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Hinds izdanje
uhhhh dat hinds'-d????
ale gówno
henlo, howdy
pole can i be your friend
hovno sounds so much better
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Seculars won't get it
no, gówno is vulgar, hovno sounds way too soft for a vulgar word, idiot
Ale hovno
what was the name of that southron 3d cartoon with that nigger singing
orbeez fuck you btw
ye thanks
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So I ordered this panel because I refuse to use the hotspot near the window. It should receive all bands used in Czechia, but now I'm solving another problem - how to use it and how to configure it?
try hitting it
>335 browser bookmarks stretching back nine years
okay it might be time to do something about this
whats the oldest one
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Hey, Pole
Have you tried badoo or tinder?
Tinder offers me all Polish girls here, I think it can be very easy for you.
na chuj kurwa ktokolwiek miałby się ze mną spotykać, to nie ma sensu
ja pierdole moja glowa
Hello, Dixie.
You're the only ten I see hahahaha get it
Bez nazvú
Hello, old friend
>Bez nazvú

"Bez názvu"
what kind of language are you speaking ?
Usually Japanese.
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struck with a deep sadness and loneliness
oh no
Aren't you supposed to move into a house full of young girls?
eh it's not that so much I just am feeling a bit alone after coming back from an incelwalk and then I saw something of my mother's who died a few years ago and it put me out
I wish I could see my father more often
with a new job and a move to live on my own again I just wish I had more certainties more familiar things and people in my life
I fucking wish Herr Muschi
need a hug lad?
what? arent you a sexhaver???
>and then I saw something of my mother's who died a few years ago and it put me out
I'm avoiding my mother's things, I hid everything in the chest.
yes and I need that vile nasty man pole shot
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>arent you a sexhaver???
is the czech 2018 czech or new poster czech?
tzech cooooooomer???????????????/
answer pls or else i will cry
no, this one isn't a pain in the ass
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cry baby
i be feeling like pole in 2017
You don't want that
a czech posting a finnish referenced meme on a southern USA cultural general on a japanese derived american website
the horror of modern existence
and aimed at a uruguayan homosexual
alexa, play we are the world
chat, is bro fr
i be feeling like jin 2020
fucking hate open plan houses
houses are supposed to have rooms
pinko gobbledygook
open plan has been out of style for a few years now tho
he's old
>see this room where we make food and bang pots around all day
>what if we knocked down the wall separating it from the room where people watch TV and read
>oh my heckin gosh that would make such a open and warm family social space
demonic behavior

That doesn't matter since once a house goes open plan it generally never goes back unless somebody is willing to shell out the money to rebuild all the gutted rooms
The housing market will be polluted with these things for 200 years
erm.. its another my life with the thrill kill kult sunday
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it is a travesty though I will agree I think it's very important to have separate areas for separate things
Don't care for mancaves either
Every single one I've seen has been a waste of a basement since the only things that ever get used are the TV and bar area generally
So just ends up being a second living room with a bunch of pool tables and dartboards and air hockey tables and other shit that never actually gets used (and is more fun to go out to do anyway)
Also think there's something inherently lame about allowing your hobbies to be confined to a special area of the home you paid for like you're one of the children, makes it seem like masculine hobbies are something to be ashamed of
youtube sending me "blackpill" shit on women that's scaring me
Interior partitions are incredibly easy to put up. It isn't cost prohibitive to go from open to closed.
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I think they're cringey but they're also not that different from more typical "male" spaces like the basement or some people who have sheds for doing carpentry and woodwork and stuff. Or things like offices or studies for some guys.
and women in relationships usually dominate most of the space design wise and I think that's pretty inevitable
So it's partially just a manchild-esque gynocentric take on spaces that already exist. A man would take pride in his shed or study and send out his wife if she tried to fuck with it; a man-cave is a female controlled relegation of masculinity with "cave" having a negative connotation
my youtube is just videos of women getting beat up or having meltdowns in gas stations
that sounds like the algorithmic reflection of a mentally unwell man
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>I don't have a jar of pickles
its not blackpill content tho
still more expensive than not doing it

