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Minodora edition

Old >>203687064
goin on a lil incelwalk me
Yhhh those curly hair and that enticing tummy...

sorry, couldn’t miss this opportunity
My ancestor (:
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Soo how did Aznimal died?
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rasha took his meds, leading to the aznimal persona to fall into deep hibernation
U boring fucks
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this man is going alcohol shopping and he will buy 10 liters of beer


hope youre doing alright little guys
Majority of you are subhuman animals that should have been either exterminated by the fascists or the communists.
>me ooga
>you booga
>fascists or communists have nothing better to do but exterminate /balk/ posters
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waiting for the pol cooldown
what's this based southron have to do with anything
>what's this based southron have to do with anything
Improving a*banian genetic pool
so true!
greeks got special rights and besides the cultural genocide and forced assimilation he didn't do much
albos got shot to death instead
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Are you gonna oppress brown people again, Kelly?
Glad we are in agreement. We need someone to do it again.
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She's just like me! uwu
Just realized wagies are feminine cucks who can't take care of themselves so they need supervisor/employer(daddy) to take care of them
Only NEETs and business owners are real men
>100€+ and 6 months alongside 15 documents to renounce albo citizenship
Just put the pleskavica in the bag, srboje
A good strategy, Albos don't have high enough IQ to handle 15 documents.
You will forever be albo
t.renowned for high iq
t.renowned for positive reputation
I'm literally greek thougheverbeit
Even if I renounce my greek pasosh I can instantly apply for an omogeneis card again since I had it before and have the equivalent of greek permanent residence again

It's such cancer desu
You live in Korce region right?
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nope, that's just where my family origin is from aka where my great grandparents are from
I don't really want to wake up anymore.
it's over.
how am I oppressing them, they're they ones coming illegally to my country.
Wish I could oppress blonde babes from the north the same way instead so they could flood instead.

if I can wake up in bumbania you can wake up in bumgaria
it's the bumkan man's burden
i like how one of them almost grabbed her crotch to dab on the camera
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praying for allah to bless you with chronic insomnia
Whats wrong?
juss came back
u wrong
lick ma crack
goin 3 weeks strong
without even a 0.000001 BAC
eat a footlong schlong
my rapgame back on track
u 2 slow for dis song u mong
catch dis salivary flak
yo horseface narrow and oblong
juss like this lyrical stack
Just noticed that 2 hours from now I'll have naturally fasted for 24 hrs without even realizing it.
Why should you?
Better stay home and gain fat+double chin
Macedonians exchanged this for bananas
now that I think about it the lach is old enough to have lived through a time when his I am greek shtick would have caused mass outrage in albanian society. is this the source of a trauma or the coping with it?
The correct nomenclature is “fyromians” as you are well aware, abominable serbopshek.
I miss Drug Tito(pbuh) so much
going around triggering selyaks' nationalism boner is stupid
I just let them yap about muh albanania
I would vote to rejoin Yugoslavia in a heart beat
how come vlachness monster is allowed to call himself greek but ikiboss isn't
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Only one of them knows Greek and was born in Greece.
yeah but you weren't always a rational yidmaxxed adult
>you weren't always a rational yidmaxxed adult
you underestimate little old me
since the moment I was dragged into this place I knew everyone else was an enemy and not to be trusted
my social interactions with albos beyond the bare minimum of pretending to listen were nonexistent until HS
>vlachness monster is allowed to call himself greek
Only by cuckolds
I forbid him from calling himself Greek
Gonna incelwalk
>insulting the Greek state
mods, export him
Is Mtumba Obongopoulos ethnically Greek because he has Greek citizenship?
Failed state living on western gibs
the greek state makes a distinction between aliens of greek origin and normal aliens
You are a Romanian alien
very hellenophobic post
I won.
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Glad you agree bro
we own albania. any albanian saying he is not romanian is lying.
anyway, dreamt about being in high school again, in the eternal 13th year. finished the day, but got pulled into the troublemaker room for unknown reasons. old naziesque scrawny german shows up and busts out into a calculus lecture on some hardass problem that's causing everyone trouble. does the good old putting you on the spot over an equation, which was actually just some basic bitch addition, I pretend I am solving shit in my head while my brain is just scrambling all over the place panicking as the clock ticks in awkward silence. Asks me what the aleph notation stands for, don't know, I go off on some partial derivative tangent pretending like I'm keeping up. Then I wake up.
traumatized schoolhuman

