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מהדורת כישופים
Where's the word '이스라'
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תעלול או ממתק?
We add it next thread
לא אכפת לי
What the fuck happend back their I've never seen it so bad
הג'אני שלנו חזר
ערבים "שוודים"
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אפשר לחשב רדיוס מרוב שזה עגול
How do you do fellow yids?
נשבע חשבתי זה עומרי
עומרי לא כזה שמן
Can I repatriate to Israel if my paternal grandmother was (possibly, nobody knows for sure) Jewish?
Yes if you can prove it
Just fake a USSR certificate for her that says Zyd. Actually if you're faking just get a certificate that says your maternal grandmother was Zyd so you can marry here. Also you can get a lot of money doing random shit for Iran over here as a Russian.
Only problem that they apparently started to crack down on it
66 שעות לצנזורה
Can I migrate to Israel if I lie about being a jew or do a superficial conversion?
גם אני שמעתי
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הולי הוא נראה אחד לאחד
פנוטיפ תורכלבנטי
תסתכל בראי
We're did he go
he sperged out and did a dick reveal
japanese coded grammar, do you like anime?
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i know the appearance of jesus is controversial, so im wondering what you israeli think he looked like
he looked like this
I was adding it but I haven't made a thread in a long time
but browner
If Putin offered you to resettle Jewish Autonomous Oblast, would you agree? The land is fertile, climate is better and no Muslims out for your blood.
Do they require a penis inspection to filter out fakers?
only if i get a chinese/korean gf
dude pls, stop. you are not first and not last
> climate is better
How is a tundra better than a med climate you gotta be a drunk russian to believe that
Yes even reforms require you to give up foreskins, it’s the bare minimum
Send me Adderall/Ritalin please
i dont think he was a fair pink nord but i also dont believe the "scientific reconstruction", what you guys are saying makes more sense
Matthew is the second coming but he keeps jerking off so god abandoned him to an incel life in the judean hills
It's not tundra, it's actually temperate with warm humid summers, very East Asian.
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מישהו יודע מה בסוף קרה עם עניין הפועלים הזרים? בהתחלה אמרו שמביאים 100,000 הודים או משהו אבל אז הבנתי שזה טורפד והגיעו רק איזה 4.
Damn. I have the exact same eyebrows, even though I'm white. Why do I have to prove that I'm Jewish? They should just hand me an Israeli passport at the embassy right away.
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There's already a shit ton of Russian "Jews" in Israel. Please come to Haifa
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I would be glad to
אה לא יש מלא פועלי בניין הודים שהגיעו מאז תחילת המלחמה

הם מרוצים יחסית
He looks like a 1st century Judaean, so Eastern Mediterranean. The Holy Shroud is genuine, and I didn't do enough research on His DNA but He may have only 24 chromosomes, and that would mean He's basically a male copy of the Living Ark. That's speculation though, I didn't look too much into it.
Jesus is a descendant of David and therefore white.
So he won't be back?
It ultimately doesn't matter what He looked like, what matters is the fact He was born a Jew from the root of David through the Living Ark, who is a Judahite-Levite (paternal-maternal), and His Levite side doesn't mean anything whatsoever since He's the Great High Priest on the order of Malki-Tzedek (eternal and unbound by genealogy, as opposed to Levitical priesthood, that would be paternal anyway).
matthew the sport website is strikeout dot im
need to use an adblocker there though
מהדורה טובה
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How can I quite?
A plourality of my dna is east med
>How can I quite?
you need to go to uman
Absolutely Davidian
Mabey next year
NNN is coming up you must not fail
למה הוא דופק את המבט הזה?
He is probably just banned for a long time
Here is the video I spoke of yesterday from the brother of the Los Vegas shooter
זה chosen stare
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That's what I wore over yom kippur
is that a muslim garb?
המניות ירדו ב 0.42 אחוז
בצה״ל מעריכים: לחזבאללה נותרו פחות מ-30% מיכולות האש של הארגון (ירי רקטי לעבר העורף)

עד כה מתחילת התמרון הקרקעי חוסלו כ-1,200 מחבלים
וסה״כ מתחילת המלחמה חוסלו קרוב ל-2,000 מחבלים -
בהם 7 מפקדי חטיבות, 21 מפקדי גדודים ו-24 מפקדי פלוגות

לאחר כ-3 שבועות של תמרון קרקעי, בפיקוד הצפון אומרים הערב: ״הכרענו את כפרי קו המגע של לבנון. הארגון כמעט לא מצליח לבצע תגבורות אפקטיביות ולא להילחם כמערכת. הוא משתמש ביכולת רקטית שיורית ומנסה לירות אש מנגד - אבל לא באופן משמעותי״.

בפיקוד הצפון מעריכים כי יידרשו עוד שבועות מעטים מאוד להשלמת התמרון הקרקעי והשגת התנאים להשבת תושבי הצפון לבתיהם.

