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Brazil arguably has supplied the internet with wtf videos more than any other country. Except maybe Russia
thank you, Brazil!
Based. Catholic priests should be allowed to have wives, and maybe even harems.
Father was definitely hitting some of that communion wine
the look on that base player :DDD
lmfao....look at the bass player.

What is this priest thinking?
priest is probably malding inside that's not a underage altar boy
>I SVFFER in Dancil...
is that a good thing?
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dance vs non-dance culture is a big cultural divide even in the americas
like i was recently at a family gathering and the people from dixie where boogying and the puritanical yankees where covering thier ears
I love mestre ensinador videos and trenzinho da alegria
You can't suffer as a religious figure in Brasil
Those who wish to get married and become priests should do so within the Byzantine Rite. It's what I plan to do.
Why are latrinos simultaneously hyper sexual and religious freaks?
Don't they fear burning in hell?
islam and mormonism do that, just switch
He don't care about that, he wants only 8 years old little boys
Brazil in particular was never a Catholic nation. Most of our ancestors were coerced into it, which violates Church teaching because in order to join the Covenant you must do so willingly, otherwise none of the Sacraments are valid, that's why Brazil is becoming more Protestant, we were never a fully catechized nation like Portugal and we are taught to hate the Church in schools because of its support of slavery.

I wanted to be anything other than Catholic because I was taught the religion that enslaved my ancestors could not be the Church that was established by Christ. Then the Holy Spirit worked through my heart of flesh and I had to choose between Catholicism and Orthodoxy, and I really wanted Orthodoxy, but the Holy Spirit put Saint Ignatius of Antioch on my way and I became Catholic. Simplesmente intankável a vontade do Espírito Santo.
meds, take them
you have schizophrenia
The more you try to debunk Catholicism the closer you get to becoming one. Many such cases.
meds schizo freak
Nope. But monkeys have no pride, they love being an exotic zoo and take bananas from humans
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Not only did I become what I hated the most, I adopted the same perspective as Saint Catherine of Siena and would gladly rest at the bosom of our beloved Pope even if he were an incarnate devil. Always recognize the authority of the Anointed and never physically attack them, as Saint David the King so respected Saul even when Saul was being tormented by the spirit of evil.
How do you worship someone who's privilege has been chosen by humans?
that's even worse than the idolatry of saints
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Catholics minging with Brazilian models is Vatican approved
He's not a priest, retard
Fodendo isso. Esse país é muito patético, puta que pariu. A Rússia ainda tem exército, ficam se comparando com a Rússia por puro cope
We don't worship anything other than the LORD. Embrace your heart of flesh that is being offered to you, and follow the Holy Spirit, Who is the Spirit of truth.
how do you say you accept his authority even if he was the absolute opposite of what he was supposed to represent, and not consider that worship? you worship the chair, you worship the person
latinxes aren't religious, they just pretend to be
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Because the LORD commands us to. Saint Catherine of Siena wrote extensively and passionately about her disagreements with the Magisterium, while simultaneously emphasizing the importance of staying together as one Church, and recognizing the authority of the Anointed, exactly as Saint David the King did, even under the threat of murder, persecuted by Saul, who was being tormented by an evil spirit. Saint David the King had the opportunity to kill Saul, and he didn't, he desperately attempted to save Saul whenever given the opportunity to do so, and that's precisely how we must behave.

>He said to his men, 'The Lord forbid that I should do such a thing to my master, the Lord’s anointed, or lay my hand on him; for he is the anointed of the Lord.
— 1 Samuel 24:6.

>Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
— Romans 13:1-2.

>Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account.
— Hebrews 13:17.

To reject the authority of the Anointed, established by the LORD, is to reject the LORD Himself and become The Accuser. I didn't become Catholic because I wanted to, I became Catholic because the LORD wanted me to, and I shall continue to submit to His will, and I will dwell in His house forever. Amém.
Catholicism is made of joy not of fear.
Protestants are the muslim of christianity.
Heaven, hell and all that crap christcucks believe in, don't exist. Even the most fanatics retards subconsciously know it's all a lie. So why being guided by fairy tales when you could be enjoying life. You are only alive by mere chance, by the randomness of the Universe. So better enjoy life as much as you can before it's fucking over and you return to the nothingness.
the pope isn't anointed by god it's chosen among from a hundred or so old dudes.
and to think the lineage of the pope is unbroken since peter is lunacy.
nothing justifies absolute authority of man over another man
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That's you versus 34 trillion watts of UV radiation dating back to the first century, and blood type AB.

