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I was about to post a thread but sheytan distracted me
mods this post is disrespecting bulgarian culture
Spiteful creature
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>waterfox uses dolphin as a file manager for uploading images to 4channel instead of the AIDS firefox one

I might forgive the bi-hourly crashes just for this Godsend
>Chrashed literally 3 seconds after making this post >>203745508
>30% of macedonian population lives with under 2 euro a day
Bruh, only serbia and kosovo are poorer than this I think
At least they retained their poverty identity that Serbs gave them, bro. They will be loyal to Belgrade forever.
saško offended my lord and called his mother a whore. what should i do about this?
Are they? Half of their politicians live here half a year. Its all about stealing money
Pray for his soul because you have your sanity and know better than to react negatively. He's been burdened by a disease that's not his fault.
just drag n drop retard
^ Lowest IQ flag on this general
Yes bro, don't get the bugi pasosh, that's kneeling. Listen to me, wealthy the bugi pasosh haver with a business in bugistan who tells you that bugas in the constitution is treason. Stay poor, that's a symbol of defiance against the evil EU where I sent my children to study and work.
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sitting in a cafe staring at the sea and pondering
Thanks for reminding me to end it hrvat.
>82 iq estimate
82 IQs are too busy selling qilim, laying brick or doing deliveries. Everyone on /balk/ is at least a midwit bro.
I wonder if I can torture the demons who plague me, if God allows me to Heaven.
You don't have to, demons have their own hierarchy and the demons who torture you are usually low rank, and they get bullied by the higher ranks all the time. This is ironically why they don't ever want to go back to hell. At least according to priests who do exorcisms.
I honestly feel like replying to Bulgarian flags is beneath me

Like replying to Sashko
Or Kelly
It's ok to feel inferior to someone with more energy and bigger schizophrenia than you, lil bro. No need to get tilted over it, it's not a competition.
black tea is fucking garbage
>ending it
feminine activity
just get a job or something
not doxing myself further
can i buy a former fyromian virgin for a cigarette pack?
It's my desire to bully these subangels
I can get a pre-built man, they're just not in my social circle so I'll change that. Dude I just tried to make a 25 year old 4channer functional and it backfired.

Don't try to say I don't have his best interests in heart. I do. He doesn't think that though and that I'm trying to turn him into a "toy soldier".

If I wasn't a faggot I would have crippled this sissy for his brattiness and treatment of me.
yмpи мaмa ти дeeбa eyфopичнa пeдepacткa
>I will turn his into a soldier
>I only see him as a tool for the revolution
>Don't try to say I don't have his best interests in heart. I do. He doesn't think that though and that I'm trying to turn him into a "toy soldier".

crorat, did uni start for you fags again
In my fascist dictatorship I'll appoint you as leader of the reverse-pedo Church of Mangal, where the non-heteronormative are forced to undergo manning up and rejecting their homolust
I never asked him to deny his homolust, just that he shouldn't be a tranny for the purpose of some homolust. He calls me a hypocrite, a harlot, and a whore because I denied him this. I told him if he wants to do it he can do it on his own time and I won't finance this part of him. Thus he turned to Christ (mommy and daddy) and left me. I'm evil because I wanted him to be a normal(ish)guy. And to think there are trannies and faggots who will paint me as the bad guy unironically for denying him this.
>>ending it
Not ending myself. My relationship with him.
The function of a citizen and a soldier are inseperable.
If Yugoslavia existed, their pasoshot would be the most valuable in Europe
Mmm okay then a reeducation camp for the non-heteronormative where they are taught to present as normal and be functional and work, but still retain their homolust so they can service me and my husband, the Dear Leaders of Homolustgaria
Fun fact is that even if Bulgaria annexed Macedonia now, still Bulgaria's population would be lower than in 1989.

Why Bulgarians don't do anything to increase their population.
In ottoman times we were turker than the turks
In soviet times we were slaver than the slavs
In globohomo times we're more 1st world than 1st worlders
do you think kubrat cared bro? bulgarian sperms spermed the danube now they are sperming the entire planet
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>шибaни тaпaци дaвaт ю-тa нa cъpбoпшeк
My coffee is read.

where's the other one, boon?