דורון קדוש
מה זה זה בקושי עשירית צריך להגביר קצב או שיקח 10 שנים
Can I become an Israeli citizen if I have a big nose?
תכלס חיסלנו רק ~4%
ביבי חלש כל המחבלים צוחקים עליו
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חלום בינת ג'בל מת
עדכון של הטראקר
אזורים סגולים זה איזורים שצה"ל ניקה ושיטח ויצא מהם
Mizrahi don't have big noses
Ashkenazis stay out
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מחווה לאבותיו המספוטמים
למה מת מה קרה

ומן הסתם שהם לא מפרסמים לאן הם הולכים ואיפה הם זה יהייה שיר הפיגור אם יעשו כזה דבר
>מתקדמים בקצב של החזית המערבית במלחמת העולם הראשונה
>רק עוד שבועיים לניצחון המוחלט
הולי פאקינג כלום בפיתה
בשביל מה עשינו את כל זה?
למנוע אפשרות פשיטה וירי נ"ט שהיו הסכנות הכי ממשיות
פחות מ2
המניות שלי ירדו ביותר משחיזבאללה ירד בכל המלחמה
אפשר להיות בבירות מחר זה לא בעיה
קצב שטח לא רלוונטי קצב חיסולים זה הרלוונטי ולקח לנו שנה לחסל 4% שזה כלום
צריך להגביר קצב, להפציץ יותר חזק. כמו שלחמאס ידעו לחסל 50 אלף בזמן סביר אפשר גם בלבנון
לא הבנת עדיין שהם עשו דיל עם קעמלק שהם רק הולכים לטאטא קצת קילומטר מהגבול בשביל להכריז על ניצחון מוחלט ולקבל הגנה מאיראן
כלום בפיתה
המלחמה הזאת לא תיגמר לפני שגולני יהייו בטהרן
מי לעזאזל הולך לחזור לישובים בצפון כשיורים עליהם מאות רקטות ביום?
אח שלי מה אתה עשית בדיוק?
אף אחד
יש עוד חודשים של עבודה על חיסול חוליות ירי עד שיהייה אפשר לחזור הביתה שמה
ושנים של עבודה לניקוי יסודי של לבנון, התיישבות בלבנון, סיפוח
חצי שנה מילואים ואני לא אח שלך
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Just found out that Lebanon invented Hummus but then Israel culturally appropriated it and claimed Hummus was an Israeli invention.
זה השאלה הכי גדולה האמת, מה יגידו תושבי הצפון, זה לא כאילו בלתי אפשרי לחיות עם טפטופים, תשאל את העוטף, אבל הם בתכלס היחידם שיכולים למנוע מהממשלה תמונת ניצחון בצפון ולדחוף אותם להמשיך בככך שהם יגידו שהם לא חוזרים עד שהאיום מוסר לגמרי, אחרת זה באמת פשוט צוק איתן גרסת לבנון, שיש כניסה קרקעית וכולם ידברו על המכות הקשות שהארגון האויב קיבל עד שמגלים שבעצם בקושי השתנה משהו
אם יש איזושהי תקווה לזה שהמלחמה תסתיים מוקדם יותר והתושבים באמת יחזרו לצפון בעוד שבועות מעטים, אז התקווה הזאתי היא מלבנון ולא מהדרג המדיני, אם הם יתחילו לשים את הרגל על הקרקע ויגידו לא לחיזבאללה יש מצב שזה יגמר, זה לא כמו בעזה שחמאס שולט בהכל, חיזבאללה חוץ מהאוהדים הפאנטים שלו נהיה טאבו מאוד גדול בלבנון ויש סיכוי אמיתי לשינוי
>אני לא אח שלך
אח שלי לא היה משקר שהוא היה במילואים אתה צודק
ועל סמך מה אתה מפקפק בי בדיוק?
לבנון זה שטח ישראלי
לא תסתיים לפני שחרור בירות,צידון,טריפולי
הערים האלה צריכות להיראות כמו רפיח
ההתנשאות והזלזול
לא משדר לי מילואימניק
רק דבר אחד כן שונה מצוק איתן וזה שהפעם לא סתם הרגנו כמה מחט"ים ומג"דים זוטרים אלא פגענו בהנהגת הארגון ברמות שכן ירגישו להרבה מאוד זמן
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פרטים חדשים על חיסול סינוואר, מסלולו במהלך המלחמה - וחיסולו:

בצה״ל מעריכים: לפני שחוסל, סינוואר ניסה לברוח מרפיח צפונה - לכיוון המרחב ההומניטרי במוואסי. פעילות כוחות צה״ל בחודשים האחרונים ברפיח, ובייחוד הכיתור של שכונת תל סולטאן שנמשך כבר חודשים - מנעה מסינוואר את ההימלטות, פגעה במרבית המחבלים שאבטחו אותו במעגלים שסביבו, ואילצה אותו להישאר באזור ולא להימלט צפונה.

בחודשים האחרונים, בוצעו עשרות מבצעים מיוחדים ע״י יחידות מיוחדות באזור רפיח - בהן שייטת 13 והיחידה המבצעית של השב״כ - שמטרתם לאסוף מודיעין על סינוואר ובכירי חמאס שעפ״י ההערכות היו במרחב. עד החיסול - בצה״ל לא ידעו את מיקומו של סינוואר, ואפילו בהערכת מצב של הרמטכ״ל וראש השב״כ רק בשבוע האחרון שעסקה בחיסול סינוואר - לא התקבל מידע חדש שמצביע על מיקומו.

