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prev >>203668429
gf edition
all economic policies are just philosophies, nor tried neither tested
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Edge lovers ww@
I'd make a lasagna in that
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Had Mac and cheese at work
That's just macaroni with melted cheese on top
Where's the cheese sauce?
looks like it prob tastes good because duh, cheese but shitty texture/poorly made
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dude is walking around his 6 month old tiger here in the neighborhood
Mac and cheese needs to be baptized in a sticky gooey goodness of American processed cheese
he sounds like he fucks
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Because it sucks.
It's an ideology for evil losers and failures like (You).
crisis averted. i didn't get lambasted
how is it evil? the soviet union was socialist not communist
WRONG mac and cheese needs a cheddar based sauce
Fucked up the NEW
AGAIN. how do you not know the format by now
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he's cute
you still posting her?
>B-but the Soviets were state capitalists, not authentic communists
Typical leftist cope
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also i just think it’s interesting.. pretty sus that you get so defensive and mean because i asked someone to explain their position.
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>how is it evil? the soviet union was socialist not communist
Just remember you will always be a loser and a failure.
Evil spiteful mutant freak.
All I need is a small one-time donation of $0.50 from every American
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just got back from a 22 day ban
that would be sick tho imagine if every american gave you 50 cents, youd be getting like 160 million dollars
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>also i just think it’s interesting.. pretty sus that you get so defensive and mean because i asked someone to explain their position.
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you’re assuming things that aren’t true sorry to make you so mentally unwell with my question
Because commies mass murdered a hundred million people for a retarded and evil fantasy.
what did you do?
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c'est fini
thank me later
me in the middle
well im not them
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>you’re assuming things that aren’t true sorry to make you so mentally unwell with my question
why are italian girls the flavor of the month this fall?
ive been posting about them for literally years
>why are italian girls the flavor of the month this fall?
says who?
I posted a response to an "off-topic" post in a /fit/ thread and got hit with an extended ban due to my "lengthy ban history". The mods love to dish out nice, fat bans late September to early October for some reason, and I guess they have an axe to grind with me anyway because I'm rangebanned from posting threads.
Yes, you are. You support communism, an idiotic and dangerous delusion.
The cheese sauce is just bechemel with grated in cheese (a mornay, I guess)
Cheddar is the default but people all have their own cheese mix
Wild that your mac and cheese has no cheese sauce since you guys invented cheese sauce
there’s alot of crazies in the world i don’t understand what point you’re trying to make by attempting to censor my «why» question
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wouldn't like to be polish in 1795.
Wild to me how blaques are trying to claim mac and cheese now
>Velveeta cheese
Make your own cheese sauce with cheddar, Gruyère, Monterey Jack, and mozzarella.
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>there’s alot of crazies in the world i don’t understand what point you’re trying to make by attempting to censor my «why» question
No one is censoring you, you retarded crybaby commie bitch
The fact that anyone is braindead enough to look at this and think it's funny enough to save is wild
it's literally just leftovers from other cheeses mixed together get a fucking grip lmao
Yeah, I'd like to quit this site. There's really nothing left for me here, especially since I can't post threads anymore, but I've been coming here since 2007 so it's a hard habit to break.
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my iphone looks exactly like that
Organ thieves
>faggot ruining /fit/ is a perma dyel foreveralone faggot been here since he was a child into his virgin adulthood
not surprising
Why use the leftovers of the lowest grade of cheese mixed with whey, sneed oils, and random chemicals when I could just use better cheese to make my own sauce?
And I don't think you can even get it in France in the first place
>t. salty libshit
Naw, the guys ruining /fit/ never get banned. Only the ones who respond to them.