I wouldn't count workshops, studies, offices, garages, etc as mancaves, I think those are just traditional places for men to get away from everyone within the home
I just think there's a fine line between wanting a male space to decompress and actually feeling so alienated from your own household that you feel like you have to watch sports with your friends in the basement instead of your own living room
Like that's what I would do with my friends to play Xbox when I was 15

But you're right, the mancave is sort of a female-created construct in the first place
la la la
Also don't like stand-up desks but I have no justification for that whatsoever
Feeling mischievous
Might have an 8:30 coffee
when it comes down to it I think women have always been disproportionally powerful in controlling home and family life and the conception of the historic man as patriarch of the family confuses this. I think there's certain things women care about more like spaces for entertaining and designing that being said I think the mancave culture is deeply consumeristic marketing geared towards women, not men, and preys on widespread misandrist views that women seem to perpetuate in relationships these days
it's in the same view of keeping men out of childrearing while at the same time decrying them for not being involved in it. The same sentiment that's pushed men out of pedagogic jobs that men need to be relegated and kept away like a ram tied to a fence post
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what I think bothers me most about these targeted videos is the idea that I could potentially get swept up into a marketing segment of irate divorced boomers with people clearly just repeating what they want to hear for a buck
which obviously is pleasurable, everyone wants to be pandered to especially in an highly emotional or unstable state
but arguably it's one of the issues with relationships that people can find justification online for whatever they want to do or believe
Plant hands typed this post
I was unironically thinking just last night about how there need to be more male public school teachers and how fucking irritating (and maybe even damaging) it was having the exact delusional cat woman as a homeroom teacher year after year

If you really think about it, it's just a fucking bizarre and insane system

Unironically the gays are our only hope now since they're immune to being pushed out of jobs like that by these crows
Where are the flags
I accidentally kicked out the cord but I put it back in
oh there they are
I need new reaction pics
women teachers are just cringey by and large and boys don't respond well to it
it's no surprise whatsoever that the educational system has largely favored women the last two generations or so
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that's not a picture
it is if you pause it
what type
you don't have them
bucks kill this nigga please
facts don't care
hey pole watch me grow
I'd much rather see you wither, maybe in some jungle since you're in SA, feed the environment, aids doesn't stick to trees
too far ew
I don't know but you're a pathetic guy, you probably didn't even think about what you're doing and whom you are offending, you can offend those who deserve it but not our polish pope our countryman a great individual, and so special and important because it's not someone whoever just any that you can ridicule because you just like it so I don't know in what kind of family you were brought up but probably you I don't know don't understand what is faith. If you think that you're great then you are just an ordinary idiot that someone hasn't seperated from society yet, I don't know what's so funny about that but pick on stalin or hitler or other degenerates but no you have it for such a saint person like pope john paul 2. I guess it's clear you don't go to church if you're I don't know an ateist or you believe in some sects or you maybe even are satan's minion you shan't be portraying the pope as such, you probably are some I don't know someone who adores satan's spawns. Think about how much the pope did, he was somebody and who are you to make fun of him huh?