פרטים חדשים שאפשר לספר על מסלול ההימלטות של סינוואר במהלך המלחמה:

את המלחמה פתח סינוואר ב-7 באוקטובר במנהרה בחאן יונס. בלילה שלפני המלחמה, סינוואר הכניס לתוך המנהרה בסיוע משפחתו מסך טלוויזיה ושקי אוכל, כהכנה לשהות ממושכת במנהרה. זו אותה מנהרה שאוגדה 98 הגיעה אליה בחודש ינואר האחרון, זמן קצר לאחר שנמלט ממנה.

בצה״ל אומרים כי התמרון של אוגדה 98 בחאן יונס באותם חודשים, דחק את סינוואר ואת יתר בכירי חמאס (גם מוחמד דף) דרומה - לרפיח. עדיין לא ברור באיזה אופן הם נמלטו דרומה באותה תקופה, אך צה״ל תחקר כיצד הם הצליחו להימלט ולחמוק להם למרות כיתור חאן יונס, והתברר כי הכיתור לא בוצע באופן מספיק הדוק.

בהמשך - כשצה״ל נכנס לתמרן ברפיח - מוחמד דף נמלט צפונה לחאן יונס (וזה מה שכנראה גרם לו לעשות את הטעות שהובילה לחיסולו), אך סינוואר כנראה לא הצליח להימלט צפונה כמו דף, ונשאר ברפיח במהלך כל חודשי הפעילות של צה״ל.

ההערכה היא שב-90% מהזמן במהלך המלחמה - סינוואר שהה מתחת לקרקע במנהרות. הוא עלה מעל לקרקע רק כשהיה צריך לעבור ממקום מסתור אחד לאחר.
לא ירגישו ולא נעליים עוד לא התחלנו לפגוע בהם
צריך להתחיל לתקוף את עזה בלי כפפות
Sorry not ever one works at taco bell
אה לא אכפת לי
לא מבין למה לא הוציאו להורג עדיין את המרגלים
התמרון הזה הוא תגובה רפה, רפה מאוד אפילו
Korner has 10km range we have a 2km buffer zone it's dardela no one is going back to their homes
כי אממממ אנחנו אהההה מתורבתים הומניטרים ואההה אממממ ערך החיים בלה בלה בלה

מבטיח לך שהשמאלנים יפגינו למענם עם טענות כאלה בתוך שבוע
יש שיגידו דרדלה אפילו
התביעה יכולה לבקש כי מגישים נגדם סיוע לאויב בזמן מלחמה
אני רוצה מאמין שיבקשו לפחות לרינג ליידר
מה אתם מתרגשים עוד שבועיים טראמפ נבחר ואנחנו מטילים את האטום
צריך להוציא את כולם להורג
שאנשים יבינו את הסכנה שבלקבל עבודה מאיראן
למה מפרסמים שמות ישר ולא מפרסמים את השמות של המרגלים בערב המלחמה
שאלת השאלות
They have russian citezenship they will be walking free in no time
דיווח: ביידן לא בירך את ראש הממשלה על יום הולדתו.
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הותר לפרסום שמו של החשוד המרכזי בתיק הריגול שנחשף לאחרונה, החשוד הנ"ל תיעד בסיסי צה"ל ומקומות רגישים נוספים והעביר לידי איראן.
אתמול הוא נעצר על חם עם שניים מחבריו בעודם באמצע שיחת וידאו עם בכיר איראני, בתום המעצר הוגש נגדם כתב אישום מדובר בעזרא עוזריאן ברידס, בן 25, מבית שמש.
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Is it really happening or is it just another dardale?
אני אשפוט בסוף שנדע את ההסדר.
אבל המינימום לדעתי זה אזור חיץ של 2-4 ק"מ ללא אזרחים לבנונים שצהל יוכל לפטרל בו.
אחרת זה חרטא והם יוכלו להתחבא כאזרחים עוד פעם ולעשות אמבוש לחיילים, לבנות מנהרות וכו'

אני לא רואה אזרחים ישראלים רוצים לחזור אם עוד פעם הם יתחילו לראות תצפיות של חזבאללה כמו שהיה פעם
פרופגנדה נואשת של סטניסלב. הוא יהודי והוא טוב אולי פזל טיפה פה לשם, בטח שלא כמו כל הרוסים המסריחים האלה.
מה זה הפנוטיפ הזה?

Pretty sure it started like a month ago
But it will be dardale all the way, they've gone like a kilometer in a month
Estimates are that the invasion will remain at the same pace or slower for the next 2 weeks before declaration of victory against Hezbollah.
גם אני לא מאמין שהוא מילואמניק
He took the fall for pavel he dindu nothin
ועל סמך מה אתה מפקפק בי בדיוק?
תוכיח, תראה תעודה טיימסטמפ ושכתוב /ישר/
>ט. מזרחול זועם
פאק לא כולכם דוקסיונרים פה אתם לא יכולים לתת למישהו להשאר אנונימי
They expect one of us in the wreckage brother
שעדין ישאר אנונימי, בלי השם ותז וכל זה
>Also you can get a lot of money doing random shit for Iran over here as a Russian.
like what? Seethe at Netanyahu and send aid to Gaza?
Graffiti against Netanyahu, start fires in protests, make divisive online comments, that kind of thing.
A bunch of Russian immigrants were caught spying for Iran
That would be related. All hezbollah has to do is survive, and everyone will consider it a hezbollah victory. And it's not like hezbollah will stop firing rockets at you while the Gaza war is still ongoing, either.
There's a lot of pressure for another 1701 type deal, but for realsies this time
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lebanese women belong to british men
send hot lebanese female refugees to britain please
True, but there's nothing we can do. Kamalek used Iran as leverage to torpedoe us and our army is more exhausted than we'd like people to think.
Pinky swear?
>ט. יוסי ממן כיפה שחורה
>Kamalek used Iran as leverage to torpedoe us
how so?
No one in Lebanon will see it as a victory if we establish a buffer zone on Lebanon's turf.
> for the next 2 weeks before declaration of victory against Hezbollah.
And nobody here will call it Victory on Hezbollah as that Anon said, that anon is exaggerating.
But If a buffer zone is established, they’ll say that the towns near the border are now safe from surprise ground invasions, tunnels and observations which is what the citizens are scared of so they will come back.

