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frog consort edition

reminder that this hasnt been refuted or debunked ever
gib winged gf
got home just in time to make the new :')
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what is that, are you shitposting while driving
So where should I look for my next gf prospect?
that is a very soft and sweet meow but my cat has a soft meow too that rivals this he's just a little prissy boy that likes to groom himself and be prim and proper
at a religious event
that's precious
Nome, Alaska
online or just in the places in your daily life i guess
you got that lil siamese guy?
no he's a nebelung
long haired little grey boy
i wonder what they're talking about
im guessing you know who spammed penises while i was gone now that im reading the last thread
why does he do it it's not even funny it's just obscene and gross, he's not winning anyone over to his cause
he's mentally ill. ignore.
spoiled brats throw tantrums not because it will get them some sweets but because theyre brats
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lets go boys
lord give me strength i went all day with no caffeine except for a coffee this morning and the caffeine headache is kicking my butt
fighting the urge to go to the convenience store for the 1am redbull that fixes my brain
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good night
how about tylenol or advil or something
those don't really help and if i cave and take midol that has caffeine in it then i'm a failure and i'll never quit caffeine it just hurts so bad in my sinuses there's so much pressure
and my friends daughters got sick from school and i was hanging out there yesterday so i'm expecting to be sick tomorrow or the next day so i see a lot of time in bed in my future
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and a rocksnek too
zandork had some cummable lips ngl
^extremely gay
Nice lips are nice lips bro
cool mustache
i don't know how much caffeine you're accustomed to, but i found it easier to quit caffeine by gradually tapering down
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This is me
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My motto is, "Death before decaf!"
i think i'm going to accept defeat and go get the red bull but this is the last time and going forward from here i'm not gonna do it again it just hurts so bad i also have other things going on that is making it worse and it gives me an excuse to get a sweet treat, i ended up doing my cheat day today instead of saturday so i have the calories
you're kind of scary desu
imagine having a star on your national flag
God I hate myself and my life. Mom keeps telling me how much better I'm doing and I should be proud and happy if myself but I'm not. At the end of the day I'm still an autistic manchild approaching 30 with an an extreme poverty tier income living with my hoarder dad. This is not a life worth living.
Trying to take better care of my health just feels like pissing on a house fire.
There was an earthquake around 100miles from where i life, somewhere around 3 of that scale you used to measured that
I come home and see some small sculptures being Flipper over vor whatever
You are more experienced, could a small earthquake like that do this?
The GameFreak leaks ruined Lapras.
why are you trying to quit caffeine, it's pretty much harmless
idk anything about earfquakes my nigga, I've felt like one in my life
I HATE athlete Kike Hernandez
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I was forced to give up my daily 2-3 cups of coffee thanks to high blood pressure and acid reflux.
It's the part of getting old I don't particularly enjoy.
3 is barely anything
3 is too small to do that
because of moments like right now where i don't have any caffeine and i get a horrible sinus headache and coffee doesn't cut it anymore and im drinking like 1 or 2 red bulls every day lately i have an addictive personality and i need to be accountable for myself this isn't good for me
it's important to take care of your health anon, no need to face all the problems you have in bad health, that would make everything so much harder. you aren't the only person in their late 20s living with their parents, that's fairly common nowadays
Dang bro, i fehlt linke all your country is Luke earthquakes, monsoons, storms n sheeit
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>can flee whenever it wants
>sleep powder, hypnosis and thunder wave dont fucking work 80% of the time
>whittling its health into the red makes it escape the pokeball sooner
Monsoons are in Asia they’re called hurricanes https://youtu.be/Le_IyYLrUtQ
So it just was me being drunk not remembering it.. Shit happens
i look like that
I don't get out of bed for less than 5.5 magnitude, dawg
ok ill be right back i had the car warming up i don't want to freeze my heine off
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I love Kike
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Thank you all, but gotta go to bed, another night shift is on the rise
Pretty much (not so much for punk but idc). I like j fashion and anime stuff. I’ve never really gotten into it though because I want to get really well made pieces in person but it just doesn’t exist where I’ve lived. I’m probably gonna have to cheap out and order from temu soon tho (my reduced wardrobe triggered my relatives’ normie instincts, so they keep gifting me retarded shit I dont want)
bedberg calls
sweet dreams, hanz
I used to have acid reflux and now I don't. It's great
>it's important to take care of your health anon, no need to face all the problems you have in bad health, that would make everything so much harder. you aren't the only person in their late 20s living with their parents, that's fairly common nowadays
I only make $20,000 a year. When I took over a family friends business I didn't expect to be making a lot, but I thought it would be more than this.
I can't stand living at home anymore, the house is a mess and looks like shit because my dad is a neglectful hoarder who doesn't maintain it and has it filled with his useless crap. My bipolar sister also lives at home and is always loud and dramatic even when she's in a good mood.
I hate having autism, I might be on the high functioning end but still causes me enough problems. I couldn't tie my own shoes until I was in 5th grade. Im so tired and lonely. I'm at the point where I wouldn't mind just paying a girl to cuddle with me as pathetic as that sounds but I doubt I could even afford that.
I didn't learn how to tie my shoes until I was 17
I learned how to drive before that
cum niggas be like: shoelaces...how do they work?!
My fine motor skills were terrible, and still kind of are
damn son I made 2k this week and thought that was shit. you could make more at mcdolans
Last time I went on a job interview I had a panic attack and hate to take this medicine that knocks me out for a day.
I live in a world where an ounce is $200.
get on the neetbux or summin I guess
This isn't Sweden. If you have 4 working limbs and a pulse you're not getting shit
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>dad drank himself to death
I keep hearing bad news about the company my dad works for and I get afraid
boo hoo nigga
well learn to code then
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>i make six figures and think that's shit
And Laker is only a buck a beer, don't you know?
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How do girls sleep?
