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Just came back from visiting Rome and Napoli for the first time.
I am still not sure how to describe Italy..

On one hand, Rome, and Napoli in particular, were a total chaos. Super disorganized. Rules don't exist in Napoli. If you're not careful, you're getting hit by a car or robbed 100%.
Narrow streets, big crumbling buildings with 4 meters space in between. Loud and emotional people everywhere. Imagine one big open market place. That was Napoli.

On the other hand, food was really great and super cheap.

Italy definitely has good infrastructure, but the wages are so low. The whole country just seems neglected. There are noticeable cultural difference as you go from North to South. The more South you go, the more darkish and emotional people get. On the other hand, you never feel unsafe or threatened by them. You can argue, even shout to an Italian, and you would never feel like they will attack you. It's just how they talk. They're not violent per se. Italy is very densely populated country. You run into people all the time, anywhere, at any time of the day. It's very easy to engage and talk with people. Even girls!

Ancient Rome is felt more heavily in Rome, while in Napoli, you feel the history and influence of the Napoli city-state and kingdom. Its easy to see how it was a powerful state in the past.

Italians are really good at detecting social cues. You can't bullshit an Italian lol They're a bit like English people but without the German influence and discipline. Italians are also very ethnically diverse, whereas the English are primarily the mix of two Germanic tribes. Italy cannot be governed by a central authority. It's too diverse.

As soon as I got back to Austria, immediately I feel how everything is very orderly, people are quiet and distant. I miss Italy already lol
no lies detected
where can I unsubscribe from your /trv/ blog
Why does Italy have so many pickpockets?
Thank you for blog post saar
I wish I were Italian
Those are zainichi gypsies who pray on dense tourist areas saar
>Napoli city-state and kingdom. Its easy to see how it was a powerful state in the past
yes, it was callad the kingdom of the 2 sicilies though and it was among the most successful and richest country in the world
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Did you just describe an ideal coun-trae?
Time to move to Italy, saars!
Pack up and move!
On the one hand you say you can argue with them and never feel like they will attack you, on the other hand you say if you're not careful you're 100% getting robbed.