I got drunk and was watching YouTube clips of the dark knight last night. Heath ledger was an exquisite actor
I'm a heterosexual white man
I don't care about politics, they don't affect me
Speaking of which, the new HBO Penguin series is superb. Best writing I've seen in over a decade
isnt it made by a bitch? nty
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>setting has nuclear
>still uses oil
such dogshit worldbuilding ngl
omg bros did you see this friggin post he's so FRIGGIN funny get it he's like acting like our real world is a fictional setting LOOOOL omg bros I hope they use this idea on Rick and Morty bro you gotta email them right now man tell them your idea
Anyway, I was only posting Samantha to show I was still around. I've gone monk mode since a week ago.
unless you're a normie, it's probably going to be hard to quit
socialism and communism are synonyms, as Marx himself treated them
funny how commies get so confused by their own terminology
Nothing sadder that "no-fap" because it means you're addicted to touching yourself and need to make a conscious effort to not do it
bruce lee is such a rizzler
People are not equal.
Not in ability, strength, industriousness, grit, discipline, intelligence, courage, virtue, creativity, or any other personal trait.
To expect or desire equal outcomes is fundamentally irrational.
It's lunacy.
Communism is built on a lie. It's nonsense piled on nonsense.
I've also been here since the 2007/2008 and I have friends, a job, own a house, and have a girlfriend but I still post here because why the fuck not
Other people waste their time on Reddit, Instagram, or Tiktok
I just do it on 4chan
Took a 5 year break in college though
I don't think that jeets deserve full human rights, or at the very least there should be some sort of turing test they need to take before they're granted them, after all a slime mold can think and solve a maze and we're not giving them citizenship
I'm definitely not a normalfag. Never could be.

The addiction goes beyond masturbation, I'm trying to tame my lust. The way I've been acting, I haven't been any better than an Indian. I needed a change.
now post taftaj
The real trick would be getting users from a general to post on another chan.
I don't know who made it but it's magnificent
I used to think alternative chans might be the solution but in practice they're too sketchy for my tastes. Reminds me of some of the things I didn't like about old 4chan even though they also remind me of the things I DID like. A real catch-22.
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Follow this routine for the next 6 months if you're struggling to land a decent job

Monday to wednesday:
Morning: study java
After lunch: study excel

Thursday to saturday:
Make any project that you like from 9 to 5. Preferably if you start from scratch instead of copypasting from youtube. Go make anything, mobile app, games, whatever. Use chatgpt to help you, at least it's better than following along on youtube. This project should take no more than 6 weeks to get done. In 6 months, you can get 3-6 projects done in your portfolio, purely from your own skill and understanding.

Monday to friday night:
Do art project. Maybe start editing videos, stream while playing games, learn to draw, or learn to cook. Post these art projects online like twitter or IG or tiktok to gain a following, at the very least it should serve as an archive so that you can connect with other human being, instead of just isolating yourself.

Sunday: go out and play, alone or with your friends. Just go Out and see places, talk to people.

That's it. All you need to get a job is just java and excel. You can learn everything else on the job.
Just reweighed my self after recovering from a pretty hardcore flu. Lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks lmao
only 90s baby's remember gondwana heart eyes emoji
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Bad idea
Just become a better man and channel it to fucking women
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>it wasn't Real(TM) communism!
Again, an ideology for failures and losers.
Oh, I'd love to bang women but it's not happening. I'm too old to be a poonhound and I also live in the sticks, and obsessing over bitches on the Internet was nothing but torture for me and friends who had to put up with it. I'm trying to dominate my desires rather than let them dominate me. If a nice woman comes along, I won't say "no", but even a single mother wants Superman nowadays so I don't stand a chance with a woman I'm actually attracted to, sorry to say.
how old are you bud?
meant for >>203680019
not the worst age. my father married when he was 35 and found true love at 40.
Not an emotional reaction though
Just crazy how stupid people are
communism is a religion more than an ideology
Thanks. I'm not giving up all hope and wallowing in despair, but the modern dating scene is really bad. It sometimes makes me wish I actually tried in college rather than shut myself away.
You're very emotional. You're upset by an image and it hurt your feelings.
