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mulhern edition
getting the word nonce
not particularly invested in the yank election but i just want to see the fallout from trump winning again despite years of democrats trying to get him in prison
cold at toil :(
>I hate them for all the cuckold freak spam they infect this site with
It's not trans people who do that, it's /pol/tards.
Full Terry's Chocolate Orange down the hatch
just want to see adam have a massive fucking melty when trump wins
don't care about the election at all
Nah it's definitely trannards
How's the wife btw?
Is he gonna go gay later in life?
Dunno. Think it lessens body hair production which had been going wild as the Norwood reaper crept in on me but I had to make a sacrifice innit
Good lad
You tried the mint one? Tempted to try it but does sort of defeaf the whole point of TCO
Excruciatingly slow day at toil today!
All the Nike shops will be looted
do some squats to warm up your body then
It's 100% /pol/tards. It's a self-humiliation thing. They're turned on by what scares them
how many people do you know that have cancer
No, spiteful trannies do it to "own the chuds" because they are homosexual brainrot freaks who belong in a mental asylum
how popular is geothermal energy in the UK
Never had a job and neeted for years.
Will keep going as long as possible until i kill myself.
>leftypol twat is a vile insidious being spreading his misery everywhere
Tale as old as time
No it isn't
How's the wife btw?
gave the dog a bone
non existent
that kabba case has exposed many many dishonest people who should be punished in some way quite frankly. sickening behaviour.
thank christ justice prevailed.
this thread is about British culture
chud means chewing gum
trump means fart
end of
Doesnt make any sense at all. Trannies do it to normalise their freakish behaviour. You're doing this whole jewish reverse logic "uh uh you find things you hate sexy because you just do ok!!!"
he'll be happy with that, nice one
Not followed this meltdown but i think hes right about this being spainlard.
are you my grandad
Oh we're talking about politics that's why all the vile thoughtless pricks have turned up
I haven't, no. Nearly time for After Eights season
this old man came rolling home
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how about you get a job and stop policing a /brit/ thread for free on a tuesday afternoon?
whats adam shitting his nappy about now?
apparently there's shallow geothermal heat sources available in the UK but its not utilized
I'd find it interesting as a bit of entertainment, like I enjoy a bit of election night here, but for some stupid reason it takes them forever to count their votes. Takes the drama right out of it not to mention any faith in the system itself.
Almost responded to a namefag. I almost sinned.
Love it when my niece is round, such a cutie
I have a job
most people who do are also capable of reading board and thread subjects
Doesn't geothermal power seem like its drastically underutilized?

>dig hole in ground
>put pipe in
>pour water into hole
>get power

its the most stupidly easy form of power available
Wholesome post
I live near Southampton where they first tried it out back in the 90s. It quickly became apparent that it doesn't work and everybody went back to gas boilers that do actually work
I do seasonal jobs and then collect unemploidment
Some jobs are one season some are three
It varies but it's always piss easy work
They do not. The "BBC" shit is a racist fetish depicting black men as aggressive brutes and thugs.

The flipside of this (and the more straight form) is /pol/tards who get off on the idea of "colonising" a black woman and making her roleplay as a slave. Which is also a common fetish among them
damn you have cancer huh
must run in the family, her uncle's fucking round and all
mmm... paki gf...
The endless leftypol vs rorke debate.
god i wish hitler won
>I do seasonal jobs and then collect unemploidment
that is a really good idea I should try that. can you just do ANY seasonal job and get on unemployment after? how does unemployment work
bet you have to keep the door open if you're alone in a room with her
wtf I can see her pusser!!!
just saw a fanny in /brit/
>Chris Kaba shot rival in nightclub attack days before being killed