Which is it?
I'm from Florence and I'll will 100% rob you if you give me the slightest chance and so will 99% of my fellow citizens, it's just how we're built, it's in our latinX caliente blood with low impulse control
Only problem usually is that I have to get on my tippy toes to reach foreigners pants pockets and sometimes I can't reach them
The two statements don't contradict each other. Usually the robbing is not done by native Italians anyway.
>visiting Rome and Napoli
>There are noticeable cultural difference as you go from North to South
the state of foreigners and their parroted imageboard dweller lines
I visited Udine, Venice and Bologna earlier this year.
>thinks shittaly is the same as Romans 3000 years ago or something
This is actually an interesting question. I think the image of Rome that is often portrayed in movies and literature largely reflects the elite of Rome, and not necessarily the ruling class of the provinces, much less the common man anywhere within the Empire.
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>Italians are also very ethnically diverse,
What are the best places to visit in Italia and which tourist traps should one avoid? Asking for a friend.
Italy is a big tourist trap invented by Americans after ww2 to entertain fellow nato Members
Italy is still miles ahead from my shithole. Im moving there in a few weeks. italians really don't know how good they have it and would rather keep crying that they aren't Germany.
Is it safe to travel alone in Italy?
You're gonna have a rude awakening
For you probably yes
>which tourist traps should one avoid?
Venice, it's a overcrowded overpriced theme park
Wdym mean for me?
i live in Udine, give me an unbiased opinion of the city
nah I've already been there for a short time living like a local. it's insanity to even try to compare how the average italian and brazilian live. you don't know what is like to live in a 3rd world.
Wtf chat is this real!?
Would I make it if I jump from roof to roof like Ezio?
>whereas the English are primarily the mix of two Germanic tribes.
My ass.
Should be carpetbombed with neutron bombs
>Wdym mean for me?
He assumes you're two head taller than the average person there.
I think I'm 5'8
you're Croatian, so probably very tall, you're not in much danger in pigmy land
jokes aside, Italy is pretty safe for 95% of it's territory, certainly you should never fall victim of anything worse than being scammed or robbed in the Metro, I've never been south of Rome, but statistics don't lie
I knew a Brazilian and he told me it wasn't that bad, life especially was much cheaper
I assume out of the big city centers crime rates goes down, especially where most of /int/ Brazilian posters post from, since yous are probably bourgeoisie
Looks like we misunderstood. Is it safe for women?
oh no
avoid browns nearby the train stations and you'll be fine
That's all?
IIRC there were a couple times where nafri and African immigrants raped tourist girls to death in Napoli area
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Is Italy safe for me, a 5'4" Chicanx male or will I be harassed for my height?
>Napoli area
Oh god.
Of I avoid immigrants will I be okay?
you'll become like that other Brazilian schizo from Ireland who whines how much better his homeland was
The problem is that he moved to Ireland and has to deal with "ytpipo"
I'm not a woman but you should generally be safe as pretty much anywhere else in Europe, surely not more dangerous.
I will say too to avoid dodgy looking migrants or even locals, but more realistically migrants since they come from very different circumstances, and maybe don't get wasted without friends or people you trust near you, but I'd say this anywhere in the world desu
As a man I never felt in danger in Florence or anywhere in Tuscany even at 3 am alone in 30 years outside of a few encounters with clearly unstable individuals or wild animals.
oh, oh i know this one
you're gonna say the elites of rome were blonde nords and every accomplishment of rome was actually thanks to nordic people?
Yeah I mean we are neighbours countries so I guess it's similar and I shouldn't worry much.
I just heard Napoli areas can be dangerous, which sucks because I have to go there.
The immigrants don't rape men but IIRC they also murdered they boyfriend in one case
thank you for choosing my shithole please come back soon we are poor and need money
Napoli is very tourist heavy and I think the biggest danger are scammers and shitty drivers more than gangsters at this point, unless maybe you go to really shitty neighbors, but it's unlikely you will.
I never heard anything out of the realm of thieving or scamming coming from Naples I'm terms of crimes, for what might concern a tourist at least, maybe you might have a bad experience if you happend to need the hospital as southern hospitals can be quite shit.
Rape and murder can happen of course, but statistically they're irrelevant, I would worry much more about being hit by a car or chocking on food at that point
>I think the biggest danger are scammers and shitty drivers
How to avoid this??
What about Rome?
chiav't a lengua n'cul napoletano
But you’ll be an immigrant and not an Italian you know
Life as an immigrant is hard
Bet you saw the train station
The most common scam in Naples is a street seller that will pretend to sell you a phone or something for cheap but will actually give you a brick in its place. Literally just avoid street sellers and you should be fine.
Just some basic sensibility, street vendors and more dodgy looking shops are more likely to over charge you, always avoid people trying to sell you shit on the street.
The further away you move from tourist traps the safer you should be in that sense.
For the cars, it's unavoidable, especially in Naples, I've heard grotesque things from people I know that went there and described as complely insane, whomst for euro standard already have dodgy driving.
Just enter in the thirdie driving mindset and be very aggressive when driving, and be always on guard for scooters coming out of no where and people being very inconsiderate and cutting you off.
Ok, I don't think in that much retarded so I guess I will be fine
>For the cars, it's unavoidable, especially in Naples, I've heard grotesque things from people I know that went there and described as complely insane, whomst for euro standard already have dodgy driving.
This actually fucking scare me
I'm not planning to drive there, but I guess I'm in danger even when I take a walk huh
>Looks like we misunderstood. Is it safe for women?
It's pretty safe. I'm 6'4 by the way.
Quando sono stato a Napoli sono andato alle Catacombe di San Gennaro, ho preso il tour in italiano. La guida ci ha detto che San Gennaro era probabilmente nero, ma che a causa del razzismo non hanno dipinto la sua pelle del tono giusto, ha persino usato la parola inglese "whitewashed". Ci sono anche graffiti ovunque con la scritta "ciao a tutt*" degli studenti della Federico II che dicono alla gente di fare una donazione agli abitanti di Scampia, odio la tua città di merda napoletano.
I mean, actual cases of incidents statistically aren't that high I think compared to the average, so it shouldn't be that dangerous that you need to be stressed out about it.
I've never seen somebody complaining about the dangers of Naples on youtube for example, I'm just saying what could be dangerous not that you have to fear for your life as if you where in Iraq when walking on the side walk, people live there no problems
I mean, I've heard people talk about crossing the road even here as dangerous thing but I've done it all my life and as long as you don't launch yourself blindly your not in danger, you just need to be really assertive since people drive aggressively.
Non sono di Napoli schizzato, non sono mai stato a sud di Roma
>c-c-cars are s-scary in n-naples
Söy overload
he's actually saying something sensible, that an elevated crime rate doesnt mean you'll get murdered and then raped the second you enter a city, just that you should be cautious.
when I visited naples everything was covered in graffiti and a gypsy stole my cash. I talked to a police officer but he was busy smoking. Apparently I needed to talk to a national police officer, who then summoned a bunch of military police who beat the shit out of a different gypsy. His brother, a taxi driver, showed up and gave me an equivalent amount in small bills. Also, they could understand me even though I was speaking bad spanish the entire time