Kid you really are some kind of a psycho because unlike you the pope is a role model for me and you I don't know who's role model you can be probably the same kind of idiots like you that don't know what is the church and religion, it shows that you don't pray and don't attend sunday school, clearly you don't respect religion then I don't know if you want then post your own picture wonder if you'd find the courage. Really kids reconsider what you're doing because as it shows you have no idea about who pope john paul2 was if you're not wholly developed mentally then don't take your approach on such individual as the holy father because this just indicates that in your house you probably don't have a crucifix and not one holy image it's not about church me but in general about rules of faith to have dignity because the pope didn't offend anybody and what are you offending him for huh?
he back
we do not have space for all these schizos at once
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>all these
time passes so quick what the fugg?hkg?
Where's Hinds?
toil on the morrow
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I don't eat breakfast
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breakfast is the most important meal of the day
I think he's dead
yeah cause he missed breakfast
night snack>>>>breakfast
I just drink coffee and then have dinner most days
coffee makes me sleepy
it's like 5 am on a monday in poland
I'm not enjoying this nasty streak of yours
you have no supporters here
finn isn't here to bail you out
watch what you do
what the fuck are you talking about asiatic
it's crazy as americans when you review archeology from around here
indians with ancestors in the region for 10,000 and it's starting to look like 15,000 or longer years and then within the last 400 a complete ethnic change to an unrelated people with little to no genetic overlap or transfer
I support him
in spite of himself
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I have nothing to add but I enjoyed these posts
I was thinking more about the phenomenon of "mancaves" afterwards and how the invocation of "cave" also has a very tribalistic caveman type idea behind it. Like women envisioning themselves as a matriarchal society where men are relegated to this outside location after their only purpose of providing resources and procreation has been completed. Which basically matches up with current mainstream feminist ideology.
It relates to pedagogy and childrearing, where men have a natural place as guides that instill skills and values. But the exclusion of men comes largely from the point of view that women want and expect any man involved in the process, but preferably not any, to come to it from a woman's point of view and instill values that match up with what they deem appropriate; which is not natural for men. Arguably from this view we do live in a matriarchal society and widespread misandrist propaganda on social media and the consumeristic conception of a "mancave" is a reflection of it
ej kurwa
I do think that women have a natural and rightful role as organizers within the home inasmuch as they're the ones who traditionally spend the majority of their time there, but the issue is like you say, masculinity as a whole has at some point become disintegrated from that broader vision. Back in ye olden tymes it seems like the unspoken contract of home-making was that the man would do all the hard labour needed to generate necessary resources/defend from outside threats in exchange for a home environment that would guarantee space for his beliefs and lifestyle to find rest and replenishment. Then on the female end of it the bargain is something like a guarantee of physical security and provision in exchange that she put her natural nesting instinct to work for the broader family unit rather than just herself.
As a side note I've noticed a lot of women have like a seething hatred for this whole she-shed concept but have no problem with the idea of a mancave which is just funny to me

Stolen valour isn't cool harold
Girls have boobs
what's /dixie/s' love language
I think you have boobs in a psychospiritual sense
How do I squeeze them
Pineal gland
what if there was a girl dixie poster
Can't I'm going to school in 5 minutes
Will probably do it tonight
Girls aren't real anon
Those are demons trying to seduce you into rendering up your life essence
>life essence
Is that what they're calling cum nowadays?
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The elites want you to think it's just cum
That stuff can alter the universe man
I do think the endpoint of feminism is matriarchy even if people say it isn't, or at least regarding the more mainstream feminist variants. It's the natural progression of it and I think that's (sort of) rational from a woman's point of view.
As patriarchy is rational from a man's point of view.
I think that blackpill mansphere or MGTOW stuff if that's still around is not necessarily the answer but maybe it's in an important counter to matriarchal views in that hegelian synthesis view or something. Maybe things are just constantly in flux like that with opposing forces pulling individuals and society at large in different directions and things naturally tend towards some equilibrium
It can alter your criminal record too
have you ever masturbated without intending to?
it's a yes or no question
have you
or have you not
met sam hyde today
I would say no
I think I have
Yada yada yada
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Kim is a high school kid
You're going to prison
I didn't do it, Mr. Accidental-Wank
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Puberty is a weird time for everybody
I recall seeing a lot of rule 34 with her and the naked mole rat on this site and elsewhere years ago
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that's pole btw
It’s a funny name
still haven't really adjusted to the fact that you can now just legally go to the "stuff that gets you high" store and buy stuff that gets you high and then get high with it
and it doesn't really feel like world peace or anything it just feels like pajeets selling defective disposable vapes in a space that used to be a laundromat
I do think alcohol should be considered an illegal drug

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