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the new as it were edition
this is the thread
this is it
this is the one
Prefer this one
eating poo
this is the ITT
yeh the boys
should i get a job at cex?
You’re lying or just ignorant. The video clearly shows him boxed in at every angle. They don’t shoot him when he initially rams the first car, they shoot him later after he has been completely boxed in and the car isn’t moving anymore
great we;re subject to the two morngy mongs again. Give it a rest fellas x
Are you fat ugly and smell like shit?
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Link to vid so i can give my objective opinion
the car wasn't moving right
and the police are just meant to assume the car will continue to not move? they should assume he won't put the car into reverse and try to ram it into them? why? how should they ensure that the violent threatening person in the car can no longer behave in a violent way?
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do you call it cemetery or graveyard?
The map is helpful to proving my point
The big point you’re missing is he literally can’t move the car anymore since it’s completely boxed in even from behind.
depends whether it's a cemetery or a graveyard really
it's gonna be for him x
this >>203742497 in fact is british culture
this >>203742499 is not
>employed a social media manager to run marketing for my gambling telegram
>offer him private healthcare coverage, perkbox subscription, annual bonuses, 40k a year
>he tells me its a 2 man job and needs me to employ someone else to share the work
>fire him
>employ a literal 20 year old bird whos only got 1 year of experience
>she does it all no complaints
love women so much
get fucked you petulant little yank clown
I even tried flexing the fact that Thai have over a hundred grand saved to put a deposit down on a house start of next year and said all the deposit money she saved she can keep and I’d cover it
she was despondent to that when I said it but it surely is playing on her mind now
You are right to be fair not that I weep for his life
it wasn't boxed in from behind
that is apparent in the video and you're lying about it for some reason
or maybe hallucinating?
way to dodge the question, but the two are synonymous
adam having a melty about police shooting a black man is he
a jury of 12 heard all the evidence of the case and found the copper innocent so you think you know better than them do you?
might go to an AA meeting for exposure therapy to heIp with my social anxiety
as the leaves fall from the trees
so our days will pass us by
I do not wish to hear the opinions of a dog shit yank
>amazon mark parcel as being posted through letterbox last night
>check mat and it's not there
>try and contact them but it's just automated shit and i have to wait 24 hours before they do anything
>let the cat out this morning and see that a parcel has been left on the doorstep
fucking dickheads
Wish there was shit like that where I live.

bit weird to go to an AA meeting if you're not an alcoholic
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How is the black car not boxed in behind. What is wrong with you
I shot Chris Kaba n given half a chance I'd do it againnnnnnnnn arghhhhh
maybe mat was lying
blow dat nigga head smoove off
the copper will get street justice x
runescape is a british game moron
Thank you neither do I
I basically am but I don't want to stop lol
>bro was too lazy to just...open his door to check
made one little mistake at work now my boss hates me and thinks im retarded
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had to sit in a conference room for 8 hours yesterday and somehow didn't come off as an anti-social mong. Maybe there's hope for me yet
why are you all such a load of ugly scummy faggots anyway?
*puts on a meek, high-pitched voice*
made one little mistake at work now my boss hates me and thinks im retarded
coffee and tea make me feel ill but I need muh caffeine
listen mate we just didnt want to use your thread no need to have a sook about it you big gay dog
never heard of caffeine pills or energy drinks have you
clifford the big gay dog
why are you upset
Think american anon is right. The police car at the back did not box the car in straight away. He could have potentially escaped or knocked people over
whatever makes you feel better about being a disgusting ugly pig who no one will ever love I guess
im a gay virgin
*humbly performs my gay virgin jig*
i checked last night and nothing was out there, i put the foxes food out at midnight so fuck knows when they actually dropped it off
sniff that
Alright lads?
He was shot *after* he was boxed in behind. I never said it was straight away
This was after the shot
*nuts you*
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good morning
>reverses ready to floor it running the police over
They did the right thing
fuck off you neurotic mentally ill unlovable pedophile cunt
i take caffeine pills. still feel weird doing it
boohoohoohoo freak
>gang member darkie shot by police
>some how this is a bad thing
When red dot runs up. Purple dot hasnt blocked the car. Assuming red dot is the shooter
I hate AusFAILians so much
Who's been shot?
gingernonce melty
didn't brush my teeth last night
>Put your sword back into its place; for all who take the sword will perish by the sword
Matthew 26:52
adam is seething about a black man getting shot two years ago even after the officer was found innocent by a jury of 12
nothing wrong with me I'm not a dumb piece of shit like you :)
good luck having a cheeky shitposting sesh today lads. Only guy shot by police conversations will get (you)s
The video in this article shows him reversing right before they shoot him, there was enough room for him to move and if he'd put his foot down he could have squeezed through and hit the police.
some blackie
fucking look at yourself man your entire life is wanking to dead kids and shitting up these threads with your schizo bullshit, you're a whole new level of irredeemable freak even amongst the freaks here
neck yourself ASAP
A fine, upstanding member of the London community. It's a real tragedy.
Great answer there buddy
you have zero clue who you're talking to lol
you were probably having a high old time with me yesterday
absolutely clueless
i'll fuck you till you love me faggot
This is your mothers theme song, isn't it

