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i eat this for 2 days in a row and my shit turns into concrete

i dont know how you asians do it
rice, soy sauce, sliced tomatoes and smoked fish was my go-to budget meal when i was in college
>smoked fish
look at the fat cat ova ere
you use a rice cooker?
i make rice in a pot
yeah i do. whenever i use a pot, i always risk undercooking/overcooking. rice cooker is the retard proof way of making perfect rice and dont let anybody tell you otherwise
What rice cooker brand do you recommend?
doesnt matter what brand. just get one that says IH on it and you are good.
im worried about teflon in rice cookers
all rice cookers are the virtually the same, i'd recommend just getting the cheapest one you could find at your local store but if you really want to be safe, i'd say hanabishi, zojirushi or asahi
they make ones with ceramic inner pots but it costs a lot more
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im willing to pay but the brands that people always recommend don't seem to exist in sweden
probably i will have to import
Where do Asians get their iron and zinc if they don't eat wheat or oats?

no clue what the situation is in sweden, but probably most western countries, if there is no asian grocery store you will have to import yourself. amazon or rakuten is the easiest option i think
we dont eat much rice here so i understand why they don't sell these machines
problem with importing is that the information is often not sufficient for example they will say it's free from teflon but then they have their own version of teflon with a different name that they say is much "safer"
just simple stainless steel would be preferred
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I'm a retard and I don't even know how to use this. Do you always fill the pot with the same amount of water regardless of how much rice you use?
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Steamed rice is the best, though, in terms of texture and fragrance.
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rule of thumb is to use the finger method but my recommendation is this:
if we use volume to measure rice and water: if you're cooking 1000 ml of rice, then use 500ml of water.
your water should be around half the amount of rice you use.
this depends too on the type of rice you're also cooking. just keep experimenting until you find your perfect rice
it is ~26mm to my first digit line
what about you?
around the same actually
kk thanks i will start using this method then
you're supposed to eat other things with it.
I use my middle finger for this.
Use 1.5x the anount of water as Brown rice and 2x time as the amount of white rice

Also certain kinds of rice work better on the stovetop than the rice cooker (e.g. basmati and other Indian rices like Kerala matta) are very delicate and does way better on the stove where you can manage it's cooking and avoid crusting/burning at the bottom

Cheap rice cookers are best for grocery store generic rice from Texas/Georgia, Jasmine rice from Thailand, and Chinese/Japanese/American versions of those rices like Nishiki/Calrose/Koshihikari etc
What else do you eat?

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I just throw the rice packet into boiling water and take it out after 10 minutes.
Why do you have to make everything so needlessly complicated?
Why do you think whites were able to dismantle the entire chink civilization in like a decade?
they're just an inherently sub-efficient race
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What the fuck is a rice packet

Do poles also boil their bread in the bread packet
>grab pot
>get it to boil
>throw in packet
>set timer
>take it out
>open package


>take cup of rice (or amount you want)
>fill water to portion line
>when beeps it's ready and keeps it warm
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I think I just threw up in my mouth a little
That means you also have to have a large container of rice in your house and disregards the initial cost of purchase and the space that such a device takes.
It's actually less hassle to do it this way.
in 15 years you will have a brain tumor
It's just rice.
Everyone has to die somehow.
>That means you also have to have a large container of rice
I can have a 500gr package if I want. That's about 2 cups. Enough for a meal or two.
But yes, we usually buy a 20kg pack, is cheaper.

And yes, the machine takes space, but it's used like daily, sometimes for 12 hours, with porridge in the morning and rice in the evening. And it saves a space of the stove, which is more valuable.
Looks like boiled maggots my dude. I hope you don't serve that plastic rice to other people without telling them first that you boiled it in a plastic bag.
So many plants have been harvested just to have their lives disrespected by some single digit europoor boil them in a plastic bag
I don't boil it in a bag, I use a rice cooker like a normal person
Add vegetables you mong
Everybody eats rice like this here. We aren't rice fanatics.
>We aren't rice fanatics.
Understandable when you eat plastic rice
>smoked fish
Noted. Will stay away from eating rice if I ever go to Poland.
Ideally you want to take the rice out of the bag before eating it.
You boiled it in the plastic. It will taste like it.
Also it's trash long grain.
Mate rice is rice who cares. We eat potatoes here, that's the stuff.
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>micro plastics
>low t
>high estrogen
enjoy your rice anon
>Mate rice is rice who cares
That's what I used to think. Until I got good rice.