delusional supradanubian

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would you rather
1) be homeless
2) do life in jail
3) start a new life in a pariah state like north korea
4) something else
Whutchu gon' do bout your lack of Greek passport?
he will get albanian pasosh to become EU citizen

something else
So true, GreeKing!
5) do NOTHIN
I wasn't, but this kind of dream keeps recurring. I am always out of place and unbelonging, but there noneless. I struggle to think what it is that I've left behind that my brain keeps lingering there.
how do you do it bro
do you get any withdrawal symptoms when you quit cold turkiye like that
hope he dies again
I basically never dream, so no idea what trauma you have
>pro eu libcuck is anti-jugoslavia
your dreams probably scare even your brain so it autodeletes them
nah, I remember when I dream
You can't get withdrawals from pisswater as a normal-sized, casual liver BDSM enthusiast, bro
ghagra choli
>The outspoken opponent of the inclusion of Bulgarians in the constitution of North Macedonia, Zidas Daskalovski, has been a citizen of Bulgaria for over 20 years, reports BGNES.

Based unprincipled fyromian selyak. Soon it will be a national trait to have bugi pasosh as a symbol of disdain for tatargaria.
Based strategist, he knows if maymundonians have pass they would leave for literally anywhere so they keep them there as maymun slave labour
Shitty skull airpods, battery let you down when you need them more and you are far from home incelwalking
Wired earbuds are the truecel choice
Jews can't explode them either
>pro eu
I vote for vuzrazhdane bro
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ahaha eiii ne se sprq we
Имaм eдин кoмeнтap c 113 пaлци нaгope и caмo 3 нaдoлy. Пpeдпoлoжи тeмaтa
Short life expectancy piss on that, now i have to go home listening to mutt dogs barking and zoomers lollygagging
I cannot fully understand this post but if he's talking about executing everyone involved with IT I'm in
I'm talking about that serb who made your video.
I vote for Ventsyslav Angelov
Глacyвaй пo-cилнo
UGREEN earbuds haven't hit 0% battery ever since I bought them. though me not using them to have awareness of my surroundings might have something to do with it
Who bought them for you bro mommy or daddy?
I think daddy left mommy
A present father would have beat him into employment by now
his goth gf
He is gay bro
I stole some of your billions by hacking you bro, you might want to check your pc for keyloggers because next thing I'm gonna do is strip naked your multi seasoned gladiator and order 50 pizzas to neglected kid
his goth bf
>order 50 pizzas to neglected kid
Noble creature
My neglected son just asked why the evil churka uncle is 30 and has no job. Your reply?
Get a job loser lol
His parents would pay the pizzas
my wiretap says the different information
твa вeчнocпpaвящия ce c плeшивинaтa cи чeнгecap, cвидeтeл нa възpoдитeлния пpoцec ли бeшe
Did you get them as a gift for your bday or did you save up your pocket money?
Two fully-grown creatures bickering instead of growing their children
You dont have any money your parents hate you its time to get a job at the local churka processing center
The golden list: 3 names
My famalay: picture of some random janev in a book
beys don't have jobs you twat
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incelwalking in urban jungle is comfy
only the dumbest creatures would reproduce in 21st century
Imagine the pride when he brings home the rublei equivalent of 15000 dollar sign up bonus
He really do be like this doe
very comfy
>putin introduces hefty incel tax
>krasnochurki is always unemployed so theres nothing to tax him from
200 iq gg
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Post Geiger counter reading.
VMRO day tomorrow

Allah has granted his lowliest wageslaves a day of rest
One of these cases where his future stabbings were always on the horizon and perfectly preventable had he been locked up on time
He wont do shit
he wants to take'em to the flyin castle in another dimension
this is cult leader shizobabble type shit
and promised to rub out meowkov by the end of the year
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He знaм кaкъв e пpoблeмът. Toй e пpoтив ceгaшния peд и e ocнoвaнo шизo. Toвa e вcичкo, кoeтo имa знaчeниe.