thanks <3
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fs raining again
When an Irish woman spreads her legs, it creates more black supremacists
don't get all indignant just because i reminded you of what you are
mentally stunted insufferable pedo cunt
>In Belfast
Wonder if the met transfered him out over there
you are so weird
tummy hurts would anyone like to rub it for me and maybe kiss it aha x
this faggot really having a melt cos no one wanted to use his thread? of all things to cry over
melts general today
no I'm crying because you're nasty and you smell :(
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the cronems approach
like a tuna melt me
*gives you a raspberry*
I heard him speak and he has a Belfast accent
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Fine. Like I care. I wanted to be able to do something for you people. But I've learned that no matter how much you want to do something, no matter how hard you push yourself for it, sometimes it's just out of reach.
These memories are a part of who I am. No matter how much you try to make them hurt, I won't forget them. And trust me, neither will you
Of course the incels will say it’s deserved. Intimidated by man like Kaba
*shoots him in the head and steals his rolex*
a jury of 12 said it was deserved
I have cotton from a q-tip deep inside my ear, how do I get it out lads? Using another q-tip doesn't work
You fucked it
Have you tried swallowing a spider?
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All the Irish diaspora protesting Chris Kaba
They love a good protest
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nutting a poo
I’ve eaten poo.
shoving a cigarette down my knob hole and flexing my kegel muscles to take a long drag on it
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scromiting at weedmongs
coffee needs sugar and milk/cream
drinking it black is really bad and causes sickness
tea can be drunk black but it's better with milk
toilberg having a go at me for not doing something i in fact did do
just cant win
I thought this only happened in australia
screaming at the top of my gay porn lungs
No youre not, be quiet
Irish diaspora lefty
my grandfather drank black coffee everyday and lived to 96
i wish i knew how to quit poo
your grandpa was a loser
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some faggot with the archive open on another tab tell me how many results for "cockmogs me!"
You’ve got this backwards. Black coffee is healthy. It’s good for the cardiovascular system and has antioxidants in it that neutralize free radicals. Putting sugar in it is taking something healthy and adding unhealthy garbage into it.
What about adding milk?
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Milk has sugars in it, though less unhealthy than sugar or sweetener. I still drink my coffee black regardless.
a teaspoon of sugar in your coffee won't kill you lad a can of coke has like 50 grams
A lot of them look Irish diaspora wtf Leeds
summoning a poo
Borrow the smallest... pincett english? you can find amd go hunting
But black coffee is acidic and destroys enamel
Wish we still had those comfy 800x600 screens. Now there's too much stuff.
>he was a good and decent person
why'd he stop
my RAM usage is usually at around 75-80% usage, bet if i doubled it it would still be around 75-80% usage, fucking pajeets these days and their inefficient coding
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coffee coloured cock destroyed your mother
he was 96
ok well i cant be right about everything can i
>he murdered people
Well my scotsman have sugar on his porrige
If it's good enough for Charlie Brooker, it's good enough for you
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steady on
Always glad to have your contribution swedecuck
Sugar does not neutralize acid. Putting sugar in your coffee will not make it any less acidic.
Sounds like a loser to me, a big one in fact
The Irish take the side of blacks always
only solid poos since giving up coffee. quite mental what it was doing to my mental and physical health really
Post some proper British music

my bum is gay
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Very peng, would like to hang out there with some friends and a few tinnies
What about your front arse
what's a front arse
Genuine question why is leftypol so intend on defending scum
Every time an event like Chris Kaba occurs despite all common sense he'll be looking for every excuse to defend them

