down with the chinkiest ones when they could do much better, what causes this?
they're looksmatched, don't see the issue
She looks like Selena Gomez
To Westerners eyes
idk i never talked to women
He looks like Harry styles to Korean women's eyes
wtf, i'm on the next plane to Pusan then...
What was the original post that has been removed
no, stop coping david
hands down he's out of her league
She is beautiful
Wypipo prefer Asian women that look like a gorilla
I noticed this too.
That yt man look 6/10 at best.
and Korean gf too.

looks match couple to me.
pretty sure that jap women would murder to get suck his bwc
You'll never see high status, masculine white males settling down with chinkoids, it never happens. It's always low status betas, who were rejected by white women or hate white women for some odd reason, they're the ones desperate enough to get on with bug whores.
Btw WMAF fetishists are almost always virgins, mostly white virgins and the rest are asian cucks with a humiliation fetish.

Feel free to cherry pick celebs going out with their rented out thai prostitutes, whatever helps you cope.
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japanese girl or inceldom, I won't settle for anything else
She needs buccal fat removal
that's 심자몬
your pic is k*rean
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Something like that
I mean the girl on the poster
>diehard weeb
>posting pic of gook camwhore
do wh*toids really
He’s a 6, she’s 4
rent free
mohammad you're no different than timmy
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Just admit you can't tell the difference, it's okay
She’s out of his league, he’s a mid twnikish male male while she’s a Gaul
something about how a white guy with average lookq can get top tier Korean popstar qt gf.
what's going on with her face. she's got that north asian fat deposit cold adaptation going on. are koreans actually not rice-munching bugs and instead virile pastoralists?
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i look better than this guy. unfortunately i don't find squid women attractive.

here you go kim
Why yes we are descendants of Manchurian hordes, how could you tell
My wife is Korean and natural and is basically an ulzzang still at 31
She looks like a racist caricature of a Korean
Fairytales from NY rape alleyways
t. Self hating Incel
Poles will be extinct if they keep dating outside their race
The only alternative is being an incel in Poland since polish women would rather date Arabs and westerners.
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lowest birthrate in europe
were finally number 1
that guy is ugly doe
6ft1 multimillionaire actor
he has 2kids with her

but i agree wmaf fetishists are pathetic, race-mixing is often a sign of some issues
Kimchi gooks are generally chinkier than us Celestial beings, we are mixed with SEAnigs.
You should use the word gookiest to be accurate desu.
Dysgenic people should be permabanned under capital punishment from reproduction, they can have partners but never reproduce.

Ugliness, stupidity and degeneration must be purge from the world.
Why the fuck do they do this she’s cuter with the chubbier face. Literally looks like a bug on the right.
they're definitely looksmatched. OP needs to stop being a gay faggot that craves BWC.
poles spent hundreds of years getting raped by the Romans, the Germans, the Ottomans, the Soviets, back to the Germans and then the Soviets. They are the Brazilians of Europe.
here you go kim
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being an incel in poland is oxymoron
American education. We didn't even interact with Romans.
Not my type. I would prefer a porcelain-skinned beautiful Korean princess. I have had sex thoughbeit so you right.
dunno i went on a date with a chink last weekend and her dating profile looked hella cute but when i saw her in person she was more goblin than expected
kinda cute, super shy, and 100% committed to being a housewife so i can see why lonely guys would fall for it but definitely not for me
Trust me bro, you don’t want a Korean gf (your pic is Korean gf btw)
nothing is for you.
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Rate the girls in this image please
They're all Korean, not Korean-Brazilian
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Also, rate this Korean-Brazilian one too

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