Just like potatoes aren't just potatoes.
I think Poland anon is trolling us there’s no way they eat rice this way. Even Americans wouldn’t do this
It's not as scary once you realize microplastics are already inside you.
No it's real. I stopped recently because I got one of those thermomix-like devices and it has a rice cooking program in it, but this is how I used to eat rice all my life. Literally everyone does that.
How many times per month would you say the average Polack eats microplastic sous vide rice?
Not often. Like I said, we mostly eat potatoes. Once a week tops.
He is, my mom and most people I know always took it out of the and used bowl and a pot to cook it
I used to cook it in bags aswell back when I was uni and tired after classes but even then there are brands marked with no BPA in their compound list
If I see a Poland flag talking shit to amerifats about their food I’m gonna call you retards out from now on fyi. The hell is wrong with you guys
its cheap here
a kilo of tomatoes is $1 USD per kilo and i can get a pack of smoked fish for $3
I mean, the packaging literally says you can boil it inside the bag, so...
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my fucking sides
Ok but how much for an attractive hooker there
Do you guys eat rice this way there?
I've seen instant microwavable rice here but it isnt packaged like that. Its in a small plastic tray.
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We don't even sell regular rice in easily accessible places like Lidl. The first products that appear once you google rice in polish are packs of rice sachets like pic related.


the Polish man is a fascinating creature
Never mind I did find some rice you can microwave that comes in a pouch but people typically dont eat it like this.
I actually saw this kind of rice because my gf bought it by accident.
The rice tastes really bad for some reason.
Way worse than the typical parboiled.
it is impossible to cook rice in 90 seconds
>for some reason
Really nigga?
Yeah it doesn't sound good
For a eurotard sure. Americhads use fusion in their cooking
no of course not
putting plastic bag in boiling water can pose a huge health hazard already
we either use a rice cooker or cook directly in a pot when electricity isn't available
They normally mix it with sauce (like various curries) or make stir fries.

Get instantpot. They are high quality electric pressure/multi cookers. You can make many different dishes in them, you can also steam veggies, saute, cook rice, slow cook, etc, very easy to use and convenient, just add the ingredients, set the program, time and let it do its thing, once done it will switch off automatically (and also keep the food warm)
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You fuckin brown retarded gorilla niggers
Most of these packets are made from polypropylene which is completely fine and contains no BPA and even then, again, you don't actually have to boil it in them it's just a convienent way of having them in neatly measured portions
>Verification not required
Ugh.. we have also have these here, they are terrible, boiled in plastic bag, literal cancer.
i will look into this one thanks
just my two cent but asians also eat plenty of vegetables because they are high in fiber, which relieves constipation
whata heck man!
>my shit turns into concrete
I don't get it
What are the benefits of rice cookers?
I have always just cooked my own rice and I never had any issues, so I don't get it.

This is how I do it:
>Fire at max
>A squirt of olive oil into the pot
>2 cups of basmati rice
>Lots of onion and garlic powder
>Stir up continuously until it all looks uniformly toasted. Don't let it stick to the pot!
>Add 1 meat broth tablet (Or just salt instead, but this is tastier)
>Add 2-4 laurel leaves
>Add 6 cups of water (3 water cups per each rice cup)
>Stir it up one last time
>Once it boils, turn the fire down to half
>Cover it up
>Let it cook until all water has evaporated (usually 30-40 minutes)
>Once it's ready, take it out of the pot and let it cool down. If you don't, it will overcook in the pot from the retained heat

Super tasty and always the right texture
I've never tried a rice cooker, though, so I'm curious about it
i ate rice twice in a day 2 weeks ago and felt pain in my intestine for almost two weeks and when i shat it it felt like it had crystallized
asians are like cows it seems
Settle down, Jamie olive
I love rice, very cheap and can be used for/with almost anything, doesn’t really go bad etc
>>A squirt of olive oil
stopped reading right there
It prevents the rice from immediately burning when you're trying to fry it in the beginning

What's your recipe?
Spanish rice involves frying the rice first till its golden brown then pouring water and all the ingredients.
It's basically precooked and dehydrated
You're just rehydrating it
Poland hasn't discovered the measuring cup yet? What has the land of Copernicus come to?
Friend lived in Norway for a year and told us that vegetables are expensive as fuck compared to other food.
what's the point of a measuring cup if you can just buy it premeasured
So your rice doesn't taste like a literal plastic bag you chimpanzee
Communism really did a number on you people, permanent mental stunting
You can just take it out of the bag if it bothers you so much.
Because it's only extra waste and cost.
Just buy a fucking 5kg bag and use the measuring cup as a scoop.
>Polish intellectuals
They don't sell bags like that here and I'm not going to pay out the ass for delivery.
i give this to my dog when his shit is running
are all mutts this paranoid about muh plastic or is it just chuds on here?
Go to your local chinese grocery shop, grab a bag.

