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*DING DING DONG* edition

old >>203575667
dinging my dong rn
honey's great in the morning if your throath is hurting
Just drink a shot of rakija bro
Deranged unemployed pedo autist edition
Don't limit your ambitions and ideals just because of your current abilities. The higher the goal is, the higher your effort will be.
So true, king.
Good morning kind sirs, no man made metal will be lifted today. Apologies, I know you have all been waiting eagerly
Good midday, /balk/, I hate women.
f20 status?
>eat chocolate banana(no not that kind n*le)
>tastes kinda funny
>look at wrapping and it says no gelatin
>wtf is "agar-agar"
>some extract from algae
Smh, I even need to make my own bananas now.
Lots of chocolate banana enthusiasts in this general
>Agar-agar, known as just agar in culinary circles, is a plant-based gelatin derived from seaweed. The white and semitranslucent vegetable gelatin is sold in flake, powder, bar, and strand form, and can be used in recipes as a stabilizing and thickening agent.

What's bad about it again?
why are trannies terminally unemployed
Bumgal disproves this sweaty
>quit his job to go back to jewsa and ride dick there
He can make more money selling his anus in jewsa than being employed in Bumgaria doe, let's be honest
tru, but he's still unemployed
He should go to the Netherlands next to be an employed male prostitute that pays taxes and pension fund money
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Pic related is Mилю Кupa (Miro the Penis), a famous schizo and long shlong owner from Plovdiv. He pestered main street in the olden times.
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ate pidors
simple as
Idk if it's bad or not I just don't like the taste.
so true!
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sovl overdose
Pigs live in cleanlier conditions
Not on the Balkans ;-)
clean your oven bro
americans call shitted up pan "seasoned"
don't think you're meant to season your oven as well as floor though
Low ROI activity
Understandable then
>Much worse is he who says that it were good not to be born, but when once one is born to pass with all speed through the gates of Hades. For if he truly believes this, why does he not depart from life? It were easy for him to do so, if once he were firmly convinced. If he speaks only in mockery, his words are foolishness, for those who hear believe him not.
antinatalists btfo millennia ago

not really, looking at dirty things has been proved to have a negative effect on organization and mood
That's not even dirt I don't think

It's a pan with some sort of coating that's been fucked beyond belief and ingested as microplastics
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Is it finally happening?
don't worry, they started the rate cutting cycle
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Tldr on that reddit post

This is my new anthem
>2k a meter for grandma's run down apartment in Lyulin built in 1934
It's so over
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line goes up
And some good news this morning. 9 bumgarian p*dos ages 35 - 48 were arrested for blackmail and sharing sippy with boys. The bad news is that the benevolent bumgarian court will most likely let them go with probatory sentences.
It was already over before COVID-19, and since then the prices are +50% because Ganyo only knows to invest in gold and property.
Population going down, property prices going up, with constant construction everywhere. Make it make sense.
>Ganyo only knows to invest in gold and property.
>Population going down, property prices going up, with constant construction everywhere. Make it make sense.
Literally Ushkup
Edin narod proven correct once again
>Activate Agent Fyrombey

ХAХAХA фacpaшдaнe ни хвъpли мoлoтoв бpaтя cхeмкoвци
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hahahahahah, income tax wont be raised but we'll freeze the thresholds ahahahahahah
>organization and mood
So more pipo would naturally cross the min threshold and start payin tax due to inflation or sommin? Genius. Autistic promise kept, jewish hands rubbed.
az sım ruski turçin
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nice voting faggots, what's the point of certification then

and there's people saying it's not a tax raise
they're even doing the we'll raise employer insurance contributions but not employee contributions so that means we didn't raise taxes meme
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Albovlach's new charger
>turska soba didn't upload
цeлoфaн (c'est le fin)
Iconic edition
>not a single JLPT test center in this entire country
peak COMFY™ really
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Hmm sorry bro, Albania stands with the People's Republic of China, not evil jap imperialists
Try the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi or HSK for short

It's available in Albania :)
I'll just have to drive to Athens for it

The HSK is for later, and I'm pretty sure you can find the tests online
JLPT would be done for a visa so it needs the certificate
caffeine suppositories are apparently a real thing, im surprised they arent popular with bumslims already as a way to cheat caffeine into the 30 ramadan day fast
Just wait until sunset to stuff your face. And things entering the anus never see the sunrise, so it is always halal. Alhamdulillah.
>Why does Ramadan start on different dates every year? Ramadan begins 10 to 12 days earlier each year. This is because the Islamic calendar is based on the lunar Hijri calendar with months that are 29 or 30 days long.7.03.2024г.

