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Please stop comparing these two.

Women from all over the world dream of going to Mexico and getting their pussy BTFO by some novella looking dude, and dancing the night away while drinking authentic delicious Mexican tequila.

Meanwhile women literally jump off of bridges to avoid Indian men. There's a reason Indians have to pretend to be mexican/latino on dating apps to get matches.
lmao nice damage control, mexcrement
>Women from all over the world dream of going to Mexico and getting their pussy BTFO by some novella looking dude
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brother nations
you mean interchangeable shitholes
>Women from all over the world dream of going to Mexico and getting their pussy BTFO
do mexican americans genuinely believe this lmfao
Good morning sir
give back tomatoes

It's true. Women will even go to Mexico all by themselves. Especially white women, they all want their little taste of Alejandro and Miguel.
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>i'm gonna break my legs first before getting raped
lol, that's some life decision.
Mexicans are hard working catholics, meanwhile India is the scam artist headquarters of the World.
Many such cases. I was trying to find the recent one with the woman jumping off a bridge to avoid the Indian but this one also popped up lol.
They're not going for sex tourism, they're going because it's a beautiful country, Mexicans aside.

Only Chicanos could possibly be this delusional, they need to thank the Lord everyday for latinas otherwise they'd be in the same shoes as jeets
Anon, nobody is going to Mexico for 5'4" manlets... Boomers go there for legal prostitutes, young people go there for cheap drugs and partying, everyone else is just there for the beaches and Mexico City pyramids
>Yes, babe! I already told you it's just a "girls trip" we will be enjoying the beautiful country side and architecture, definitely not going out to their clubs and dancing all night with boys! Us young fertile girls definitely prefer history and culture over that type of stuff!!

Guys like you deserve to be cheated on.
Latino men are the second most sought after on dating apps right after white men.
Actually yes Cancun and Tulum are popular destinations, but they're closed off to brown boys like you. They're going to fuck other Americans.

Its a literal 10 step power gap between the two, moreso when your average chicANO on int has the same skin color as a cardboard box and a BMI in the high 30s
Latinos are also by far the second largest population in the country (if we count illegals who aren't well tracked. Your population is way more than that of blacks and just by census counts 5 times that of Asians/Indians
who ever compared the two? in most of the world mexicans carry a lot of the same romantic stereotypes as spaniards. no one hates mexicans except americans.

indians on the other hand are seen a peak third world, they are associated with filth, and their religion is disturbing.
Kill yourself jeet. Everyone prefers Mexican culture, people, food, tourism, etc. Only thing jeets are good at is making cringey movies.
Why does Mexico not produce cinema? I remember when I was a kid some Mexican telenovelas were popular but now there is nothing.
Here, Mexicans have zero romantic connotations as a group. They're seeing as short third world brown people who either integrate into white culture, work menial service and factory jobs, or chainsaw people's heads off while in the country illegally
Mexican cinema was of decent quality up to the 60s, during the Hollywood blacklist, a lot of filmmakers came to Mexico to keep working on movies, and some spanish as well.
But then movies became mostly porno flicks for a long time, until the 90s, where a couple new directors came out (Del Toro, Cuaron and Iñarritu). However, they all left to make movies in Hollywood so now we are back to making shit comedy flicks nobody wants to watch.
As for Telenovelas, there was a time in the 80s, 90s and 2000s when these would be exported all over the world, these are still being made but I think they got BTFO'd by turkish and korean dramas.
what is a Mexican? as of now india only gives a fuck about the nation it borders and usa
The only mexicans i know are speedy gonzalez and Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya de la Rosa Ramirez
yes I'm aware. But here their hispanic culture is what is underlined
It may be a french thing but we consider them western. I've noticed americans vehemently deny their westerness. I guess from our point of view they don't look as different to us as they do to anglo saxon protestants
Well yes, Southern French people are literally brown as Arabs so makes sense

Arabs are white but not Western
Thank you based France being the voice of reason and truth.
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hispanics are the dalits of the west
All of latin america also hates mexicans
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One of the biggest sex symbols and Chad's of the 90s was a Mexican.
Not at all
Yes you do, that's why /sp/ thinks I'm Mexican kek
Why is a German saying this? Shouldn't you be worried about getting ass raped by Russians?
>Women from all over the world dream of going to Mexico and getting their pussy BTFO by some novella looking dude
They hate us cuz they ain't us.
what the fuck is this post
no, arabs are not white, and southerners aren't arabs
Every woman on the planet wanted to bang Oscar de la Hoyas brains out from the 90-2000s. He was also one of the most popular and highest paid athletes on the planet.
A couple of white women literally fighting and crying over a piece of Mexican chorizo.

>scraping the barrel for anything at all, come up with someone from 30 years ago that only other hispanx cared about
chicano cope is embarrassing as fuck.
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kek latinx are so desperate for white approval
On /sp/ they try to get it by hating blacks
On /int/ they try to get it by hating jeets
but you're the jeet Ramirez, you're insulting way too close to home
Same phenotypes, same history of defeat (you were victims of Iberia you are not le epic conquistador)
same low caste in white society
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We have a current day updated version of him too.

