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When was the last time you had sex in your country? It's been 2 months for me...
never in my 30 years of life
5 weeks. it was bad enough to want to try again in case it could be better
23 years and counting
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last night with your mom...
get his ass
45 minutes ago with my gf, she’s sleeping next to me right now
Like 2 and a half years
new years eve 2010 ish or something. me and my friend (female and equally aitistic) had not been invited to anything and just out of self pity we booked a hotel room in some nice village and just larped as a happy dating couple. it wasnt bad, its just sad that my sexual life should end in such a patetic way.
A year, but like 6 months before that and another whole year before that one.
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I had sex with this thicc Latina escort a couple of days ago
i got into a bed and stayed the night with a girl about a week ago. we didnt have sex because of me, i didnt want to. before that it had been 10 years. im kinda fucked up mentally from previous sexual relationships so i dont engage with slut behavior. she ended up ghosting a week later when she realized i wasnt going to fuck her. i think i dodged a bullet though. she was just having fun. all i want is a wife but the way things are going ill probably die alone. i dont care about sex anymore and i dont feel like i missed anything.
Tigresa Vip
big fat fucking tits in my mouth
Almost 2 days, I svffer
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The only time I've ever been remotely close to a woman was when the random girl I took to prom randomly started texting me again months after we had graduated high school. She asked me if I wanted to see a movie, and then after I took her back home she asked me if I wanted to come in. She kept mentioning how her mom must have left and how no one was home. We sat on the couch and talked and she kept asking if I wanted to see her room. I was so nervous because I could tell she wanted to have sex with me, but I was virgin and had no idea what to do so I made up some bullshit excuse and left. She never texted me again after that.
That was 10 years ago and I'm still a virgin. I don't even try talking to women anymore because I'm too embarrassed about being a virgin at my age. If I hadn't been such a pussy things could be so different today.
there is an universe where you've fucked more women than wilt chamberlain
Just try to be a normal human and form genuine connections with people, you care more about your virginity than anyone who would otherwise sleep with you
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Every time I see a short of a girl doing faces and pretending to sing like that I wish to teleport there and brainbust her skull into the pavement.
33 years
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I'm a 33 year old kissless virgin.
Brutal pic
What a story
I'm married and had sex like twice in the past two years
I appreciate the attempt at genuine advice, but I'm afraid I'm too socially stunted to ever have meaningful conversations with women without coming off as overly fake or overly insecure. I've been a huge shut-in ever since I graduated high school and became separated from my group of friends whom I'd had my entire life up until that point. I haven't made a new friend or had someone in my life who I could talk to in nearly a decade. I have a job, but I never talk to anyone and no one talks to me. I often goes days without saying a word to another human being. This behavior has brought me to a point where my ability to communicate has degraded so greatly that I'm a stuttering, stammering mess who can't look people in the eyes when I talk to them. No woman wants that, and I don't blame them.
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buuhuuu buhuubhuhuhuhuhuhhuhu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Fuck off, none of you have actually experienced this. I don't understand why larping as a lifelong loser has become so popular lately. People who end up like this are 1 in 1,000,000
fuck you fatso
Delete this pls
Uhh I’m 29 I’m still young I won’t end like this
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I'm 24, about a year.
actually went and focused on myself, got a new job bumping me up to mid 100s back in my home state. had a couple dates with a girl from my hs class who I had a lot of chemistry with back then, we'll see what happens.
wow literally me
2 years ago, with my first and only gf. Too bad we couldn't make it work.
If I ever have kids I will not let them be socially awkward nerds. My parents, especially my mom cause I didn't see my dad much (cliche I know), allowed me to be weird and said I shouldn't worry about girls or working out or anything like that. Now I'm behind in many ways. However, I'm still only 19 and I'm not too weird so I still retain hope.
Her stupid face and expression makes her hotter. Why is this?
you're literally brown
Outrageously annoying video.
i gave a bj to a fwb few months ago
didnt get it
Of course you wouldn't.
2 days ago and I had to refuse it again yesterday because my body is fucking tired
Never of course!
Whatever you say, Mohammed
I'm sorry you have to resort to calling me a pajeet to suppress your jealousy. You will make it someday, anon.
I'm 24 and I've never had a gf or sex. What do I do?
September 24th, 2017
26 years no sexes
you are a nerd because you are ugly
How can a Brazilian Man be a virgin past 10 years old?
30 minutes ago
Remember, youre here forever
personality is a dumb meme