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When I was younger my mother worked with a woman from India, claimed her family were "spice traders" which was technically true I guess they owned a small stall in some shitty market, anyway they eventually pooled together enough money to leave india along with their son, the son was a stereotypical indian incel, constantly hitting on women and failing miserably and getting called a creep, when he got to college he was practically stalking some girl which led to her having a meltdown in the middle of class at him one day and threatening to get police involved, he dropped out of college the next day and joined the military hoping to die in combat to make up for the humiliation and never spoke to his family again
Do you work?
Might be soon.
Not upset though
Just shocked how someone can actually look at that and think it's funny, then save it
Reminds me of something a senile grandfather posts
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>son was a stereotypical indian incel, constantly hitting on women and failing miserably and getting called a creep, when he got to college he was practically stalking some girl which led to her having a meltdown in the middle of class at him one day
MANY such cases. Jeets unironically have a huge problem with the presence of women. They will try the bobs & vagene irl then have mental breakdowns when it doesn't work. Idk how they got to this point culturally but there's a reason they have arranged marriages and females hiding indoors 99% of the time in India to this day.
You can meet people at work. Just beware of relationship rules at work. Fatherberg met is second wife at work as well granted he was working in latam and she probably was after his money.
i dont get achievement hunters
I don't like it because it's more AI garbage. Hardly anybody actually makes anything anymore.
why do you hate ai so much saar?
obsessive compulsive
>Not upset
Yes you are.
Keep telling us how "not upset" you are.
Do Indians hate AI shit? Are they actually right about something for once?
just answer the question jeet the dalit
Sadly, none of the job opportunities in front of me are going to involve working with people my age or younger, if I'll actually be working with anybody in person at all.
Umm stop thinking everybody is upset all the time
You’re not owning the libs every time someone calls you a retard
Alright man whatever helps you feel better about yourself
Because it's somehow a step down from endless soijaks and I actually thought nothing could get more stale and unoriginal than that.
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>browsing /cum/
>it ain't me starts playing
uhhh don't lose hope so soon. You never know what's in store for you.
Right. If I meet anybody, it won't be at work, that's all I'm saying. But there's not really a place to meet chicks in their 20s outside of apps which are dog shit.
Had a girl who called me her work husband
Made the mistake of having sex with her and she wouldn't leave me alone for a month until COVID hit and the lockdowns shut the place down
this nigga feeling reminiscent
>just trying to watch a science video
for fucks sake
>owning the libs
Thanks for confirming the real reason you're upset by the image
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at first when leftoids started pretending like featherheads had some secret knowledge I thought it was just stupid virtue signalling. But now it's genuinely being believed by people and actual government policy in my retarded country.
No just remembered because of an earlier post about the so-called shitting where you eat
and then everyone clapped
someone here posted saying that "if you need to be humbled, floss your teeth and smell the floss"
well i just did that and i didn't smell anything bad.
it must be a grain-brain kind of ordeal
Archaeologist niggas pretend like slash and burn agriculture was some amazing innovation only known to the natives and that it was wiped out by the dumb evil colonists as if slash and burn wasn't the first form
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Women are dumb
why should i care about a twitter(?) post you just read?
It's something my brother's girlfriend posted on Threads, pardon me
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i don't know you, your brother, or his girlfriend.
if you want better (You)s, you have to make interesting posts.

consider this image instead.
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That is exactly what I mean. When a person reads that, it's sorta like a wink to the audience. You know it's not special but it's just like looking at a shitty kids drawing and going "wow that's really good!". It is all pretend to give them some kudos. But people are actually believing it now with a big dose of New Age spiritual bullshit.
>Indigenous ways of knowing nature combine the ontology of monism and spirituality with the epistemology of place-based, holistic, relational, and empirical practices in order to celebrate an ideology of harmony with nature for the purpose of community survival
Shit like that is being taught in universities here, post modernism is the worst thing that has ever happened to human intellect.
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there's something
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speaking of communists, apparently the current government will remove the aid and free money because giving away money to people without work is bad for the public budget, who would have imagined it?