is all of italy like this
>non sono mai stato a sud di Roma
Ma perché? Devi vedere Pompeii.
Sounds kino if true
Guidate da cani. La cucina napoletana era comunque eccellente, ne valeva la pena. Voglio nu cuoppo o na pizza fritta.
>La guida ci ha detto che San Gennaro era probabilmente nero
te lo giuro
Hmm ok. What about Rome and Venezia?
sex with slovenian women
sex with serbian women
sex with north macedonian women
sex with bulgarian women
sex with bosnian women
sex with croatian women
sex with pomak women
I never had particularly good interactions with the police, they always seem like they're doing you a favor in doing their job and do the bare minimum to help you, luckily I never needed their help with anything and never will probably.
The best thing they provide is police women with nice asses in tights
la benza costa troppo adesso per fare viaggi di piacere per le mie tasche, vorrei anche tornare a Roma visto che non ho visto neanche San Pietro
Venezia nothing really other than high prices in tourist traps and to be aware that sitting down at bars will cost you extra.
Rome is a light version of Naples, again though, the only real danger is around the station the migrants and drug addicts, just don't linger around Termini at night and you should be fine.
Pick pockets also in the metro.
It's a normal European city for the vast majority in terms of safety.
Nothing special. I thought there were really a lot of African and Middle Eastern immigrants/refugees there. There weren't many places to visit. It's a small city in general.
what do you mean by emotional?
are you sure you could fuck a 6'2 croatian woman?
I would help him
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>are you sure you could fuck a 6'2 croatian woman?
I could
That depends on what you're interested in. Every place is worth visiting. I wouldn't say any place is a tourist trap. The pantheon in particular was really, really crowded. Imagine a full elevator. It's like that. You have to be careful with your money and belongings.
Of course. Just watch your stuff in the more crowded places, and in the main bus station. There are actually a lot of girls who travel alone, especially from Asia. It's a safe country in general.
Not at all. Germanic tribes were very primitive at the end of the Roman kingdom. My point was that, the elite of a kingdom/state does not represent the common man. The way people behave on the narrow streets of Napoli is not how the elite in Rome behaves.
Ok so basically it's the same as Croatia just avoid weird people.
Thanks, I will absolutely go to San Marino and Florence.
>Croatian women
Stop larping as Croatian, jeet.
I apologise for everything bad my ancestors ever did to Croatia, I have never supported any of it.
no i mean physically, would it be physically possible and at what point would it constitute as her fucking you?
interesting post, are we really at the point where a jeet could be behind this flag?
balcan gypsies need to fuck off from Italian threads
>balcan gypsies
Gypsies are your height, we cannot be gypsies.
what are these retarded american units and why are people talking about height here
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>if you're not careful you're getting hit by a car or robbed
>you never feel unsafe or threatened by them
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> apologise for everything bad my ancestors ever did to Croatia, I have never supported any of it
Say that to vukoWAR
Shut the fuck up and go back to nepal
sex with southern italian women
sex with northern italian women
sex with central italian women
sex with sicilian women
sex with sardinian women
You got too much testostorone in your posts to be a real woman.
That's what growing up with three brothers do to you. I don't actually hate serbs, I just think it's cute when you got mad :>
>San Marino
I also really wanna go there, it looks very pretty and well mantained.
If you can make space for Siena, a morning is more than enough to see it all, and drive through its country side if going south, basically not taking SS223 going towards Lazio on something like SS2, assuming you're going by car ofc.
I like it more than Florence and I'm from Florence, it's the stereotypical postcard Tuscan/Italian country side.
There are tons of beautiful little towns dotted throughout but I assume you won't have time or desire to see them.
Thanks for info anon, I will go there next summer probably.
San Gennaro never existed it was an excuse to build a Cathedral
Because they are protected by EU rules and Italian democrats and commie judges.
>muh WWF protected gypsies fauna being endangered by le evil nazis now can so whatever they want because it's their culture or something
Real knowers hate on a regional basis.
>I'm not a real knower
Southern Italians like Sicilians are so weak that it does make news how Philippines and Nigerian women save the female and male locals from floods in the town streets by dragging them barehand inside safe places.
This description applies to all people around the Mediterranean.
well Rome was great n shit but you forget that Italians are quite literally one ethnicity per region plus Arab and Hispanic genetic influence in the South, they're literally mystery meats with low IQ except for Nordic ones from Emilia Romagna and above.
If it weren't for terroni and africans Italy would be the highest GDP country in EU
I have more in common with other Balkan maymuns than I do with people from Belgrade and the area around.
Once we sat in a restaurant, around 4 or so different nationalities, and me and the others got shocked that after ordering usthipci some meat arrived instead of dough balls and the guy from Belgrade thought that's what ushtipci are, me and the rest were in shock.
After experiences like this my prejudices got more nuanced and now it's all regional.
It's literally the most ethnically diverse (in terms of genetics of the native Italians, not the black guy recent citizen) country in Europe
>It's very easy to engage and talk with people. Even girls!
Why is Europe above the Alps not like this?
What's the advantage of being distant and cold?
Why are Americans not cold, despite having primarily Germanic genetics and cultural influences?
Which is not to say that we consider terroni to be a completely different ethnicity from us. This bullshit has to end, because I fear someone around here must have taken seriously what was supposed to be some internal banter of our
i was in italy last month
milano is very nice big recommend
rome is a fucking shithole, trash is everywhere, there's too many tourists, street vendors and gypsies harass you nonstop and if you wanna look at ANYTHING enjoy the 2h line or pay double for le skip the line ticket tee hee (its still crowded as shit inside)