guys only become introverted because they are ugly or short and are ostracised for it, society already sentenced you
maybe an hour ago
hetero sex: 6 years
gay sex: 2 months
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So you agree being called a jeet is a heinous insult, saaar?
Daily, it's called having a loving relationship.
>Texas tripfag
I am in the Piney Woods. You?
Jesus, dude, take it. Or understand she is getting it elsewhere soon if not already.
never have, never will, simple as
A month ago with my boyfriend.
had sex, got the clap, never again.
lmao this nigga gets it
Im 29.
4 and a half years ago
I've been on a 360 month dry streak I'm sure it will be over any minute now
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>I'm still only 19 and I'm not too weird so I still retain hope.
>in the current century
>in the current year
>why larping as a lifelong loser has become so popular lately
zoomers got a reality check after grew up and realize life isn't as happy and easy as when you were at school
also society nowadays is shit and there is no good quality media anymore
he's fine man, just get the basics down aka lose weight, get a good haircut, learn how to dress and just socialize a bit; if anything his work place ought to hook him with a chick or two and 19 means he can still go to college so plenty of opportunities there
It's OVER for op
2012. It's over for me now.
three days ago
24 years
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>lose weight, get a good haircut, learn how to dress and just socialize a bit
that stopped working long ago, unless you're willing to fuck mid (or below) girls AND ONLY FUCK THEM, ONCE, don't even think about dating (if you're even able to date, you will be cucked or dumped in less than 3 months anyways)
i never know if i should validate these kind of posts by taking them seriously or not, i'll make an exception just this once: r9k isn't the real world and women want relationships over hookups
that's an axiomatic truth
All of this has happened to me minus the part of having a real friend (I only have an imaginary female one since when I was 14), getting thrown snow (I got thrown rocks), celebrating halloween (back when I was a child a decade ago it wasn't as popular as it is now here in Peru) and my parents owning a home (Not a single one of my ancestors for the past 4 generations has owned a home).
i barely go to /r9k/ and when i go is only to get nudes from big boobies girls
>women want relationships over hookups
that's an axiomatic truth
not only you're a fool for believe this, but also for believe women won't hook up being in a relationship
you can just look it up man, but women don't cheat as much as guys and as any person can tell you especially your father is don't date girls that go out partying
>que reply that that's 90% of the girls when it's actually something like 10% of the girl but it's the only girl's he gets to see skewing his world view
again most girls want a relationship and not a hookup and most girls won't risk fucking up their relationship by hooking up
>que reply that that's 90% of the girls when it's actually something like 10% of the girl but it's the only girl's he gets to see skewing his world view
al chile no te entendí esa parte we, tambien ya es tarde y traigo weba
what i'm saying is that you're likely going to say something that most women are party girls when most girl's just live unexciting lives of watching tv and tik tok without ever going out to anthros
either way your post about getting only mid or below girls strikes true, attractive women tend to be party hoes but i find i don't mind how pretty or not a girl is after 10 years of regularly having sex
Have you ever done the impossible in your country?
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>most girl's just live unexciting lives of watching tv and tik tok without ever going out to anthros
i already know that, that still doesn't make a women less of a whore
it's actually worse nowadays cuz how internet fucked up women mentallity, making them have high standards and a unrealistic vision of love

> i don't mind how pretty or not a girl is after 10 years of regularly having sex
have you ever had a formal relationship?
and how long?
I have never had sex, most likely never will either

No woman has ever found me attractive
2 years been the longest, i actually found a wife tier gf but didn't choose to settle, still haven't
either way i don't have any reference for a normal relationship, but i still stand by the statement that women prefer relationships and will not cheat as often as 4channers think they will, this fear is actually a virgin-beta fear, i know cause i also used to have it when i was a 21 yo virgin, you just fear that since you have no experience with a girl she'll just enchant you and you'll have no choice but to get cucked and take it
not you particularly but the virgin beta male thinks this
I am 24 year old KHV virgin

My height is 5'4

I am currently jobless but I am actively looking for internships.

my dad is bald, so i will soon go bald

i am now waiting for good salary so i will get decent pajeeta as wife
>i actually found a wife tier gf but didn't choose to settle, still haven't
>either way i don't have any reference for a normal relationship
yeah your post got me thinking, you say women have high standards and unrealistic vision of love, i've dealt with this accordingly, especially with the wife tier girl which was a virgin before i got together with her, perhaps it's painful but anyone you ask can tell you that relationships suck in a particular way because it's always an encroachment into your personal time and values, for me this is normal, just learning to adapt to her and setting your standards, no reason why you can't work it out
unless she's definitely a hoe, again don't date women that do parties or have tattoos
Never do this dirty thing in my 42
ya son las 12 ya me voy a dormir

no eres mas que un manwhore, un wey que tendrá todo el sexo que quiera pero nunca se va a casar o siquiera tener una familia
y si lo llegas a hacer, será a cambio de lo que sea que te haga atractivo a las mujeres
aunque te doy mis felicitaciones porque de todos los casos similares que he visto eres el que el intento de tener una relacion ha durado mas, la mayoria de las veces a duras penas llegan a los 6 meses