Щoм cи нaмepя paбoтa c физичecки тpyд, щe ce пpиcъeдиня към ocтaтъцитe oт БКП.

is it your own self that you're trying to reassure?
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He's evolving into Shipo mafia
list of low tier ethnic backgrounds bulgarians insulted me with:
>you are ukrainian
>you are churka
>you are bulgarian
they are scared of who I truly am. a macedonian.
New Ikiboss just dropped
in fyrom you can be anything you want
2 more instagram stories and im sure hell do it for realsies this time
the world is not ready to learn about alexander's secret siberian expedition
kek this
so what
whatchu gon do
whatchu gon do
when nobah' come for you
I have a crush on you.
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a carpet muncher gets more pussy than you
he tried to warn us about bridges and their denizens
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I think it's time for replacing 4chan with real people
And what did you do?
Literally saw two lesbos takeing pics and lollygagging on bridge. I should have thrown them both into the river
How long is the timer?
On what board does this happen?
should have taken the vax
it's all boards
900 sec aka 15 min
ended up verifying email
reads like something a 5 year old girl would say while playing with her dolls
Im not that young anymore, should have seen me at 20.
One of the reason of my homophobia is lesbos stealing punanys from normal people
Hasn't happened to me on /int/ thoughever
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God i wish the next earthquake in turdkey buries millions of these disgusting roaches

let my NEET shizo friend do his job or prepare for the shit wave
Woooaahhhh it's HAPPENING it's over
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works on my machine
it will eventually
Redditroach and churkopidor should kiss the quran
> Aкциитe нa Hyundai Motor India пaднaхa cъc 7.6% cлeд нaй-гoлямoтo IPO в Индия
/g/editora nqma tozi problem
>preventative measures against shills flooding the site with their election spam
Only relevant flags are getting filtered
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>mention politics
>7 consecutive bulgarian posts
why are they like this
Bro 90% of the shit i read is economics and historical materialism
Prolapseroach dad is in hell right now lol
>I will elaborate
I hate when he does this
We are not religious so therefore we do not believe in 'hell'.
Oh but you like him otherwise?
You realize you are big part of sashkos illness?
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politics? as in ELECTION? omg I'm gonna vote kubrat sralov for the 15th time this year
she postirash na man gal chan i she bidesh sreken XD
He was schizophrenic before I started posting on /balk/
stop gaslighting mangalroach
One pleskavica and fries on the side dragan. Hvala and keep the change brate
Let me elaborate bro
They fuel his illness with daily insults. Thankfully God will remember all of this. How deranged you have to be to insult that confused guy for fun and even for years?
At the witness stand everyone will point they finger at Kelly to save they own skin kek
I wonder if God considers retards like Kelly as criminally responsible
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here's your pro-western leadership bros
you go out for ciggies 15 times a month krasnigga stfu
Omg you're so right, Ikipoverty, we must act kind to a schizoid who constantly tries to dictate how and what to talk about itt and then when everyone ignores him, he starts spamming death threats about people he knows and posters from here

Just off from the board you and him both if you don't want your fake illness to become worse
Are these combat guerilla groups larps or legit civil defense?
He's more confused than ever. Instead of reporting him, you chose to insult hin every day.
This isnt germany bro
>reporting him
how german of you, did you already get citizenship
Bro, you realise it's his parents or brother that singed him off the schizo clinic, right? If they go there and tell the doctors he has abused them and refuse to take him back home due to safety concerns, he'll stay where he belongs (aka the loony bin)

It's not anyone problem's itt to do that nor we are his relatives
If I had a schizo son I would put him up for adoption

Not my problem
Your heart is frozen. No sane father or Greek would allow his son to rot in such places.
I would book him one time in bardovci and get a certificate that he's a schizo then drug and arm him to the teeth with a list of mangalroaches and other disgusting homoroaches and say my son go forth and destroy the sodomites off the land.
>not neglecting him and enjoying free gibs
low IQ
Go forth then, valiant knight and put the money where your mouth is by saving Sashko and stop lecturing us to do it
>free gibs
Like 3 sandwiches worth in fyromia
My heart is very big, but my illness prevents me from working. I would outperform all of you here, if God grants me health again.
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why is iki such a lazy turk
little drops of water make the mighty ocean. that's how polubananian became the 2nd billionaire of /balk/
sashe calls himself god and said that jesus father was a cuck and his mother a whore, no true christian would do anything other than spit on this creature and by sympathizing with him youre actively involved in promoting heresy
keep making excuses for him and youll get to personally meet him in the 6th circle of hell
My body is in pain
I can't work to gain