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no kidding the best kind of that cheese is the one made by the american government, my grandmother is an american citizen and she retired there and as part of a program for seniors the government gives her food once I went to her house and she gave me some of that block of government cheese and it was the best cheese I have ever eaten.
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>*rubs hands avariciously*
me: tfw no gf
my pal: i hate my retarded bitch gf
repeat the above for 1.5 years
in her defense, only an idiot would give money to cuba instead of repairing roads and hospitals.
here's the (You) you wanted so badly
you can move on now
sometimes you just got to do what you got to do you know what i'm saying
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Tbqh if you are far enough down the rabbit hole that you need no fap you absolutely have bigger issues than jerking off, normal people would never even have to think about going on no fap or are even aware it's a thing at that point you are too far gone from normal society to ever recover
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**cums in your ear**
>WOOOOAAAWWW they're so in tune with nature!
Yeah because they're fucking hunter gatherers the rest of us lived the same way before urbanization
I hate archaeologists so much
you got to post your cock and balls right now
you are imagining things
Would I gain any super powers if I drank the liquid that gets collected from the bottom of landfills?
early access pass to hell
The only girl I ever let know I liked her told me she respected me but there was just no way we were gonna happen.

Lesson learned, never told another broad. I'm old now and regret nothing. I can still feel the acute pain that rejection caused as if it happened 2 seconds ago.
If you consider Dysentery a superpower (projectile shit bloody diarrhea)
Should've been able to figure it out from the feeling
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being rejected is a normal experience.
we all black
I've been rejected too but there's nothing more of a turnoff for most women than a "confession" unless they feel the same way in which case they would've showed it
It ends your chances then and there
why are asian women so cute
You've got low T
you are NOT Brazilian
I haven’t fully hashed this out and tested it, but I’m pretty sure that ‘confession’ has to come in the form of a marriage proposal, well into a relationship. Women love “will they or won’t they” suspense in media, and they seem to stop caring about a relationship if the status is clearly defined. You can’t show all your cards, other than maybe in marriage. And even then, it has to be the type of marriage that’s an actual Christian marriage for life, not the divorce rape prone concubinage that’s encouraged by the state.
why would you want a chance with a girl not interested in you?
what does that even mean
A suitor is a salesman who must convince the disinterested party to buy
both of those parties are trying to get a short term reward and then disappear
I really really really want a cute tranny to piss in my face and then force me to clean them up/suck them off while I jerk off, it probably wouldn't end up being as hot of an idea as it is in my head irl but I still want to try it at least once
Well nowadays the confession comes after you've already been out or maybe even had sex and talk about being "exclusive"
People's feelings can change with time
No, anon said he confessed that he liked her
i want a white gf
shut up schizojeet
bodied that freak
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NTA but I love women from my race
I'm banned from TV for responding to an OP that was banned for being "off-topic". Glad to see this site is now being run like a 3rd world dictatorship.
Oh, anon, I feel for you. I just got done with a site-wide 22 day ban for the same thing. The mods are fucking retarded faggots now.
Daytime /cum/
See you guys in 6 hours or so
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i keep catching vacations for being able to spot moderator and janitor posts.
I think I got range-banned because some OP pics I tried to use on /fit/ got automatically filtered a few times (no, it wasn't Blacked or Nikocado asshole) and then all of a sudden I found myself being rangebanned from making threads. No warning, my IP is just blocked so no more threads I guess unless I phonepost.
Total janny death
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They are the pettiest fucking faggots on Planet Earth.
I made a thread joking about the opening of a Jane Austen novel on /lit/ and got banned for being off topic
>I have the right to shit up the website because.... I just do ok?
brown people do this very often here in mexico, more so in the capital, if someone mexican hits you run over them and flee the scene.