It's honestly becoming tiring how consistently this happens
>black gets killed
>we have to go through the self flagellation and apologising
>institutions up and down the country are told they're the problem
>later comes out they were a complete piece of shit and deserved it
It's such a circus
>Trannies do it to normalise their freakish behaviour.
What sense does that make? Trans anons would just spam about trannies if that's what they wanted to do. What exactly has cuckoldry got to do with being trans? It's a cis male fetish overwhelmingly.
She is very plain and average looking without all the make up. Still cute, though
Oh yeh, it is him. Looks like hes about to go on a mini melty abot BBC
>The "BBC" shit is a racist fetish depicting black men as aggressive brutes and thugs.
And trannards love it and propagate it.
6 months on unemploidment 6 months off
Simple as
Just work any seasonal job la
In MY /brit/?!
I don't bloody well think so
janny will be hearing about this
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nth for the baddiedem
right, knob's coming out
Most trans people are not racist.
post your arse habibi
His brain works like a robots at this point
Having a memoryattack about the time my mum got a bit too tipsy on New Years Eve and basically admitted to sucking and fucking her way to the top of her toil org chart
he also beat up his gf to the point he was banned from seeing the kid he had with her.
complete cunt but his family and leftypol campaigners insisted he was a saint. no idea what the fuck is wrong in their heads but im glad a scumbag like that is off the streets
never been clubbing, only been to the pub with my parents for sunday dinner
The family was invited to watch the footage by the police at the station when he first died. When they finally came out to talk to the press, they called for an immediate end and cancellation of all the protests that were taking place and that they weren't taking any more questions at this time. They knew their son was a murdering criminal
Trannies post cuckshit to hone their faith and chuds jokingly respond with BLEACHED because we are high test and clever, charismatic, full of character and possess a sharp wit
Kill them all and the problem goes away
I remember years ago seeing some argument between Stephen Mulhern and Greg Scott on Twitter.
didn't realize you could do that nowadays
too many women in the workplace, their sexual value is watered down
you talking about trannies or minorities
Good lad. Clubs are cesspools. All the nicer women go to pubs
corr wouldn't mind a go on your mum
Who would we have to laugh at then
truth nuke
This doesn't help the armed police officer.
Bottom line is to cooperate with armed police officers and let them arrest you.
love it when my niece is rectangular
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show us
'truth nuke' almost always gets a chuckle out of me
Its weird to think the time between now and 2018 is 6 years

Thats like 2004-2010
Or 2010-2016

Whats even really happened between that time.
honestly I don't think the disabled should be as socially protected as they are
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>An inmate gave a “big up” to Sir Keir Starmer and posed with a Bentley after being released from prison early as part of the government’s policy to free up prison space.

>On being released, he said: ‘I kidnapped someone who owed my friend money. I tied him up and had him at gunpoint. I beat him up. It was bad but not as bad as they made out. I’m so sorry for it though.

>“I’m changed. Big up Keir Starmer, I am delighted to be released early.”
hate clubs even if I go to one I spend all evening in the smoking area
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tfw 1990 was 2000 years ago
>What exactly has cuckoldry got to do with being trans? It's a cis male fetish overwhelmingly.
Degeneracy. Trannies are obsessed with sex and are overall perverted and depraved failed men. They live their lives online, and make it their mission to normalise bizzare and deranged sexual interests. Time and time again when spammers have doxxed themselves, its usually a blurry image of a dirty unkempt neckbeard tranny in a soiled bedroom. Not a white cis man.

hahahaha JK Rowling sees herself as Hermione

what a pathetic self insert
Breakfast: Organic oats, organic raisins, organic sunflower seeds, organic cinnamon, organic raw cacao powder. Organic ashwagandha and organic cordyceps tea.

Lunch: Potato and onion soup with organic spinach powder and organic carrot powder. Organic camu camu powder and organic beetroot powder shot.

Living it up
Mental how kids born in 2016 are starting their GCSEs now
2 new jobs, 1 new house, 1 wedding, 1 dog
I'm about to hit you with a realism howitzer
going to clubs with a woman that likes spending time with you is a god tier experience
truth nuke
when will JK rowling explain how the witches fly around on broomsticks? bit of a plothole
Sooo fuckin mental that wow fuckin TIME
eat some protein you fucking neek
anti-gravity machine
your mum enjoyed my pipe
The absolute fucking irony of posting this on a website where 99% of its users are right-wing cis men and are also porn-addicts with sick fetishes.
its magic innit
nice headcanon. stop apologizing for lazy writing. magic isn't real
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this nigga a fuckin parrot lmao
used to go in the 00s because you were a freak if you didn't but desu most of them were shit. rock clubs were more of a laugh but any place that took itself too seriously was pretty grim. and that was when almost everyone there was white, hate to think what they're like now.
Why are you a homosexual?
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Love Jason Luv's protein bread
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she looks quite similar to ginny weasley
Delusional trannard cope
Americans on this site (90%) are sympathetic to trans and blacks and get mad about phobics
irish diaspora
nuth truke
Have you forgotten that half the boards on this site are porn-related? And even the blue boards are plagued with non-stop porn and fetish spam.

