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autumn edition
it lush
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>couldn't get a good starting position in an office job so now I'm stuck in my shit retail job

it's over
looks bloody pleased with himself doesnt he calm down mate anyone can lie on a bed
I remember when I couldn't get an engineering job, so now I'm stuck in IT
fml, at least it isn't as bad as retail
weeping from my eyes now thanks
Country's gone to the dogs
are you in helldesk or are you at least sysadmin or something?
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The nights are farken hot cunt
Screaming at how leftypol, the one who says never to victim blame, dismissed a rape victim as just being a racist
I think ill have a wank, then breakfast, and a ciggie. hopefully then ill be able to drop a poo.
I like these music
Country's gone to the wogs
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He does. Thinks he's hot shit
How much fibre are you supposed to get?
i had a bit of a laugh in the previous thread at leftypol being completely silent when those foreign rapists were talked about but he couldnt help but pipe up when a singular post about that rioter appeared (to attack him)
i think leftists are unironically evil people. something is actually wrong with them.
Do a poo next to him see how smug he looks then
wankable cities
Wogs built the West, keep seething Rourke
>Caesar, in writing home, said of the Britons, " They are the most ignorant people I ever conquered. They cannot be taught music." Cicero, writing to his friend Atticus, advised him not to buy slaves from England, " because," said he, " they cannot be taught to read, and are the ugliest and most stupid race I ever saw."
black cats are evil
he is
Don't really understand why Skincare aisles are split into men's and women's sections. We all have skin
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theyre nazis
Interesting how the Bible doesn't actually say anything about homosexual lust or attraction it just says don't have gay sex
women are softer than men
we just need sandpaper and supeglue
>rorke, 2024 AD
>rorke, 30 BC
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Hadn't realised the toxoplasmis gondii crew were in.
i heard that men typically have greasy skin and women have dry skin
im a man and my skin gets greasy and thats as far as i can validate that theory
spag bol for tea
>Not rvrkë, 30BC
Stuffed it
the original Aramaic only refers to the man in the receptive role. so technically, according to the bilble, its ok to shag blokes as long as you're the top.
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>run for and by
Greasy little mug, get over here!
*Tries to grapple you, but your greasy skin slips out of my fingers*
we did it /brit/ we made the news
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app support, so barely a leg above helldesk
My app doesn't work
im thinking hungry jacks, havent had it in a while
please don't, I'm toiling right now, brit is my distraction
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Please attend to ASAP
bruh I just pend that shit and move on with britposting
ha ha sorry but I'm still not taking a side in the isreal palestine war I know thats annoying but uhhhh I'm just not going to do it
Mental how loads of blokes down the pub would’ve agreed with him at the time
do you get fuckwits like me hounding you all day?
Pretty much nearly every single Scottish person I've spoken to on the phone has been such a miserable irritable cunt