In my arms
n-flation do be rough though, also I live in the most expensive state in the nation housing wise which is what I care about
>find the part of tiktok that likes trashtalk in the comments
>now my inbox is constantly being flooded with likes
I couldn't find the location of my canine companion. Should I check the grand canyon?
Just stack pillows on top of each other to boost the head above the ass in order lean.
Six figures doesn’t mean shit in current year. You can barely qualify for an apartment that isn’t a total dump with 100k income. They should bump the benchmark up to seven at this point
just flossed
>Six figures doesn’t mean shit in current year
Stop living in a shithole city. My life doesn't cost six figures.
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$250k is the new six figures
gonna be lucky to make 70k after I graduate
what degree are you graduating with? underwater lesbian pottery?
Just ate some popcorn and 3 granola bars. My ass is not gonna be happy.
im back the guy at the convenience store is so nice he gave me a free chocolate milk because it was buy one get one free and i didn't know
wanting to cuddle with someone you love is not pathetic and it's admirable that that's what you want instead of just sex like most guys
you have to find something that works for you, if you work a bit differently and you're on the spectrum, you are gonna have a non traditional career because you can't fit the cookie cutter mold
i know having a shit home life definitely doesn't help, but that can be managed and atleast nobody is violent or an alcoholic or something
what makes you happy? doing something that makes you happy for a career is pretty standard advice i think
digital art & animation with a specialty in technical art & VFX
hate it when this happens
hell yeah
that pic was me when no caffeine
that class was so hard
did everyone go to bed i'm manic i want to talk
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>just flossed
let's get hog wild in here
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don't be a maniac!
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i've been hypersocial the last few days because i'm going through a manic episode instead of a depressive one and it's been nice but i've been wound up like a spring i need a massage or something
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i have a japanese friend that i talk to him on xwitter, i plan to see him next year if i don't die as is normal in mexico, how likely is it that my office worker friend will try to fuck me? I don't want to have to beat him
I'm tired of your normie ass life, I don't want to hear about it
pig of the sounder is a good name
Don't start praising me just yet, a night of sex and cuddling sounds ideal, but that is thousands of dollars.
I do pet sitting, it's a lot less stressful than working with people and a boss but the income is awful like I said $20,000. There's ways to expand but I don't think the ceiling is that high.
No alcoholics? My dad nearly died of liver failure last year and was only saved by a surgery that put a stint in. Most people only live another 5 years. He's too old for a transplant. My mom also loses it if she can't drink 2 beers every day. They're separated but she came to help take care of him and would not give up the alcohol, got into many arguments and fights about that. My dad relapsed because she couldn't go without beer. She promised to stop after that, lasted a few months than secretly started bringing it into the house again.
I'd he happy doing what I'm doing now if it made a respectable income.
>[not pictured]
They should at least have a sound file
>that pic was me when no caffeine
were you wearing a maids outfit as well?
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Do you know these hard-ish back roller tube things? They’re probably about half as good as a pro massage if your back is tense, and every session is free once you own it
I should maybe get one of those, my back has been tight since I took a trip and drove a lot, and played a lot of golf lately
have you looked into veterinary care? if you like animals and everything, that might not be the best if you're sensitive like i am my friend was a kennel tech for a while and she saw some horrible stuff
i'm sorry i didn't know that there was actual problems with alcohol in the family, it's sad that they're choosing to essentially drink themselves to death but there's not really a whole lot that can be done to stop that
i'm not really wise to how the job market and stuff is so i'm not really much help sorry, but just control what you can control in your own life and your own small space and you can bring order to stuff outside your immediate domain slowly. i'm guessing dad would feel incredibly negatively about throwing out some of his junk, but it might put him at ease if you can cram it all into a storage unit somewhere, they are really cheap you can get one for like 10 dollars a month or something
Love this retarded downie so much https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=F8oWGAPfoGo
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Another fine morning.
i was wearing my cosmic cuddle it's too cold out for anything but that
i don't own a french maid outfit either so no
yes that would work perfectly i'm going to buy one online right now it can get here in like 1 or 2 days
This guy has hundreds of videos of him hurting himself in amateur jackass with Johnny Knoxville type stunts while his dad films and eggs him on and my only question is what do their neighbours think lol
It's like Kenny Rogers Jackass, but real.
I live here
i'm a cute little soft little girl and none of you can tell me otherwise.
i don't know how to feel about this
he should be allowed to jump onto washing machines if he wants, that's his right. but when does it become exploitative is kind of unclear
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70k is still a lot of money anywhere on planet earth, don't let anons fool you
little girls shouldn't be on this website did you see what was being posted earlier + it's your bedtime + adults are talking + you have cheer in the morning
noradrenaline + still water + balkan parents + hawk tuah + group leader + still water + serbian dry beating + level 27 gyatt + jonkler laugh + zeptogooning + infinite phonk aura = those who know :skull: (only balkan will understand) (explanation in comments) (like for part 2)
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I like pigs, there's a lot to respect about them. Very resistant to taming despite having high intelligence, brave and aggressive despite being a prey animal. But I think what I like about them most is their resilience. Nobody respects pigs, nobody wants pigs around or in the forest. Muslims and Jews hate them. People don't have any empathy for pigs because they're seen as filthy and they aren't cute. They regularly put bounties up to reduce their population. Yet the boar persists despite it all. It remains wild, and even domesticated pigs descended from generations of domesticated pigs can go feral.
The boar gets a lot of shit but as far as animals go he's pretty based. And I guess God's reward for all they go through is the 30 minute orgasms where they shoot out an insane amount of cum
I was bullied into quitting Tae Kwon Do when I was 11.
Make sure you look up some video tutorials on how to use it effectively, since it’s not necessarily intuitive

