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We didn't do one of these in a while.
What is your favorite x in your country?
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damn, these things take loads of time to make:/
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i must ask you, why even drink soda if it has no sugar and no caffeine? id just drink water at that point
you can speedrun it or just make it once and have it forever
i drink water like 95% of the time and sometimes it's nice to drink something sweet without the caffeine kick and calories
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what is vanlig vodka?
It's just ''regular vodka''
what kinda pills is that?
50mg vyvanse, stimulant drug used for "adhd". it's in the same class as meth but is much less potent.
i like mine because it makes me feel relaxed and i'm less irritable after taking it. but i want to get off of it one day.
Greetings from the Shlog, NT
I knew I recognized those favorites
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I was forced to watch got for the first time recently, and i thought the last season was kinda meh, but not nearly as bad as the shitstorm i remember when it came out
what do you think?
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These take so fucking long to make
post favourite kino song
I can't. I like Пepeмeн, Aтaмaн, Пaчкa cигapeт. One of those three
honestly, i liked it
I'm phone posting (((
I'm not diving deeper into Russian music
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ИпB кpyтo.
I deleted my favs pic from years ago when I purged 90% of my 4chan folder :/
nice choices, for me, it's konchica leto
just from looking at "the person you are right now" i knew which poster it is
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The hobby is meant to be taxidermy (I don't hunt or kill animals, I just work on ones I find dead or that people bring me)
The favorite politician is a joke I don't actually have one
don't the dead animals smell really bad when they start decaying?
Why so you like Utena? Are you a.. ?
Mask confession was hilariously relatable
which politician is that?
Based di6
They do, that's why I never work on anything that's decaying. I sometimes get lucky with really fresh roadkill, or people bring me mice and birds and shit that their cats killed, or I buy those frozen feeder animals that are sold for pet snakes.
I probably sound unhinged but eh.
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Utena is kino fuck off
I just saw di6 on your one as well, based.
The MC of Confessions of a Mask is literally me on every single level there is.
Based band and book picks
This is my favorite too, along with Maмa мы вce тяжeлo бoльны. Sounds cringe as fuck but I've thought about getting a line from that one tattooed.
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new bmw's are extremely cringe, but based music taste.
Also, what kind of porn is that?
The i4 looks really good I think
that's danbooru, basically a rule34 art database
ooooh, right. Didn't recognize the logo. I remember trying using it once, but i didn't like the search system:/
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barely even play vidya anymore tbqh
Yeah you can only search 2 tags at once with a normal account. But I won a platinum account in a raffle and been gooning in overdrive since then
Based as fuck movie choice. Have you read the novel?
no, I plan on doing it (eventually aka in 2 more weeks)
But how is it different from r34?
Everything Houellebecq writes is incelkino. Imo his best are that one and Submission.
It's way more regulated. Images are tagged very accurately, and there's no AI slop, no low quality art and no too outlandish fetishes
yeah, I've read somewhere the book ending is more depressing than the movie ending
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and it's full moon so you know what that means
Yeah, I can see the appeal. It gets tiring shifting through hundreds of images on r34 until you strike gold:/
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Reddit is down the hallway and to the left
why do swedes like kino anyway
This is undoubtedly one of the most overrated films ever made. It's a complete mess. It's one of those pseudo-intellectual reddit movies where people feel the need to pretend that the film is deep and complex. They can't describe what they've seen in their own words, so they have to do a lot of research on the internet to form an "opinion"
I think it was interesting
>MC of Confessions of a Mask is literally me on every single level there is.
I cummed to bronze twink statue at museum, what was your preferred form of art?
Based museum coomer.
For me it was Saint Sebastian and Joan of Arc (I'm a disgusting bifag)
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Rate mine.
Same, I really like this version despite it's modern
Shit anon that's my favorite too.
I even paid an artist friend to copy this painting but with one character I like.
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this mf fucking filter wont let a nigga rate yalls posts it keepss insisting its fucking spam
Fuck you to whatever janny is responsible for this bullshit

tranny and le wannabe psycho
you should kill yourself

Huh, that's kinda funny.
I must sleep now, gn

I also remember us having some autistic discussion on odd nostalgia feeling in apartheid SA and USSR flags in some anthem music videos or something like that, about 2 years ago, or maybe more..
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didn't realize how "hey i'm walkin' here coded this was until i finished
based isonzo enjoyer
I have a theory that everyone that has heard kino likes kino
Good night anon. I don't think that was me though, I only started using this board this year.
>minecraft 1.5.2
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>Falling Down
Ultra based
>Dark Souls
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current hobbies none
planning to do more outdoor types after moving to japan

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