Eshteferelleh, allaenat science
da joos are already using it for this exact purpose, tricking god during their fasts
i feel that the muslim world is an untapped market with massive potential
Serbros... How will we recover...
and now for a message from our sponsor

Albanian too strong
they keep trying to set me up with an albanian pale einjel without any social media accounts
ai saffer
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I hear there's a really rich Greek engineer with bmw, expensive perfumes, iPhones and a feet licking fetish down in southwest Germany that is interested in such an offer
haha, suffer
hope you end up in a commited romantic relationship and take eachothers virginities
>KKE and support for thirdies
Name a more iconic duo
>mother bitching at me to solve my brother's army papers now
ai double saffer

Why did your brother chose the army instead a comfy ui/ux job like he's brother?
bro my bro's underaged, these are conscription papers
That should be it

yep I know since I did it for myself
he'll have to do exemptions the long way tho, he can't get I5 directly
Old people just don't know lightbulbs exist. I realised that everytime I visit my grandma we're sitting in the dark.
That's one of the funniest images kek. Good choice.
Fuck do they want from some snot nosed kid
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should I apply bros
Apply for sarcopod
някoй тyк имa ли eлeктpoнeн пoдпиc ? кaк гo пoлзвaтe ?
oтивaш дa ти нaпpaвят peктaлeн oтпeчaтък и cлeд тoвa c нeгo ти издaвaт пoдпиca
дa бe aмa пocлe квo гo пpaвя ocвeн дa cи гo вpa в зaдникa?
prai6 bvll i si govori6 tam sam SHIZOOOO
ми aз имaх eднo вpeмe и бeшe флaшкa c ключoвeтe, ceгa нe знaм кaк. пocлeднo кaтo пpaвих зacтpaхoвкa oнлaйн имaшe мaй някaквa cхeмa c eднoкpaтeн дeтo aп нa тeлeфoнa ти cpaвнявa мyцyнaтa и личнaтa кapтa. eбa ли гo. ceгa нaли вcичкoтo TFA e нa тeлeфoнитe
Looks like she has downsyndrome
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On Vodno
бpaaaвo, КPAЛДЖУ
жac фpлaaв нoзe caмo 10 км дeнecкa
Too overcast for Vodno
Weather like this is for laying in bed all day
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Svaka cast tsare

Maybe for fatties, every day is God given and has it's own charm
>going to forests
death driven
Does going to a Russian forest end in death?
if it's a real forest and not your local designated walking spot generally yeah
your skinned body with 666 bite wounds, head and attached to the top of nearby 50 meters tall pine tree will be found by helicopter rescue team
still forest
those who know: *skull emoji*
cant believe you people got stab banned again, on the fucking weekend! JESUS CHRIST, I was planning on watching a comfy episode during this fine evening.
So that's what the Red forest is based on?
I hate that location.
Bro would pass out from fear if he sees a Bumgarian irl
he's thinking of deep puccian forests where there's no one for thousands of km in any direction
in balkmun forests there's always a brakoniermun or gypmun cutting down trees illegally
>he's thinking of deep puccian forests where there's no one for thousands of km in any direction
I always wondered what it's like to be in a land where there's literally no one for a thousand kms.
I'm strangely attracted to desolate wastelands.
Are you afraid of stray dogs too bro?
Just saw a semaphore with a pedestrian green light button

