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The people are very nice even though they know he's an American. Reminder borders only exist in your head.
He should visit my hood imma smoke this fool
where to you live Vanya
Thats because he is american.
Yuropoors would just get arrested, jailed and used as hostages
>48% - ethnic Russians
Compared to Kazan, Germany is a Muslim republic of Europe.

Russian Muslims such as Tatars and Bashkirs are a completely different kind of Muslim because of their Russification they are more civilised than wild Muslims from Africa and even Europeans.

Also, Kazan is a city, not a republic, retard.
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New cope just dropped: everything in russia outside of Moscow, Saint Petersburg and kazan is Somalia.
It is like Somalia, but only some shitty remote places. Tuva for example looks like shit, really.
That's true doe
My city has literal guerilla urban warfare gangs with AKs
Двa пидopa pycoфoбa
the village/small town he visited looked extremely poor

but thats not the surprise, but that people treated him well even though he told anyone he's

even berlin is 2/3 german
Denying reality won't make reality better. I like my country and my country slowly becoming better. But I won't deny that some really shitty places still exist.
damn tatar milk truck
Дoлбoeб, пиздyй oбpaтнo нa хoхлocтaн
>even berlin
Berlin is not even close to the level of development of Kazan's infrastructure and the benefits that the city has to offer. Berlin is something on the level of Naro-Fominsk near Moscow. The same crappy place with the same crappy people.
there's no point arguing with you
Looks cool btw
but the posters from there are really toxic
sadly no young women, only boomers flirting with him
This guy is boring as shit, I prefer Bald
he shows the actual country. old towns, residential areas

bald just visits shitholes for sensationalism points
>he shows Moscow and Kazan like 5 million other travel vlogs and 15 million TV shows before him
Yeh well, no wonder people watch Bald who tramps through the radiation zone in Belarus and some narco bolivian village that no whitey had ever been to since the 16th century
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Fresh Kazan
Both are boring as fuck
>2 unedited hours of me doing nothing
No idea why people watch this shit
if he visited Greece and only shown some Albanian ghetto in Athens, how would you feel about that?

thats how the locals of the countries he visited must feel
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Start a petition for them all to go to Vladivostok.
Turks are a more cultured people compared to ruskis.
He should have visited 100% ruski region to see how real ruskis live there.
You stupid animals can't even clean up after yourselves or cook your own food, literally your entire economy and construction industry is run by Turks.
Turks are a more cultured people compared to ruskis.
He should have visited 100% ruski region to see how real ruskis live there.
You stupid animals can't even clean up after yourselves or cook your own food, literally your entire economy and construction industry is run by Turks from Central Asia.
No, uneducated churka. Before the Russians came, they were wild tribes eating cow shit and living in yurts. Learn history, you stupid shit.
If he visits Menidi thinking it'll be like Lunik 9 where affable gyppos show him around and have a drink with him, he'll probably get stabbed in the gut and die, so I'd be bummed.
Delete one or it looks like you're shitting yourself.
You are literally cleaning up the shit on Russian streets. Janitor-nation.
Quit posting cringe
Just like Durov in France ?
Is that what they teach you ruskis in your schools? Ivan, ur literally being taught fake history.
Uncivilized swamp niggers came to the great Volga Bulgaria and Khazaria and ruined everything as usual?
Your country literally exists because of us, we came with Tamerlane and literally freed you from captivity where you were slaveshits and paid tribute.
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>these Turkposts
The more I talk to ruskis, the more im convinced that they are like sheep with no opinion of their own. I have no respect for ruskis at all.
You are all Dalit descendants. And stop quoting me retards, i dont care what slave swamp niggers think.
I am a free man, unlike you, and I always have been.
Slightly off topic, but i think he is the best travel tuber chanel imo.
>Says a 150cm kidney failure piss colored churkois
>You are all Dalit descendants
Your mom cleans toilets in Moscow like a typical dalit Kyrgyz woman.
Moscow is also full of central Asians prostitutes, lol.
>everybody hates retarded russians
many such cases
Butthurt belters.
Hindu bro, just eat shit and calm down, my vpn-nigger
Churka, calm down and clean the leaves off my street.
>even berlin is 2/3 german
Maybe German citizens, not ethnic germans. Seeing a white person is a marvel in Berlin.
nah, its 65% without any migration background. if you go to the outskirts (which constitute most of the population), you'll see it

thats just telling you that a city doesn't need to be more than 10-15% shitskin to be ruined
Denazification day is near Chyngis
>compares a bilionaire 8n bed wity the fsb to average european tourists being used as hostages
Draft dodger pls
>thats just telling you that a city doesn't need to be more than 10-15% shitskin to be ruined
I agree with your statement, but you need to account for skewed statistics due to boomers alive. 2/3 German in total would mean 1/3 German in younger population. And especially if the immigrants are recent it can be skewed even more drastically. I know towns in Norway which never had any niggers 20 years ago, but among school children 1/3 are blacks or browns despite their total statistically being around 10-15%
its radicalized crowds that are dangerous, not individuals (unless youre in congo)
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