Then it inevitably comes out that the victim in question was a piece of shit, banned from seeing his child, driving a car connected with a shooting and was actually the perpetrator of said shooting just two days prior

People don't act like Chris Kaba acted if they're innocent and caught up in something that has nothing to do with them
This is common sense yet leftypol will ignore it time and time again
not much how bout you
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the piss flaps lad!
might get on something but dont know what
Ohh gay porn
It may not be for you
But it is for meee
Gay porn, Oh yeah
Uh huh
need a mentally ill woman's gash all over me face
Theyre similarly myopic, reckless, and id-driven; or they wish they were
Whats wrong with employedwoman
Get on Bally
mario fart
mario fart wii
mario farty
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Jews purposely medicated the west
Where does one find part-time jobs
What the fuck is wrong with Americans
yea i'm sure some tiktok zigger just didn't film her family and make all that shit up for attention
kill all social media users
Part time job shop
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>In Northern Ireland almost 20% of the population were prescribed an anti-depressant medication during 2020/2021
In my experience drugs like zoloft make a morose person more energetic and vigorous
Not a sedative, in fact it's the opposite
I dunno but I think I need a part time job myself.

Have attempted going back to full time work from being NEET but I mentally crumble under it and end up quitting a few weeks into the job. Perhaps with a part time job it would be easier to transition back into the world of work.

I'm going to run out of money soon as well. I hate myself and want to die.
Marks & Spencer
Home Bargains
Don't have one near me unfortunately, death of the high street isn't it

You're not alone *extends paw*
in 6 months i'll be a qualified train driver
congratulations lad
birds fly over me in the park cuz i got dough
later virigins
mallardlad moving up in the world
take that long to mind the start and stop buttons eh
how do I improve my social skills in a week so I don't have a panic attack in my next interview

or should I just take a gamble and drink before my interview
onslaught of gargantuan logs thrashing their way out my arse as we speak
I told you, one drink, do not go in there pissed
doubt one drink would do anything desu
Don’t listen to this pussy the more alcohol the better
i'm qualified in running trains on ya mum
Kids with cancer always seem so happy and cheery
You can only do your best lad. They've called you up for an interview so they must have seen something in you that they like.

All you can do is answer their questions to the best of your ability and if it's not to be then it's not to be, nothing ventured nothing gained.

The interviewer will usually try to put you at ease as well, they're not trying to make you uncomfortable. Best of luck lad x
Don't have to suffer for much longer do they
Fucking hell lads might just curl one out in the thread right now
I need advice

>visit my favourite prozzie as per usual
>however, I had a bat three times the day before
>feel very sensitive when hard, having a blowjob feels stinging and her trying to enter me is a bit painful
>she thinks I’ve got an std
>insists i go and do a blood test and that she won’t see me again until i get one plus a urine test
>she says not a normal one, a one specifically for std’s like that she usually gets every two weeks
>tells me to go again and ask for it and that she won’t see me until i come back and confirm i have negative results

Am I not wrong thinking she’s being a little too crazy about this?
The weirdest bit is that you struggle to shag if you had a few wanks the day before
Keep getting headaches in the back of my head and sometimes feel a bit woozy. Its probably fine isnt it?
>her trying to enter me is a bit painful
bedroom smells like boiled eggs
You're going to die.
business idea: give kids cancer
need a shave but cba
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Do the crime, pay the time
Eventually yes
bet women's prisons are a holiday anyway
godberg on a mad one
Shave you like a woman and then have my wicked way with you
Had three wanks the day of a shag and been fine
You need to have a word with yourself
boomers really be watching antiques roadshow and songs of praise.
If you don't count withholding sanitary pads a punishment
Are you worried about the future?
How would you defuse this situation?
one wank a week is enough for me
get it done lad. hot water, fragrant soap, nice clean and sharp safety razor, all finished off with the alum block and a splash of aftershave. lovely and fresh
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Needing a poo delivered pronto but will not submit to bodyberg
Why did Britain shape their concentration camp huts like little KKK hoods?
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Seriosly consider returning your man id.