Doing the same deal will be like throwing everting the army did to the trash.

There will be buffer zone, you can screencap my post.
if we go by what conspiracy theorists here say: americans set up THAADs here on the condition that we don't escalate in Lebanon too much beyond what has already been done

The main goal of the incursions into lebanon right now are to completely destroy and flatten all hezb-affiliated villages on the border, so no ATGMs can be fired at Israeli towns on the border, and that Hezbollah won't manage to invade again.
What do jews think about their local ruzzians? Are they like zainichi koreans?
You guys still have wifi? And why are you posting in a zionist general? Are you a mossad agent?
בסדר הוא סינילי, נסלח לו
Most of them are okay, but many are obviously just opportunists who faked being Jewish to come here and have no loyalty to the country
>קירות של טקסט בלועזית
קונטרול דאבליו
תלמד אנגלית דגנראט
No thanks, I'm not trading what we have right now for "Autonomy" under Russia.
Bros, they hide and spawn from the sand, and indoctrinate children starting at 0 years old. A buffer zone won't stop them shooting missiles at you, if not this year then the next. Have you learned nothing this past year? Even if you reach a UN settlement will them, they will lie, bide their time, and execute some sort of terrorist attack eventually.
You need to find a better solution.

>You guys still have wifi?
I'm Christian, not a musnigger. We live in relatively well off areas.
can we legally murder every non jew that enters the oblast?
עדכון: נציין שמדובר בהנפצה ופייק ניוז
do christians in lebanon want jews to liberate them from muzzies?
fuck you retard do you fucking job as a nation
>You need to find a better solution.
I think almost every Israeli person, including the soldiers on the ground, want to push way deeper, especially seeing how well we're doing, but we're trying to give you a chance to save yourself before we resort to drastic actions
We've just notified your government and people that Hezbollah is keeping at least 500 million$ under a hospital and that we're constantly surveying with drones so no hezbos can go and touch it
this is money Lebanon desperately needs, go fucking use it before we destroy it and the hospital itself
>A buffer zone won't stop them shooting missiles at you,
That's why I didn't mention missiles. missile are more defendable and less "scary"
A buffer zone will stop the immediate danger like ground invasion and ATGMs
>You need to find a better solution.
I'm less familiar with the policies in Lebanon, but I believe Hezbollah will eventually lose power. Just today, the IDF reported that Hezbollah is hiding money in a hospital, hoping the Lebanese authorities might confiscate it from them. Maybe, somehow, the Lebanese army will take control of the south instead of Hezbollah, which has been weakened(but I still believe we need some sort of buffer zone as "insurance" if stuff will go bad again.
>under a hospital
Sahel general hospital, you gotta be specific habibi
קצת קינו מלבנון
טוב לא קצת זה כמעט 4 דקות של חיזבאלונים חוטפים פצצות אבל בכל זאת
They already did us a big enough favor when they killed Hassan Nasrallah.

I take your point.

We're not doing anything. Our domestic political process is completely paralyzed at this moment. The ball is being thrown from party to party. Basically they're all "waiting to see what will happen". We are monkeys with deep psychological trauma, and a failure as a people.

>the immediate danger
Exactly, but would you move back to the north if the long term danger were still looming.

>hoping the Lebanese authorities might confiscate it from them. Maybe, somehow, the Lebanese army will take control of the south instead of Hezbollah, which has been weakened(but I still believe we need some sort of buffer zone as "insurance" if stuff will go bad again.
I've said this many times. That would lead to civil war. A bloody religious war between christian and muslim, in an urban jungle setting (Beirut). No one wants that. The Civil War memories are like a nightmare that's still fresh in the mind in the early hours of the morning.
You need to understand that our army is Christian controlled. The Commander of the army is always Maronite Christian, and the president (commander-in-chief, vacant for 2 years) is always Maronite christian. But the soldiers on the ground are from all sects (druze, shia, sunni, christian).
או שפשוט תזדיין ל/פול/ ותדבר עם גויים על פוליטיקה שם?
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Is he retarded or something? aita al shaab has already been destroyed and the "resistance" there is getting its inbred skull cracked open
Still remember btw how this clown said hamas won the war at the beginning of the year lol
>I've said this many times. That would lead to civil war.
is civil war really avoidable at this point? I'm honestly asking, seeing shit like this and then hearing you say 'no one wants a civil war' feels like dissonance on your part
you have literal squatters from the boonies who sold their houses away to hezb to use as storage facilities for munitions calling your army zionists for not treating them like royalty after they dragged your nation to war with the most powerful nation in MENA, and heck, the world
>The Civil War memories are like a nightmare that's still fresh in the mind in the early hours of the morning
but apparently the memories of 2006 weren't fresh enough ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'm not trying to victim blame here, nor am I trying to insult you or your country, but how come Iranians revolting is basically an annual tradition when the IRGC are several times stronger than hezb while you're sitting impotently waiting for some miracle to happen?
if you won't escalate, we will, its as simple as that.
>and heck, the world
one of the most powerful nations in the world*
Considering the fact that Eretz Yisrael includes the territory of Lebanon, would the Lebanese render to Israel the things that are Israel's? While keeping in mind subordination != expulsion.
Hezbullah to release soon an ALMAS atgm attack on a concentration of Israeli vehicles and soldiers.

