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I've been thinking about suicide every day since 2020. I was born in a loveless shitty arranged marriage and my parents have hated each other since my birth. The world has too many jeets, I'd be doing the earth a favor by ending my shitty life. I'm a worthless jeet brown pos that has zero interest in STEM: but that's the only thing jeets are any good for. Whatever I'm capable of doing: an upstanding White is capable of doing a million times better than me. I'll be turning 19 in December and I'll have nothing to show for my 19 years of existence besides just taking up space and stealing the oxygen of White Americans. What do I contribute to America, what do I contribute to the world? I've been to Bangladesh and it was a total [literal] shithole, for the longest time I figured I was better than them; but I'm not. I have their blood running in my veins, I'm hardly a human being. I seriously want to end my life, what's the quickest and most painless method of doing so? A gun obviously, but I'm poor and I live in a blue state. Idk what to do anons.
Take some lizards with you while you're at it
No, I love being black. It just wouldn't be the same being something else
you were born into the greatest country on earth.

we whites of europe dream of getting a permanent residence or a work permit in America.

over here I made 60k starting out of College, but if I was american like you then I would be making twice that. I'd be making 120k.

check your privilege
Go back to Africa
This just made me sad :( if you are actually self hating stay away from this place being alone with your thoughts is better
>Any other self hating brown
My people don't kill oursleves lol. So my only advice is to pls not group us and blacks with y:all
Based, we are nothing like hindus.
>you were born into the greatest country on earth.
You think Mexico 2.0 is greatest cunt on earth lol?.
these days I make 50k after taxes.
in America I'd be making 100k after taxes if I lived in America.
one of the coolest no actually the coolest country on earth
>You think Mexico 2.0 is greatest cunt on earth lol

It is. I've seen much of the rest of the world. For all its flaws, America is the light
>Any other self hating brown/black anons?
Yes me
Nah, lame advice. It's better he knows what the world thinks of him. Both the good and bad.
He just needs to accept it what he is and further the causes of his race in any way he can.
I'm sorry for making you sad anon, I wasn't sure where else to air out my thoughts: this is only place i feel comfortable.

I don't see how I have any right to take the lives of others or hurt others.
This kind of thinking is what bogs you down, you're better than this.
It really is that simple.
He shouldn't further the causes of his race, he should find his racial place in the world.
STEM is a stereotype, it's not actually playing to his strengths
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We literally flay your kind here lol. Wages often corresond with dangerous working condition.
One thousand years ago maybe a Viking like you could have managed here but your people have become domesticated and weak.
Trust me it is not safe for you here.
>For all its flaws
Like being flayed alive lol.
Are you black or brown?
lmao fuck off you degenerate puppet
stop hating yourself pls

you are valid and loved

please try to be kind to yourself
I don't feel hate. I feel guilt for my treatment of others.
>Are you black or brown?
Can't you see my flag
Blud has been browsing too much 4chan lel
This place is not for the weak of mind, if you are brown/black.
Just remember that the anons shitting on you are always timmycels themselves, otherwise they wouldn't be here.
>STEM is a stereotype, it's not actually playing to his strengths
I mean hindus do not have the physical strengh to compete with blacks.
Nor do they have the mastery of money that Jews/arabs have.
And as OP is demostrating they do not have the level of vioence to compete with us.
So, no STEM is defentley what they are best suited for.
And if they play their cards right they could easily replace the white population which will soon dissapear from this continet.

