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Sensitive Young Man edition
just got back from the 12 week scan
saw baby's heartbeat
Utter Rorke Nonsense.
his face looks like it was drawn with a crayon. clearly fake
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did /brit/ improve when the 15 minute thingy dropped
i havent been hre for a while haha xo
stood in line the other day and stuck my hands down the back of my pants for a big scratch. tried to explain there was no shit on my hands but people were still grossed out
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Really can't wait. Genuinely can't wait. 1 week remains...
Post belly
Winds me up how in public toilets you still have to touch the door when you leave after you’ve washed your hands. Knowing that at least 20% of people are filthy cunts and will have rubbed their pooey hands all over that door.
>en the 15 minute thingy dropped
what is this?
just wanked off on toilbergs dime using a bottle of body lotion the ex gf left behind
the weekend is indeed almost upon us
You fuckstic
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I would date a black woman but I'd be too scared of doing something racist by accident.
I don't know black culture or what to do.
If I have a black girlfriend and we're having sex do I have to shout out "Ohhh lord she cummin'!" or do that weird dancing mid-shag?
Best just stick to whites and asians I reckon.
Worked up quite the sweat shagging this Korean lass lads
Most of them are push ones. But it does seem bananas if they have no touch sinks and dryers and then handles on the doors
what did her arsehole smell like?
simply afraid of making a nigger, I just can't risk it you see
Ask yourself this: am I retarded?
They smell bad
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OH LAWDY LAWDY HER BUNDA DO BE DO THE CUMDA!!!! OH LAWDY LAWD!!! shieeeeeeeeetttttttttt im finna do nut roadman!!!
How long did it take for the guy to cum?
post more
No my IQ is 140, I had it tested because everyone here kept calling me retarded
>How are you lot getting shit all over your hands when you go to the loo?
Not in my experience. And even so they’re awkward to kick open with your feet.