That day, Hezbullah announced two such attacks. The lying IDF did not acknowledge neither deaths, nor injuries, nor material damages.
no one cares about this fucking eretz yisrael bullshit, we controlled southern lebanon for 20 fucking years and not a single settlement was built there, we held the sinai for way less time and even there settlements were built.
מה אתה מפגר? אתה לא זוכר את ההודעה על 5 חיילי גולני שנפלו בגלל מתקפת נ"ט?
can you stop a*hkenazim who use the fact that their whore grandmother squatted on our land pre ww2 shitting up my country from immigrating to poland? they got polish passports they don't deserve and they are coming in and they are ones who buy out all of new shitty new build flats. these shits don't even integrate and they prefer to send their kids to english schools instead having them learn polish and live in own enclaves and engage in usual jew behaviors
>no one cares
Yes they do no settlements were built their because tzhal stoped us
>eretz yisrael bullshit
It does matter. If the situation escalates and Israel is required to expand its territory in order to protect itself, the Christians living in those territories are Biblically commanded to submit to Israeli authorities, and Israeli authorities are also Biblically commanded to accept them as citizens of Israel. The only ones contradicting Sacred Scripture there would be the Muslims, because they don't have the Torah and are not part of the Covenant in any way.
Can you do this nation a favor and blow your brains out already you pathetic sad excuse of a human being? You've failed at quite literally everything you tried ever since you came here/
I think it was poles who squatted on jewish properties after ww2 and then never compensated those who lost their home until your commie puppet gov basically kicked the last jews who remained in your country
>authorities are also Biblically commanded to accept them as citizens of Israel
No they don't keep noahide laws
No I'm not a quiter
>No I'm not a quiter
your lack of quitting lead you to being kicked out of a yeshiva so yeah I can tell.
>I think it was poles who squatted on jewish properties after ww2 and then never compensated those who lost their home until your commie puppet gov basically kicked the last jews who remained in your country
property built on stolen land never was theirs either
it was jews who supported and voted on socialists pre-war en masse
nothing should be ever restituted to j*ws because by their parasitism they caused enough of damage in our country and it's not enough for them
i wish statute of kalisz never happened and we expelled you as soon we could
Then you'd have to prove them wrong, and you can't, in that case you'd be violating the Torah, and that would further fuel anti-Israel sentiment. Millennials and gen Z are overwhelmingly anti-Israel, it's the Christians who are trying to keep it alive, you get rid of the Christians, you get rid of Israel. That's Adonai telling you what will happen to you if you violate the Law, the Law which Yeshua is the fulfillment of.
i meant that property that j*ws built wasn't even theirs because it was built on land stolen from poles and a j*w never will have relationship to our land like we do. stay in your fucking failed fake country and maybe stop causing wars in middle east and dumping araps in europe
Hezbullah releases footage of their ATGM attack on a group of 8 soldiers from the Golani engineering brigade

After the attack successfully targeted a soldier and the back of the vehicle, a second ATGM was fired.

The second shows 4 remaining soldiers out of the 8. The second ATGM targets the vehicle where soldiers are getting in to evacuate the casualties.