OP is just letting his inherent hindu weakness and subserviness get the best of him. If too many hindus do the same they will not do well against the Chinese their main cometion.
None hates you
Hi Anon, I know how you feel, and I'd like to start by telling you immediately not to kill yourself. Please do not do that and just hear me out. While I am not selfhating, nor brown, I am an Albanian-American myself and often deny my heritage since I too believe it to be majorly inferior to what is righteous and virtuous. I'm a little older than you, 21 turning 22 in March, but I think those few more years can give you some quality advice or hope. I was in your position a few years back too, I'm a huge mama's boy and I'm not the party going type. I've been told many things over the year about how I should feel proud of my heritage, or how I should be respectful of bad decisions, or I'm immature just for being a mamas boy blah blah blah. The truth is anon is that you cannot fall into the mental hole that is labels. You made a point about STEM and how all Indians need to be part of it but most Albanians are landlords or supers or something like that, not really technology focused people like myself. The truth is anon, you're young, you still have time to experiment and figure out what you want to do and who you want to be. I know it's hard to feel proud of yourself since you and I both don't come from such great cultures, or even some great homes. My mom has cancer and yet my dad still feels the need to make her life hell. But the truth is anon, is that you have amazing potential and can be and do whatever you want to be. You can feel bad about being from Bangladesh but can always take pride in being American. Never forget you were born on the greatest country the world has ever seen, seriously no civilization has been so amazing as ours. Your potential here is infinite, you should feel proud every day for being an American, and you should realize that potential however you like. No matter how "weird" or "non-Bangladeshi" as some people might tell you. You have infinite potential anon, please don't kill yourself, God bless.
You ESL or some shit?
Stop enabaling his weakness lol.
>I feel guilt for my treatment of others.
Are your people capable of feeling empathy? I know that mine are most certainly not.
Yes. Are you black or brown?
>This place is not for the weak of mind, if you are brown/black.
Blacks and Mexicans are not weak of mind period.
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stem is not for them, stem requires higher logical thinking, it's for yellow people.

they should choose something else, they don't focus on logic, instead they've got too much faith
I'm brown.
no i just don't like retards
>While I am not selfhating, nor brown
>I am an Albanian-American
LOL good bait anon.
I never realized the sheer amount of black brown anons here who are actually self hating.
Took me awhile to realize why I wasn't self hating and a genuine nationalist still.
Answer was pretty sa: I have a great relationship with my parents
Oh and jeets suck at stem btw.
They're the only ones mass psyopped into pretending to like it. That's all
I appreciate it anon, but I'm truly alone: my parents don't love me and I don't love them but they're really the only people I have. I know I'm not entitled to other people's attention and everyone has their own problems they have to deal with so they can't shoulder mine, but I honestly wish I could have a real family with a dad that took me on fishing trips and a mom that was also present in my life.

I'm an Atheist, my parents are Muslims.
I dunno famalam.
Albanians seem to be much more skilled at taking it easy than Latinos.
Most balkans in fact
Have you considered taking hormone replacement therapy and becoming a tranny?
You posted a brown anime girl in the OP, is that who you want to be?
Is all your self hatred because you're not masculine? do you desire attention from the male gaze by stealing it from women?
>stem is not for them, stem requires higher logical thinking, it's for yellow people.
Nigga where I live there are prolly more Hindu doctors than chinese doctors. Not to mention the fact that hindus have taken over the tech industry and that one is going to become presiden tof the united states lol.

I mean there may not be quite as intellegent as the Chinese but they seem to possess somthing else that allows them to be able to compete.

Perhaps they also posess what the jews/arabs posess in addition to a decent level of comptational intellegence at least in comparison to my people who pocess the lowest computational intellegence.
But you live in a brown cuntry. Why would you self-hate?
Are you OP?
Ignore the groomer. Find peace with yourself. Meditate.
>but they seem to possess somthing else that allows them to be able to compete.
Sheer numbers and boomers who think it's the only worthwhile job having.
Most people give up on stem if they're not interested. No indian is allowed that option by parents.
Reddit is down the hall take two rights
Nigga you have nothing in common with blacks or Mexicans lol. Your cloest relatives are prolly arabs and suthern europeans.
Are you Paki. My cousin killed a Paki one pic related.
I was just memeing. Albanians are white lol.
Hindu men are not masculine. Becasue evolution dictated they need not be.
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I know that feeling Anon, it's the Albanian-Amercian anon speaking again. My dad's not such a proactive person either and I've learned to live with that. Anon, you get it, you know whats wrong with the world and youre right to feel this way, but your solution is all out of whack. You can't just lie down and let the world trample all over you, you can't just let the world beat you up and be okay with it. You were dealt a bad hand, that's okay and you shouldn't feel shame for it just because some people have it slightly worse than you. But you have to realize that future yourself. You need to create a family of your own, and give your own children the love you were never given yourself. Don't listen to this Chicano or Bangladeshi guy in this thread, they're both horrible miserable people, like crabs. They're miserable people who feel good about themselves when they drag other people down to their level in the bucket that is despair. You have to fight it anon, there's no problem with doing life the way that you want to, but you can't be self-destructive either. Anon you were born here on Earth to do amazing things, all of us were. Do not ignore that call because I assure you that you and everyone else in this life is capable of doing great things, living great lives and impacting the world in a positive way in the smallest of ways. Your parents might not show it but again, speaking from experience, they love you anon. I promise. You literally haven't even finished the tutorial of life yet, everything you want is right there and you just need to reach out and grab it. And if you ever feel anxious about failing or whatever, consult pic related. I will keep you in my prayers tonight <3
The Bandageshi guy is a pedo?
But what else would they be able to compete at? They cant get into the drug/murder shit at least while we are around.
What would you have OP do instead?
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This guy is the groomer I was talking about. Probably a pedophile too.
>. Don't listen to this Chicano or Bangladeshi guy in this thread, they're both horrible miserable people, like crabs
I forgot that you whites are so fucking sensitive when it comes to suicide, ridiculous.
Your don't actually care about OP your just a typical psuedo-emphatic whitoid typing these bs essays to feel good about YOURSELF.

