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EU edition

OLD: >>203710451
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Look at this beauty
Was making us suffer by not providing a clickable redirect part of your plan
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I fixed it uwu
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Hi /balk/
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yмpи мaмa ти дeeбa гнycнa пeдepacткa
Macedonia won't need the EU when Yugoslavia is reborn and Slovene and Serbian investments start flowing into the country
Stop making fun of their suffering bro
And after that they will cockblock us when we are begging to join BRICS.
Убий мe
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Well whaddoya know, I'm gone for 5 minutes bathing in drinkable water and the whooole world is talking about us! (I took a piss and flushed it down Vardar river btw, ETA to Greece maybe a few days)
Tova e prestuplenie bro lud li si
Yugoslavia saved Macedonian people from forced bulgarization and pauperization.
Nugoslavia won't be in BRICS, foolish tatar creature. You will be, together with your asian and southeast asian cousins. Nugoslavia will be its own thing, same as before. Mashallah Xhozip Titi will keep us independent.
He и aкo ти дaм paзpeшeниe.
Real Vardrid getting cooked bro
Gay niggers tongue my anus
yмpи мaмa ти дeeбa и тypcкия чepвeй, дa cepa нa бaщa ти нa гpoбa и нa мaйкa ти в ycтaтa фepхyндeтo
Nope, not gonna songify that shit. Too stale.
Toлкoвa гpyбo! Цeлyвaш ли мaйкa cи c тaзи ycтa?
Любoв мoя, иcкaм дa yмpa. Ho ти тpябвa дa дoйдeш дa мe дoвъpшиш caм.
As much as people might meme about Yugoslavia this one do be true.

Wish we still had at least decent healthcare.
>Dinaric Ubermensch needing healthcare
Pfft, pull the other one. Dinaroids are the healthiest with best constitution out of all Europeans
"free" healthcare only works when 90% of the population isn't decaying corpses that take up 99% of effort for no result because they can only get worse
boombooms go to the emergency room to yap and get their daily ibuprofen
>As much as people might meme about Yugoslavia
no one does it
everyone is jealous of what Yugoslavia achieved
your parents could freely travel around the world, while you need to show your passport while going to Croatia
Congratz on discovering indoor plumbing, this is truly a world of miracles.
My family is very long lived and tends to be pretty healthy although I have shoulder issues that no doctor has been able to fix.
Re-inhaled the air inside a bubblegum balloon after inflating it to the max, instead of popping it. My lungs were filled with a nice freshness-flavored hit of air.
Healthcare wasnt such a money cow back then
I wish I could breathe the fresh air of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia
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You play with children's pretend-food while maymuns inflate the bellies of pale angels.
Thanks bro
I carefully watch Polish infrastructure growth which is AMAZING and now on my interest list is Przekop Mierzei Wiślanej which I observe every 2 days
>Przekop Mierzei Wiślanej
>Przekop Mierzei Wiślanej
it's already finished tho
I'm not sure what point you are making. Taking care of the long term health of the population is also part of the system. It's why physical exercise tended to be a massive focus along with the system. Health programs that focus on changing the diet of the population etc. don't really exist today.

This is true as well.
Yeah but there is part 2 of digging around Elblag
Digging to the Sea through the Vistula?
>German part developed
>Polish part on Kosovo level
they deepen the river so something could finally enter the port in Elbląg

though this whole investment is a big money sink without a real purpose, it was just one of PiS's money embezzlement schemes probably, kinda like Skopje 2014.
that wasn't a "Polish" part but Russian
and why is it like that? Well, because Russia. And because we didn't have Tito.
Imagine you are 6 year old Hans Huber and your future is bright in the well developed first world power of Germany but then an austrian painter goes crazy and you end up as as Hubertusz Kurvacs in the poverty ridden greyzone of Polska, where your only joy is once a year bathtub fish. Our lord sometimes do be playin grim jokes on us.
>and you end up as as Hubertusz Kurvacs in the poverty ridden greyzone of Polska, where your only joy is once a year bathtub fish
it did not happen, Germans were deported to Germany
>your only joy is once a year bathtub fish
thats just crorats being all homosexual and larping as a first world nation to distance themselves from the hateful balkmun
bosnian border police aint ever asked shit from me, its always the crorat one that you see asking to see the documents and searching the cars
Lol peasant you should see the current map, lurk more

No it isn't, it would benefit north east Poland a lot by having quick sea access

I haven't asked you, what's your stance on Ukraine war?
>it was the russians brooooo
Crazy how similar we are
>No it isn't, it would benefit north east Poland a lot by having quick sea access
except no one wants to use it and no one even asked for it, we don't need another port as we already have a lot of them along our long coastline and most of them are not used to full extent anyway
How is reading Plenkhenov going little bro?
Whats russia gonna do with all that roads eu is building for them bro? Take warsaw for the 200th time?
Russians purposefully blocked construction of railways in their part of Poland because they feared German army would use it to move faster into Russia (and they were right about it actually as that's what happened in WW1, just Germans were smarter and created "railway construction batallions" that were building new railways just along with the German army going eastwards).