Best solution I’ve seen is in airports where you have a long corridor leading to each toilet with no door
Ancient brits were black after all
I don’t know if this is a dumb question but could they like bring this guy back to life
Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, just revealed publicly in a Commission that Tucker Carlson and Jordan Peterson are both Russian assets, directly on the Russian payroll, being informed by Russian handlers to make anti-western, pro-russian, right wing, propaganda.
How will the incel chuds react to this (obvious) revelation?
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british men are so fucking hot
It's true though. Do a poo everyday and can count on one clean hand the number of times I've accidentally got poo on myself
take it to /pol/ you boring incel
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poo eyed devils
How do i get on the russian grifter gravy train?
really do wish the number of trannies would quadruple
Cope on chuddie
Not my fault all your idols are Russian agents reading from a script
ah alri there mate you can see the microbes then can you sorry didn't realise I was talking to superman
shouldn't come as any surprise
they'll be a few of those influencers over here of a similar ilk that are on their payroll too
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nobody likes justin i rest my case
People with no top lip freak me out
I don't give a shit about politics and posting politics here is a bannable offence
you wouldn't say this if you met a truly high class tranny like hunter or emma
Don't forget Lauren Chen my little Hapa Sex Whore!! Yes.. yes..
watching one pace
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Tommy Robinson, Russel Brand, etc?
To influence the 10s of people on 4chan influential titans of industry they sre too
mental how many people do no cardiovascular exercise ever in their fat short little lives
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>umm i think mass immigration and putting down white men is a bad thing
>le russian asset
um no you little canadian fag
Boohoo you ain't the hall monitor and this isn't school you daft gimp
always smear shit on the fleshy part just below my thumb whenever i wipe my arse, not quite got it down yet
>hall monitor
Do you wash your boxers and trousers and forearms and legs and every square inch of your bathroom too? There are microbes everywhere. Unless you have actual poo on your hands there is no difference, you will have the same microbes on your hands after opening the bathroom door
+1 ruble into your incel account
this is what geordie girls look like before putting their makeup on
>yeah i just shoved my hand in my arsecrack with only a couple layers of tissue paper for protection but if i don't see a massive poo stain then my hands are squeaky clean!
the mrs wants to get these for halloween
I use a clean paper towel to touch anything including the door
Post your hand
mad that
I'm British and that's what they were called at my school
Do one
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>normal rational opinions are russian propo
umm "No!"
RIP Sinwar he would have loved /brit/
T. American school london
We hsd prefects
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Trudeau is corrupt as all Hell
He should be jailed for life
don't get it
>I'm British Sar
get the noobs pwned
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had the 12 week scan so after OK test results in 2-3 days we'll be telling everyone
One word.
Morning team. Not long got up. Having some blueberry pancakes and a Lewis Hamilton Sugar Free Monster energy drink
Nah just a normal secondary school full of povvo working class kids here in the Midlands
trannies are so grim
>£160 per jumper
dressing better and natural materials is grim
will they be sending an office wide email about cleanliness and hygiene or will someone confront him directly
Wow he sounds like an amazing guy. Truffle mustard you say
this bear >>203560382
saw this post >>203560377
you're meant to close the toilet lid before flushing a shite
don't remember this episode of the chuckle brothers
Why don't you stop for a moment and consider why all the opinions you hold, fed to you by internet grifter personalities, align perfectly with then desires of the Russian state
A clue lost
just got pwned in the aldi car park
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>china is based communism and anti degenra-
i think the world would be a much better place if black men exclusively dated white women, white men exclusively dated asian women, and asian men dated exclusively black women
Yes who doesn't wash those things?
So why did you need hall monitors. Did you need a pass to take a shit
you'd still end up dating no one
Was thinking earlier how someone here expressed disgust over someone scrunching up the sheet of toilet paper before they wipe and I'm wondering, isn't that what you're meant to do? And you're a mong if you fold the sheet of toilet paper before you wipe your arse? Because it is unnecessary?
infinity africans... is a bad thing??
done him
dang he hot where can i buy similar clothes?
this but black men dated white men, white men dated asian men, and asian men dated black men
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Why don't you stop for a moment and consider why all the opinions you hold, fed to you by internet grifter personalities, align perfectly with then desires of big corporations and corrupt politicians
Yes, but hall monitors were only for break and lunch to make sure students weren't inside when they shouldn't be. You were allowed in the hall where everyone ate or outside during lunch.
You wipe the sheet on your bumhole. Only women scrunch up a bundle to pat their fanny dry
imagine thinking the "This post is off-topic" rule which has been on 4chan since 2008 was put their by the Russians
Would love to see a brazilian in tweeds
They don't
pretty sure when woman want their fanny dry they just pull out a picture of you
Temu? No more, Barbour jackets, Crockett & Jones shoes, Lock & Co hat, Harris Tweed, Turnbull & Asser shirts, Gieves & Hawkes suit, Fulton umbrella. You get what you pay for, no more sweatshop synthetic fabrics just classic durable british quality.
Well that wasn't very nice was it
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if I lost weight I’d actually be a chad, looksmax told me so
Temu is genuinely awful.
killed him
Going to start eating healthier. I’m 30 now. Time to put things into perspective. I can’t eat artifical sweeteners and takeaway slop anymore. It’s time to put a little effort in. Fruit. Vegetables. Meat. Get myself healthy. Unprocessed food. Always. If I eat healthy, my body will respect me. Time to get a move on
please leave me alone
spamming/flooding at this point
>bought DJ equipment while steaming last night
I can make some mixes for brit /brit/
Think half these are still made in sweatshops or owned by LVMH. Got a geeves and hawkins polo im sure its made in Bangladesh like most things
its just bots and boomers
house of bruh
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stop being toxic
Not used facebook since 2016. Got depressed seeing my school friends being normies
Anyone ever been rimmed by a female?
North Korea has started sending troops to fight with Russia in Ukraine, South Korea's spy agency has said as Seoul warned of a "grave security threat".