OP is acting like a literal baby when his race is a million time better off than mine lol.
I have never once considered suicide becasue it is not my genes lol.
My dad wasnt like the typical jeet. He encouraged me to follow my dreams, white people style.
I discovered I love being a lawyer.
I already passed the bar exam.
(Credit my success to the decade and more I spent on /pol/).
He needs to find out on his own.
If he realizes his brain has been rotted by social media or Vidya too much, he should start a business.
Corner stores and motels aren't a bad place to start.
He will still make more than most upper middle class people back in India and he will make more than most POC
I just really hate indians.
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I should've been born a cute girl in Italy and I would've had a wholesome dorky Italian bf but instead I was born a brown Latinx freak in the US.
a lot of people's parents are inadequate even if they're not outright abusive/neglectful

i learned part of being an adult is coming to terms with that and learning to grow past it, that can be difficult though if you're not at least low contact with them

but it does take time
medicine is healthcare services not engineering
Stop coming here (and if you do only go to the slower hobbyist boards). People here are extremely skewed in their thoughts. Look at /v/ and /tv/ where every discussion is about which girl they want to fuck and not a single shit is given to anything else about the media they consoom. It's the same with /pol/ists that are spread throughout several boards. They ignore every aspect of the world and hyper focus on the greatness of whiteness. This isn't a balanced or healthy way to think, whether you're white and thrive on how great you think whiteness is or you're non-white and lament not being white. Life is about balance. You should try to look at all aspects of things, that's what people with good healthy perspectives do.
you kinda need to purposefully alter the nature of your relationship with them to get them to see you differently, and if they can't you make it blindingly obvious in how you act towards them
>You're a pedo if you go talk to a 19 year old
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See pic related
This guy also gets it OP
I'm just making an educated guess. Not an accusation, anon. Don't get defensive.
pussy faggot who doesnt lift going through an estrogen meltdown, it's time to give up, kill yourself dyel
How fall the Viking race has fallen lol.
Leganism -Perhaps that is the skill that hindus have used to take over the tech industry and usa politics.
It would certainly make sense since those tech corpos are just as relaint on legalsm as they are on techincal stuff.
OP should take notice.
Actual solid adivice inlike that Albanian loser lol.
Do you also hate Pakis or are they your allies?
In you truly feel that way I would reconmend taking OPs advice lol.
Are you hindu?
Lol I though the M in STEM stood for medicine lol.
Now OP has two non-STEM options that someone of his race is more than capable of competing in so he should stop being a literal baby lol
You must be a newfag here lol
We mock the dying second rate pigskin race on a daily basis lol
I’m super racist so you shouldn’t listen to me but maybe move somewhere where you feel like you belong or find a brown girl
I am basically the amerimutt meme IRL
but at least people flirt with me in discord calls
so I can not be that ugly
You can.
I hate pakis, but a lot less than I hate indians.
I'd hate pakis a lot more if I wasn't geographically cucked by india on 3 sides .
If it wasn't for the US and the USSR together reining the jeets in, we'd have been cucked in the south as well since jeets wanted bay of Bengal too
Are you piggers the same people that pay "phycologists" thousands of dollars to treat you like a literal baby lol?
Way more pathetic than the hindus lol.
How the fuck did these people become number 2 race on the plane meanwhile we are barely exsisting.
Dunno if legalism would work for all jeets.
I discovered it worked for me after I tried stem, sports, music, an MBA degree and accounting
Ugly men still find ways to attract women. Most men are ugly and media has pushed women to idolize certain races over others.
Thanks Albanian anon

I hardly have a relationship with my parents desu, I was basically left alone in my room just spending time on my PC throughout all of middle school and high school. I'd like to move out soon and get a fresh start.