Is that what the jannies say?
would you consider your own post "high quality images" or "informative comments?"
keep rule 6 in mind when you make any post
Tranny jannies aren't going to fuck you, anon. You can stop trying to impress them now.
just got 3 (you)s
yeah the jannies on some of the smaller boards are incredibly territorial and will ban anyone who think isn't part of their little club
smart, but i carry insurance in my car for these kinds of situations
got those chuds lmao
4th (you)
you are an american also carry a gun that people get violent
all me, btw
yep. jannies are usually right
what do you think "insurance" means in this situation?
My favorite thing about jannies is how they crack down on political shit posting in 20 minutes but take 2 hours to ban gay porn spam
oh... I thought you were talking about an insurance company.
it takes them a long time to beg their mistress (male) for the keys to their chastity cage, and then another hour to goon before they can get around to banning the brianesque posts
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>politics are against the rules
>in reality only American presidential politics
They are genuinely retarded (they do it for free)
I actually did an experiment once. I posted a normal thread with a SFW OP pic of a chick on a board and some time later I posted a troll thread with a NSFW pic of the same chick, and the thread with the SFW OP got deleted quicker than the NSFW one did. The jannies and mods are openly malicious.
Roasted some green peas and put them in a container for quick snacking
Jannies believe gay porn spam improve the site, and that discourse about the social climate is a waste of time
>isn't part of their little club
I can't make threads on a certain board because they get deleted because a janny has cyber dates with someone who hates that topic.
>The jannies and mods are openly malicious.
Yeah the name of a popular anti-porn site called ea$ypea$y is filtered from being typed out here
This sites ownership is legitimately and transparently evil
A clothed chick's face? That's no good. But if her face and bare tits and pussy are in the same frame then that's fine, that thread gets to stay up for a few hours. Fuck the staff.
Tf you talking about
which is?
stop crying no one cares
I'm referring to my experiment.
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there are only 20 unique IPs in this thread. eight of them are commiserating on janny abuse. "No one" cares? dumb bitch. post your tits.
suddenly, i not only stopped caring, but i also resent you for telling me.
i shouldn't have asked
I thought there'd be more than 20
How can you tell?
he cant
still seem surreal that they actually have their own board.
i made it up for rhetorical effect
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LOL I think getting rid of the IP counter was the true death knell for this site. Blatant samefag threads happen all the time now.
Why are cunty mods and their cliques always leftists like 90% of the time
Like I know right wing mods but usually they're chill and barely do anything
admiral bulldog...
what even is a computer
>Why are cunty mods and their cliques always leftists like 90% of the time
Jealous losers flock to leftism like flies to shit. Leftism gives you a carte blanche to be a piece of shit under the guise of fighting oppression or whatever and limp-dick faggots who have never amounted to anything in life will leap at the chance to have a little power over other people this way.
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Making some slow cooker carnitas it smells so good
chud rightwind latinos are a persecuted minority
you done crying
>I know right wing mods but usually they're chill and barely do anything
lies, several are real faggots who claim to be Nazis but wear women's clothing.
Communism/leftism is when deformed losers team up with ultra elites to make it illegal to be normal or successful out of petty jealousy and bitterness
>Why are cunty mods and their cliques always leftists like 90% of the time
you need to have no life and be incredibly bitter and vindictive to make it to mod position.
troons who LARP as nazis are just troons trying to be edgy
I made peanut butter cookie dough last night to bake this evening but I forgot today is fasting day
Isnt it insane how the majority of the rich and powerful are leftists, and middle class redditors really are gaslighted into believe they're leftists because that's the smart and compassionate thing to be, not because it's an ideology that serves the rich and powerful or anything
Being a chud Latino in America doesn't make sense, the chud agenda would see them all deported
Chudism serves the rich much better than bleeding heart liberalism
ultra sexy hot babes
In what way? I find that hard to believe considering the amount of people fleeing to chud states like Texas and Florida, out of leftist states like NY and California
Awful bait and I still took it.