Btw, the actual Russian-era railway density was much lower, what you have in your pic is already after Poles managed to build some new lines in the interwar period.

Generally Russia is the biggest shithole to ever exist in this wicked world and I'd rather be 500 years under Turks than 50 under Russia.
Wait bro so u sayin left was prussia and right was russia so whats polish then?
>whats polish
my heart
stuff men put on they shoes and women put on they nails
U gon do NOTHIN bout it tho why boi
Bro I see railway everywhere in Germany and no railway in Poland
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too busy polishin my knob
Poland always had the worst infrastructure in europe incl commie times
russians are tataromongol mutts i am with ukraine
imagine what Zhivkov must have felt when he saw Macedonian children cheering like this for someone other than him
the long term health of the population will inevitably decline when the majority of that population is 60+
Zivkov be cruisin on subway to nuclear reactors bro yugos be driving bike to work
The depopulation of the region is also related to something that happened in the 90's.

I wonder what that is?
Eatin banana cake and drinking milk and bussin ngl frfr
i just started taking SSRIs, that's why my sense of humour is not as funny as it used to be in my prime
I want to push your wheelchair to donbass, put some landmines around you and chain an anti air gun to your tyre pointing in the russian direction
Tito. A hero fyromians and smrds didn't deserve. A paradise ruined by one single gesture of anal debauchery. That noble Slovenes and Croats wanted nothing to do with their lesser, southern neighbors comes as no surprise.
nemoj tako be
1st large-scale laser hemorrhoidectomy on smrdian patients performed by US Air Force surgeons.
>taking Jewish sedatives
i take it to lower my libido primarily, so I don't need to think about women
they're all out again, intense jew traffic going on right now
I thought you already took them

The proliferation of these creatures happened
yeah, i once tried them for several months, then stopped and now im on pills again
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Hello?? Why aren't you reading?
Kek, when I was crossing the border into Bosnia for the first time in my life the guys on the border were giving me tips on where to eat the best food.
Everyone in Bosnia is super chill. I like the place. Also I shit on Serbs that hate Serbs from Bosnia and I tell them they're dumb cucks.
She dead bro
>Reporting in 2023 and 2024 suggested that Ignatova may have been murdered in 2018 on the orders of Bulgarian organised crime figure "Taki" Hristoforos Nikos Amanatidis, who is suspected of initially sheltering her.
Just switched to waterfox (from firefox)
It's really been 3 years of Russians being blown in thousands of 4k/1080p tier drone videos while all they're delivering are some cropped out blurry shit.
Drinkable or saltwater fox?
Mountain springwater in glass bottles fox
You're even more southern than us you gyppo retard and by your criterium they would hate you even more.
Only incels care about browsers AINT NO BROWSER GETTIN U LAID WY BOI
yup https://t.me/ukr_pics
I once told a foid that she can play yootoob bibeos on her phone without adds just by downloading brave and bitch thought I was a 140IQ hackerman
Bro croats and slovenes are not in our playbook at all. If they hate us or not is completely irrelevant whilst you forced them into the yugo monstrosity we were chillin
When my professor said that Russia is fucked like 2-3 days into the war and that this will last for years I laughed at him.
Nobody forced them lol, they're lying, but they're not the only people who lie and Serbs lie a lot as well so that's just the usual stuff.
Russian death toll is 300k at minimum since for these 3 years I have watched literally 100k of them dying on video
Pathetic "army", I would call that banda or primitive partizanski odred
russians should've stopped being a meme state, otherwise I could've moved to russia and enjoyed the good weather with krasno
lol in the alternate reality where we're part of yugofailia we'd have been even closer to croats and slovenes in our disdain for you, most underdeveloped, EUless that even shqippis will outpace you
Ive never met a slovene irl what are they like
>good weather
No such thing north of 42nd and south of 39th parallel
Bro half the population enjoys serb music and likes djokovic
the ideal weather is below 0
maybe 20 at most
Half the population is also sub-90 IQ. Your point?
Me neither to be honest. They are completely irrelevant and unimportant people even if you consider only Balkans but they're very orderly and nice. Slovenians don't have Pupin, Tesla, they don't have any military history of note, no long history of statehood, I don't hate them, I just find it ironic how they all act so high and mighty around us. Ex-Yu region would be the same without them.
We like you too we're just larping.
Shut up, back to Asia.
Im also sub 90 iq
U boys better be gearing up for ww3 cause orange don is bout to win
Full Macedonia and Albania as well as Thrace are in the most perfect geographical bar
t. PhD in google street view and maps
Literally me
Fuck that cheeto gon' do?
Gearing up my credit card for a flight to mexico bro
Yes the smarter population likes us.
The same shit happened in 1939, Soviets watched how Germans stormed Poland with swift tactics (mind you, Poland is flat with a lot of roads and entry points), and had an idea to do it in FINLAND. They considered Finland some side mission and just put a bunch of airforce, tanks and men under command. Let's say you're in an RTS and just CTRL+A-ing into an enemy position while not accounting for the movement speed and just precautionary tactics, that's what they did.
So their tanks reached the enemies but the infantry lagged behind, the tanks would get wrecked, the infantry would come and get slaughtered, the artillery was uncoordinated and wouldn't hit shit, etc. It took them a while to learn to coordinate the war.
Now it's not that they're genetically unable to think or plan, I think the first successful combined arms operation was done under Zhukov at Khalkin Gol where they wrecked the Japanese, but the thing is that they're fucking corrupt to the last bone and love yes-men and autocracy. Since 1917 Russia is ruled by a bunch of street crooks.
I forgot to say why I mentioned roads, you see, Finland basically had only one road that was turned into a fortified chokepoint, which made the attempt at blitzkrieg senseless. If they did from the start what they did later in the war they would have slaughtered the Finns (still a bloody fight though).
Ukraine is 40 million people and complaining about having no soldiers although at best 500k are dead or injured. Russia is 140 million and has to import koreans to fight. Men in 21st century are just cucks that want to run from difficult situations.
don't want to kill or die for kikes*
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pic rel is ideal cityscape
bro 70% of russians have tatar or some other asiatic blood so they are by default dumb and stupid its crazy to compare great nation like serbs to some asiatic djukeli like russians who cant produce anything despite being 120milion+ reminder yugoslavia produced everything despite being 15mil tldr racial differences exist and russians are inferior
>Ukraine is 40 million people
you forget about age pyramid though, it's largely old people in both countries
Pretty much. So EU will step up and send us all over there. Theyll never allow russians to border poland and you just know theyll go for baltics and moldova next.
I know that place from randomly looking at google maps while at work.

