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how do you respond to that without sounding mad?
you dont
>allowing the ugliest man you've ever seen to make you upset enough to make a vague twitter post about him
Women have such frail psyches
tattoos are kinda hot though
intcels btfo
Your answer has already been propagandized for you
>lol mad cuz short
>lol mad cuz poor
>lol you're just mad cuz you rent or something
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glad she got my memo
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>graffiti on skin
Come on, are you people being for real now?
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ugly people are human too
they have likes and dislike, as every other human
you dont have to be mean to someone just because they dont like you
Why do tattoo fags think we are making some kind of value judgement? No, we just find it ugly. Healthy skin is one of the biggest markers of beauty.
Tattoo isnt a marker for unhealthy skins tho
>Wearing slave marks on your skin
Of course it's hot
Now let's see her without makeup or filters
This is like a stupid bitch shaves her beautiful long hair and then tries to force people to still see her as beautiful.
Don't understanding people have different tastes to yours is a sign of autism.
kek this. women walking around with a literal painted mask on their face acting cocky
Only ghetto tattoos are ugly
By fucking she's dad on the asshole.
i dont know a single guy who would go
>"damn imagine how this beautiful white angel looked like with a huge tattoo on her arms and back"
upon seeing a girl without tattoos
>the men who find tattoos unattractive are all ugly and I wouldn't be interested in them anyway
massive cope
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by dating an asian girl
You don't have to go into a girls comments on twitter to tell her you hate her either, that's what she's complaining about
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Twitter was made for bitching. She had what she ordered.
genuinely confused by this whole tattoo culture
I find it so ugly and i don't understand how you could look at people covered with bathroom stall doodles and think damn this looks nice

very bizarre
People on average have shit taste. Look at the popular music/movies/books/videogames... Asking for aesthetic sensibility is too much.
at least i was born ugly lol
>okay miss death angel
spit on her face
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Why do anti tattoo faggots always post their worthless opinion under every tattooed girl photo?
tattoos are brandings of fatherlessness
Isnt it just a personality replacement?
Ugly incels live rent free on her head
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Chuds are winning and this terrifies roasties.
I am a tattoo artist myself and prefer them without any tattoos, lol
Do you make a lot from it?
pretty lame to attack someone's personal preference
How do you stand the body odor when you make certain tattoos?
>ugliest men
aka indians (me)
>prefer women without tattoos
yes, aryan trait, you wouldnt get it
>how do you respond
by not raping her, tattooes are disgusting
still don't like em, simple as
watching the kurzgoysagt video on tattoos made me puke at the thought of having a tattoo
it's just gross
No, I am just an apprentice yet.

I use a face mask, although some Stacies have came asking for butterflies in their butts and they smell really strong down there, like they don't even wash
I do not talk, acknowledge, or interact with w*men outside of what is legally required to do my job.
"Sorry, can't hear you over the sounds of my 4 White children"
>Tattoo isnt a marker for unhealthy skins tho