Macedonia has entered the first world
sasho chopel semaforata
those buttons dont work btw
It immediately made the light green doe
yet another bourgoi invention to give the unwashed masses the illusion of control
What type of lids do you have for your plastic bottles though?
The connected EU ones
Imported bottles ok, but even the caps on ushkubsko pivo?
Why though? You'r enot even joing that shit yet you're getting all the worst aspects of it.
I hate this faggy union and soyropeans so much it's unreal, meanwhile jeets polute the entire world but plasctic bottlecaps are the worst thing ever. Just because of that i throw the shit on the ground on purpose even thou otherwise i would haave thrown it in a bin.
I don't know, I don't drink due to my muslimanic upbringing
>i dont drink because im gay
this is the soyropean "i'm the bigger person so i'll take on the burden of cleaning up because you are a non-sentient maymun" haughtiness
Allah will punish you for insulting his most pious Macedonian
Reactionary piss baby Chudcel
I'm not scared of forests though, but it is a location you have to be on alert at
Scupi residents walk 20 minutes up a mountain to enter a forest on a mountain range that stretches till Ohrid basically
I can't stop thinking about chocolate bananas(maymun penises) btw
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the giganiggabytes of cute mayomonkey dick on my servers say they're better
What do you mean by this bro? I don't get it, that's not a real sentence
updated your cap detector old man, your vocabulary is not bussing
Beat up your parents today schizo?
I'd much rather kill everyone born after 1995 however
imagine your manufacture year starting with 19
Crazy how most people here are either schizoid or gay. I actually hope you die for your own good.
In Belgrade those shits for blind people that tick on semaphores is the same box as the ones you can press that make the light green.
When I first arrived in Belgrade my seylak ass was just fingering every one of those boxes because I didn't know if light was going to get green by itself or I have to press something.
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I'm a safe person
if activity involves any kind of risk to my well being, unless it is 100% obligatory I'd rather avoid such activity

praemonitus praemunitus
Same bro, that's why i never go outside and why i refuse to get a job
overkill but if that's how it be for you who am I to judge
Shizooooooooooooooo, cel grad ti se smee
τόσο αληθινό, βασιλιά
Bulgarians should stop reporting me and getting me banned every other day, it's tiresome.
get a job RIGHT NOW
>Locals at the Albanian port of Shengjin, where the migrants were collected by the Italian coast guard vessel early on Saturday, were surprised at their sudden departure.
"They left already?," a coffee shop owner said. "I'm sorry for them. They are doing this sacrifice for a better life. We have done the same".
>Retard moron i have cure for diabetis not a medicine but a cure but go fuck yourself
based, make him suffer for his sins by not giving him cure
Get a job u lazy dog
mooods isp ban bardovci
Sheriff Chitwood schizo janev is talking about you right now im just in the way
You tried to kill latas son who has leukemia you piece of shit hope diana beats the shit out of you, you piece of shit
It's not even December yet and this shizo is already unhinged
He might actually stab someone by the end of this year
You are more likely to murder your own family first, they would desxerve it anyways for letting you become a schizoooooo
He eats a xanax and chugs 5 beers and here we go
He is too much pg a [ussy to do it, some people are born bivtims, he is one of those people, no matter the circumstances he will never hurt anyone.
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>he will never hurt an -OUCH! what was that for?!
His parents don't count
Why kill him when Dijana was the oen who harasse you by refusing to have sex with you an d fucking mjalkov son instead?
most he will do is attempt to cast his schizo spells on someone or write some insulting social media posts. even in his worst mental breakdowns the most hes actually done is spit on rick a little and attempt suicide by jumping from his couch
I keep telling these retards, Choppeltimym is harmless, he never attacked anyone that could actually fuck him up, meanign he is aware of the consequences and not actually a schizo
>he is aware of the consequences
but not responsible for them
the courts will see F20.0, put him in a loony bin for a few months and set him free
I find Ushkup more dangerous than a forest. Think of a churka-infested city.
Will you also kill Atanas for when he fucked you up the ass?
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>I will... *smACK*
Isn't that supposed to calm and slow you down
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Bugi was right, this app every time gives 2k calories despite having height difference of 1k meters today, I don't know nor follow calories anyway