It's up north in Hokkaido, right?
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>pic rel is ideal cityscape
For me is this
It's laughable just how much south Slavs were militarised just 30 years ago compared to Ukraine and Russia.
Though I guess a war didn't happen in the 90s but happened now we would act the same? I can't say.
>bro 70% of russians have tatar or some other asiatic blood
Are you sure? This is like saying ex-Yu is genetically Turkified even though research says it's not. It's basically just a question who has more natives.
From what I saw only a minority of ethnic Russians is Asiatic.
I think they're culturally a lot Asiatic, but not genetically. Russians like and worship force.
Bro did they scam you out of your posting payments or what happened
Fuck they gon' send? Nigga we ain't got nothin TO send. We ain't got no roads to send that nothin on neitha.
managed to maneuver myself out of another potentially gnarly accident
lesson: do not slipstream on 35mph cars, if they womanbreak you're done for
too little people, neighbors would harrasse you

I wish I had 5x5 metres parking space everywhere and wouldnt need to circle 30 minutes around my street just to be able to squeeze my shit car into a parking spot under the pressure of onlooking angry co-circlers
yes they mixed for 1000 of years with different hordes you can see that their faces are soft like pancakes without janelines and slanted eyes so 3/4 of their grandparents are some asiatic djukeli

nothing just hate them because they are devil i hope they suffer slow and painfully
Poor japanese sleep in internet cafes its weird you need to check yt homeless in japan
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prediction snail said kamila's gonna win so I'm relaxed
I seen them. Reminds me of when I was livin in hostels for a while in my 20s. Comfy times. No way for a old nigga to live, tho.
Bookies say trump. Trust the bookies these scumbags always know
just buy a house bro
get a load of this baby, just get in there and take your sweet time getting the bitch in, walk out of it like a huge boss and stare everyone in the face
how much for 1sqm in Vlore?
That ain't bet365 bro. I don't trust some eurofag fyrombey betmaxxing or jeets tryina 1000x the village coffer
bookies are palantir'd and jewd up, we talked about this
bumgarians ain't firstie citycucks bro, a parking space is like a reserved grave slot to us
depends on where on the city
something in the middle
aren't y'all thirdies supposed to be hardass cutthroat psychos on the wheel, unleashing upon the whiff of a spot barely visible a mile away like starved wolves upon a lamb?
that's not that expensive
fair price
>aren't y'all thirdies
Bulgaria is in the EU and thus first world.
It's all expensive relative to Albanian wages.
Every car grave is demarcated by the deceased's favorite bottle of water, bro
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Example of a grave slot yet to be recognized by the maymunicipality, but unofficially demarcated by the dedicated maymun who parks there
you pay taxes for that bro, take back what's yours
>It's all expensive relative to Albanian wages.
you need to calculate that with diaspora wages actually, I think they're the biggest group of buyers in coastal cities
Commiebloc parking is easy mode bro I live on patriarch evtimii try there
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I put the bottles there so it's mine.
albos aren't buying anything
it's mainly poles and other eastoids, and drug money laundering
kraj doxxed
>timmy living on timmy str.
poetry dbi
i have saved 50k eur so i probably could buy an apartment there but that's my trust fund in case my illness worsens so i can't work anymore
What's your illness?
you can't buy anything with 50k, don't be retarded
the same as usual
i think there should be apartments of this size available
you'd struggle to find anything below 50m2
vlore isnt the capital
I have never enjoyed living in the world
so what happens if I just say fuck you? my car gets scratched and tires punctured? because if nothing el ou el, this is chink tier bugmanhood