I mean I'm not trying to make him 'present' as normal. I mean I don't look 'normal' either. I look pretty much like a queer. That's not the point. The point is for him to be able to take care of himself. To have virtues and be healthy. I don't understand the seething with me trying to make him a 'chad'. He is skinny fat and I just wanted him to be toned. I don't understand what is immoral about me doing that to him. It's hypocrisy because "i'm a faggot". Well since I am a faggot now everyone has to be a faggot?
yмpи мaйкa ти дeeбa гнycнa
Babe if you want me to die just go ahead and kill me. I have enough of this world anyway.
мa кoгaт ти гo пpaиш e oк дa тибa мaйкaтa
нe ми мякaй ceляк
mangusta finna end up a boywife to some trucker just watch lmao
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>westoids wjll never have the feeling kf having unlimited water on demand in your own home
Guys I just saw a negress in kardzhali
That's literally Tukey.
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No one wants more Bulgarians in this world

Not even Bumgarians
We hate niggers more than you do bro
>ends up with an even bigger twink trucker than him
>twink trucker has mental breakdown in the middle of the mojave desert and kicks mangusta out of the truck cos mangusta kept telling him to do some pushups
76.3 kilos post poo
Leanest I've been since 3rd year of high school

Gramma says it looks unhealthy
Mango will have the upper hand, it'll be his truck he invites mentally weak twinks to that he met at trucker stops, and he'll complain about his bf constantly breaking the company trucks n having panic attacks on the road and it'll be the twink bailing out in the middle of the desert
>they'd rather die in the middle of nowhere than put up with mango
If you think about it everything mango does is in service to his own homo lusts.

>moves to bulgaria to meet balkchads, social group is only fags since be himself is a faggot
>starts terrorist organization to recruit balkchads, only is able to recruit the mentally ill

Now he is going to america to come back with tradie skills so he can yet again try meeting some 'chad' balkmaymun to sperm his anus.

You have to hand it to the guy. At least he is persistent. Someone has to let him know that most truck drivers are balding 40 year olds rather than 'chad'.
I'm 10 kilos heavier tryna slim down to your weight. EOY goal.
ITT: everyone is fatter than me
Just wageslave through breakfast bro
To tip
UMMMMMM you see bro that's actually not true. I don't do this out of homolust, I try to straighten men out from the goodness of my heart. I can get a manly man any day I want sweetie see, but my social circle just doesn't have those (yet).
What an absolute mess
>Sweetie see, you're so frail and skinnyfat from sitting on your ass all day eating fast food and turning the wheel every once in a while. Why don't you ever use the truck stop gyms? Heck, just do some pushups at the parking lot ffs.
Depends on height bro
Honey most tradies are very strong. They may be fat but under that fat they have a lot of muscle.
>instead of infinitely scrolling thru horseshit propaganda, why don't you read my books? what do you mean they're slowing down your truck? it's only 1 ton, you are literally driving a 100 ton truck with 200 tons of cargo, 1 ton is not even making a dent in your speed.
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>finally find daddy in a trucker
>he is 160 IQ and into philosophy and history
>dick can't get up
I'm not dating am*rican truck drivers bro im just going there to get my license and then come back and convert the the license to a bg one. while also working in usa for a bit
>drive your truck in peace
>make a turn
>look in the rear view mirror
>notice bumgal blinking with his headlights at you
>reaching the limit of your daily driving period
>have to stop at the next truck stop and face him
IRL i an extremely shy and dont talk to anyone unless im spoken to
>The European truck driver profession is aging with an average age of 47. A third of truck drivers are over 55 and expected to retire in the next ten years, while less than 5% are under 25.
Lets express our feelings and emotions balk
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All I see is a future where I get better pay

Gonna buy one of those wheel thingies and practice parking on the computer
Where do i look for a remote job in this shithole? What are some entry level things that are easy to get into?
Bumgal gets C class driver's license and Elon drops self driving trucks so truckers go the way of the horse carriage driver
turkey got terroristed
very mossad vibed
why even ask a question when you know what answer you're gonna get? codemaymunry. that or drawing/modelling dog cocks for unsightly degenerates
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New pale devil kino dropped
shan't look at it
The horse carriage driver became a taxi driver, some of the best-paid maymuns in balkmunistan. Maybe they can make it work in gridroadmerica.