/r9k/ is the home of women-hating right-wing incels and is also chock full of porn and cuck spam. That's not a coincidence.
adam projecting his illegal fetishes onto these made up 'right-wing' characters that exist in his head again
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funniest thing about JK Rowling is announcing that Hermione was secretly black

when taking into account that Hermione is a self insert. Really makes you think
how mujch work have you done today
I guess if you criticise trans or blacks in America you get shot.
shut the fuck up
a billion times more than i did yesterday hahah!
Trannies are trying to groom young impressionable incels on there because there is no help for men, just challenge after challenge.
one PR first thing, one test, one "investigation" that turned out to be solved already
heathermong was right

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Hows the taekwondo going?
>/r9k/ is the home of women-hating right-wing incels and is also chock full of porn and cuck spam. That's not a coincidence.
Its called trolling. Are you 12 years old or something? A dominant and prevailing overall board culture and political leaning ALWAYS gets raided by little spastics like you spamming shit they dont like.
definitely worth posting in a general about British culture
>/r9k/ is the home of women-hating right-wing incels
that's funny because at a cursory look you'd think its all women and trannies
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Women have gone too far
When it's constant, non-stop, 24/7, it becomes hard to believe that its "trolling". At a certain point you just have to accept that the people who use that board really are just degenerate freaks.
what I do to my arse is frankly a scandal
anyone been watching MGM+ hit TV show, From?
all brits look like pasty babies
hour left of toil lads
gonna bash some lady gaga on and struggle my way through
Americans will soon worship indians too when they become a notable minority and media tells them to be nice to Indians.

All they will have left is safe edgy humour against slavs and brits
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It's an atomized board culture, no longer following trends or timelines
sorry only HBO's hit series The Penguin has my attention
Imagine there's no cuckspam
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to seethe or rage for
And no tripmongs, too
190 is here all day doing this and this is nowhere near full meltdown.
I don't understand why companies are allowed to trademark colors
any good lad?
If /brit/ didnt clatter spainmong everytime he LARPs as leftypol maybe he wouldnt go into Cuckposting meltdowns
any law men in
adam got so wound up he brought out belgium but janny instantly chopped the little shit down
Just me and spaino watch BBC porn then?
That is quite a humbling revelation
Its makes a lot more sense than what you're saying. Thousands, possibly tens of thousands of schizophrenic bipolar people for some reason evenly splitting their time between writing manifestos and then for some reason spamming bbc porn.

Are you so socially isolated you can't use basic reasoning skills as to why you see different things that contradict each other on a high traffic board? Its not some psychological porn fetish you've made up. Its people (and organisations) that spam to get a rise out of other people.
Brotherblatt actually planning a trip to Japan with me because he thinks I can just waltz right into Nintendo and pitch my game idea
Need /brit/ to remind me of why it won't happen
any of you lot watch this in school?
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>613 results found
>Brotherblatt actually planning a trip to Japan with me
my brother wants to go early next year
shut up
why do mods allow this blatant polical talk?
Right well that's SN done
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alright which three of you watch it
own up and explain why
think i had to perform that story in GCSE drama haha
ok seriously what words do i say to the gf to stop her breaking up with me
just found out sir king charles is visiting us, how long ago did he get here
say you'll kill yourself if she does
adambros caught slacking
this is a full time job for adam
"I'm going to kill myself if you break up with me"
threaten her family
why did she leave you in the first place?
king charles was shot by an airsoft gun in australia because of something his family did
don't know but we keep getting stories about abos shouting at him and feel like they've been around for a few days at least