if you're not miserable you're mocking me by being here
i really like this post
i've never seen anyone go to bat for pigs like that, i do think pigs can be cute, but if they go feral and become boars they aren't cute anymore
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It's spelled "hock tooey".
>that's just how that shit went on tv
lol, anything mike judge does is a treasure
Pigs were hated because they were unclean. Religious laws against eating pork were just because people got sick more often eating pork than eating cattle or goat.
It’s not a very useful one anyway. No one does Tae Kwon Do at UFC
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Can I follow you on tiktok?
yair rodriguez has a tkd heavy style. benson henderson and anthony pettis both came from tkd too
I don't make tiktoks, I just trashtalk.
The song "A million billion stars" from the band Black Marble is avery special song to me
Classic leafoids being the n-words of the internet everywhere they go
They’re basically only unclean if they’re raised in an unclean way. You know how India has those weird urban cattle who wander around cities? The ancient Middle East had urban pigs who’d go around eating garbage. The ancient Chinese had an especially insane system, where peasants would keep pigs in latrines, and literally feed them human shit. If you don’t force pigs into insanely disgusting circumstances, they’re reasonable like most other animals.
problem with idiocracy is it gives them way too much credit. if they were all truly that dumb they'd be living in mud huts like the africans do...granted that doesn't make for a great movie.
why do you hate kenny rogers so much? did you not know when to fold em?
There are different phases to things. South Africa is a good example of a country that’s running on the fumes of their country’s former glory, but they’re not back in the huts just yet
Classic burgeroids being the niggers of life everywhere they go
their ancestors automated a lot of the food and healthcare systems in the movie and the people are just barely scraping by on the former glory of their country
the premise is that living in complete automated comfort led them to their iq decline
Kenny Rogers fucked my mom
He didn’t know when to hold it (his bladder)
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m00t go to bed you're not a little girl you're a theiving backstabbing jerkface
the post being 'no.1' is really cool
Moot: the original newfag.
there is NO WAY they'd be able to maintain their electric cars, or build the monster vehicles they were gonna use to smash luke wilson, or maintain them, or keep the lights and TV on if they were as stupid as portrayed.