(no lei tu post, por cierto)
It feels like all guys want is tiktok whores now and don't want relationships. The ones I interact with irl don't care about coming home to a gf, just getting sloppy on the weekends.
i have only met few of them IRL, and a lot of those here on internet

>It feels like all guys want is tiktok whores now and don't want relationships
thought i consider them annoying, i don't blame them, women are the ones doing those tiktoks for that sole purpose
>People who end up like this are 1 in 1,000,000
Nah, it's closer to 1 in a 100 right now.

t. 28 year old virgin, not gonna magically become an unvirgin before I turn 33
Women do it because men want it. So the cycle continues, women seeking male validation and men giving it. Both are fucked up
1 in a 1,000,000 is still 8000
It's a massive underestimate. On 4chinz it's like 1 in 20, IRL it's less common but still 1/100 to 1/1000 at the very least. Lots of young men are nearly sexless even as normalfags, and there's a couple percent of men who are not normalfags and physically unattractive.
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it has always been like this since the start of history, the methods and the reasons are the only things that have changed
but no one will ever do something to change this cuz no side has ever wanted to talk about it and it is inherent to humans, without it, there would be no reproduction

but it's not my fucking problem anyways, i only like to see how people keep failing in the same stupid mistakes their ancestors have been doing
>Chalky ends up being a beta husband who has to give up his hobbies to please his BBC-loving wife
>Rusty becomes Internet hero Tourette's Guy
Rusty is true winner of that whole charade
5 years ago to a black woman that was 18. I am currently 36. Only sex I ever had. At least she was reasonably attractive. I am white.
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No youre not, kike
>People who end up like this are 1 in 1,000,000
Sure, among the general population, but it's like 1 in 10 among people who browse 4chan.
Not sure why you would be in denial. I figured it would make for a more interesting post if I provided the details on that.
do prostitutes count? if so, last weekend.
but she doesnt have any nudes because she's a trad bimbo
you had sex 23 years ago?
Nearly a year and a half when I lost my virginity. It's grown back now so I'm a virgin again.
I had sex for the last time on September 17. 5 weeks ago.
Start of last year. Before that I had sex a few times during uni but it's pretty bleak atm. I work long hours during the week and don't really meet any girls in my social life who aren't already in relationships
Dunno, a month ago ? Im married plz put me out of my misery.
Sex is sex bro, I would fuck prostitutes too if they were not that ugly.
About ten years ago.
never ever, might pay a hooker soon for people to stop making fun of me
I am the elusive gay virgin. It's fucking over
About 6 months but i will probably have it again in 1-2 weeks
last time was when i turned 30, i'm 37 now. haven't really felt the need to do it again, but i might get back into it with some escorts before i turn 40
this morning
last night with highschool girl
3 weeks. My friends jerk me off a lot though.
Tourettes Guy origin story.
like 7 years ago. Time fucking flies
3 days ago
5 Months, after my gf left me. But IDC not that i'm aseual is just I don't find plesure in casual sex, tried once didn't liked myself and what I did. I just want to have sex with a emotional connection.
2 days ago
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people has diferent life not everyone experience the same like those faggot teachers expect their students to have the same experience they had
And if he feels lonely he can just wear his cologne for that bitch at church
I'm also 24 years old and had zero intimate moments with a women. No job either, can't afford to get married to whoever mom's gonna pick. It's over
Never had sex or job
Lmao what a faggot.
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7 years
Saturday. Unironically how do you keep your sanity? I would've gone apeshit by now
Should've been me (as the latina escort)
I'm killing myself
>none of you have actually experienced this
You're right, unlike Rusty I never had a friend like that.
This, I just had it, how do you incels do it? I would've killed myself if I had to go a year let alone 20 without it
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my autism grants me powers beyond mortal comprehension
I guess being a man and not an effete child helps. Westerners are usually known for high impulse control compared to the lesser races, I guess you're the exception, or maybe just a migrant.
Many such cases (not me though I’m a sex haver)
>I guess being a man
virgins will always be children though
grow up
>to coom
disingenuous as fuck, just like an anglo would
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never, im turning 23 by the end of this month
get back to the temple, temple rat
Most "incels" on here has approached a women a grand total of zero times
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