>if it's a real forest and not your local designated walking spot generally yeah
I agree bro, would be also scared to walk in Russian forests especially the ones in Siberia
No, you can OD on xanax bymixing it with alcohol.
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Soymilk truck
And put yo ass to sleep forever
That's barely a minivan bro
*vroom vroom*
I think /balk/ would benefit from watching this and taking the message to heart
oh, and one for Sashko
Preach, brotha. But why isn't there a video on homosexuality? There are many on /balk/ who could benefit from acceptance.
here you go
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Thinking about becoming an audioincel for the low price of 600 euro
>first word is "cum"
>600 euro to listen to yugoslop
i have sennheisers
Say something bad about bijelo dugme and I end your life
What kind of amp do you have?
kinda mental how easily you can write a contract in someone else's name these days, all the ID/DOB/Name information is online
>600 euros
real audiophiles gonna laugh at you
come back when you have at least 600 usd to spend on a single cable bro
i listened to the heart sutra like 20 times today and will probably learn the jap version by heart because i enjoy the beat that much. i dont think jesus wants anything to do with my autistic ass for now
No idea but i can tell you that they have clearer and better overall sound than anything else i have had.
it's always around the holidays, stab goes insane and boon leaves the general forever.

wonder what the medical explanation is

I got my popcorn ready
>No idea
The journey of the most experienced Bulgarian starts with a single cock bro
I have never enjoyed living in the world
Cba checking too i dont even care about what model they are i just know they are the best money can buy. Some applegoy like iki will buy jeetpods stained with feces and say they are better but they are not.
If you're so cheap order every pair you want and try them out then send the ones you dont like back, easy.
Bro just look at your amp
did she posts on balk?
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me on the right
>I will kill your families and you i will destroy your lifes

I will torture your women or if your gay your man

AH FUCK HOW DID I MIIS HIM, the cons of working out
missed some prime time episode


shit balk he's after you gonna murder every ingle one of oyu
Finna going to jelena karleusa rn
You are included Kelly, stab is comign for you
kelly is gayer than mangal and dumber than bulgar
That's a man you retarded gypsy, either way you are a pathetic simp and should kill yourself.
now this is a very severe statement
I'm ready for them.
sent an email to the greek embassy, I wonder if those fags will respond in time
Uh dear Roach
Ministry of Malaxa said OXI
Get fucked
no refunds
Ummmm, SIR
OXI is a GAYREEK cultural tradition, please stop with the cultural appropriation
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Homoroaches can never demoralize me. True balk posters will always prevail and march on!
yap neighbors yapping and can hear them through the walls
I suppose it's fair after I yapped all day
yappin ass bitch
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so true!
on my previous apartment people on the 1st floor complained about my voice when I lived on the 7th
Don't they have drunk uncles?
I think most of the building was a mix of empty apartments owned by diasporoids and old decrepit boomers
currently half of the boomers died so it's even emptier, I think 5 families live on the entire building that's like 9 floors with 5 units on every floor
Sounds great. Don't you have friends to party with? When i was renting i always had someone over to piss off my gf
nah lol, my current one is a tiny shithole
even the one I bought isn't that big
I don't want to go back to America
baklava feasting
>people on the 1st floor
was it normal people's first floor or eurangutan's first floor though
you vill go back to fat & brown wokeland und you vill be happy
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When we are in the tavern,
we do not think how we will go to dust,
but we hurry to gamble,
which always makes us sweat.
What happens in the tavern,
where money is host,
you may well ask,
and hear what I say.

Some gamble, some drink,
some behave loosely.
But of those who gamble,
some are stripped bare,
some win their clothes here,
some are dressed in sacks.
Here no-one fears death,
but they throw the dice in the name of Bacchus.

First of all it is to the wine-merchant
the libertines drink,
one for the prisoners,
three for the living,
four for all Christians,
five for the faithful dead,
six for the loose sisters,
seven for the footpads in the wood,

Eight for the errant brethren,
nine for the dispersed monks,
ten for the seamen,
eleven for the squabblers,
twelve for the penitent,
thirteen for the wayfarers.
To the Pope as to the king
they all drink without restraint.