We haven't had enough plastic in our brain to stop thinking.
Nah the golden colour is from saffron, and normal people just boil rice and then strain it.
>Go to your local chinese grocery shop
If such a thing exists here then I don't know of it.
Just chuds don't worry about it but it's weird you'd boil the rice /in/ the bag.
i think he is referring to some weird variation of paella or possibly risotto which could be made like that. but i'm probably wrong
Throughout Poland there are some.
Bigger cities have many.
I don't claim to be a rice expert and paella is a regional dish not a national one so I don't know if you can start it as a stir fry but the recipe sounds good.
Anyway everyone in Spain just boils rice in a pot. If you are some manner of deviant i.e. using a rice cooker you need to be executed with extreme prejudice.
1 parts rice to 2 parts water
bring to boil
cover with lid
turn down heat to minimum
leave for 15 minutes
turn off heat
leave for 5 more minutes to let rice absorb all of steam
take off lid, fluff rice with fork
leave for 2 minutes
it's a restaurant technique. i don't think anyone does that at home

t. chef
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>all these trials and tribulations for a mere staple
just use a rice cooker and move on unless there's only minute rice in stock

>i eat this for 2 days in a row and my shit turns into concrete
>i dont know how you asians do it
you're supposed to eat it with main dish, soup and veggies
it's the veggies that keep you safe from constipation
too much water
15 minutes is too long
comes out perfect every time
the bags are made of PP, sometimes you can find bags clearly made out of PET or some other compound which are clearly distinguishable by their texture but the former is completely safe and closer to candle wax in its texture
I guess having chemicals rained down on your head and seeing plastic cheese on your shelves makes you not consider these types of nuances
sarmatian spirit
what rice do you use?
overcooked rice isn't perfect
at least you started thinking. the type of rice is important. the diameter of the pot you're using is important. the kind of heat you have, gas, electric, induction, live fire... etc
unless he is using brown rice i can't think of a rice that can be cooked for 15+5 minutes without being overcooked
i deleted my post because i misread :DDD

anyway. sushi rice is usually cooked for 45 minutes and then left to steam for about 15 minutes so roughly an hour and it can happen that it is undercooked by that time
They could be made of asbestos for all I care I just find it weird that you'd rather open the bag, pour water in it and then boil that rather than just put rice in water boil and strain.
Is there a way to avoid burnt/sticky rice at the bottom of the rice cooker?
have you tried putting it in plastic first?
Buy a rice cooker and use the same amount of water as instructed(important)
your water ratio is off. try adding incrementally more water till you get it to not burn... depending on the cooker it might take a couple tries, but you'll get it perfect after some experimentation
I use my cock
1$ per kg
It's just rice.
>What are the benefits of rice cookers?
Set it and forget.
Put rice and water in, turn it on.
Then you can go do other shit or take a nap because it will keep the rice warm after it's done.
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You need combine rice with beans
But you can just set a timer on your stove too
poles on int are always such attention whores
My stool has turned green because of bile for the last three days. I think it is pretty, but it is unhealthy. Tbh, I am pooping better than ever this entire year.
It's just fiber with zero nutrients. Basically Asian slave feed.
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you guys are all such tryhards
>rice in pot
>water in pot
>don't measure it, eyeball it
>stove to the max
>go play duolingo or some shit
>rice is ready

we can also buy these cuck packets here. I wouldn't suggest though both because boiling soft plastic is not the smartest thing and also because you are vastly overpaying in comparison to regular rice
Meat. Nutrients in grains are not absorbed.
>But you can just set a timer on your stove too
Not my old shitty stove.
Why though
It's safe to boil it in the bag.
do not trust or listen to filipino posts
I've never noticed that. I love rice so much.
i use intuition
must be a you thing, i eat it every day and im fine
There are 300 brands of rice in my country.
What brand of rice did you eat?
It's slave feed for mongoloid subhuman slaves

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