Pretty sure last night was one of the worst melties, though i dont post here every day like him so i cant say for sure.
this, asked you in last thread but you didn't respond
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act like you don't give a fuck
I dunno what to say, BBCs are just flipping peng
I watch the gay porn and I'm not gay
university was the worst time in my entire life

the time immediately following university was pretty fucking bad too though
i dont watch gay porn but i am gay
morning adam
Then you would answer No
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Dunno desu. I unironically stopped coming here most of the time because of him. This is my first time in /brit/ in over a week. It's morbidly fascinating how dedicated he is to it and how completely unwilling the mods are to do anything
Large intestine is bubbling
shut the fuck up
It was like 8 or 9pm and he managed to completely kill the thread with the levels of spam he conjured.
got chaturbate on
I imagine they'd have to range ban all of belgium to stop him, and they likely aren't willing to do that
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>You'll what?
>No you won't. Stop.
>I'm leaving
irony poisoning really did a number on the zoomers, now they're all unironically gay for the bbc
why dont you just filter posters you dont like.
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Give me a comfy show to watch
he's done that for 3 maybe 4 nights in a row now
/brit/ has been completely dead by about 9.30

does this actually work? has anyone had their gf stay with them because they threatened to kill themselves
makes people feel powerful to insult anonymous people on the internet I think
can't stop passing gas
>quit caffeine
>no more anxiety
>skin clears up
>sleep 8 hours and feel refreshed
>poos are firm rather than every one being diarrhoea
when did you realise caffeine was another tool ((((they)))) use to keep you from reaching your peak, lads?
wasn't too bad for me all things considered
things have been on a rapid decline since I was about 17
Yeah, she said it was really fucking hot and then we banged and made a baby
if you have a pass then put on a belgian vpn and impersonate him, he soon disappears.
if it comes to this point the relationship is already finished
does a single cup of tea in the morning hurt
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what job site actually works?
I remember a particularly bad thread just before the election where unironically 90% of the posts were him switching between Belgian and UK VPNs. Place slowed to a crawl

He has actually killed /brit/. He's driven off almost all the people who used to post here
We were Kangs
because adam uses about 20 VPNs including australia, UK, canada and the US
I can't just filter 20 countries
A coffee a day is fine. You were probably drinking red bulls and shit
But it tastes nice
fucked up the watermark can't see the slags name

Also is that a fucking camping bed?
It probably wasn't the caffeine.

Caffeine is literally a wonder supplement
apply directly via the company's website
I hope this isn't true because I suffer with all of those things but bloody love a cuppa cha
why do you think his name is adam?
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Crypto is the future or so I’m told…
nah ive seen zoomers crumble from the psychological weight of non-stop irony meming. they end up believing the shit they say, thats why they're all going tranny now

you might as well filter US flags. they're all dog shit posters anyway
always wuz
Lovely programme that, listen to the theme song often
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>We are looking for a mathematician with an advanced degree to join our team to train AI models. You will measure the progress of these AI chatbots, evaluate their logic, and solve problems to improve the quality of each model.
>Note: Payment is made via PayPal. We will never ask for any money from you.

I mean this sounds like a very fake job
genuinely don't think there's anything I could say or do that would make you say otherwise
omds imagine not knowing about btc tx fees in 2024
would you eat a woman's shit?
Would like to have a phase where I quit caffeine me
Looks interesting. Thanks
Im a phoneposting subhuman

He had mousenonce deprivation after scaring him off too, which exacerbated his psychosis.
It will eventually just be him left here, having to pretend to be a bunch of other people at once to amuse himself.
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holy shit lads turn on the news
zayn malik just killed himself
kin hell i remember you posting this yesterday
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Always will be
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thats because it is
When you’ve got to that point there’s nothing to do. Just try to not fixate it, look at all of the shitty times you had, and move on
When a woman is done she’s done. Be glad she’s actually breaking up with you rather than just giving you the cold shoulder for months because she can’t be bothered to care enough
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sick cunt Australian horror movie
really wish bath houses were more of a thing
i went to one on holiday once and it was lovely
We're getting the dead migrant babies posted
brutal mog
Simply not true. I never became a tranny, and i sure was one of those people.
No I mean it's an even bigger scam. I've never heard of only being paid via paypal before.
Incels are a left wing phenomenon though, and trannies are just one prominent subgroup of incels. 4chan is teeming with trannies, just go to the anime boards, I've seen generals where trannies talk about hormonal breast growth
You’re assuming I made the transaction and not just the recipient
seeing some impolite comments
they are, but poofs co-opted them for casual orgies
>Im a phoneposting subhuman
well then the next most effective response is to stop fucking talking about them. do you seriously think giving them exactly what they want will make them fuck off? use your brain mate
didn't watch because the lead role was played by a dei hire
Used to go to them with my buddy Jeff
>4chan is teeming with trannies, just go to the anime boards, I've seen generals where trannies talk about hormonal breast growth
Outer/int/ is chock full of them too
they are great yea
but it depends on having a civilized population that won't sexually harass nude strangers
utter woke nonsense
shitposting at my desk at toil on my iphone SE (2020)
Trannies find it hard to admit after going so far down the rabbit hole.
Yeah, some expensive gyms have stuff like that with saunas and massage stuff occasionally. Might be worth shelling out for
kiss me and ill change my mind
where can I get nice quality t shirts
Been on and off 4chan since 2007-2008 me.