The mistress drinks, the master drinks,
the soldier drinks, the priest drinks,
the man drinks, the woman drinks,
the servant drinks with the maid,
the swift man drinks, the lazy man drinks,
the white man drinks, the black man drinks,
the settled man drinks, the wanderer drinks,
the stupid man drinks, the wise man drinks,

The poor man drinks, the sick man drinks,
the exile drinks, and the stranger,
the boy drinks, the old man drinks,
the bishop drinks, and the deacon,
the sister drinks, the brother drinks,
the old lady drinks, the mother drinks,
that woman drinks, that man drinks,
a hundred drink, a thousand drink.

Six hundred pennies would hardly
suffice, if everyone
drinks immoderately and immeasurably.
However much they cheerfully drink
we are the ones whom everyone scolds,
and thus we are destitute.
May those who slander us be cursed
and may their names not be written in the book of the righteous.[2]
Common Bulgaria W
it's over

41 aгeнти нa ДC ca ce ycтpeмили кaтo кaндидaти зa дeпyтaти в 51-тo Hapoднo cъбpaниe.
Пo пapтии и кoaлиции пpиcъcтвиeтo нa aгeнти в лиcтитe имa cлeднoтo изpaжeниe:
>Бългapcки cъюз зa диpeктнa инфopмaция - 2;
>Pycoфили зa Бългapия - 5;
>БCП - oбeдинeнa oпoзиция - 10;
>Aлиaнc зa пpaвa и cвoбoди - 3;
>Aтaкa - 3;
>Бyлгapи - 2;
>Moя cтpaнa Бългapия - 1;
>Beличиe - 1;
>"Движeниe зa пpaвa и cвoбoди - нoвo нaчaлo" - 1;
>ГEPБ-CДC - 1;
>КOЙ - Кoмпeтeнтнocт, oтгoвopнocт и иcтинa - 3;
>Имa тaкъв нapoд - 1;
>Бългapия нa тpyдa и paзyмa - 1;
>"Mopaл, eдинcтвo, чecт" - 1;
>"Пpaвoтo" - 1;
>Cвoбoдни избиpaтeли - 1;
>Cиня Бългapия - 1;
>Бългapcки възхoд - 1;
>Дeмoкpaти зa oтгoвopнocт, cвoбoдa и тoлepaнтнocт" (ДOCT) - 1;
>Пapтия нa зaлeнитe - 1.
ne vijdam prqka demokraciq :^)

ne che she glasuam de
oт фacpaшдaнe нeмa и eдин
ej cea кe глacaм jaкo
theology is interdasting but too bad its an even more useless degree than philosophy
dont remember it ever beginning broski
it's the original incel debater degree
>arguing over nonsense
just like this general
so wise, so above it all
krasno should move here
ideal weather
true true
did you know that oriental orthodox is different from eastern orthodox? one believes jesus has two distinct natures(human, divine) and the other one says that jesus has only one nature with one part of it being human and the other divine(they do not mix). this was enough for them to scream heretic at eachother for 1500 years straight btw, only the most autistic of incel minds could come up with this stuff.
I know bro, I lurked autistic theology boards on 8ch before it got nuked, and I think there was another chan for religion only
you could tell none of those people believed anything they said and were lawyerfagging
That's my shit right here.
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The main reason I'm going back is that I have some debts to be paid and I'm also going to do some vocational training.

Only 1 year...
why would one not know this? the third and forth ecumenical councils are very important arguments to the legitimacy of the catholic church over the orthodox one
tsk tsk, papists getting uppity these days
emperor status?
this shit is amazing to me, way cooler than politics. i wouldve loved to watch two of these retards go at it while shitposting about jesus akshually having three natures(human, divine, carpenter) or something similar, too bad i wont get to do it but oh well
literally nobody knows this in my kuntru thoe, we didnt even learn this shit in religion class if i remember correctly. most people just know to attend mass for big holidays and life events(birth, marriage, death), the three prayers and the general sequence of when to stand up/sit/kneel during mass. thats about as deep as their interest in theology goes
the average normgroid hasnt even read the bible bro
imagine not know whats in the big book
>religion class
yikes, y'all tryna shit out atheists in there?
>zhe didn't have religion class
gayreeks win yet again
religion class filled up with imaginary kids while your real kids go down the toilet drain at the behest of cartoons is the very image of victory