It's just the marker of a diseased mind. Especially visible ones.
So half of your women are fatherless?
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It doesn't matter whatever you reply, because whatever it is, it is expressing a need for vindication, which is to be mad. To allow others to dictate your poise reflects that your worth is based on others rather on yourself, and that makes you weak. Even if you find a way that doesn't sound mad, you are still weak.
Why do men hate tattoos?
it looks ugly
Some don't
tell her that she's mad at a made up person
Show non ugly tattoo on a woman
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Most tattoos just look like shit and have no meaning at all. Worst offenders being tattooing your own name and pop-culture references
How horrible is situation with tattoos among Swedish youth?
sounds like she got rejected for this exact reason kek
Tattoos are just sign of whore. I mean literally, all tattooed girls i know are promiscuous/have onlyfans/friends with benefits/just love "to travel" or "love night fun". Even if you accept that you will be cucked/dropped in two-three months it sucks bad, you NEED to be extraverted ultra normie.
t. knower
I think simple tattoos like picrel look fine, right?
Tattoos are a permanent decision made, 99% of the time, for frivolous reasons. Getting one shows that you have a short term focused mindset
it's the opposite thoughever, society hates tats
Looks like the kind of graffiti school kids doodle on their desks.
There are definitely worse tattoos but personally I still see it as a negative.
lol moids btfo
This tattoo will look ugly after 3-4 years, because of spreading ink in skin. And humans don't live 4 years they live 70+
Then post tattoos you found acceptable.
Probably not after 4 years but after 30 years yes. But it's small, so it won't even be much noticeable.
these ones unironically disgust me more than big ones. At least with a sleeve it can be artistic. Stupid shit like a star or an infinity sign or god forbid a pawprint, this is all just schooldesk doodling.
post arby's roast beef sandwich and empty carton of eggs
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If she's hot who cares?
>but after 30 years
Pic is 4 years difference.
>But it's small, so it won't even be much noticeable.
It's like
>I have an opportunity to not mutilate my body
>But I still do it because mutilation isn't as noticeable
It's over
Why do women care what ugly (aka invisible) men think about them?
>Looks like the kind of graffiti school kids doodle on their desks.
Every zoomerette with tattoos looks like that
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left turbo mogs her THOUGH
Reference tattoos are the worst because the people who get them end up self conscious, when people start to question it after the fad fades. Makes them feel old, so they go and get another fad tattoo and repeat the cycle.
Well, you can remove it with laser, but you probably will not do that, only because "ugly incels" don't like tattoos, aren't you?
I don't have any tattoos, lel
Then why do you post "it's over"?
Because I will never get one
I have 7 large tattoos and I love girls with tattoos.
Because you would be happy to cause disgust to people like us but don't have determination to do that? Or what logic is behind it?
>would be happy to cause disgust to people like us
I don't want people to think I'm BPD simple as.
why do I feel like you're trying to larp as me?
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Yep, that's me
What it's over means in the end? Why did you post it? What is the fucking context of it?
I don't know I'm autistic retard ok
>I don't want people to think I'm BPD
typical BPD behavior.
literally me
I don't have BPD like seriously
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Uhh, ok. Sorry bro if I seemed hostile to you. If you don't lie ofc
Impressive. Very nice. Now let's see opinion of a woman without daddy issues.
tattoos arent that big of a deal to me. i personally wouldnt get one but its just fashion not this evil thing. if you're incompatible with a girl it's probably not because she's tattooed or not. it's not like anything they do will matter anyways we might as well let the girls have their little skin drawings or whatever.
Don't worry you're fine I'm just retarded
For what purpose?
"Mmmm okay, that was kinda rude and uncalled for, just said I prefer no tattoos"
Self awairness is a good thing, improve yourself and don't expose yourself to degeneracy
Any tattoo makes me think of public toilet graffiti. There's no good reason to get one. But if she did get one, might as well go all in on the trashy whore look, because she can't pull off the wife look anymore.
>10/20/24(Sun)11:48:26 No.203629877
>Tattoo isnt a marker for unhealthy skins tho
It isn't? Has there anywhere in time been any indication that tattoos are healthy in any way?
...well, no, of course there hasn't.
no words needed, just open fire
You don't. She's already decided you're ugly because you have the wrong opinion, nothing you can say will make her consider your viewpoint or improve her impression of you. Just take the L and in the future don't engage in discussions with women you disagree with. They'll only make hurtful comments about your looks and sexual activity. It's not worth it.
twitter users should be put in concentration camps and tortured with blowtorches
Personality substitute
Better be ugly with morals then be retard with beauty
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She just hates God.
>Leviticus 19:28 Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.

Her name on there is literally about death.
>Proverbs 8:36 But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death.

Maybe (You) don't. Imagine being so afraid of man that you're even afraid of a woman and even when it's not like your life is in jeopardy that peer pressure or persecution would silence you.
>Proverbs 28:1 The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.
>Matthew 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

She's mad at God, you communist heathen.
Just a curiosity, why do these e-whores happen to hate White people so much, and White men in particular?

>someone got rejectedd
>you almost pass, when did your transition start xister? So brave
It could be worse. I could be from Poland
any response at all will be admission of mad
there is no winning here. that's checkmate
>ok honey

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