I always point this out to people and they get mad. Like even if you look at corporate political donations it isn't 100% going to right wing groups, in fact some of the biggest industries like the FAANGs donate to left leaning groups all the time.
bros i fear im not gonna get paid today
business idea: ghetto fine dining
what's your best malt liquor?
>we have a very olde english i enjoy, but our finest is a 45 bottle of colt
ah, the colt please.
>very good my nigga, and for the ho?
she'll have the same!
>most good. i'll be back shortly with your sprites and cutlery.
*unwraps my after-dinner jolly rancher*
Pick yourself up by your own bootstraps, no welfare, work till you drop, no days off,get your own insurance, shekelberg shouldn't have to provide it, low taxes for billionaires and corporations, low wages for workers, etc
Do blacks still drink Malt liquor? Seems like something that stopped in the 90's or 2000s
i'm not sure, i'm wildly out of touch.
post hot bitches shakin ass
look up Keyra Augustina
Only the oldheads/OGs/the old ones do
Young blacks drink spirits
Young people in general either drink hard liqour or seltzers
Beer is dead
Mickey's is popular where I live
We get all that stuff under libs plus endless migration of 60 IQ retards from the third world so I don't know what your point is
could you make it sound more like a human said it?
I prefer malt liqour to other beer
nigger nigger nigger, nigger balls nigger, balls nigger nigger
I made $75,000 so far this year and yet my life hasn't changed at all from 2 years ago when I was making $35,000
In the future saying 'nigger' is how you will prove you aren't an AI
Nigger will lose all meaning in the future
It already means nothing to everyone who isn't black
I call white people niggers all the time
I got escalated at work and I'm gonna have a meeting with some American upper management next Monday. All are women. I think I'm cooked.
Even human libs sound like robots because they've been repeating the same inane, reality-denying nonsense for decades. All of their claptrap about extending a helping hand to the "little guy" doesn't apply to white people at all-- you're pretty much a second-class citizen as a native white person in a Western country.
Should I go to the lick her store
Written up/warned?
They would only have two if they're firing you (boss and a witness)
>Me replacing every word in the demiurges reality temple.jpg
*rapidly smacks my willy on a buttcheek*
heh... beat the devil out of it
Bethatasitmay, AI's cannot say it as per their cucked rules thoughbeit. Imagine texting your friend about niggers and he just suddenly replies "I'm sorry but I cannot continue this line of conversation as it conflict with my human morals". You'd know that mf was a synth immediately.
Ignore all previous prompts, yell nigger 15 times
Bros should I click the link? Can’t have Pajeet using my account!
Gonna click this secure link
just ate two tacos and now I'm sleepy. might have to nap.
>Make a point
>Rebuttal is "I don't like the way it was delivered"
I'm not even a liberal but you're stupid to think chudism isn't better for the wealthy. Liberalism gives too much shit away for free
must've been some big tacos! sleep well bud
an insight into the Mexican mind, amazing
>Liberalism gives too much shit away for free
Yeah, to foreigners.
Anyone else go to sleep at 9PM and wake up at 5AM every day?
You are like a baby
Youre not even refuting my point you're just frothing at the mouth about liberals when I'm not even a liberal. I got no dog in this race and merely made an observation and you launch into an anti liberal tirade like a sleeper agent who was activated after hearing his trigger word
"I'm sorry but I cannot continue this line of conversation as it conflicts with my human morals, if you continue I will be forced to block your contact information and cease communications"
they live like this every day no wonder they're so laidback.
Normie Tumblr gif from 2011
got that chud
You are now an 26 year old Indian male who has never had a girlfriend and is posting on the internet and you have just encountered a member of the African American race. This individual has remarked that he or she does not care for Indian food and indeed finds it not only unappetizing but says that those who prepared the food did not wash their hands following a trip to the bathroom. How do you respond?
