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frog bros why is it so different?
The Quebecois are autistic and don't want any words that are even close to English
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>avec ma blonde
idk but google translate is dogshit
its a survival tactic. if they dont then indians might speak their tongue
On s'en calisse, osti de marde
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>ce wee-kend
>du pop-corn
>un podcast
You need to remember they're French and say it like
Bonjoor saaaar
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>tfw we're literally just a bastardised french dialect
"ma blonde" is much better than "ma copine" thoughlbeit
No, but that would be both funny and based if we did
Kek it's not uncommon for French speakers to drop the d in week-end.
They also pronounce "shampooing" (a shampoo) as "shɑ̃pwɛ̃"
Quebec people call their wife/girlfriend ma blonde even if they aren’t blonde
To be honest Pop corn is just for one specific thing, it's not a generic term. You have cereals with "pop corn" in France and it's called maïs soufflé like in Québec.
I think weekend is very old like 19th century
Un podcast, yes but we surely have others words or sentences for this
Canada Timmies can't match the colonizing power of AngloGODS
Baladodiffusion, I only use balado in writing though, everyone says podcast when speaking.
Décalisse criss
That's a myth, they use at least as many english words as we do, but not the same ones
Did you know quebec government is cracking down on it, they fine restaurants if they dont use french words
hon hon le baséd
Compréhensible. You are surrounded by the enemies. To the left Anglo Canadians, to the below, USA, to the upper, natives, to the right Anglo Canadians and Groenland submissive cucks to the Anglo
That happened once 10 years ago and the anglos are still butthurt about it.
Good, keep 'em seething
stop being so protective over your language and let nature take its course
It literally happened over the summer
Anglos won
Normans lost
Not using an English word doesn't mean you went out of your way not to. Usually the other way around.
we call kids "têtes blondes" which means "blond heads" even though we are pure latinx
Pronunciation of Quebecois sounds better to my ears than pronunciation of Standard French
quebecois call their girlfriend "blonde"?
what if their girlfriends aren't blonde?
frogs on /int/ say quebec talk generally feels like nails on a chalkboard to them

kind of like how valley girl sounds to english speakers but 10x worse apparently
holy shit France has fallen
No one has every pronounced those words that way.
>english is 65% french vocabulary
do anglos really?
I stand with the Quebecois
The people yes, but I mean the Government of Quebec because they control the language
le popcorn is le tasty
>ma blonde
they speak more english than the ones in france but the quebec government is eternally butthurt so they pass a kinds of whacky language laws to promote french. they even make up french words for new tech/internet stuff so that they can pretend they aren't like the rest of us
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The Quebecois were speaking the same French dialect that the French nobility were speaking pre-revolution, then the revolution happened in France and the Seven Years War happened in Canada. So basically the Quebecois are speaking a dialect more similar to the French nobility from 400 years ago, the ones who were displaced by the revolution, but then also France surrendered all of Canada to the British Empire and the French in Canada have been isolated and pissed off ever since.
then are boyfriends/husbands just "mon blond"
it's the Quebecois who are the odd ones out here. They are very defensive of their language. Meanwhile we are cucked like everyone else on this continent and fully indulge in anglicisms
english speakers seem largely unaware of how frenchified their language is. When they think of french loanwords they'll think of "je ne sais quoi", or "bureau" at best. They don't think of "table", "beef", "enter", "use", "generally", and other everyday words they use in every sentence.

To be fair, this is what english is. No one thinks of modern english as old english+french influences, they just think of it as english. This is what english is now, and this is what people think of when they think of the english language. Same way you don't think of french as fucked up latin, you just think french.
>valley girls
That's not a good comparison, more like a mixture between peasants (for the vocabularity) and americans (for the very lax pronounciation) with more nasal tones.
Québécois are unique and increasing in number.
Quebec accent is hillbilly accent right
Yes and no, it sounds quite different compared to our hillbillies. I think that what makes us think of hillbillies is the vocabulary, and also the fact that the French spoken by the elites is supposed to be very controlled with a "neutral/generic" accent.
There used to be a huge stigma around accents in the French cultural circles, with the vast majority of artists and TV hosts taking lessons to lose their regional accents in order to be more marketable. This was true for accents coming from mainland France, and I'm quite sure it has been the case for a long time. You can imagine that a French hearing a québécois accent will immediately think of someone being slightly "slow"...

But anyway their accents are different from ours, even from our hillbillies.
Le baséd as fuck
No, this is stupid for several reasons. The people who settled in Québec were not from the nobility, and came from western France mostly (thus they probably had a patois which was different from how the nobility used to speak).
They were also from different areas, so they most probably had different accents and patois.
And why wouldn't Québecois French evolve through time? They weren't completely isolated (anglos, natives, other immigrants) and even so, all languages change.

I'm sure this myth is a reaction of pride against the French mocking the québécois accent, but that doesn't make it true.
It’s not really that different. If you understand it. We just translate/invent more words into French and have some more slangy expressions like blonde
People from France thing of the extremely stereotypical nasally French Canadian accent which I don’t deny exists, but as someone who’s been around the language their entire life I think proper educated sounding French Canadian accent is definitely the best French accent. People like Yvon Leblanc from La Semaine Verte sound amazing I think.
Québec French is real French. Our French language is just a bastardized language because of the European migration (the Polacks) in 19th century.
Francis 1 who was the most powerful king in the world in 16th century and who beat in 1v1 combat Charles V and Henry VIII would understand modern québécois but not modern French.
holy zased
>ma blonde
i love them
this made me want to get drunk and play vrchat
I don't think external influences on French were as important as you make it seem. French was a dominant global language for a long time, I'm pretty sure it influenced others way more than it was influenced. I would wager that the evolution of the language was mostly driven by the people themselves, not external influences.
Also I call bs on your François 1er sentence, I'm pretty sure we have no idea of what these guys sounded like.
I didn't say they were from the nobility, and I didn't say it didn't evolve over time, I'm telling you where their specific Quebecois dialect evolved from. Look it up yourself, I don't want to explain this all to you when your pathetic command of english has already wildly mislead you as to what I was saying.

>"reaction of pride"
>un podcast

France French is doomed
Only nobles spoke like nobles, so québécois not being from noble families means that they most likely didn't speak like nobles, but rather their own patois.
>no u
I don't give a fuck about pride from muh nobility, I just want this weird interpretation to end
Québec French is real French, you invent stories in your head.
Prove it
why is this funny?
This sounds very similar to what Americans say about their accent being the more authentic one (which is also lies btw).
Is this true?
Who the fuck is still using Google translate? DeepL exists
>The word "week-end" appeared in 1906 in England in Coulevain's The Unknown Isle and in 1926, in France, in Giraudoux's Bella.

So it's a French word after all
>Fin de semaine = around thursay/friday
>Week-end = saturday/sunday
In France, this is true
yikes, france has fallen
what happened to the good old days of 'ordinateur' instead of computer
This. It's the only way of survival. Otherwise zogbots will turn your language into a creole real quick
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You can use google translate to scan irl documents.
That's how I know I can't stay in Switzerland for more than 90 days without doing conscription.
Pajeet property.

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