>Wait what do you mean no disabled access? How do I enter the home I paid for? Wait what do you mean none of the shops around have disabled a-CK
nigger there's no normal access either, the city will flood again and he'll roll down into the sea and float away
okay, i don't know the intricancies of Albanian housing market
here 33sqm are normal-sized apartments
>But... you didn't mention the floods in the contr-ACK
the seller probably wont mention power/water cuts either
Business idea for /int/ernational cooperation: Lach Ness Monster and Patuljko trade apartments.
the sea is literally what people buy these apartments for so they shouldnt complain

NOTHIN movement is spreading
yikes, imagine trading my prime real estate limited edition apartment for some shack in poland
okay, i will look for apartments at the Ohrid lake then
I'm not a regular.
spine degeneration
they don't know how to optimize the space so they create giant useless hallaways
it's pretty shit
no idea why anyone would pay these inflated prices with a normal salary, it's not even good housing
what are you gonna do, the drug money ain't gonna launder itself, and normies need their tutorial mode wealthceling
>why pay the rent, it's not mine
That's the logic, also because the landlord can rape you unlike in normal countries.
yeah, they have some delusion that the state can't just expropriate them whenever it feels like, or that nobody will pay for common area maintenance like in sweden so after 10 years the building is leaking everywhere, the facade is peeling, and the elevator barely starts
>or that nobody will pay for common area maintenance like in sweden
The way it happens here the state-built and owned residential buildings are fucked, mostly because older people live in them and you can't get those fucks to pay for anything. Also, they're rarely maintaned properly even if you pay for it.
Newly built buildings have younger people living in them which aren't as autistic about these things, and often they actually get maintained. People organise, etc.
That's not to say every old building sucks but many do, especially the ones that are NOT commie blocks.
lach what's the thought process of your all world etf position? why not just developed world, or is this some yuropoor thing?
my mother bitches about paying 2€ a month in maintenance fees so she stopped paying
the entire building is half empty too, so nothing is getting maintained
when the elevator breaks down they go to everyone still living there and shake them down for enough money to call the mechanic
I currently pay 10€ but I see the cleaner every day on mornings cleaning the stairs and the elevator is always fixed when it breaks without additional funds

developing has higher returns than developed, unless you want to go all in in 1% a year yuropoor countries, so if anything just like small caps it will always perform better
everything is about the risk adjusted return in the end, you want the most return for the least risk, and diversification is a simple way to reduce risk
all world is still 62% US in the end
aiight thanks for the input
literally never heard of anyone having difficulties with the bosnian border, theyre just relaxed like that.
i will become bosnian serb no.1 fan and tattoo greater serbia+saint sava icon on my chest if they start killing herzegovina croats
Feel the exact way about Kosovo Serbs desu.
any signs of stab?
I need my daily dose of staboverse goddamn you
just as we were about to see some happenings again
It's been 3 days. It's OUVAGH. Stabarry Plotter's been locked up in Azkabardovci for plotting to kill Darko Drakulovski.
he elaborated on this earlier
weren't niggas posting him gram stuff earlier or is that old shit?
naaah he's fine, prolly just banani'd or sommin
his stab attempts will be just like his suicide attempts
he gives someone the stinkeye without the target even noticing his existence - that's a stabbing attempt
yeah yeah he ain't gonna do shit until he does
all roads lead to rome with this affliction