yeah but it's like 500 years after the present or whatever. SA will be back in mud huts in 500 years, unless China re-colonizes them
He didn't even get dubs. What a joke.
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on the topic of moot

what a nerd
We just need to set up AI colonial overlords to keep our abysmal-IQ replacements in line long after we’ve gone, like LOTR elves :)
it's bed time
good night
i miss snow
it snowed yesterday
Just talking to me helps, thanks. Like I said earlier the last time I had a job interview I had a severe panic attack. My employment history has huge gaps because of years of NEETdom. When I did work I dreaded coming in everyday and dealing with coworkers, bosses, and people in general. I called out sick all the time to avoid it, and working full time was so draining. Coming home to a cold empty bed and not having any friends didn't help. Of course that still happens today but at least I'm not stressed out all the time and don't dread going to work.
looks like a fun time tho
.... it snows every day if you're some scientist in Antarctica.
where the fuck are you?
Just remembered how a couple years ago i showed my mom MDE videos.
God, why am I so cringy?
Remember The Bong Lord? https://youtu.be/GHZE6-oU8K8?si=tnCcaSgrcAYmQj36
how do i stop being an alcoholic?
i need real help, but am not sure where to go for it
this is not a joke. i need real help
To possibly state the obvious, maybe AA or something? I’m not an alcoholic and don’t know any, so I don’t have much input, but that’s definitely something to get under control
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my ass itched bad for a few days but ok now :D
>you weren't asked? then don't tell
>wasn't asked? then don't tell
are those the same?
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help me out here, mutts. is graduation or mbdtf the better album?
why dont baldcels just wear a wig?
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Maybe I shouldnt say this as to not get hexed with bad vibes by the majority of people who dislike me here but
Going on a date today as part of my trying to move on and cure my bad habits effort.
Pray for me to not sperg out or let too much show
I think your fans (fan?) are all asleep, but good luck regardless nafri frog.
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Listening to the Grateful Dead.
Do I go to sleep or do I make coffee and stay up till tomorrow (technically today) night? Many such questions.
Fart on my nuts when we fuck
I like to call this the "Genocide is Bad" flags
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Flag btw
the hairpiece used to be a common thing. i guess only women are allowed to camouflage their shortcomings
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>Roll Cadillacs never lie on ravs
>Smoke killer herb 'till my lungs collapse
>Lost two grand last night shooting craps
>Then I hit the Ritz and bought a few laps
>Just got a letter from my old best friend
>Doing 25 in the federal pen
>Wanna come home but he said until then
>Could I look over his 3 children
>They wake em up at 5 am for Fruit Loops
>Draped up in white overalls and black boots
>Used to drive a Lac sipping gin and juice
>Now we need money for some chips and soups
>Run around town with a sack of rocks
>Polo shirt with the matching socks
>Mom I promise one day I'ma stop
>I'ma grow up and be a astro-naut
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People talk about the YouTube rabbit hole, well the FB rabbit holes can get just as crazy.
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Happy 4:20 AM my frens. Smoke weed get high!!
the 25 year old 'looner
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It’s a fat Miku kind of morning.
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Notice how she's smiling the fatter she gets
Do you love Japan?
fuck japan
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Coffee's brewing.
Some do. They've gotten good enough they're hard to notice
For four hundred years the Appallachian man watched fertile soils scatter under the wind, heard the thunder echo between the walls of on his hollow, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue ridges calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed of terrace farming. He lives as his fathers lived—fallowed the land, worked his wife, sold his children, ate his brother, content to drink, sing, dance, and sport as the ape!
I've never been there and the only people I know who like it are annoying.
Why do people treat Appalachia like a weird-ass offworld colony? People here go to walmart and smoke crack just like everywhere else in America.
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airport, japan
Based and BarryBondspilled
I need soft silky girl feet this morning.
I need a goil who will shake me all night long
have you tried a pumice stone
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You know what really gets my goat? Those packs of chocolate chip, macadamia nut, and raisin cookies. Like, there's such a clear hierarchy there. 95% of people will go for the chocolate chip, 5% the macadamia nut, and fucking no one likes raisin cookies. Raisins are so salty and mushy, why would anyone want that in a cookie? Every time someone gets these for an event the chocolate chips are gone in seconds, the macadamia nuts are gone in minutes, and there's like three missing raisin cookies. EVERY time I leave the event, the raisin cookies are in almost a full line. Would it really be that economically unviable to just have half chocolate chip or half macadamia nut? Or even just sugar cookies? Raisin cookies belong in the sixth circle of Hell.
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I'm in a self driving taxi right now
Midget at the check out line oh boy
Midgets be shopping
my hungry ass would eat them all
all midgets are filled with murderous rage on the inside
Do you know who would really have appreciated those cookies? The victims of the Holodomor.
Stalin did nothing wrong and Putin was blessed by Lenin to finally end Kulak tyranny.
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Good morning
We used to shoot communists in the fucking head. Now we affirm their gender or they'll cry.
this has been debunked
good morning sirs
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Late night, here.
It's Spooktober bros, so I think it's time to pull out this ol' classic: https://youtu.be/AWFosb98Kec?si=dCzBYXJF8ACD7PjF
What’s with your annoying VPN ass constantly going into random /int/ threads and asking that?
Like you’ve literally been doing it for well over a year.
>t. Japan-hater
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I got you, kohai
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Nope, I love Japan.
>"I love Japan"
>Post pic of a random schoolgirl
I know I'm pushing my consenting-adult fetish here, but what's your intent here?
There are more Indians in Canada who have been here for LESS THAN A YEAR than there are trannies in Canada total.