According to the spy agency, 1,500 troops have already arrived in Russia - with anonymous sources telling South Korean media the final figure could be closer to 12,000.

you best start believing in world wars
you're in one
facebook is just a honeypot for anti woke boomers now
no that's vile
I'm at home actually
If a bunch of asians showed up and you couldn't figure out that they were spies that's on you
they'll defect after being given a free flight to europe and make their way here to claim bennies. expect north korean stores to pop up all over
Had a girl put her finger up my bum while sucking me off
ktimmers but now i cant even go out at night without the risk of getting groomed by horny women and ladyboys
Who's side are we on?
Why not just nab his phone.
bizarre post, what were your intentions, what do you think facebook is, I am baffled on many levels
i'll give it to the blacks, they make good funk music
tiny malnourished inexperienced koreans, that should turn the tides!
wake me up when china shows up
Buying some shetlands right now thanks to this meme but don't know what colours to get.
>anti-western, pro-russian

Did the imbecile actually use these terms?
fe fi fo fum
i smell an englishman's cum
1,500 dudes? what's the point? they lose that many men in a week
jazz was alright
nah, closest was she sucked on my gooch, felt like she got close tho
Ponies ?
have you noticed?
the cultural dominance of rap is coming to an end
feel like he's not really engrossed in what he's watching
This isn't true btw
Jumpers :)
Made in Scotland. Natural materials only.
only good rap ever was underground anyway
good, can't stand that mumble shite
remember in the 2000s when every pop song had to have a rap verse in the middle
feel the same way about carrots
all nice and well but the cronem are at the gates
Gooch and bottom of the balls with a tongue is heavenly
Got 2 myself
ok thanks for clearing that up mr geopolitics expert and intelligence analytst
must be the deliveroo guy
literally no proof of it happening besides "um glowies said so"
Destination: mauled
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A lot of colours available so it's hard to choose desu, tired of prole blues and greys
NK does anything for money I’m surprised they haven’t sent their soldiers out as mercenaries before
He has really gone mask off lately hasn't he.
He used to pretend that he was trying to help young white males. Now he just tells them to go to hell.
Mustard. Depends what suits you (sir)
nah im talm bout sum specific type of gates xx
i'm tired of using technology
the cronem are at the gate with my mcdonalds order
fe fi fo fum
i want to cum in an englishman
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we all are
On phone to GP.
Remind me why I should care about American and Canadian politics?
gay porn?
Glowies want you to be emotionally invested and feed your energy into these made up stories.
the slavdem active taking what they want. lil kimmy sat at home keeping himself occupied while they using his troops
No, general practitioner.
on the gay porn phone call
Remember when Trudeau wanted everyone to rally against India because they assassinated some guy and everyone ignored him?
I 'member
All you have to do is shout BLEACHEDRAW after cooming in her and bail.
It's easy
yh i think so
it's called free use
Immigration is hurting Russia too THOUGH, and Putin doesn't want to stop it. So it would be in Russia's interests to ban immigration to Russia, but advocate for diversity elsewhere. They could easily do that by just clinging to the UUSR thing rather than pretending to be conservative.
Noticed a lot of black and white cats in the garden lately. Must be at least 6+ different ones that started showing up recently.
if you nubian
yeah normally you being horny and trying it on just gets her horny and you can shag her. or probably idk I've never had a gf or had sex or kissed a girl ever
Biological fuck clock isnt it
they're trying to make up for the lack of pussy in your house
This thread better get good or I'm calling the coppers
That makes no sense. Jordan Peterson works for Ben Shapiro, who is extremely pro-Ukraine.
new neighbourhood catberge keeps appearing in the garden, has some nice socks, want to make friends with him but I already have a collection of sparrows I care about who frequent the garden so I have to shoo him away every time instead :(
would forget this cunt existed if sad freaks like you wouldn't post about him
/brit/ needs nonce monitors
honestly can't believe you have such a shit taste in music
appreciate the reply. hope you get well soon
yeah but dem pale tings are eagerly waiting for the train to east croydon
here's one
Friday = freak day on /brit/
Russia has been cracking down very hard on immigrants actually.
the virgin sparrow defender
the chad cat ally
Still need to restart driving lessons. Probably wait until next year. Will have to retake my theory soon too. Reckon that instructor was taking advantage of my kindness.