what is even going on? hahahahaha
His next one elaborates how he actually ain't a pedo, bro, because taking their virginity is a metaphor for transferring them to his realm with the flying castle n shit
is he on downers ? looks like hes probably on couple of pills
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alright balkbros, the first astartes is complete. took me 4 hours but it's a lot of fun. Also I put together a new PC today
Thracian spirit awaken
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ayne seen bebeposting in years
damn, last two were also me
it's fucking over the world has moved on from us old farts
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bout to do the ultimate nuthin, which is sleep
don't wish me nuthin cos that would amount to doin sommin and das sin in my book
gn dindu nuffin lad
Nigga this is /balk/. No one cares about your circus clown race of pensioners.
femboy vtubers dawg, the cutting edge of nu-polix
and bernard is a sitting senator
The only niggas that need a virtual avatar to represent them are the type of niggas that are ugly
all pooftas are ugly in their own minds
>yugoslavia produced everything
deluded skata
yugoslavia sucked multiple cocks in order to survive and with the collapse of soviet system it just perished
if you want to shame my shithole compare it to fucking states not a yugohole that was held up together by tito being alive and gibs coming from all over the world in exchange to being nice to everyone

wish I was awake at the moment so I could shame this deranged brownskin
Femboys in particular are one of the worst kike psyops to come out in recent memory. It's even infected the normie minds. I've had FEMALES refer to my bussy before. Wretched beasts.

Thankfully it's bound to disappear once all these niggas turn 30.
you should have osmanli slapped them on the spot
I can't slap GFs of former normie friends. Thanks for the Vietnam flashbacks to my attempts to socialize with Balkan normies a year ago.
>Haha Mango, you're so feminine
There was this one guy who was a chan autist that refused to go out with me 1 on 1 because he didn't like how I "walked"

did you...say anything? or did you just incelsmile and divawalked away?
gotta be fair now, a public 1 on 1 can sink a nigga's reputation in that village
Nigger I like 1 on 1s. Maximum of maybe 3 people, but 1 on 1 is still better. When I chat with people I like to focus the discussion on some kind of intellectual matter. The more people in the group, the dumber the conversation gets. That's the law of the crowd.

But no, what can I say? I've had some very autistic moments here and they were the final nail in the coffin to me swallowing the blackpill, i.e: that looks play a huge aspect of your life and everything is determined by genetics.

So at work, there was like a 'pink day' and all the girls were wearing pink. One of my (male) colleagues said: "Hey Mango, why aren't you wearing pink??" with a grin on his face.

EEEEEEEK. Just fuck my shit up, senpai. Anyway this is why I have such terrible anxiety. Because I know what's going on in peoples minds. Being all judgy and stuff.
>le no one cares
Balkmaymuns just have lower inhibition so they are able to just say anything on their lines.

Ugh. Que horror!
you need to find your voice, you need to talk back to people. not angrily, but composed, maybe even a bit witty. maybe not to every random bum in the street with something to say, but certainly your peers. when you do, all of this will wash away against the stone.
Well, I told that guy that if he likes the color pink so much maybe he should wear it!

But yeah anyway I accepted that they are all right and so I took DRASTIC MEASURES. Will let you know how it ends up in 2 years, dear.

I'm sorry but I'm not gonna take the fag bullying anymore. 20 years of this! Enough is enough. I was a homemaker (NEET) for 4 years and all of the sudden I go out into the world then realize why I became a NEET. Like I'm in middle school all over again. Br00tal.
>for 4 years
Actually more like 2.5
Silly me
I already know how it ends because it has ended a million times before, and I continue to reject the notion that your "drastic measures" are anything more than your own independent wants.
alas, I think you were just born too late. millennials have already repudiated the doubling down strategy by becoming the living avatars of its conclusion. a new path must be searched out
They are certainly my independent wants. My wants to be accepted and respected for who I am. That's why I decided to double down and work on making myself as attractive as possible for my former bullies. Results will not be visible for some time. Until then I keep everything hush hush.

This is for me nothing more than a buildup to an epic troll. A "trap" you can say.
what a ridiculous self justification, your bullies are creatures of conformity and habit, you can never reach them by making yourself even more unapproachable.
what you want stands behind suffering and struggle, not self indulgence and deformity
>you can never reach them by making yourself even more unapproachable
What do you mean "more" unapproachable? Clearly I am approachable. Not just approachable, but downright inviting. That's what allows people to make their comments at me. Now I will multiply that inviting nature, and turn that negativity into positivity!
approachable huh? 1 on 1 status? an approachable would have gotten theirs.
they're trying to keep you away, because you are the calamity coming their lives. you cannot bridge this gap by doubling down
Why are you sharing this...
I went down the rabithole of that channel so now you must suffer with me.
No silly, that guy didn't want to be seen 1 on 1 with me because he is also closeted and doesn't want to deal with balkmaymun bullies.