Just think about that for a minute.
Desperately horny jeets LOVE trannies.
>Some numbers are bigger than other numbers
Who gives a shit? Trannies have always been vastly overblown.
Yeah, I don't think you understand where I was getting at.
I'm talking about only the Indians who came here less than a year ago, not total Indians.
trannies have always been a tiny amount of the population
I always start my day doing some light reading. Typically I enjoy a cup of tea and a cigar while purusing snopes.com articles debunking those addlepated, lame brained misinformation attempts which are put forward by the so called alt-right and manosphere charlatans. It never fails to provide with much needed mirth and amusement seeing their fallacious arguments fall apart under the force of sheer logic and sound reasoning from superior minds such as the one possessed by yours truly. Alas, it is equal parts humorous and shocking to think that we still share a planet with simpletons who believe in religion and fall for such slack jawed rhetoric. Such purported falsehoods stand as a real and grave threat to our democracy (and feminism) and are a stark reminder of the need for constant vigilance from those of us cut from a more civilized cloth.
I knew what you meant, I was just making a silly connection. Over one million jeets just in the first half of this year is ridiculous I know.
Yes. They have been. But the fact that we imported more Indians than there are trannies IN A YEAR?
not surprising theres probably less than 50k trannies in all of canada. you're greatly overestimating how many there are
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Tfw no one takes your bait
too long didnt read
I feel miserable and jealous again, why should Jews show off their fortune?
In my times trans were called shemales
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In my times bops were called thots
>the population of trannies is way overblown but also we must urgently pass legislation about them
Ukraine is so fucked.
Do most normies even realize how bad the situation is for them?
Zelensky is a fucking retard, larping as some kind of war hero while his whole country is fucking dying.
We shouldn't. Lol. Never said we should. Let them be
I want to fuck the hawk tuah girl so bad
what is that
This but unironically. The whole trans situation is a distraction from the mass immigration problem.
As long as Ukraine keeps killing orcs, the US will whisper in Zelensky's ear that they can still win.
lots of chuds here this morning
You JUST KNOW when she said "spit on that thang" she meant BBC.
I think she might honestly be a virgin, or at least has a boring sex life. No one wants to be spat on.
I was a supervisor at a store in WEM, the manager was indian. I had Canadians come basically begging for a job, dropping off their resumes. It is literally the most basic job ever, and most of the team was 18-21. The manager used to eat her food on top of the resumes. Some times she mockingly throws em in the trash.

I’m not indian, but I did arrive to Canada only last year. And I can’t describe how weird I felt being an immigrant and a newcomer and have countrymen basically begging me for a $17/h job.

The indian manager also pushed all of our team to quit and replaced 100% of us with indians. The whole store is indian now.

Me and my husband are moving back to Europe next week.