Ask me anything
no can’t accept that won’t accept that
buncha uncracked eggs in this hoe
who you watching?
you played yourself
how has your life changed in that time
What did you have for breakfast this morning?
>Incels are a left wing phenomenon though
Objectively false.
had some lovely jollof rice today x
Get the disabled raped
fucking raining againt thought it was supposed to clear up
i saw it
i was probably quite drunk though because im not sure i really understood
Why aren’t you telling us why exactly she’s breaking up with you or possibly breaking up with you? It would make any advice more useful
How would you feel if you hadn't ate second breakfast this morning?
>I can't watch this the actress is brown
Get over yourself Rorke
the correct term should be "volcel" not incel. Before Elliot Rogers (pbuh) incel was merely a community of men online who acknowledged the undocumented privileges afforded to modern women in life.

Then that thing happens that always happens, normies came in and attached things to the group that was never said like "women owe me sex"
no you didn't adam
you had a ham sandwich that our mum made you with the crusts cut off
sunny and dry here
Had to move train carriage because some paki was watching his paki tiktoks full blast
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Millenimogged by zoomgods
might get into sleight of hand card tricks
good hobby?
mayo ppl problems
Last night I actually recorded the AI voice in my house..an actual fucking audible voice in my house
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he easily could've smashed sorority bitches if he wasn't such a mental midget
smoking the poop stash
Older, unironically wiser, or at least more perceptive and more inquiring, even if it's in skeptical way. I honestly feel like I learned a lot from 4chan, and its biggest boon has been instilling a sense of I guess skepticism in everything

Wendy's 2 for $3
Penile midget
im not adam
This is why you should NEVER go on 4chan
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Objectively true, actually. It can be seen in observable reality, mainstream culture, and from studies.
Toilberg is pissing me off lads :/
right is actually having sex, so who won?
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>you had a ham sandwich that our mum made you with the crusts cut off
Big if true
Some days I stink of fish, other days I stink of shit.
that's haram mate, better be turkey or chicken ham you're talking about
based how they both look 40 except one actually is 40
48 yo zoomer twink
Nah, you're wrong. I was there in the early days. We called ourselves kissless virgins or forever alone, not incels. It wasn't really about hating women, and a lot of us really wanted to improve our lives and become normalfags. We didn't revel in it like incels do these days

Things changed when Rodger popularised the incel thing and it became this bizarre political movement about being edgy, hateful and "blackpilled"
apparently unemployment statistics in the USA are based on people who have RECENTLY applied for work

so people who are NEETs aren't included

this basically makes the 4% statistic the government mentions total bullshit lol. it's meaningless. true unemployment numbers should be waaay higher

maybe 20 to 30% of young men are NEETs

this image says around 30%
This. I really can't afford a female and the problems she will inevitably bring.
haha i know what this is referencing!!!!
it's in the pic mate
You weren't the same as us then, you were posting on reddit foreveralone
Are you that one schizo from /g/?
Find it remarkable that literally everyone in this photo is almost certainly a criminal yet they just mooch around in luxury cars openly bragging that the system cannot touch them
Meanwhile law abiding people are the ones living in fear of the law
It’s all deeply, deeply fucked
You speak the truth

The 2016 and 2020 invasions did irreversible damage to the culture of this website.
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I'm an Aimee Ffion Edwards appreciator
having an arizona lemon iced tea :DDD #AD

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