If I double down on my faggotry, you do realize people will approach me more on the street? The question is whether it will be positive or negative. But I have it in the bag since I am guided by the blackpill.
shan't experience one lick of suffering by the magic of shan't clicking
deranged, borderline schizophrenic rationale.
it's so simple really, it's so easy, but even in this you just don't wanna do the work because you are undisciplined. the secret as always, to not be ugly in your own mind.
It's deranged, borderline schizophrenic—to think that being good looking opens up many doors for you? Hah, absolutely ridiculous my guy. There are mountains of evidence which say otherwise. You must only be willing to look. Don't know what all this talk is about being afraid to work, when I'm going to the U.S in 2 months literally just to work.

you're an ugly guy?
No, but I'm going to alter my looks to a ridiculous extent for a little plan I have in mind...
you're gonna make yourself uglier?
clearly you're lacking on beauty dynamics
the ugly can make themselves beautiful, but the beautiful can only ever make themselves uglier. it's called a don't fix what isn't broken situation. so which are you?
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I'm doing something else entirely. It's a science experiment.
sorry, can't escape the rules of the game
I'm not escaping any rules. I'm conforming to them completely and utterly.

There's a stock right now that's pretty undervalued. Only problem is that I can't buy it. Don't own enough value for that. Luckily I know how to make it.
I am getting bored with these daydreams of a 14 year old.
going out now, bye
I'm taking a screenshot of this post and post and posting it again in 2 years after I achieve my (sub)goals.

Nigga thinks shaving millimeters of bone is 'imagination'.
Alert. Spread the word.
These people are helping Moldova
Good morning kind sirs, we begin the man made lifting session. No midweek break today
funny how alexander's empire is now a tiny landlocked shitstain on a map
Kind sirs, kind sirs, would you believe it an absolutely amazing man made lifting session is concluded with a personal record set. Have a blessed day
Thanks to my granddads that created VMRO to fight against the Turkic menace and Nikola Gruevski from VMRO DPMNE that enshrined today as a holiday, I can have a day of respite from wageslavery
bahti siganina cqla sedmica reje darva cql den
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>mango still being retarded
in actually relevant news, my neck still hurt in the morning but I randomly put my hands behind my head and lifted it up for 15 minutes and now the soreness is 80% gone
praise sheytan
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It was a moonlit night in Old Polonia.
I rolled alone between
some old german built houses.
Suddenly, I heard the plaintive
cry of a young polish girl:

La la la,
la la la la la la la la,
la la la la la la la la,
la la la la
la la la la.

You better come home Speedy
Patuljko, away from tannery row.
Stop all of your drinking
with that floozie named Hubertusz!
Come on home to your adobe and
slap some mud on the wall!
The roof is leaking like a strainer.
There's loads of roaches in the hall.
[La la la la]

Speedy Patuljko [Speedy Patuljko],
Why don't you come home?
Speedy Patuljko [Speedy Patuljko],
How come you leave me all alone?

"He, Janoszcita, I have to go
shopping downtown for my mother,
she needs some bathtub fish
and Kolbasza!"

La, la la la la la la la la, la la
la la la la la la, la la la la la la
la la.

Your doggie's gonna have a puppy,
and we're running out of Coke.
no bathtub fish in the icebox,
and the television's broke.
I saw some lipstick on your sweatshirt,
I smell some perfume in your ear.
Well, if you're gonna keep on messin',
don't bring your business back a-here.
[La la la la]

Mmm, Speedy Patuljko [Speedy Patuljko],

Why don't you come home?
Speedy Patuljko [Speedy Patuljko],
How come you leave me all alone?

"He, Janoszcita, come quick!
Down to wroclaw, they're
giving green stamps with vodka!"

La, la la la la la la la la, la la
la la la la la la, la la la la la la
la la
La la la la, la la la la la la la la,
la la la la la la la la, la la la
la la la la la.
My gf said being too looksmaxxed is actually a red flag because you are far more likely to cheat
>Hristoforos Nikos Amanatidis
Greek criminals ruining our peaceful society.
What the fuck, what did they do to this site
Now you have to verify an email or wait an eternity?
What a bunch of bullsehit
saar, he is zainichi albanian saar
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Osmanlι criminals*
If I were born in the Balkans my life would be different (better)
Shut the fuck up, pshek

See, instead of hiro blanket banning Bharat and any other spammer infested allies of Russia, he makes up ridiculous rules to avoid the inevitable
We got Embraers recently
Banning sirs would significantly improve the site
Move here brother
If you have a remote job you can live in Bitola or Ohrid like a king
>bumkan kings
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pov: I see a balkmun
This is rude bro
I feel bad for the little maymun
>If you have a remote job
I don't