This attack took place in Ramiah outskirts on 15-October. The IDF didn't acknowledge it.
כע כע שתוק ילד
Are you a woman?
>prove them wrong
They are not mothoeist they worship outher g-ds
>fuel anti-Israel sentimen
Don't care
Give reparations
literally my brother lol, though he sends his kids to polish schools
>They are not mothoeist they worship outher g-ds
Such as?
>Don't care
Every time Israel was destroyed, it was destroyed because the Israelites violated the Law at a systemic level. If you believe in the Law given to you by Adonai you'd to have to accept that the destruction of Israel would be a consequence of that violation. Would you be able to pinpoint what violation that could be?
they're gonna outperform all the polish kids and the cycle will begin again
>Such as?
>Would you be able to pinpoint what violation that could be?
Last time it was baseless hatred of fellow jews
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Rent free
King Messiah is Adonai in the flesh. We worship Adonai, and if you disagree with that, you're disagreeing with Sacred Scripture. And I'm not even quoting B'rit Chadashah, I can prove to you King Messiah is Adonai based entirely on the Tanakh.
lmao never
i can't wait until we'll have braun as king of poland and he'll strip all pissraelis of polish citizenship and will deport squatters to middle of nowhere and they will be fucking jewing each other only
lmao even
your dick is dry and you have no foreskin, it's why pissraelis are such huge p0rn consumers
go away obsessed pshek you have your own general bye >>203686526
His kid is so well developed gotta have like genius level IQ, can speak english polish and hebrew at age 3
no, i'll keep tormenting jews because you deserve it. i want an a*hkenazi (male) who is cute and has long hair (not matthew he's disgusting) to sexually torture him. and i'm a woman
i'd put all jew women in oven, left some cute males who would be sex slaves
Go to sleep Pawel, stop larping on jews
>and i'm a woman
post proof or fuck off
i'm a girl you faggot
i can drop enough of makeup autism for no reason and no moid, unless he's a fucking disgusting faggot, can't do the same
should've seen me with my hair longer
and troons in fact are repelled by women talking about makeup. like a troid can't even understand how to match foundation shade well and i doubt, unless it's a hsts, it could apply it well. average 4chan tranny is an agp so it's a total troon repellent
yea you talk about us supposedly being porn consumers yet you larp as a woman even tho it's obvious you're a male. A faggot male
Oh it's you
I see you are on yet another psychotic episode, take your meds
i hate pathetic men who consume porn and pissrael is a country with massive levels of porn consumption, like your vassal state (the US)
למה באנגלית אבל
לא אוכלים פה פרונס זה לא כשר
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>לא אוכלים פה פרונס זה לא כשר
>don't eat fruit here, it's not kosher
jew speak barely makes sense
i don't know your retarded jew language and i communicate with you in english, some pissraelis in this thread prefer to reply to foreigners in english when they come here
seethe and dilate jew tranny
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אתר אמריקאי
למה מכלל להיות ב \ינת\ אם אתה לא מדבר אנגלית
i'm in love boys i don't care if you're a transvestite or not
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you sound anti semitic. you should repent
הרחפנים של ברמת היחידות בשטח משנים את התמונה, אפשר לעקוב אחרי מחבל , לחכות שהוא יכנס למבנה ולהפציץ עם מטוס קרב. לא היה את זה ב 2006
זה חם
אני לא אשכנזי אבל בבקשה תתעללי בי גברתי
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wait a minute, I just said this is an American website it's /int/, not \אינט\.
פירות ים
>prefer to reply to foreigners in english
תלך לדבר עם השוודים יענו לך בשוודית
antisemtism isn't a sin. it's a self defence mechanism
>Last time it was baseless hatred of fellow jews
The mistreatment of foreigners is equally detestable to Adonai:

>And you shall not mistreat a stranger, nor shall you oppress him, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.
— Shemot 22:20.
>When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not taunt him. The stranger who sojourns with you shall be as a native from among you, and you shall love him as yourself; for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. I am the Lord, your God. You shall not commit a perversion of justice with measures, weights, or liquid measures. You shall have true scales, true weights, a true ephah, and a true hin. I am the Lord, your God, Who brought you out of the land of Egypt.
— Vayikra 19:33-36.

Christians who submit to Israeli authorities are doing so peacefully, and Israeli authorities are commanded to respond peacefully. That's Torah. Adonai being truth itself as the Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit of truth...

>And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.
— Yochanan 14:16-17

...commands Christians to deliver that truth. And if you reject that truth, not out of ignorance, but out of pride...

>And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.
— Mattityahu 12:31-32.
Your trying to twist scripture to fit your christain frame of reference the modern christain fram of reference bye in entirely pagen in orgin
>not matthew he's disgusting
>זה חם
>אני לא אשכנזי אבל בבקשה תתעללי בי גברתי
you don't deserve abuse like a*hkenazis do, you're a mizarahi right
אפשר בבקשה תמונות של כפות הרגליים שלך גברתי?
He wrote פורנס porns, not fruit. You got owned by Google translate.
אל תעשי הפרד ומשול
זה בכלל לא משנה
אני רוצה אותך בתור אשתי
>תלך לדבר עם השוודים יענו לך בשוודית
but isn't SVT mostly migrants with no real swedes at this point
matthew struggles to keep basic hygiene
The word is גר it means a convert
What if I'm a hot Ashkenazi boy?
nah i'm not converting to a retarded jew religion which hates women
but why jews are so involved in porn production
You can fix him. Tbh you have to work with what you have. You're probably not a high value female if you're actively posting on 4chan.
אתה עונה לאיזה ווירדו הומו שבטח לובש גרביים עד הברך
I shower every day I am cleane
are you maybe from haifa and are into femboys?
Sex is apart of life and is necessary for creation. Our ketubot (marriage documents) state that a woman can divorce if her man fails to sexually satisfy her.

What's really weird are those repressed Cathocuck priests who pretend they don't have sexual urges or that prayer can ward off lust.
so you finally have a place to live with running water and you aren't smelly like haredim anymore?
unfortunately i have autism. matthew would be cuter if he had dark brown eyes unironically, light blue eyes with chosenite stare make him look so bad
אני לא דתי, אני שונא נשים מסיבות אחרות
אבל לא אותך, אני אעשה אותך הנסיכה שלי
ביחד נגרום לרוסים והגרמנים לבכות
!!!!!Tranny alert!!!!
לא כשר לא להגיב
>I have autism
That's perfect because Matthew is incapable of understanding nuanced conversations and relationships. He needs an autistic woman to speak clearly with him.

Get him colored eye contacts if you need.