I really don't want to get an arranged marriage, I've seen how my parents are suffering and I don't want to end up in that situation: especially at the expense of child(ren). I've been considering enlisting in the Navy to get my life together, see if I feel any better and get a place to belong. If the Navy doesn't fix me, I'll probably kill myself since it'll be a little easier in the service than where I'm at rn since I'll have access to firearms
Never said I have anything common with blacks or Mexicans.
It's just that, on previous threads like this, a lot of non white non yellows admit to being self hating.
You're not and I'm glad for you.

Albanians actually are white.
Even in culture and spirit, they're whiter than Turks and Greeks and most of the Balkans other than Croatians Romanians and yes, Serbs
I am Ethiopian black, I promise you the race stuff isn't as important as you think it is
Cut your time posting here in half and go work out or go to school or something
Not killing myself CHUD
not saying you should hate yourself, but how can you at least not hate your country? It's not good is it?
>I was basically left alone in my room just spending time on my PC throughout all of middle school and high school
Holy fuck.
You have a better relationship with your parents than 50% of all south Asians.
You weren't BEAT UP or made to get straight As
He already live in a brown cunt, retard.
>but at least people flirt with me in discord calls
Bruh. You are in danger bro.
Interesting I thought maybe since both are muslim they would have india as common enemy.
America is mentally white
I’d move to Canada if I were a jeet
Between that and medicine I think they should be able to compete with other race just fine.
I mean all my people have is violence lol.
>I've been considering enlisting in the Navy to get my life together, see if I feel any better and get a place to belong. If the Navy doesn't fix me, I'll probably kill myself
Honestly bro killing yourself is prolly better than joing the Amerikike navy and becoming a full blown race traitor.
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imagine if you were actual black female and you would get like 100 loving husbands here and you would just choose the best
Great now I have to go fap to WMBW porn
I can hate the govt.
I don't hate the people.
I have a good social life and am in good terms with most people I meet.
Never been robbed, police isn't corrupt, never had to fight with service workers etc. I still buy groceries from shops on credit. As in, I pay the guy days later. He trusts me to do it, because we are neighbors already.
I'm still generally hopeful in my people.
We just have a punctuality problem due to having a siesta culture.
I studied a while in the UK for my bar exam.
I learnt what I'm blessed with not being in a multicultural society where there is a lot less societal trust.
Made me regain a perspective on thingsm
>a lot of non white non yellows admit to being self hating.
I have not noticed that amogst Mexicansand blcks on here. Plus unlike India europe and africa, my people have the lowest suicide rate in the world.
>I am Ethiopian black,
I kneel.
> I promise you the race stuff isn't as important as you think it is
It's literally all that matters form an evolutionary perspective.
Why not? If you hate what you are there is no other solution for malinchista putos like you.
You dare spit in the face of god/nature. You cannot cope with reality in the most iteral sense you have no basis in continuing to exsist.
>How the fuck did these people become number 2 race on the plane meanwhile we are barely exsisting.
No problem Anon, God Bless and keep your chin held high <3
His cunt is your cunt in 50 years lol.
Wired, how come I dont see any of them?
Race mixers will burn in hell.
Sorry bro, but politics and culture are a direct manifesttion of genetic reality.
But I'd assume your cunt is a mess becasue like us you are forced to pretend it's a white cuntry and are forced t run it as such which clealry does not work.
For instance if my people brough back human sacrifice in the form of capital punishment there would be some from of order in our lands.
>It's literally all that matters form an evolutionary perspective
I partially agree but he should not be using it as an excuse that he cannot do anything. As long as you aren't retard tier you can get shit done
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>the race stuff isn't as important as you think it is
*sigh* I remember when I thought this.
What changed you?
>you are forced to pretend it's a white cuntry and are forced t run it as such which clealry does not work.
Not even close alhamdulillah.
Yeah, direct manifestation of genetic reality and I'm proud that most my people are realists.
We are a mess because of petty squabbling, and because most of us are comfy where we are.
We are easily pleased, some say too easily.
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No we wont. Why are you always so tsundere about it?
At the end of day human sucess is dictated by only one thing. The number of people that can be supported. Despite what some people think the quality of the lives of those individuals will always be a secondary thing.
In this regard the South Asians are the second most successful race on the planet.
Whereas even if you include mongrels like me, our people barley make up 5% of the world's population.
We could all be living a billioniare life and that is a fine goal to strive to, but it would still make us inferior to the more populated races.
Holy cringe.
But he is partially right. His people are very weak willed. It is a weakness he has that is genetic. He cannot fully overcome it he just has to find a way to use it or cope with it.
Prolly when he saw a million Trump voter decide to collectivley to believe Carribean people eat cats and dogs.
>We are a mess because of petty squabbling,
Indeed and something tells me that this makes your people incompatble with the (((deocracy))) bs the whites have been shoving down our thoats and then acting all surprised when it creates a bigger mess lol.
Nigga you live in a cunt with only 5 million people and one of the lowest birthrates on the planet. Like you make up 0.00005% of the population.
Your people are even bigger losers than us Mexican lol.
>people incompatble with the (((deocracy))) bs the whites have been shoving down our thoats
Damn right fellow brownie.
Our democracy is mostly the same zamindari feudalism we had in practice for millenia under 3 religions.
Yet, whitewashed liberal faggots at the top and their american faggots masters want to change it all and pretend we are different
>Malichista says the Chicano
I will find an Italian bf thoughbeit and you will still be an angry incel doe
>Other business
I kind of used to, but then I realized that if I were white I would still be an incel virgin, but with lighter skin
realists to what? embracing the reality that they'll have to work 80 hr weeks in a sweatshop for lousy pay until they die?