Also it's not the same because I lack Balkan genes and easy going attitude
shouldn't have drunk alkuhul
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вънличиe posters on suicide watch
Why they cannot just vote for reunification with Serbia? It would solve their all political problems. In Serbia voting process doesn't really occupy anyone's mind and Vucic always wins anyway.
Int told me usually russians are victims of churks
That is a russian.
>has the decency to pee on dirt
>It is expected that "Durrës Yacht Marina" will start selling apartments for two more buildings. So far, sales have been completed for 9 buildings, while construction permits have been obtained for only 3 buildings. According to the sales office, the average prices for the sale of apartments, in buildings 10 and 11, for which sales are expected to start, will start from 2,500 euros per square meter. While the maximum prices will start from 3,000 and will continue over 3,000 euros per square meter. Compared to previous sales, minimum apartment prices are expected to increase by 25%. According to the data received from the sales office in the previous auction, which was held on July 18, 2024 for the apartments of the "Parkpoint" residence, the total sale price of the property with a net area of 60 m2 ranged from 120,000 euros to 180,000 euros. euros or from 2,000 to 3,000 euros per square meter according to location and position. The apartments were located approximately 200 meters from the sea.
meanwhile they literally haven't built anything
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so did he elaborate in the end
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Kek you're really thirdies, bro
IRL Boomkin? :O
bro got offended his colorkind got kicked
bet its gonna be some bling bling thirdiecore selyakmaxxed object
irl wow would be kino
the state gave away like 3000 trillion hectares of land and abolished taxes for an arab to build a yacht resort with hotels but it's actually going to be 98% apartments with 5 hotels sprinkled in and it's already sold out despite no building having started years later
Бaтeeeeeeeeee eбacи пpocтитe зyмъpи
bumgarian gymrat moment

political bulgarian
Fyromistan destroyed with no recovery possible
literally me once I retire
How much do i need to pay you to stop posting?
how much do you have
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>pic related is that tatar who lifts every morning
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>face isn't everything, woof woof
>gonna spin myself with heavier weights on my paws next time, woof
Controversial opinion: I like the 15 min timer and won't be registering an e-mail.
Finally Balkan immigration to Poland started, we will get fresh ajvar and burek
>uuhhhh he's GOTTA be depressed!
normies are so adorable
He's not Balkan, he's Canadian and will always be a fucking leaf. The New World destroys all who dare be born there or grow up there. Just do a brief desuarchive study on the poster known as Mangal to understand what I'm saying.
Name one difference between Bumgal and Bumakgarian
tatar ne zamaraj
giving 5 eur bribes in stores to buy sub-5 eur items is not kneeling
Nah, Macedonians always preserve their identity because Serbs taught them so
>working class patriot redpilled on the jews
Unironically, what is the difference between Bumgal and his Bumgarian boyfriend?
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Thoughts on this identity preserver?
He is not my BF and desu i don't think the average/pol/am is representative of his country in general.
Bumgal is a passive receiver compensating as le working class patriot
Bummer ex-bf is the active giver turning to God for forgiveness for his sins like a Chad would
You are both
>Deranged homosexuals
>Of Turkish origin
>Post pornography of yourselves on the internet
>Low IQ
>Deal with your subhumanity by latching onto online fads

The only difference I can think of is that one of you is a rapist and the other is the rapee
>compensating as le working class patriot
Nah it's just that trades pay a lot better and are far more secure as a method for livlihood.

I'm coming back in 1 year with my CDL just watch me.
>Bummer ex-bf is the active giver turning to God for forgiveness for his sins like a Chad would
Before or after taking nudes of himself in Bumgal's apartment to post on 4channel?
I never posted any kind of pornography of myself lmao what
>cotton tote bag strap tore
the east has fallen
billions must die

it really makes you think before you post
What do you call posting pictures of your diseased man boobs?
bumgal is saner and probably
also bumgals boyfriend recently posted his hrt tits according to the archive and i think bumgals tits are bigger
Doesn't matter, temptation to sin prompts him to repent. At least he has the consciousness and potential for repentance whereas the passive homosexual rejects salvation altogether.
>cropped image to show man boobs is porn
It's literally not
He's one of few foids who posted tits when you really think about it
... he doesn't have tits lol. He has a normal body.
The actual answer is that he had a schizo breakdown and is now sperging out making posts on /pol/ about him repenting.
He does it after pretending to turn to Christ
His repentance is as worthwhile as Bumgal's anus
He's not pretending but I also doubt his conversion will last.

I told you he is just a schizo and his voices are telling him to repent.
God will be the final judge of how sincere the repenting is.