It must be the lack of sunlight or something
helldesk are runt like runts but the work can be piss easy if they are allowed to just log and flog by their management
going to make a £50 bet that Donald Trump will win for some easy money
I'm a 2nd line team so not so much
I've told you to stop fucking calling me that's why I'm so irritable you prick
water flowing underground
I've made money every us election but this time I don't want to get involved. There's something sick about this one on some level. I don't want to be personally invested. I want to be happy regardless of who wins.
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It's 3x doner wraps for brek today
will never not be funny that you all hate James O'Brien but you'd all be too fucking stupid to win an argument against him if you ever spoke
is it called hungry jack's rather than burger king because australians don't like to be reminded that they're british commonwealth?
If a real estate developer offered to buy my house for somewhat over market value then I just might accept
But then you need to got through the whole process of buying another house, and that can take like 6 months...
whos james obrien
so grim
can't even be bothered replying to the yank's post I'm that annoyed at how shit it was
all i know about him is he has that squashed inbred irishman monkey face so i automatically dont trust a word he says
would easily best him intellectually but for that reason the researchers never let me through when I call up
I really do honestly believe there is not a single female /brit/ poster
the dizzying heights of american wit everyone
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his brexit calls were always funny
>so why'd you vote leave
>well we can finally make our own laws again
>what laws couldn't we make?
>what about it didn't we control
>okay but what exact laws were we not in control of
>.........................i-i-immigration bad
it was a sincere question
I want to know
There's at least one I know irl
trannies dont count
Just learned hungry jacks is literally just burger king
there was already an existing restaurant called burger king, was just copyright issues
not everything revolves around yank cultural politics muck, the average aussie probably wouldn't even be arsed voting to leave the commonwealth if voting wasn't mandatory
Apparently even believing in the deep state makes you a schizo. Normies aren’t even human.
have you had sex in the past year
and still do. gas the gays today
>there was already an existing restaurant called burger king
Ask your dad
no one's laughing at you for being schizo mate everyone's laughing at you because your source is a poor quality jpg someone posted in a /pol/ thread
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hmm bit mongy here on /brit/ today eh? heheheheheheheh
only since you walked in
holi grimoli
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and clapped eyes on you
Don’t use /pol/
then we kissed
WFH is degrading my mind and soul
skill issue
ive been wfh since i graduated in 2020
ive hardly even experienced office life
ive also forgotten everything from my degree and all my social skills
never moved up the ranks either
Just go out with your gf to make yourself feel better
didn't ask
unemployed for about 17 months, kind of just living at home off savings right now and wasn’t actively looking to work. was in engineering previously so not a retard. hope it won’t be an issue now that I’m about to start looking for jobs again but it’s so stupid that it’s actually making me hesitate and continue to be a NEET
would love some opiates
and now we're married
how much savings did you have
strawberrys suck
40-50k and I don’t really spend much or pay a lot of board at home
supermarket ones do
sucking a strawberry
Tried to wank my cock earlier but i just don't care enough anymore.
burying a strawsuck
>pay a lot of board
sometimes forget you lot live with evil parents who make their own children pay them to stay in their home
Because not everyone had heard of your slop chain before then and "Burger King" is a pretty good name for a burger joint
imagine bragging about being manchild
no, I live in Birmingham with working class parents who aren’t educated and have worked in the same job for life
hungry ronalds
screaming at this for some reason
Found the documentry btw. First few mins are pretty telling, describing UK as hell
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just don't want to toil anymore. it's inhumane
can I just say I wasn’t looking for a job and that’s fine? or do I need some other elaborate lie?
doing quite the poo
too bloody right my eyes hurt from looking at bad screen. my health and safetys been compromised
having a work gap at any point in your life is unforgivable might as well tell them you were in prison for child rape
traveling is a good excuse usually
ive been neet since august and have kind of given up looking for work for the rest of the year. had some job interviews here and there but cba anymore. will enjoy christmas with the family and then get back to it... i swear...
for 17 months lol
Tell them you have schizophrenia and if they dont hire you its discrimination and they need to make reasonable adjustments for you too (like not asking for proof)
ktim, don’t want the grim dark early drives now
I don’t like that because it might get questioned more or brought up later and I’d have to keep the lie going forever, unless I just spare the details
yeah not sure if it would be the same for me given that I don’t give off criminal vibes
did an immense poo earlier. It's quite a long story so I'll give you the abridged version
*bends over and farts*
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I was looking for a job and then I found a job
and heaven knows I'm miserable now
is that a lot or not? seriously not sure what I’m supposed to do
true but its also ridiculous that this is the case
then gandalf the grey and gandalf the white and monty python and the holy grail's black knight and benito musollini and the blue meanie and cowboy curtis and jambi the genie robocop the terminator every single power ranger bill s preston and theodore logan spock the rock dock ock and hulk hogan
finding a job doesn't normally take a year and a half yeah
I prefer the gay sex version
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g'day lads, what's happening and crackening
you missed a few
just had a bowl of instant ramen (beef)
put a bird feeder in my garden hoping to get cool birds but all I get is pigeons and crows
yeah I wasn’t looking one though, there’s nothing wrong with saying that in an interview is there? just taking a break to do whatever
whats wrong with them
you can get ones with little cages that only sparrows tits robins and that can fit through
just did a WORLD CLASS poo. real top draw stuff. special.
they're not retarded, they're just gonna assume you were dossing about and are only looking for work because you've been forced to
'aving some mango
on spesh recently so got like 12 of them in the fridge
why did the build such ugly buildings in the uk?
the need to build things cheaply after the war isn't an excuse. they still could've had some sort of design sensibilities even on a budget.
those are cool birds you dummy
yeah nice lad
>Chris Kaba shot rival in nightclub attack days before being killed