Me running into a room as a kid and joining the conversation.
Dutch propaganda
It's giving Glastonbury
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we're pooping good tonight
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Not had a solid poo in days, me

nothing but gas and liquid. When will the madness end
I take that every night, helps a bit, haven't had pilebergs since taking it.
Tried that and it did nothing
Have an energy drink of your choice prior to going in
It WILL help you
go caffeine free before it's too late
Reckon it's time to go out camping. Need to get away from civilization.
Personal rate of return

free money
What is the source of your panic attacks, what do you fear?
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gays have no sense of shame
and in 7 month's time you'll be on strike lol
this poster has no sense of shame
Not keen on camping. Cold and uncomfortable. Putting a tent up in the rain, have a cold night and then having to dismantle it when all you want is a nice hot shower
had the same thought when i accidentally set it to 800x600 faffing about the other day
it helps you focus a lot
I remember seeing the video of a mare killing a stallion trying to fuck her in one kick
I don't consider blemming erb a hobby or mere recreation

I consider it a part of who I am
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3mg of ativan down the gullet
Looking forward to the hit, lads
Yeah I must admit camping is a means to an end not something to be enjoyed
>I can't wait to be in the woods and have a terrible night's sleep!
ans the stallion ripped a massive shart whilst dying too. very memorable
what's that then some wog activity no doubt
Going to microwave some water and call it tea
mares also sometimes win races
seem a lot more physically impressive than human women
Haven't got me balls emptied in a month fucking need some arsehole to bum I BEG YOU
Just rudeness really
*whole thread roars with laughter when you enter it*
Long straight hair is a terrible look
Average American women are marginally more attractive than average British women, at least they have fewer all out uggos
They're all pretty ugly
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>Uggos and guys on the back row, cutest at the front
Is it a size thing or they were told where to stand
I'm tempted to go the other way and caffeinemaxx back to back coffees until something resembling a normal shite comes out.
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>north koreans look like chads
what happened to south koreans?
>south koreans
getting blacked
Not in a dress
far right tummy is cute. would like to see more of the tummy next to her also
do you ever feel,
like a plastic bag?
blog on
These girls may not be pretty, but at least none of them have weak chins
If these were British girls, at least a quarter of them would be chinless and have enormous noses too
Bought a 4070 super with my bennies
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baby you're a pooooey buuum,
show em all whaaaat you've doooone,
make em go "eugh, eugh, eugh",
as you poo right out your bum, bum, bum
What are you gonna play on it?
how many times do you rinse rice lads?
gz, I bought a 4070 ti super this year and it's a good card, very impressed with the temps
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depends how badly he's played
didn't think of using them to buy a clue?
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Great, Spaino's awakened
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i can almost never be fucked but if im going to waste time doing that ill do it really thoroughly
I only rinse short grain. I dont rinse basmati
to think your ancestors landed here with nothing
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that is surely her gay mate not her bf
The way its always been and the way it always will be

Thats why they almost starved to death snd shit their guts up before red indians helped
>New York medics report epidemic of 'scromiting' - a reaction to cannabis that causes such severe symptoms it puts people in hospital
she's pretty. don't like this webm
want to get an rx 6800
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Just realised the dad is probably irish diaspora
just bit the inside of my cheek
They immediately built log cabins
Absolute Jokes brings you the best of British comedy every week.

Let us be the giggle to your chuckle, the LOL to your haha, the badum tish to your guffaw.
that's just how timmy look
I don’t know who needs to tell you this. but lie on that resume baby. LIE.
What haircut do you ask for?
fucking hate that how it doesnt hurt today but will making talking brushing teeth and eating torture in a couple of days
Who's fatter. Mis.bigger or a cow?

inb4 your momma jokes
yeah when i've been on ssris they've made me more active, i think they generally do that

other psych meds can cause sedation, e.g. mirtazapine which is a different type of antidepressant

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