Pieces of shits i go to nightclub tonight
tbqh i dont know anyone that read the entire thing irl, at most they read the psalms. the priest reads some of it during mass so everyone technically heard the audiobook version while they were kids
nah, people still get crazy butthurt if you declare yourself as anything other than catholic and question them on their faith even lightly. the church is also in cahoots with the school, unless you attend the religion class in school and the one in church you wont be able to receive the sacrament of confirmation.
Go fuck yourself you piece of shit
Go fuck yourself religiose freak piece of shit

Jesus mother was a whore his dad a cuck
^what not attending religion class does to a person
What does it do shithead

I have 3billion usd/euros
I change the weather and made earthquakes
I go to parties and models adore me
I have been kissed by 9girls so far
I created a revoultion
My relative gave knowledge in fusion that created an artificial sun in china
I made a precident in science of psychology and psyhiatric stuff

Science wins against theology you stupid shithead

Jesus mother is a whore and his dad a cuck
that's another matter, and surely you only have to attend one. it would be ultra cucked if they actually required you to attend public school religion classes specifically. can't help but assume it's pozzed.
Beta faggots without a father figure need a 'god' to feel safe and praying for help

Idiots when will you learn that praying doesnt help what helps is being active and working

God doesnt want parasites like you
Look studying islam christianity and judism is fine but being autistic and taking all of that bullshit as a guide towards your life is bad

No wonder feminazis hate those religions and abuse the stuff so they can slutwhore themselfs saying if a man as its writen in the quran and bible anx torrah can have multiple girls why arent girls allowed to have multiple man

As i said its good to read to know stuff but do not fall into the cathegory of that religiouse bullshit
True love of 1 man and 1 woman is better guide in life than semetic religiouse bullshit
When a marrage is out of love and the kids made out of love and not lust of 1night stand and being trapped either with a manwhore or a womanslut

Than humanity can experiance true peace and prosperity
so true, but have you read anything lately?
I have read many stuff

Heck i know many stuff but the last thing i paid attention to was my own stuff

Applying wierd math to create earthquakea and reading novels like star trek and watching the new series

And applying M theory and String theory i have a guide in my life at what i wanna achieve

But the issue is the animalistic behavior of humans

The last thing i read and paid close attention was a harvard study about genetics
you should give me some specific titles so that I can read too
the public school one is more important than the church one believe it or not. its not a compuslory subject highschool as it is in middleschool, you can either pick it or ethics class. if you dont pick religion class in highschool youre not getting the sacrament and peepoo will think youre either serbian or homosexual. you dont get to pick again for the duration of highschool btw so youre generally looking at
>8 years of religion class in primary school
>4 years of religion class in highschool
>1 to 3 years of religion class in church(depending on the local tradition and church community. happens at the same time as highschool one)
>13-15 years of mandatory religious education
>still haven't read the bible
I only have Quran not Bible.
Nah dude this is strict secret

Lets just say i read also indians and other folks on famous physics teachers websites and funclub these people habe achieved the apex in physics

But i also read engineering stuff

I set my whole algorithm and it has been set since 2010 for science mostly

While since 2016 i got on my algorithm politics bullshit which made me angry and i block politics

Dont fall into conspiracy bullshit follow professors at colleges and their funclubs on instagram and facebook

About life always the guide shpuld be loving 1girl and the hard part is finding 1 girl that only loves you
I've picked ethics because my whole family is atheist but in high school I've picked a religious class for one year.
Religious class >>>>>>>>>>>> ethics.
Heck there is a anti photon particle that doesnt have higgs bosons and actually acts in wierd way arond photons

Heck there is so many wierd particles that i know of and exist and i will use them to help me out

Sort of cannot be detected because they emmit no light nor have higgs bosons
We picked between religion and ancient culture class

Everyone picked Herakles over rabbi Moses
I never seen my family go to sunday church

And guess what i win at life

Because i also worked since the age of 15 i made my first bucks

Heck even when i was 8years old the older folks at internetcafe would send me to buy them cigs and would let me keep the change so i guess my first job was at 8years of age

Growing up on transition and conflict time made me self sufficiant why do you think i have 3billion

I grew up with geeks and computers and science stuff
ethics sounds even gayer so not much of a choice I guess.
what did you do?
come on now king, share some of that esoteric stuff
Told you dude