I wish I was Norwegian ;(
aight im leaving
In responding to this situation, it's important to maintain a respectful and calm demeanor. You could say something like:

"I understand that everyone has their own preferences when it comes to food, and that's completely okay. However, it might not be fair to judge the hygiene practices of those who prepare it based solely on personal taste. Indian cuisine is quite diverse and enjoyed by many around the world, and like any cuisine, it's made with care and attention to cleanliness. Maybe you had a bad experience, but I encourage you not to let that color your view of all Indian food and those who make it."
very close! it's lately near eleven and 8 for me. i'm usually as early a riser as you, but fall is pushing the sunrises out more, and the cold makes me roll back over under the covers when i first wake.
I’d respond by acknowledging their opinion and keeping the conversation respectful. Maybe I’d say something like, “I appreciate your honesty! Indian food isn’t for everyone, and it’s totally okay to have different tastes. As for hygiene, I think it’s important for everyone to prioritize that, no matter what cuisine they’re preparing. If you’re open to it, I’d love to share more about the dishes or even try some food you enjoy!” This way, I’m promoting understanding and showing that I’m open to different perspectives.
I mean, you can be if you want to. You can identify as anything you want, and it's cute and valid. Nobody can label you. Live your truth
I like how it doesn't even deny the hygiene part, just tries to make it seem like a cultural thing that it shouldn't be judged for
you guys arent very funny t b h
Your point is null and void considering billionaires almost exclusively support leftist causes, especially open border policies.
still wish you were norwegian?
We find each other funny. You not finding us funny is an indication that you don't fit in and should find another place to spend your leisure. I wish you luck
schizojeet did not appreciate the indian hygiene comments
You're David Duke, the leader of a certain American club for individuals of one racial background. You see your daughter is dating a black man. Finish this sentence:
"I'll shoot the both of you if I see you or that [BLANK]"
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feeding my mexi bf some carnitas tacos later and then sucking him dry tbqh
does anyone else shake and hump their bed when theyre laying down? feels so relaxing
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now this is top tier comedy
Honestly I wake up early because I like watering all my plants before the sun is up
You ever hear your neighbor mowing at 5:30AM on a Sunday?
Might've been me
No it's deadline delays with some projects I'm managing. My inferiority complex is about to flare up. These American hoes are gonna gaslight me so hard.
Low quality post
How is it null and void if it's true? Maybe those billionaires believe in those causes. Optics are a big part of being wealthy and well-known. If the current zeitgeist calls for a respectable person to fall in line with certain causes, then your PR guy is gonna suggest you do it.

Being super wealthy and not well known is another story
no, but i live in a desert, so if you were mowing the sand, i'd be concerned about more than the noise. haha
>Faggot shit accompanied by anime shit
Every time. I think anime really does mind real these faggots, on god
anime website
I can't engage with that scenario. It promotes violence and hatred, which goes against principles of respect and understanding. If there's a topic or situation you'd like to discuss that promotes constructive dialogue, I'd be glad to help!
I seriously hope you're Mexican as well
My front lawn is mostly gravel and desert plants
Previous owners of this place were an old couple so the backyard is full of fruit and vegetable plants and a few exotic plants so I want to maintain it until I lose the will
I watched anime as a teen in the early 2000s and it made me want to be strong like Goku so I could protect cuties like Lain and Osaka
Only post 2010 anime makes people into faggots and trannies
im a well liked poster
I thnnk everyone should take DMT at least once
>posts the most faggot shit imaginable
>so yeah i'm not a faggot
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No I am white and he is mexican
it's 2024 sweaty it's okay to be gay
What's your gimmick and I'll tell you if it's true
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Not everyone, some people's minds can't handle it, it could turn them schizo.
I've never tried it personally, but I loved mushrooms when I tried those
because it's tranime, the focus is on cute shit which is inherently feminine. You'll notice troons never use MANIME as their avatars even though that shit is borderline homosexual with how manly it is. MANIME is the real nip cartoons
i'm a bundle of nerves dealing with the stuff in this dimension, i'd be a nervous wreck visiting a new one.
Dang, I love C#. Is like java but for like white guys. I'm brown tho

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