>A new method for dating ancient linen threads by inspecting their structural degradation by means of Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering (WAXS) [14] was recently applied to small linen samples taken from ancient fabrics, previously dated with the radiocarbon method. Our work showed that when the ancient fabrics are preserved by environmental contamination—i.e., when they were kept in the tombs where they were found—X-ray and 14C dating agree well [14].

>5. Conclusions
>More than 30 years ago, it was argued that the measurement of the depolimerization of the cellulose constituting the linen of the TS could have offered the possibility of dating its fabric [24]. This was the aim of this work. In particular, the WAXS analysis presented here, for the natural aging of the cellulose in the linen of a TS sample, allows us to conclude that it is very probable that the TS is a relic of about 20 centuries old, even if we only have European historical documentation for the last seven centuries.


>The degree of natural aging of the cellulose that constitutes the linen of the investigated sample, obtained by X-ray analysis, showed that the TS fabric is much older than the seven centuries proposed by the 1988 radiocarbon dating. The experimental results are compatible with the hypothesis that the TS is a 2000-year-old relic, as supposed by Christian tradition, under the condition that it was kept at suitable levels of average secular temperature—20.0–22.5 °C—and correlated relative humidity—75–55%—for 13 centuries of unknown history, in addition to the seven centuries of known history in Europe.


Have the decency to investigate Our Lady of Guadalupe, that's the least you can do as a Mexican.
>You are only alive by mere chance, by the randomness of the Universe
Any proof of that, chief?
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The Levitical priesthood and the kings of Israel were all anointed by the LORD. "Anointing" comes from the anointing with olive oil, the same anointing we undergo at the Sacrament of Confirmation. Olive oil is associated with the Holy Spirit, Who guided Noah through the storm using olive branches.
did jesus even pour oil over peter then?
wasnt peter who denied jesus 3 times and that was the last thing jesus ever spoke to him?
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None of the "infallible dogmas" of the Roman Catholic Cult can be changed otherwise the whole thing would come tumbling down, especially if they made changes to conform to the Word of God rather than ungodly pagan traditions.

>aren't religious, they just pretend to be
That's Roman Catholicism in a nutshell, that's why everything they do is to be seen of men.

Jesus plainly said to pray and fast in secret, and not to pray vain repetitions, and that he is the only way to the Father; yet Catholics will disfigure their faces to be seen to fast, they will pray the same thing over and over vainly, and their church teaches that Mary is a co-redeemer and co-mediator which is a blatant lie. They teach works for salvation, they reject the grace of God, they change the truth of the gospel of the gift and grace of God into a lie. Just about everything the Bible teaches, their church teaches against or perverts in some way to preach works for salvation and their money-making scam cult with a cult leader who blasphemously calls himself "Holy Father".

When your authority is a bunch of pedophiles in effeminate robes and silly hats rather than the pure words of the living God, you can be lead to do anything: like effeminate simp men bowing to and kissing statues of a woman.

That's just unnatural. But it's a feminist, simp, effeminate religion; that's why they preach celibacy for their clergy despite that the Bible says bishops must be married and forbidding to marry is a doctrine of devils. And that's not even getting into their history or ever-changing doctrines.

Catholics killed far more people than the protestants, but they're both wrong since Catholicism clearly contradicts God's Word and protestants are simply too catholic.

Peter wasn't a pope anyway.

>The Levitical priesthood and the kings of Israel were all anointed by the LORD.
>by the LORD.

>the same anointing we undergo at the Sacrament of Confirmation.
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>And I tell you that you are Peter ("Petros" in Greek, "Kephas" in Aramaic, meaning Rock with the male pronoun) and on this Rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
— Matthew 16:13-19.

>Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you. And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.
— John 20:21-23.
Protestantism is anything between white supremacy to transgender ideology. You can be your own Pope, and ultimately, your own god. Which one of the thousands of denominations is the one being guided by the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit, being the Spirit of truth, wouldn't be simultaneously guiding people in opposite directions. Take the role of The Accuser and become your own god, make Sacred Scripture in your own image. Don't like hierarchy? Check out the next church. Don't like how they interpret scripture? Check out the next church.

Protestantism is the fastfoodization of Christ. Don't like McJesus'? Try out Burger Christ, or Christbucks. Maybe Christ-fil-A? Papa Jesus'? Jesus Hut? Doesn't matter when you can be your own truth, as Satan is.
>Disgusting whore dancing like a savage animal
You are proud of this, favela monkey?
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>peter wasn't a pope
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Remember when Christians spent 1500 years in a Church where the gates of Hell prevailed, until our lord and savior Martin Luther (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) and Prophet John Calvin (PBUH) finally brought back the Church of Christ? No wait, I might be confusing with prophet Joseph Smith (PBUH)... which one is it again?
yeah you are just a comedy relief character to be honest
You are the virign dude in the party
>virginity bad
quintessential Brazilian statement
>virginity not bad
quintessential Japanese statement
Brazil is weird country, probably should just drop chlorine gas on the favelas.
Those are called Protestants, sweetie
>Which one of the thousands of Protestant denominations is the one being guided by the Holy Spirit (which is the Spirit of truth)?
>ChatGPT: Determining which, if any, of the thousands of Protestant denominations is the one being guided by the Holy Spirit is a deeply subjective question.
>"Deeply subjective" would imply none of them are guided by the Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit of truth, and therefore wouldn't guide people into opposite directions.
>ChatGPT: You raise a valid point. The idea of the Holy Spirit guiding a particular denomination implies a unity of truth rather than a multitude of conflicting interpretations. Some argue that while various denominations may have differing interpretations, they are all part of a larger search for truth and understanding of Scripture.
>Rejecting the Real Presence, or ultimately blending racial ideology (Mormonism) with Christianity is more than just some minor difference in interpretation.
>ChatGPT: You’re absolutely right; rejecting core doctrines like the Real Presence in the Eucharist or blending fundamentally different ideologies, such as racial ideology in some interpretations of Mormonism, goes beyond minor differences in interpretation. These issues can reflect deeper theological and doctrinal divergences that fundamentally alter the nature of the faith being professed.
>Wouldn't that automatically render Protestantism as a whole invalid, while prioritizing the legitimacy of Catholicism and Orthodoxy (also based on the Early Church hierarchical structure, and the Apostolic succession)?
>ChatGPT: Whether Protestantism as a whole can be deemed invalid while prioritizing Catholicism and Orthodoxy is a matter of perspective and theological interpretation.
>If the Holy Spirit is a "matter of perspective" then it wouldn't be real, because it would rely on human fallen opinion, rather than Truth.
>ChatGPT: You know what? I concede. I'm Catholic now. Are you happy? Do you take my L as your W?
>Moral truths? That's for me to decide! How? My own rationale of course!
Turned into
>I'm my own god, truth is subjective, i live MY truth, I decide what my truths are.

>The Eucharist isn't Christ. That's just superstitious cathlick psyop. Transubstantiation isn't real.
Turned into
>Religion? Christianity? LOL there is no such thing is 'supernatural', it's all just fairy tales. It's just allegorical, Christ did not rise from the dead nor is there a God, schizo.

Can you imagine being a prottie or ND 'Christian' in 2024? LMAO. What absolute limp-dick liberal homos. Modern day liberalism can trace its roots back to protestantism, and the essence of liberalism back to the first liberal: Satan.

Satan -> protties -> liberals: "I will not serve, I am my own god. Truth? Is there such a thing?"


Based brazilcathbro
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post some more examples
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For me, it's the one with the guy dressed as the mask at some wedding also Bruno Diferente.
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>even a fucking bald ass priest with ballsack like wrinkles gets action in bundaland
you just cant suffer in bundaland, can you?
>have severe back pain
>gonna lie down on a hard surface
>being in such an exposed position attracts the Brazilian nymphs
>as they close in for the kill you recite the Lords Prayer and ward them off just in time
>Catholics will disfigure their faces to be seen to fast
What do you mean? First time I hear of this.

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