Scientists were bound by their sences pf their eyes touch and so on to make the stuff of reality explainable

While i dove deep because i knew of string theory since 2010 when i was 16

So as i explained above there are particles that dont emit light nor have mass and actually interact in complex way with matter
LMAO, its even more retarded when i remember that we actually never did read the bible in any of the classes i took
the classes are mostly "church opinion on x subject" or "gods role in y subject"
it was opposite in my school, ethics class teacher was an old schizo commie woman who hated god with a passion and never passed up on an opportunity to remind us of this. i literally attended some of them with the local serbs for fun
Heck these particles can make change the probability of stuff and many other things

I can cause a wierd reaction where something which should have happend as predicted but doesnt turn out to happen

This is where phsyics and chemistry come together

Its called Chople science
which one is your favorite, the bra vector or the ket?
Guys guys listen i hope darpa is also reading the theoretic particles that exist that i gave info of

And 2 or 3 days ago or it was yesterday how that song said in the lyrics

So whats the probability a song from 1983 in a code saying that 2 dijanas will cause issue inside dpmne and by using the haarp system of which i did

While applying chaos theory and many other maths for example math of 3d matrix fractals with human behavior that chance is quiet slim

So i had to use theoretical particles that i only knew of to control chaos theory
Why not both lol
thought you were gonna be a bra appreciator
12 years of the school one and 2 years of the church one, i suffered
thankfully they didnt make me attend mass every sunday too. we were supposed to have a written exam before the confirmation but thankfully the senior priest was merciful and called it off, otherwise most kids wouldve failed that shit
Guys wanna know whats my issue right now

Ok so people are dependant on food and stuff

So mijalkov lie that they have 1billion and actually have a secret fund from russia and cause issue into my rule

While cia and nato made an issue with dijana micevska getting high positions in ngos heck even going to brussels nato hq
So darpa i adore you i wont hurt you nor help you a lot

But i will destroy nato and russia
While right now i work on removing mijalkov and grujo people from dpmne

Its not going as planned but if the floods in central europe werent enoguh i plan on doing hacking attacks on hungary

This isnt political its personal for 8 years pf torture and wrong pills
Yes i like tities and im a cat so why not both
Ok guys i go outsids now

Will post from the night club
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Winter summer I walk drunk, thoughts are silent in me and locked.
Good night, /balk/, I hate women.
good night
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I listened bag raiders - shooting star song when drunk walking and made me miserable for some reason
I just got back and heard the terrible news.

Greece's political situation is becoming destabilized, can anyone suggest how to stabilize it again?
Discuss politics on /balk/
into medieval music and bardcore lately, finna start wearing a cloak
timeline is pure slop
nothing is happening
>mediaval music
Too fucking broad.
Lemme guess, some Oyrish shit.

Show me some Croat songs bruh.
>Croat songs bruh.

VGH, his newest song just so happens to be Croatian.
Come on BRO.
gud najt aj go shklepp
wonder how much money stab and his parents get for his disability
gn mpro
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As I walk through the valley where I harvest my grain
I take a look at the soil, and realise it needs rain
But I've been milling and farming so long
That even my lordship thinks that my mind is corn
But I hast never crossed a Lord that ne’er deserved it
Me, be treated like a serf? Well that’s actually heard of,
Take heed what thou be prating, where thou be striding,
Or thou and thine maidens might be for a lashing,
I surely hate the King but I gots to work,
As I plough, yonder village going up in smoke
Fools, I'm the kind of Farmer little ruffians try to be like
On thine knees in the night, sowing wheat by the moonlight
gn mpugar also
When I become the ENTJ fascist dictator of the balkans my first order of business would be to separate the people into two categories: useful trash and useless trash.
the gypsy dictator more like
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All alone again.
woah fast
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ehh from one tranime thread and into another
what is even the point
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throat: sore
voice: coarse
mood: sullen
errythang: hurting
happenings: absent
>throat: sore
see >>203589520
just have elections like us every year
our honey is processed dogshit but thanks
embassys always respond
it's their job
Is this rasha?
no, obsessed
Yes :)
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fresh bread


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