I remember they wanted me to hit a pheasant in the road and I refused and they had a meltdown. I explained I was an RSPB member but they didn't care and said it was dangerous stopping suddenly for a pheasant.
Tool band t shirt
Fuck me
He really was the best of the bunch
Think my grandma uses the same argument
listening to the hit parade
need to plan my weekend, thinking beer on saturday, vodka on sunday
So they can ship them off to the west through Belarus
all nice and well but there's a line forming at the gherkin
Illegal immigration is a very small percentage of the immigration though
you're moving weird malaysia pal pack it in
probably didn't know who they were
just like all those trendies wearing joy division t-shirts
>Your queue position is 12.

Started at 37 so we're getting there de lads
You hard of hearing eh
Starting a new Civ game as the Gaul lad x
just cba cooking. too much effort. bought the ingredients for a chilli but couldn't be arsed with the hassle of it so just chucked it all in a dish and stuck it in the oven
that guy looks German
it's literally written in a woman's code to enjoy a cock up them
otherwise the human race would have died out
new gimmick, please rate
I hate women
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fuck off Harry
favourite colour? for me, it's between shaela or mooskit
Yeah illegal migrants can't do any of those things anyway you dunce, if Russia's anything like here then you need to show your visa whenever you want to apply for anything. The bulk of immigration to Russia is legal and comes from Central Asia.
Is civilisation EU4 for babies
Grandpa was a ww2 russian german rape baby
martin are you here
I like turquoise/teal/mint green colours.
they don't care
suspicious post, this. Reported to the right authorities.
Ladies and gentlemen
You already know what it is
Okay, yeah
Aww, shit
I'm tryin' to run in this mutherfucka
I'm tryin' to, anyways
Got two hard lookin' mutherfuckers
warm green
corr spaff
haha the next part of his hilarious joke, what a prankster
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>Your queue position is 8.

Getting there. Gym after.
Post the encensored version u tease
mad how there are unironic nonces posting in here
GF earns more than me and pays for more stuff.
Sae be dat!
£400 a pop from fortnum and masons
you doubt that women enjoy having a cock up them?
even lesbians shag each other with strap-ons they just hate the company of men
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Remember playing my first Pokémon game (Ruby, first Pokémon I ever had was a Torchic) and thinking Pokémon gyms were where you worked up and used treadmills and stuff lol.
American History X will be the watch for tonight me thinks
t.Militant bumder
off to make a fine drap o tae
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Wouldn't it be freaky is all celebrities and people in positions of power were in a Satanic cult?
Your mother is not the majority
what if god was one of us
At what age does the female gender gain the capability to experience an orgasm
like me?
it's just /pol/ now
I knew a lesbian radical feminist irl. She was short and half Mexican and half Jewish.
fe fi fo fum
i want to see the arse of an englishman
Is there a combo of chud and chad? A chadjak if you will
>what if we all just get along and dont be racist
>gets murdered by a black anyway
Good message
Yeah mate, so I think you should go stand in the corner with this lad:

diego, the expert on female sexuality
wanking to this

Mad how he ate poo
I will give the last person to post in this thread 1 bitcoin
alri reynhard
Turning 26 soon. The past 6 years have gone by so ridiculously fast lads. I might kill myself. I want off this ride.
tranny taking up the surgery's time when it could be for someone who actually needs it
imagine my shock
dire gimmick
ktim but 27, basically 30
Are you 13 years old or severely spastic? What's with this black and white dichotomy?

Can i have your stuff?
You are dense boy.
Umm hello?

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