He is mentally unwell which is an extenuating circumstance in the eyes of God.
If anything, taking advantage of a schizophrenic as a non-schizophrenic, and tempting the schizophrenic to sin, then playing victim and gaslighting, is a lot worse offense. God sees errthang.
>tempting the schizophrenic to sin
By what? Being in the same room as him?
>whore justifying her whoredom
It's good that he bailed, I hope he leaves you on seen and moves on.
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I was his first and only friend for years
Yeah that's his gyno because he gained a couple KG after leaving me.
That doesn't necessarily make you good for him. If anything this isolation makes him more vulnerable to people with strong negative agendas who see him as nothing more than a follower or tool. Why don't evil manipulators ever target healthy people within normal social groups, but always and only the mentally unwell outcasts and the isolated? Because they're easier to victimize.
>opposition went to the fucking europian parliament and is protesting in front of the door
these fags are the main reason EU accession will be delayed, a bunch of cronies who'd shoot themselves in the foot for some marketing
I didn't know he was mentally ill little bro. I only found that out after living with him.
Also his 'mental illness' doesn't make him more susceptible to brainwashing by others. It makes him more susceptible to his inner intrusive thoughts.
>I didn't know a 4channer willing to meet a passive homosexual turk terrorist was mentally ill bro
lol, lmao even
Nigger I told him to (re)read the bible. I thought it would do him so good. Your character assassinations against me are no good because you are missing a key piece of information which I will not reveal: for privacy's sake.
what piece of information is missing is missing?
>u see acktschually u wrong because I got proof that I'm not gonna show u lol
>I actually told him to do something I knew he wasn't gonna do, that makes me a good person!
>and if he did, I was always there to interject and interpret it for him in a way that suited me
Ugh. His 'breakdown' and his turning to Christ is actually a result of me denying him the chance to turn himself a faggot. He was extremely distraught that I encouraged him to masculinize, to work out, and better himself as a male. I almost bought him a gym membership but didn't because first I wanted to see he had the discipline to go through with it.

You are saying that it's "good" that he left me so he can turn to Christ etc. and as a result I won't be "brainwashing" him with faggotry when in fact he left me PRECISELY because I denied him faggotry and he was calling me a hypocrite and whatnot because I was trying to "turn him into a man" when he doesn't want to be one.

Hol up, I don't get it.
>Please God help me, this nigga ain't letting me be a faggot
If you so smart, why didn't you use reverse psychology and encourage him to fag out to kill the thrill of the temptation, maybe then he'd have had a contrarian reaction to that?
>I actually told him to do something I knew he wasn't gonna do,
Retard, I knew he was gonna do it. He was reading it right in front of me. I never 'interpreted' anything for him i never gave a shit about christcuckery and never will.

And he turned to Christ because I made him deny his instinct.
>Please God help me, this nigga ain't letting me be a faggot
He was a bible fag before meeting me. But then he "turned to satan" some time ago, and while being with me he was still a satanist. He wanted to use my hormones to damage his body so that the kingdom of god can reject him for defiling his flesh and he can finally turn to sin and worldly pleasure. I told him he was insane and should just better himself as a man instead of being some western degen faggot. He was really angry and calling me a hypocrite because "i am able to be a fag" but don't allow him. He was also extremely paranoid that I'm gonna leave him for someone better and he will "lose out" on his investment with me. Thing is only one who ever invested anything to anyone was me to him. But yeah this whole ordeal, this whole fiasco with him leaving me happened because I denied him to tr00n out. And he wanted to do that because he is actually also (mostly) passive. Something which I was not aware of.
>If you so smart, why didn't you use reverse psychology
Nigga i don't play mind games on people. he came to me because he wanted to be a degenerate faggot. He thought I can serve as his escape.To his surprise i try make him work out, get a job, and be functional and this severely disoriented him.

So please, don't try to spread lies that i'm trying to brainwash people with faggotry when i have only ever done this opposite, which makes fags seeth uncontrollably.
This gayness dynamic is confusing. Two passive fags hoping to turn the other into an active fag.
>let me troon out, be a daddy
>no, man up and be the daddy
>this is daddy behavior but u still get to look like a fag tho, that's so unfair
>and u look like a daddy but u act like a fag, man up
Hilarious shit
Also he could've just made a pact with Satan and rejected God, which in itself is enough to deny you entry from the Kingdom. Why he sought out permission from a human to do this is beyond me.
I don't care if he acts faggy I just want him to take life seriously and not think of everything as some big joke. He talks about his 'cocklust' on his namefag while preaching Christ which is so so hilarious as to constitute parody. He is denying his faggotry completely now because I denied him to tr00n.

Since he is terminally online, he forms his image of human beings based on his imagination and he expected to run into a libertine faggot when it turns out I am far more disciplined than him.

He comes to me and I make him start reading Der Untergang des Abendlandes. I found him multiple jobs. I take him out to vacations and try to lift his spirits. I tell him I will get him a gym membership. I buy him gifts to show him I value him as a person. But NOPE. Mango didn't let him troon out so now Christboy wants nothing to do with Mango. So what does he do? He goes back home to his mommy because I don't let him act out his degenerate fetishes.

I put myself in debt trying to set this boy straight.
Nigga I don't know
>I can't get a pre-built man, so I'm gonna try to build one up from prolapsed anuses and brainrot parts

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