But his mum said he was a good boy, an aspiring architect!
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>Vandals have thrown red paint over a statue of Queen Victoria in Sydney hours after the King heard a political protester shouting “f--- the colony, you f---ing c---” in Parliament
Aussies will be asked to leave /brit/ soon
so what am I supposed to say? it’s partly because I want to, nobody is forcing me (other than needing an income which is obviously why everyone works). just wanted a break and was dossing about, mental elves are better now but I don’t want to say anything about that and make me sound like a freak
are tote bags gay?
yes not sure, some of them can be quite depressing
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it's a fucking disgrace
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a gu srd shoi smowo stovs poke opy os n
mate he's had a lovely visit, big crowds at the opera house, cooked some snags (sausages) for charity today, all smiles, don't let a couple angry protesters get you down x
>Tax on high earners ruled out as Rachel Reeves looks to plug £40bn Budget black hole
time to squeeze the middle class!
what's the point of living in this country anymore
don't forget to stay hydrated lads
gotta admit the king's fit today was class, big fan of those sunnies
dont know what it is but it sounds like omg thats like totes a bag which sounds really gay yeah
ah yes let's save this information until after the trial so the police officer suffers years of abuse in the media
why are they like this
He didnu du nuffin
uh oh no he didnt!!
I remember you by thunderclap in the sky
I recall you lot were doing much worse things to statues in 2020, don't generalise based off an incident mate
mate just say you were working on your art/photography career but it never worked out or just wasn't bringing in enough income
>never moved up the ranks either
You never will while working from home. Promotions are all about the social aspect of the job.
Yeah you have to operate on the pretense that we all really want to work and we're not there out of a requirement to not become homeless and die
little pingus
i make yo bm BBL thunderclap
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how about releasing the info on costs on housing refugees? oh no, they cant do that

how about kicking out all the foreigners languishing in council homes on bennies? oh no, cant do that
you can't say anything, you're fucked. You could maybe get away with it if you played the men'ul elf card but like you say it might just make them assume (correctly) that you're a weird freak
it's the minwage toil mines for you unfortunately, although you've somehow got 50 grand in savings so it's not like you're in financial trouble
might just have to enter my wholesomecore era
no scrolling
no booze
no weed
no games
no wanking
just hobbies
Imagine thinking refugees are the actual problem. Go back to daily mail comments you mongrel
Was this protester white?
but those things are my hobbies
sadly they are not wholesome
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Youre a smart guy im sure you parse this
need a hobby
any suggestions?
nothing wrong with games, they can be wholesome too unless you're spending thousands of hours on some dopamine multiplayer brainrot
they are a problem as evidenced in this very thread you room temp IQ imbecile

plus the government wouldn't refuse to release data on how much its costing the country if it wasn't an astronomical amount. how do people as thick as you even exist
congratulations mate heres your wi..ohh look a lorry full of postal votes all for Harris, who put that there? Good thing we found it unlucky for you pal
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Good thing prisons are so cheap to run
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steam trains but unironically
only the gay ones
been using small amounts for a while and taking plenty of time off but the last couple of weeks ive had increased amounts and frequency and im starting to feel the warning signs of addiction again. going to have to take a few days off.
the danes owe us reparations
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I don't think there's any /cum/ thread right now so I'll just post here, hope you all don't mind
>unless you're spending thousands of hours on some dopamine multiplayer brainrot
i cant hardly enjoy the singleplayers ones anymore
this is good
if you're the same one posting split enz lyrics we'll be getting married
that I am, but I'm already betrothed sorry mate x
imagine the thoughts going on up there
A Deep Dive Into The /Brit/ Iceberg