how exactly does higher population = success? africas population is almost double that of europe, but europe is a far nicer place to live and euro countries in NATO could easily glass africa if they wanted to

this is why bangladesh will always be a third world cunt lol
>embracing the reality that they'll have to work 80 hr weeks in a sweatshop for lousy pay until they die?
Pretty much.
You'll be surprised how many people are fine with this. I blame smartphones and cheap internet.
>this is why bangladesh will always be a third world cunt lol
And where's the issue? Why does it matte if we are fine?
Stop browsing 4chins if the chudposts here bother you. Also go outside anon. Most people are not as racist as you think
>faggots masters want to change it all and pretend we are different
Hella truth.
Are you a fag or a femcel?
What race are you?
>but europe is a far nicer place to live
What good will that do them when they litrally go extict lol?
Unironically Faustmaxx. Overcome, seek power, and strive for infinity.
don't commit suicide you fucking retard, get a whitoid blacked and help on the extermination of the white race so jews can't control the world
>What race are you?
SEA hapa. People say I look Mexican or Middle Eastern.
Yes, me. I hate myself and I hate my life. I've never done anything good, I'm a 24-year-old loser who's never had a girlfriend, real friends, or a real job. And as if that wasn't enough, all I do is disappoint and hurt the few people who still care about me.
Stop responding to the obvious troll Chicano, people.
>Most people are not as racist as you think
Wrong. Everyone is racist.
Cringe egosim. You are the culitmation of your race and noting more.
Based AF.
Nigga you a basically a Rizzipino pinoy, you are master race lol.
Life is depressing if you dont have a purpose, no matter which country you are born into.
Have a purpose in life no matter how small and or supposedly insignificant it is, as long as to you, it helps you keep going.
Become the next Pope and destroy the church from the inside bro.
I am 100% serious bro.
There is no other purpose other than the furthering of one species/race.
Retards have forgotten this.
Yes, but eventually stopped caring by refusing to go outside until I forgot about it. After you hear enough slurs and get enough abuse it stops bothering you. At least that's how it was to me. I always hated my "heritage" and got picked on for it but after living through a warzone I understood there are more important things to be worried about than shit I can't control. Tldr I don't care
>T. Sudanese
>you are master race
I’d say we’re at the very bottom of the totem pole. All the disadvantages of being Asian (short height, less muscles, not masculine-appearing, awkward), but none of the advantages of being a “cool” Asian like Korean or Japanese. Even saars mog us because they can just get arraigned marriages and their chuddy culture doesn’t allow women to marry out.