Used to have the energy of a bullet train
But the diabolos turned me into a bike again
He is mentally ill. Only an expensive treatment can save him. I notice the lack of his brothers love. That evil creature probably gave up on him.
Ikiturk is a mentally ill mangalroach simping for this schizophrenic retard why doesnt he simp for churkapoverty? He is just as mentally ill and dumb lazy faggot
>He is mentally ill.
But who's not tho
bikes are good ikilad, perhaps it wasn't the work of iblis
I just think we shouldn't insult him. Anyone who dislikes him is free to block his posts.
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iki, what is your opinion on this pale angel
It symbolizes a previous stage of technology, which can be used to describe our childhood in comparison to young adulthood.

Adults and trains are more complex, powerful and energy intensive than bikes and kids.

I want to express my pain of not being an ENTJ anymore.
I've been here for years uncounted and still don't know who all these /balk/ personas I'm suppposed to give a shit about are.
Literally never given a snivelling little trip or namefag the time of day. Should've gotten more attention from your parents.
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but if we are to follow the symbolism to its end bikes offer versatility whereas trains efficiency. you are much wiser now than you were a train
reisntatement with back pay for coof firings. damn, wish I had been a wagie
Whatch'all gon' do bout Sashe?
i am a fucker in my balkan nation. i had many women and many women had me
I want to be the best bro. The intelligence of Archimedes and energy of Zeus in one person, me.
Бaтe cтигa ги cлeдиш тия шизoтa бe caмo ce пoбoлявaш тaкa
No cap gon do nothin bout it bruh frfr
>more excuses
so are you picking getting nailed to the upside down burning cross or being encased in the flaming tomb as your afterlife retirement destination in the 6th circle
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Even with dozens of bots and proz members they barely got the lead
Macedonians support Ukraine (just decision)
Is stern kebab the go to kebab in horb or are their competitors bro? Whats your signature dish?
alas we live in a faustian world, where one virtue comes at the cost of another
Ztler will leave u to us like Hitler did bro
Once the EU collapses and the US withdraws from HAFO we'll rediscover our slavicness
Im thracian bro fuck the slavapes
Гo ocтaив cpцeтo вф Ѓyшeвo

You will be the first to beg the hordes in broken Russian to not touch your sister and take you instead bro
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Идaм y Ѓyшeвo нa пeчaлбa
Anyone stepping on my lawn will die bro
scenario: bulgaria's neighbors enslave her and use the flesh of bulgarians for food
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Oтидoв дa видaм мaлцe eвpoпa
only homosexuals dwell on such fantasies, any other man would just die on a gorilla charge and let come what may to the world that he leaves behind having done his part.
scenario: serbia having sea access
Scenario: Polaukrainian gets fed today
Way too unrealistic
>Black ""sea""
More like ugly swamp
>I will go on holiday at black ""sea""
Said no Macedonian ever
Scenario: serbia not getting slaughtered in a war
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зaмиcли дa cи кaфeв бюpмитcки фиpoмит
teenage mangalic fantasies divorced from reality
we are a proud nation of hard working honest people despite being land locked. we're good christians
>sussy ass nigga has ODed on gay porn war propaganda
you are aggressive pig-herding selyaks with delusions of significance
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Zamisli vodata u koja se banjas da ne e za pienje
fuck you for insulting my people man. a man of good manners and culture wouldn't do that
>zamisli da piesh albanska mocka
Imagine stepping on these shitty stones bro
also you can't even spell seljaks you dumb fuck LMAO(laughing my ass off)
They spell it the Turkish way due to 700 years of rape bro please understand
i understand it now thank you starosrbijanska beba
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My grandparents Alexander, Kliment, Kiril i Metodij enjoyed sunshine from here while not being aware about the black "sea"
On my incelwalks I keep seeing a recurring theme. A male zoomie will ride his bike and in his lap will be another male zoomie, with his legs going over the handlebars.
99.9% of people aka cattle are swimming in salt mixtures aka seas and oceans while Noblemen and Chosen Ones like me have the opportunity to take baths in drinking water surfaces
I would let loose 200 crocodiles in this puddle bro
it might be a hallucination
It's nice to hear you have kept your baby bathtub bro, very few can fit in one of those as adults
I drive to ohrid and take a piss in the lake and since the water wont ever flow out makes will swim in my piss particles forever
And what are you gonna do about it? You won't do shit. Sit down and shut up.