Just as popular and even more paid.
nobody cares about boxing and the only one the average 2024 normie would be able to name is Tyson Fury, the kind of rugged white working classman that latinas get wet for.
95% of women would rather bang Canelo than Fury lmao.
I don't think anyone besides Puerto Ricans hate Mexico.
You realize Indians all live together in 1 home? Like 3-4 generations all in a single family home.
Arabs are white and you are as brown as a white Arab, the US government has decided both these things and we are the only country whose opinions matter
>getting their pussy BTFO by some novella looking dude
that's false though, white women actually prefers short and turbo brown amerindian bvlls
>pretending Latinos don't have abuelo and abuela living at home to mind the kids
Multigenerational households are a very common thing, only white people banish their parents to the nursing home after being kicked out at 18
Multi-nuclear-family households are anecdotally extremely rare for Indian families, even aunts and uncles living with the family (unless they're visiting from India) would be strange. Most Indian Americans also live in suburb HOAs where that kind of stuff is normally prohibited. Besides household is a tax thing, the aunt and uncle who have their own family under the same roof would be considered a separate household at the same address - and Indian Americans still have the highest individual income as an ethnic group
We don't hate Mexico.
In North America we see Mexicans as our brothers.
Everyone in that tv series was good looking as fuck.
Yea, it's mostly sports rivals.
>thread is about 2 non white countries
>let me make it about white people

No wonder jews hate you so much.
I do consider Indians my brothers, but they have been getting a little too cocky and arrogant as of late.
Nobody compares India and Mexico.
>Homicide rates
>2.95 per 100k
>28 per 100k

But le say sorry, please kek
/pol/ does all the time.
My brother is christ, we get bullied all the time. India does the same thing every thirdie country does with boasting and nationalism but for India, somehow everyone takes it very seriously and people start writing entire thesis about how everything sucks
I like reading indians talk shit about India. It's funny
>My brother is christ
is he now?
/pol/ is retarded.

I've been to India and Mexico. I actually enjoyed visiting both. However, they're not very comparable. Even the landscapes don't have much in common.
> in most of the world mexicans carry a lot of the same romantic stereotypes as spaniards
Damn euros (or maybe just French ones)
are truly fucking retarded. How do you even believe that delusion from a country that is literally poor and have had to immigrate away from their shithole for decades. Haven’t even mentioned their average physical traits yet which is another set of worms. Euros like you and the retarded Canadians are truly fucking annoying with your delusions of Latin America. Die off and be replaced so I don’t have to keep reading continuous cringe
the india hatred on this website is fucking retarded. it's a very fascinating place with lots of cool shit of its own that you people will totally ignore.
theres an amerifag who used to post here and on trv regularly and has been to india many times (or lived there idr). always had good pictures and good stories, he recognized all the problems but made it seem like a pretty cool place with friendly people once you're outside the designated tourist areas or whatever
My friend studies at university in germany and said that his mexican classmate went around trying to hook up with every girl on the campus, before getting turned down.
when girls think of mexican and colombian guys, they're thinking of tall, suave men with olive complexions who speak in romantic poetry--not horny little goblinos with indigenous features
I don't even think about Mexico thoughbeit
and they dont think about you either.

real life isn't what pol makes it sound. nobody here actually hates indians, conservative anger is almost unilaterally directed at undocumented immigrants from latin american countries. aside from that, IRL, most people in most countries don't spend a lot of time thinking about things that don't affect their daily lives. india is as relevant to the average american or mexican as mexico is to the average indian farmer.
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Ameribros... how can we possibly cope with this?
Kek absolute unit.
Women love the teddy bear build.
It's true though, firstie white women make songs lusting for Alejandro, Fernando but I've never heard a song about Pajeet
Lmao. Remember the ancient saying
No man is ugly inside a Ford Raptor
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>Women from all over the world dream of going to Mexico and getting their pussy BTFO by some novella looking dude, and dancing the night away while drinking authentic delicious Mexican tequila.
I'd party with those dudes.
If Alejandro and Fernando are actual Spaniards sure, but not Mixtec manlets named after your conquistadores
Also Gwen Stefani wrote this song after she broke up with an Indian guy (the bassist in No Doubt)
Forgot to link
But that's why she's wearing a bindi, pretty much half the songs on Tragic Kingdom and a few songs even into her solo career were about this breakup and that's how they went super famous
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Lol I'll be the first to admit that there is some crossover between Mexicans and Jeets in terms of looks. I've seen plenty of Mexicans that look like Arabs or Jeets, but that's where the comparison ends. When it comes to everything else, whether it's culture, sex appeal, or assimilation, it's not even close. Indians are as alien as it gets in America. Mexicans have been here since the beginning, especially in the Southwest. The two most common interracial pairings in America are Latina Woman/White Man and Latino Man/White Woman by far. You'll see countless white women with Mexican men in places like Texas and New Mexico. Can't say the same for Jeets.
Thanks for the research I've literally never would've known
I just like peak Gwen Stefani
I only know 1 song by wypipo about a Fernando and it's by ABBA
But even that song is not about loving Fernando
>The English version, with completely different lyrics by Björn Ulvaeus, presents a vision of nostalgia for two veterans reminiscing in old age about a long-ago battle in which they participated.[5] "I wrote all the songs as little stories. 'Fernando' was about two old freedom-fighters from the Mexican Revolution. I was lying outside one summer night, looking at the stars and it suddenly came to me".[6] "I knew that the title 'Fernando' had to be there, and after pondering a while, I had this vivid image in my mind of two old and scarred revolutionaries in Mexico sitting outside at night talking about old memories".

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