dopamine runt
i am a dopamine runt
yeah yeah
i am a dopamine runt
why are you angry and also green lol haha
modern games are unironically, objectively shite
I recommend looking backwards, try a classic you never got round to playing or replaying one you enjoyed from the past
Girlfriendberg showed me another tiktok where the joke was Americans mistaking a British person's use of "BBC" for black willies
Dunno why she finds this so funny
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stop that immediately
going to do whatever i can to pay as little tax i can my entire life. its disgusting seeing what my money is going towards in this country
you have spurned my affections and I am full of jealousy
ambitious aspirations
ahahaha good post
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Happy dwarfism awareness month
niggas call me the penis genius
just need to hire an accountant really.
It's probably just cos it's a sex joke rather than any sort of disgusting reason that your porn addicted brain can come up with
pretty sure most people are already aware of dwarfs
cant marry a train you little engine fiddler
Kek the eldest son died and "the bbc later found out he was fight for an islamist group (i.e ISIS)
that wasn't me lad, that was in fact another australian
Let's kick dwarfism out of football
starting a business and donating all your profits above the LEL to stop the boats?
shhh we're all the same poster remember lad
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We love the Japanese ladies, don't we folks?
oh yeah sorry I forgot yeah the boys
do they like gimli or do they think hes racist
thanks for actually giving me some suggestions, didn’t realise it would be such a big deal
sounds good might do this, I doubt they would question it
yeah I see, has to look like I was busy
yeah definitely wouldn’t mention mental elves, I’m leaning toward a bit of travel and photography or something then I guess. I’m sure it will be near minwage in any profession but I’m looking to do something related to the engineering degree I got 4 years ago now. I got 50 grand from saving almost all earnings for 2-3 years since I am lucky enough to be at home and like I said, they were engineering office jobs so maybe that helps a little with trying to find a job and I’d be in a worse situation if I had a different (less favourable) background or education.
if you're confused by that post I'd stick to neetbux
yes but unfortunately I will never find one on this gay island and it's unrealistic/impossible for me to move there
huckling a poo
not woke enough sadly
Only Japanese women I've met irl have been munters
I think they must look better on camera than in person, might be something to do with the flat face
rorkes mum pooing a golfball covered in slugs
say you were spending time building your onlyfans but had to quit when you got revengepornd
I like him because he's racist
i didnt say i was confused
Did you laugh?
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might have got the wrong end of the stick with stop the boats then. pothole protection league perhaps?
No I just stopped paying attention to her tiktoks and wandered away and now she's complaining that I'm ignoring her
In bed. Farting.
oh lovely, this post again
so put your little paw in mine,
there ain't no hill or mountain we can't climb,
i've got catberg,
i've got catberg
when I visited last year there was a distinct lack of qts on the streets as well
I think it's like America where they put the attractive ones front and centre in all media so it gives a false impression of what the average one looks like
when it comes to engineering, if you don't have engineering work experience since you got that degree I really wouldn't hold your breath
Chris Kaba is in hell with his homie George Floyd
catberg on a mad one I know, I know
it's really seriooouuss
so the australian is pretending to be different people again
I see how it is
*enters /brit/, farts, waves it around with my hand, leaves*
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>Father-of-four rioter who died in prison 'took his own life' after being sentenced to two years for screaming at police and calling asylum seekers 'child killers' during anti-migrant hotel protest
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I do have it. I have just under two years of experience since I graduated four years ago but then my contract ended and I have NEETed for a year and an half until now. So hopefully it’s possible to get back?
extremely low quality post and avatarposting, that
my weights absolutely ballooned up to 68kg, lads. i feel fucking disgusting.
if i don't get my weight back down to 62kg by the end of the year i'll fucking end it all
forgot to set my timer. got to guess when my nuggies are done
<3 <3 <3
How tall are you?
A lot of the jap series still have soul.
Yakuza, Legend of Heroes, Souls, I still play these games.
Western big studio vidya are slop though
that is a pretty ridiculous photo from moz there not going to lie
area manager at woolworths me
fi de likkle fresh timmy treds dem croydon
wish pikmin were real so i could scoop up a handful of them and eat them alive
They are raffling off a single potato chip at the Gary Glitter school for kids in order to honey bird whistle cup raise fudns for half eaten banana.
I've been feeling really light headed lately. It must be that long Covid.
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it's good
it's a good photo
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>Yakuza, Legend of Heroes, Souls,
sold out long ago
victim weight
how fucking short are you?
Reckon the purple ones tastes flippin fantastic
got to go to the post office
got to send a letter to appeal a fine you see
Leather jacketed bolsheviks shelling sensitive young bourgeois men
naa they still slap hard, though i'm not sold by the yakuza series move to turn based combat, i still enjoy the games
love love LOVE "you see" posting, good luck with your appeal
Is this the Mozza fan forum or summat?
Any man who is insecure about being slightly overweight is a poof
some people manage to cruise through life without explanation. some paki woman in the office just casually calls in to say she'll be off work for the next 5 weeks and toilberg is fine with it. But when I have one sick day off im sweating one out on the phone explaining myself panicking
I eat my nut butter. Nutty to the taste. There is no waste.
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/brit/? always was mate
perhaps there's a lesson to be learnt here
it's called self confidence and women have it more because people are nice to them
Dr. Britten should I use an enema for my amerishart
>though i'm not sold by the yakuza series move to turn based combat
It takes time but it works. I've put in weeks of game time in to infinite wealth and like a dragon and it grows on you
Clearly a fetish
corr yeah like grape flavour
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no, it's called paki privilege
Yeah I do enjoy it but I do also miss the brawler combat, so I'm glad they're keeping it for the spin-off games.
Time for Frasier on C4
can sense another oily garlicky poo brewing
I thought those were illegal to have as pets unless you had a loicence
would you buy a bag of apples if you knew one of the apples was poisoned?
Should be a poo extraction service. When you're constipated you can call up and pay for a woman with dainty hands to come and ease it out for you.
used to have a mate who was a world class bullshitter, he could convince people of anything. He could walk into interviews with no preparation and get jobs he wasn't qualified for, he could fuck up multiple times and successfully blame it on anything but himself. It's like a superpower
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>he could fuck up multiple times and successfully blame it on anything but himself. It's like a superpower
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>ummm you can't quote all the subsections and paragraphs of various laws of a supranational union that demands open borders? I win! you must accept open borders!

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