I also hear he has a 9 inch cock, so do with that what you will.
yet if man doesn't want to divorce woman she becomes chained to him and if she has children with other man they are tainted or something

you're an disgusting american a*hkenazi. one of worst types of jews after polish jew descended pissraelis
US would be better off if your ancestors with money looted from eastern europe never came to burgerland
Yes I have a two room apartment with a couch tv bed kitchen and bathroom in a quite upper class neighborhood, soon I will also have a car
100% אסור
Matthew will never sleep with a man
>Your trying to twist scripture to fit your christain frame of reference the modern christain fram of reference bye in entirely pagen in orgin
As a Jew you are Legally required to prove me wrong. I'm open to being proven wrong, as I have been proven wrong my entire life, and that led me to Catholicism. Take this opportunity to be the light to a gentile, I'll always keep my heart of flesh.

>And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit will I put within you, and I will take away the heart of stone out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh. And I will put My spirit within you and bring it about that you will walk in My statutes and you will keep My ordinances and do [them].
— Yehezkel 36:26-27.
>also hear he has a 9 inch cock, so do with that what you will.
Difrent anon I'm regular size
>yet if man doesn't want to divorce woman she becomes chained to him and if she has children with other man they are tainted or something

We have gangs to beat up men who don't issue gets. In all seriousness I wish more ketubot included the Lieberman clause.
Stfu dude I'm trying to help you.

אני רוצה להאמין אוקיי
Deuteronomy 12:2-4 New King James Version (NKJV)
And you shall destroy their altars, break their sacred pillars, and burn their wooden images with fire; you shall cut down the carved images of their gods and destroy their names from that place
my friend if you are truly a polish goy i must tell you that you are ranked as low as palestinians in terms of the eternal enemy to the jews my grandmother survived auschwitz and she was back to loving germans germany and german culture within 1 year of the war like most jews but she always hated you goyishe poles until the day she died
good for you matthew
nope matthew is just honestly repulsing and only his hair is nice. and his cock size is cancelled by that he has no foreskin
does it even result in scrote actually agreeing to divorce? also divorces are degeneracy and i swear it was jews who made up civil marriage as institution and divorce to screw us over
i'm not a tranny. also keep your jew women away from our european men. these bitches want to have jew offspring and white men who fuck them are traitors who help jews
גֵּר means foreigner, and is further reinforced by King Messiah.

>If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
— Mattityahu 5:46-48.

By only respecting other Jews you're no different than the pagans who seek to exterminate you, for they too only share respect amongst themselves.
תותחי נמ הופעלו על מטוסי חיל האוויר בביירות
סרטונים שמזכירים את בגדד במלחמת
המפרץ, וואו
jews are like hohols. hohols hate us over giving them insane amount of gibs. jews hate us for letting them squat our land and they got priviledges because nobles and kings hated their own people and behaved like american boomers who would give inheritance to a random pajeet over their own children because of growing on jew controlled tv. both love krauts. because they give you both shitton of gibs
and you aren't hunted in south africa as fucking ashkenazi?
Yep we hate only russians and ukrnaian more than them
The word implies a convert or noahide
>pagans who seek to exterminate you
Your one for them
>honestly repulsing
No I'm not
> i'm not a tranny
whatever you say buddy show proof or stfu
>does it even result in scrote actually agreeing to divorce? also divorces are degeneracy and i swear it was jews who made up civil marriage as institution and divorce to screw us over

Yeah getting beaten up usually helps. It doesn't happen often enough. Lieberman clause would make this unnecessary by declaring the marriage null and void if a Get isn't issued.

But why are you so spicy? You don't want Jewish women dating Jewish men but you want to dominate an Ashkenazi boy? We are reserved for Korean women sorry. Except Matthew.
חבל שבלי סאונד
so you're this american a*hkenazi who memed a korean woman into converting to your jew religion and you end with disgustin jew-korean hapas. you literally fallen own on race mixing propaganda, my fucking sides
i hate jew women because if they reproduce, they pop out another jew and if they do it with european males they do it to remove some of inbreeding. men doing this are working against their people by helping jews shapeshift to not be recognizable that easily. i want jew moids castrated and when you'll get rid of jew women, we'll finally solve the jq
גר also comes from לגור so it definitely can refer to a resident but not just any stranger. גר תושב = foreign resident

Brazil anon is not a גר he's a גוי
She never converted, her family is traditionally Catholic but only in name. Our children will be demigods on Earth. I suspect my daughter will become a Kpop star with Jewish flair.
>jew moids castrated
Ok yeah I'm not letting you any were near my genitals
A resident being a noahide non noahides are not permitted to reside near us ger toshav ger zdeck
Your kids will be weird subhuman freaks it's better for the world if they all die along with your oni whole, your benyamin a freind right?
So you're telling me the Israelites were pagans who worshiped animals and angels?
No need to be jealous, I can get you one.
Answer my question are you binyamins freind
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>כמעט הכל אנגלית
אליעזר בן יהודה מתהפך בקברו
Adonai explicitly mentions Egyptians, pagans, as an example. Adonai didn't say "for you were strangers in your fellow Jewish neighbor's house". Adonai commands Jewish people to respect everyone, Jewish or not.
please get a vasectomy
>>pagans who seek to exterminate you
>Your one for them
Yeshua commands me to love everyone as I love myself. One of the main reasons why pagans hate Yeshua as much as your rabbanim do. Did it ever cross your mind that your rabbanim are walking hand-in-hand with nazis every time they speak against Yeshua?
He said he had a freind on int who saw my post and showed me a text some one sent him of me after recognizing the beit medrash I posted a picture from once is it you?
Huh who that?