I don’t think anything about me would change if I were white, but I have to call a spade a spade
>I am 100% serious bro.
How is he a troll?
He has pretty standard opinions for the website.
He is barely antagonizing anyone.
Death to hemedti
op is a hindu
>>T. Sudanese
Thot's on this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9Egi0Izh1g&t=3s
I would totally date a Pinoy/sea girl they are basically same race as us. Certified trapstars lol.
Also nigga just Bruno Marz maxx lol.
Does this bother you?
My thoughts are on the zestiness of that negro. He's got sugar in his tank alright...
wordcelling is the real jeet specialty, but again they get outclassed there by jews however there are way fewer jews than yellows which outclass jeets in STEM
He is attacking everyone for any reason he can pull out of his ass, even if it's unrelated to what you said.
No. I love Indians. I can be your friend if you aren’t larping.
But is he right about Tropical BBCs?
Also thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQPiqsqSkYA
True, those niggas are literally about to scam themselves into the white house lol.
>He is attacking everyone
Dude I literally complimented all the black anons on thier BBCs.lol
Are you Paki?
Jesus Christ no. You can turn things around.
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Nigga, you missing out, LTG is basically the black Chris-Chan with nearly as much lore:
t.BBC Junior
Some favs:


Why are you in love with black people?
Why would a paki love Indians? No im a jew
He only attacked jeets,......
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You won’t understand it. Nobody likes bengaloids, palis hate you and arab brazzers see you as subhumans. You will never experience the pure love and admiration that Jews and Indians have for each other
Maybe in this thread, but he's a board regular and posts whatever outlandish ragebait he can for (you)'s--regularly derailing threads.
Not really. I honestly don't think I would prefer to date a black women or a white women lol. Just not my type.
I was just trying to spread some positivity and POC solidarity on this awful thread.
Also I am high-key into Hood Irony and ironic trap culture as most Chicanos are lol.
Like a Sasha Baron Cohen style jew or Robert Maxwell type jew?
I have my paki bros.
More than enough.
But yeah, Jews and Indians definitely deserve each other.
Like prigozhin type of jew. He’s my fourth cousin
>the pure love and admiration that Jews and Indians
Is that why you make fun of their accent and demenor in American media?
>Like prigozhin type of jew
So like the treacherous backstabbing type?
I would take this as a moment to completely divorce yourself from your own life and start from scratch. Break every stereotype and find a woman to make a truly wonderful family with.
Pure egoistic degeneracy lol.
Yeah he needs an ego. Working out will give him testosterone and confidence he never knew he had before.

Just don't become a gymcel, learn moderation.
>Yeah he needs an ego.
Nah ego is unironically bad lol.
>Working out will give him testosterone and confidence he never knew he had before.
I'm no expert but I don't think Hindus operate on the testerone system.
No ego and only humility makes you a wimp. You need confidence in yourself if you want to be able to achieve things and make an impact. You are so much more likely to fail if you doubt your own capabilities.

The flip side is that you have too much ego then you ignore obvious telltale signs that your plan or action is wrong. You start believing that you don't have to learn anymore that you know everything. Then you make a tragic mistake.

BALANCE like Aristotle promoted.
just quit 4chan bro and work on yourself
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Literally me. The only thing I got going for me is the fact that I was born in a rich gulfie family and will never have to work.
Don't listen to the jerk off who tell you "work on yourself" or "bee yourself"
They don't understand and will never do.Normalfags are vain and stupid.
Keep your head down, focus on your hobbies, be a kind person not to others but to yourself, and enjoy the rest of you life.
same here anon, though I live and breathe in Bangladesh. I've lost hope in my people. I thought we were non-confrontational. But recently I learned that illiterate village fags are scattered throughout the world as migrant workers. And the people of those countries hate us. There are no uplifting qualities of my ethnicity or nationality. I would say take solace in the fact you are an American. You should be thankful to your parents for that. If given a visa, nobody would stay here. That is not a hyperbole. My plan is to finish uni and go live in cali for a couple of years, then back and kill myself
become hijra for white aryan men
You're quite young, you have time still to get something going in your life.
Oh you're a Bengali?
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india has a trillion people and high birthrates
it could be much worse: you could be a male in a dying race, going extinct in the most humiliating way imaginable with high quality video recordings of it for the future generations to watch and laugh at

>White men are the second least likely to become fathers:

>White men are 3x more likely to commit suicide than men of other races:
>STEM: but that's the only thing jeets are any good for
If STEM is the only thing jeets are good for there is no hope for these people. Literally every STEMjeet is an incompetent, lazy, subhuman.

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