Now this is how proper apestraction is done
tatar delusions
tatar fantasies
landlocklet cope, fresh water bodies are disgusting
keep seeing this too now that you mention it
ive swam in both saltwater and normal heterosexual water multiple times and saltwater is much better cos it takes less effort to float
Want me to livestream it bro?
The mutt is using someone elses' pics to larp. You know this by the lack of timestamps and homolust for hairiness.
romanian girl feet
I believe that a Tatar would spontaneously combust or sink like a ball of lead if they were to touch the noble waters of Ohrid
oh, it's a fucking incel thread...
something weird going on with those on pol
I remain convinced they're training bots in there or some shit like that
Fresh water =/= drinking water (Ohrid Lake)
if Macedonia had remained under Bulgarian occupation after WW2, your average Macedonian boomer couldn't see anything outside his country, except maybe lake Balaton at best.

Meanwhile, as part of Yugoslavia, Macedonians freely traveled all over the world, being able to visit Japan, Brazil or France any time they wanted.

When I discovered this song my first thought was
>but wait, how come a singer from a communist country sings about visiting Japan as if it was the easiest and most normal thing to do, as far as I know if my parents wanted to visit Japan from Poland back then, probably it would've been easier to go to the Moon instead

but then I learnt that Yugoslavia was heaven on earth.
I would push you alongside your weelchair into lake ohrid bro
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Bulgars were stuck for 50 years that will need 200 more years so they could possibly recover from that(not guaranteed)
Recovery? What recovery? You mean 3rd liberation by Z? Another 50 years of building socialism awaits.
Macedonians must be nazified.
Welcome back, king.
orange man will do a podcast with manlet ape man on the 25th
on the 27th there will be bugi politics harrassee
and just 2 weeks from now american politics harrassee
/balk/ won't get any peace these coming weeks
tatar shizo /bvll/ maker is already active
i predict a bullying of tatars and /bvll/ remaking in november
I can only imagine Goche Aleksandrovski, a 22 year old construction engineering student, at the University of Ljubljana in 1983, visiting Sofia during his gap year. All Bulgarian women would look at his original Levis jeans, Malboro cigarettes and most importantly - Mercedes W123 sent to him by his uncle Jovan from Munich, as if he came from the outer galaxy. Then he'd pull out 10 Yugoslav dinars from his Italian-made leather wallet bought at his last shopping trip in Trieste and all the women around would go literally crazy.
>sweden has an exit tax
absolutely sheytanic
well, ikibey the schizo turk is a white nationalist on /pol/, and mangal's jolly buttfucking crew are also there larping as the protectors of christianity and the white race
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This one note could've bought you 10 virgins in the 1980s Bulgaria
The best part is the born-again bummer ex-bf. You can't make it up.
Bro you think your wheelchair would get stuck in the pebble roads?
>come back home late at night after a hard day
>no stab episode again

well fuk you
serbian wheelchairs do not fear pebbles
Imagine pushing him out of the huge potholes in makaronidonia
he would have no regrets dying inside a yugoslavian hole
Macedonian roads were pure and impeccable under Yugoslavia. They only started cracking just when Yugoslavia did.
boon? say something funny you retarded shitskin
another day another tatar can't resist replying to proxy fantasies
roaches are gay nothing they say is true or real because they have assworms
He was born to one might as well die to one
two biggest Yugoslavian haters are also two worst Balkan shitholes

coincidence? i don't think so
why is this guy like this? what is his story?
proxies aren't real bro
Bro when I was born there was no yugoslavia I have everything hatred for it
>Bro when I was born there was no yugoslavia
Sad thing indeed, I wish people who did not experience the pleasure of knowing that Yugoslavia exists somewhere wouldn't have to be born as their life must be just endless pain.
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Fyromians will never know the joys of misappropriating EU funds.
fuck Ill watch some soccer then
>larping as the protectors of christianity and the white race
Holy fuck I am not a chr*st cuck
Not christcuck. I am a simply a militant homosexual
Do you use the same weelchair tyres in winter or are they like all year tyres? You ripped from pushing the chair bro?
in Yugoslavia there was free quality healthcare available to everyone
Jani been locked up bro he gone
migrate >>203728037

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