That doesn't sound like me, no.
No it says to respect everyone in your house. You're not in Israel, so you're not in their house.

Did God tell them to treat the Amalekites nice? What about the Caananites? This isn't Christianity where we cuck out to every stranger. Life's tough and we're nice to those we feel like (or whom live among us to us in our land).
>Huh who that?
סליחה אחי יש לנו הרבה סכיזוים היום. איזה כיף לדבר עם קוקסינלית
are chuunibyou hebes popular in israel
I went on birthright through Mayanot! But none of what you say sounds familiar.
למה אתה כותב פה אנחנו שונה אותח
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לוקח 'סלנאפ שעתיים והחדר נהיה בית זונות נוכרי
בושה על כולכם
As Satan would put it: the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Fat guy was their for a long time
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נדיר שהם רוצים לשחק את כל הסט כשהם רואים את הדגל שלי
זה אומר שהנורמליזציה מתקרבת

צריך חברה כזאת בישראל
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And btw the fate of the Canaanites is one of the passages many Catholics use to justify an armed conflict against governments that support abortion, and even Bishops contend with that idea. Everything else can be reasoned with: homosexuality and the transgender agenda as a whole, communism, paganism, atheism... but as soon as you implement child sacrifice in a systematic manner, that could be, Biblically, grounds for an armed conflict.

Catholics too have a threshold, and the Crusades existed for a reason, something many Jewish people use to attack the Church, and rightfully so, since the Jews who were persecuted during the Crusades were not involved in deeply abominable behavior, such as child sacrifice, and Church did condemn those persecutions, formally, through the Popes, and the Bishops, throughout the centuries, a persecution that was done by independent Catholics, and it was not commanded by the Church, not even against Muslim civilians, but specifically against Muslim combatants occupying the Holy Sites.

What you're suggesting is diametrically opposed to what the Bible teaches. You're driven by the spirit of anger and revenge, not the Spirit of truth, something a nazi could look at and use it to justify the extermination of Jews as a defensive action, while a Catholic would simply tell you you're not obeying the Torah, instead of taking the pagan approach of laying judgement upon every Jew on Earth.
thinking about becoming a twitch streamer
Give me a percentage of your earnings I will use it to build the farm
Am yosghal choi!
צריך להיות בן אדם גועלי מאוד בשביל לצחוק על אנשים עם נזק מוחי
are you implying she is subhuman?
you are a racist shitbag
you are an embarrassment to the american education system
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What is /isr/'s opinion on 34 trillion watts of UV radiation dating back to the 1st century?

>A new method for dating ancient linen threads by inspecting their structural degradation by means of Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering (WAXS) [14] was recently applied to small linen samples taken from ancient fabrics, previously dated with the radiocarbon method. Our work showed that when the ancient fabrics are preserved by environmental contamination—i.e., when they were kept in the tombs where they were found—X-ray and 14C dating agree well [14].

>5. Conclusions
>More than 30 years ago, it was argued that the measurement of the depolimerization of the cellulose constituting the linen of the TS could have offered the possibility of dating its fabric [24]. This was the aim of this work. In particular, the WAXS analysis presented here, for the natural aging of the cellulose in the linen of a TS sample, allows us to conclude that it is very probable that the TS is a relic of about 20 centuries old, even if we only have European historical documentation for the last seven centuries.
>it is very probable that the TS is a relic of about 20 centuries old


>The degree of natural aging of the cellulose that constitutes the linen of the investigated sample, obtained by X-ray analysis, showed that the TS fabric is much older than the seven centuries proposed by the 1988 radiocarbon dating. The experimental results are compatible with the hypothesis that the TS is a 2000-year-old relic, as supposed by Christian tradition, under the condition that it was kept at suitable levels of average secular temperature—20.0–22.5 °C—and correlated relative humidity—75–55%—for 13 centuries of unknown history, in addition to the seven centuries of known history in Europe.

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משה מת יותר והוא נרקב כבר 3000 שנה
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And what is /isr/'s opinion on the blood found on the Shroud being of the same blood type found in Eucharistic miracles (blood type AB with cardiac tissue) with atheist scientists who worked to debunk those miracles becoming Catholic after being dumbfounded by their own findings?
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כל פעם שאני עוזב את התרד לכמה שעות נהיה פה בית משוגעים
מצטער אבל אני לא יכול להגן על המקום כל הזמן
Go to sleep
הוא ערבוש מצרי, מאוד קל לזהות אותו
>not vampmaxxing
I have to go meet hoodie in the morning
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Emek zonah shel Arabim
She has a nude video
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I saw it no I'm not posting it
Zeh bebaqasha
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Hey jew bros
is it really true that Jews are "afraid" of turtles and geckos / reptiles ? i really dont know about this stuff but people say that jews are afraid of some reptiles because the THORA says so ? is this true or just a myth ?
kek is this the new pol psyop?
Geckos are literally considered lucky here and are allowed to roam freely in houses

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