rome legit gave me paris syndrome
>Why is Europe above the Alps not like this?
You generally are. Everyone except the Dutch are normal from the Germanics. Dutch are jews but if they were lanky, tall and loud like Italians.
Don't let southern/eastern Europeans gaslight you into thinking you're unapproachable robots, that's a cope.
Let me try to point out what they mean:
You went to a vacation in Egypt and you're at workplace.
If you're from the Balkans/above mentioned:
>That's amazing. Where did you stay at? How much did it cost? Your first time? What are the girls like? You thought of cheating on yours. huh (elbows you, considers this a funny joke). So, it's a great vacation spot? I'll book it next year. What, you're going to the same place again? Let's go together! (you don't want this)
Now, Germans:
>How was it. Good? Nice. We had a nice time too. (conversation develops normally).
Eastern Europeans and Meds create unecessary and sometimes perverse drama, have no respect for your private space and emit jelaousy. Since you're not doing this they call you asocial.
>i calabresi sono proprio come te e me, ambrogio
But there are plenty of Italians who think that way, I've heard it from people IRL in Italy. It's not just some regional banter or something.
It's a genuine division. Half of your country is southern-shifted in every meaning. Parts of Serbia are like that too and if it were half of our country it would be the exact same situation.
Naples is even worse, I heard from a friend.
American whites are mutts, they tend to be loud and obnoxious
>let me tell you about your country
>My opinion is...
>I've heard that...

Ok. Bye.
Not not everything is about genetics, some things are cultural.
This is true. Abruzzo is genetically like other Central Italian regions but is culturally Southern because it was part of the Kingdom of Two Sicilies.
Outsiders are sometimes the best judgement and source of information, so yes.
phew, the thread is finally devolving in the usual shit posting about Italy, thank God
That's what many foreigners (for the most part tourists) don't understand. Of course there are differences, but it's not as if there is a wall dividing perfectly the north from the south. They completely ignore the existence of central Italy and Tuscany, which form a sort of gradient between the two ends of the country
abruzzo is genetically southern
That's what humans do in general. There is no gradient to normies.
Are you basing this on that awful study Raveane 2019? But if you have other information I'd be interested to hear it.
nothing awful about that, but they generally plot closer to south italians in all studies
The methodology was bad, check the supplemental info. They admitted they lacked information and it had a lot of nonsensical results. I don't really care anyway.
Loved Venice when I went there during Covid. No crowds and stress just pretty buildings .

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