Just want to let you know that I have never seen this anywhere else, and we lived in 4 European countries before our arrival to Canada. In our country, 99.999% of the workforce were our citizens. (Actual citizens).
Anyone please answer this
If the Bored Apes weren't a soulless scam I think they would have been very cute characters for profile pictures, memes, etc. Like, imagine a monkey Pepe. Instead they were a scam, so they're just the face of dumbasses who dropped thousands of dollars on a jpeg.
life aint shit but a fat vagina
good take
reading other generals in translation is funny sometimes
Gm /cum/maniacs
> I'm not like this loser, I EXCHANGE IDEAS, I LEARN THINGS
wew lad
Nice. GL give us an update on how it goes
please suck the worms out of my asshole like ramen
gm sir
>his whole country is fucking dying
Just like russia?
Might smoke a joint, but in my room while leaning out the window this time.
Have we seen Kamala dance? I don't like Trump, but I do love when he gets jiggy. I might vote for him because of that, but if Kamala has moves that might sway me. I live in a swing state btw.
No, not like Russia at all. You are delusional.
i already sent in my ballot for the black lady last week :/
I voted BC NDP on Tuesday.
Were early ballots available last week? I think you were scammed.
>do most normiea even realize
Normalfaga dont care
didn't ask
Early ballots are like in September in my state
in my county they're sent out 30 days before the election.
These niggas live in states.
This nigga lives in a province or territory. Imagine that gay shit lol.
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Intent? I just take random pics at train stations and whatnot.
i live in a state of denial
Do you have any pictures of women wearing office wear or a college shirt?
I live in a state of constant hunger
i live in new hampshire
Canada is about to chud the FUCK out.
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Im about to eat the fuck out of this yogurt
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makin some covfefe
i went to /lit/ to ask about what books i should read and they told me to start with the greeks
that's how i know that they don't live in reality with the rest of us
imagine respecting the hairy southerners in the asshole of europe
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Technically she’s in office attire, you just can’t see the rest of it
>reddit: the country is going to chud out
Sure it is
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They should remake the original Terminator but make it more realistic by having a man from our time travel back to the 1980s where everyone looked like dogshit.

Kyle Reese, a 35 year old teenager, travels back in time to save Sarah Conor, a 20 year old caveman.
Will be enjoying my cold brew after my breakfast :) enjoy anon
i should take mushrooms sometime
Emma Stone is dumb and ugly
This nigga lives in Arizona or smth
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Have you ever watched Frieren: Beyond Journey's End? It is a good anime.
Yes this is true. Also Jennifer Lawrence is too.
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JLaw is fucking hot.
No i don't watch anime but i like the premise of it from what i know
Very autistic elf girl comes back to the villages she visited 1000 years ago because she was busy doing elf stuff and forgot humans don't have time like her
>Jennifer Lawrence
Isn't it funny how her career "mysteriously" died right around the same time when Weinstein got canned?
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I love when beautiful women sport ponytails.
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i love beautiful women in general
this cat is cute
i can only assume that the poster is cute as well
I love beautiful women period
This macaco gets it
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Another anime is Classroom of the Elite and it's kind of good but it is confusing and there are too many characters.
It is about a genetically engineered super genius but he holds himself back to make people think he's only mediocre and he manipulates the other students against each other to serve his own ends. Eventually people start to figure out that he is a lot smarter than he lets on but they still don't know what his agenda is.
Im going to re watch la la land with Emma stone and Ryan gosling when i think i can do it without it being too painful
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> emma stone
red heads are cute!
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The best anime is Mushishi. It is supreme kino and it has great art design, excellent music, and a comfy atmosphere.
Death Note also is really good and it also has great music. Death Note is popular for a reason. It is a classic and you can't go wrong with it.
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Morning blazing music:
Major downside of being tall is having to buy clothes from the tall only store at the back of the mall. Segregation.
I love natural redheads so fucking much it's unreal
They drive me nuts
For me its wavy hair in a pony tail. HNNNG
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Stop watching these girly movies you pansy.
I love romance movies
I am spiritually a white girl
I cried watching the time travelers wife after my breakup bc i cant have such a wonderfl and loving relationship like that wirh the ex i was still hardcore in love with
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For me it was Her. I watched it because it sounded interesting, with AI developing into a true artificial lifeform and all that, sci Fi stuff always intrigued me. But what it ended up being was a reminder that women can and often do grow bored with relationships. It came out not long after I got divorced from my high school sweet heart, and it just reminded me how awful it felt to love someone dearly when they simply outgrew you

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