Imagine self-driving shit in balkmunistan. A vehicle respecting the rules would introduce too much confusion in the organized instinctive chaos we already have. Plus the poor thing would need specialized maintenance centers every 50 km. That ain't happening in the near 20-30 years. Plus these trucks would straight up get vandalized non-stop.
Look at that distance between her eyes and big ass fo'head. Goatis factory.
as usual I am right
only germoney has potential for dynamism in gayrope, all other meme states have kosher rw movements
Been talking to my Muslim friend again, and I think he has a point. Christianity and Judaism are false religions. For example, Jesus is idolatry and Judaism views Satan as a friendly force wtf. I had to stared agap first time I heard that.
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mental how jewsa is the only reasonable state on the planet, and even then some states with the retarded concept of duty to retreat exist
Nigga in our laws here you are given complete jurisdiction to shoot someone in your home. Muh "castle law' is not just american
how judges interpret the law during cases is also important, proportionality is the meme they usually use to nullify self-defense
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>tfw duty to retreat, yearly tax to own gun, can't even strangle wildin niggas on the subway citystate
why would you live in such a cucked state
bet you even vote democrat and for "common sense gun control"
If some gypos attack you and you end up shooting one of them you won't be charged

The courts just prefer you shoot in the air first becaude they don't want to go through paper work and gypos get scared easily
>be bumgarian
>drive your trabant in peace
>make a turn
>look in the rear view mirror
>notice bumgal driving massive long haul truck blinking with his headlights at you
>he then rams you and pushes you off the road
>he carries your lifeless body and puts you into his trunk
>your bum now belongs to bumgal
one party state dog
meme existence
just move nigger, why do this to yourself
>duty to retreat
balkfrens, ive only left czechia once and ive always wanted to visit the balkans. im on paid leave in november and im thinking about going to albania, what are the most interesting things to do in tirana? how long should i stay?
retreat to a place you can stand your ground
I listened to verses of the original holy Quran and that night I had nightmares of decapitated people and the Joker. I think it's the archons at work keeping me away from the truth. I read the bible or read Tanakh and nothing happens.
Watch your kidneys, bro
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you'll get thieved, raped and killed in there, visit bulgaria instead. much better and safer
the incel cold stone does not move, you just wouldn't get it
memes aside is there really nothing worth seeing in this cunt? it has such an interesting history. wont it be funny if i reached a1 level in albanian and started speaking to locals as a vietnamese looking chink?
just say you like getting treated like a bitch
at least the supreme court is ruling correctly recently
I have a rifle with a 12 round magazine and a 6 shot revolver in my apartment. What's your excuse faggot?
If nyc didn't exist new york would be a red state

He lives in ny because all the foreigners congregate in big cities where no one is a native

ye, its why im posting
good nothin to do until midterms
no idea how i did this but youre welcome mpro
i need to piss, im feeling full of urine
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Also in regards to music and art, I actually agree with them, look at anime or chalga, that shit is degen and should be banned.
>no idea how i did this but youre welcome mpro
You make me realize he is not right in the head

However i have to find him and beat him up now because he owes me money
Imagine how based everyone would be if we had this blasting outside 24/7 instead of the homoshit.
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I refuse to pay a glorified yearly tax on it.
and why wouldn't I want to congregate on this beauty?
I don't pay any taxes on my shit nigga.
and why wouldn't I want to congregate on this beauty?
Yuck. Lol. Can't wait to get my money and leave again.
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no, there's literally nothing there, so unless you like looking at ugly desertified littered up hills don't bother
maybe you got grandfathered in from back in the day when the rules were looser, or maybe it's deactivated shit. they've changed it now, getting a long rifle has become as much of a hassle of a handgun.
and I require grandiose scenery for my inspiration, I am not a house nigga
I'm not telling you how I got mine because I used legal loopholes I confirmed existed with the police by visiting them. If you were a gun nut you would have figured it out now.

My firearms shipped straight to my door and fire modern ammunition. Not as good as a semi automatic but they will get the job done
if Vlore is too expensive for me then it looks like 50k eur buys me a decent apartment in Tetovo instead
yep, its KINO

>balkmaymuns move to west to buy houses in balkania
>westeners move to east to buy houses in balkania
Balksisters, if our countries are such shitholes why is everyone coming here...

Live your myth in Tetova
I wish more Palestinian refugees make Bulgaria their new home. They deserve it more than us.
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What does that mean?
Nigga i'll throw a pipe bomb at any rapefugee caravan i see. I'm muslim. It's in my blood.
they do, just take a walk around Maria Luiza
It means you have to sperm mango in the anus.
Cвeт јe oвaј Бyгap Бyгapинy, a кaмoли дyши блaгopoднoј.
I have some work to do.
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Lion's Bridge is such a kino spot and now its basically little Baghdad
Thanks, PP, thanks Terziev you IT cuck nigger
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I go there but all I see is men and no waifus
I went there for the protest in march
that watch isn't
tva e taq daria
If I got 1€ for every day without gay bulgarian posts, i would be a multi-zeronaire
t. poorfag who cant afford a gaudy Hublot
Well youre a fatty anyway so nothing of value was lost

Youre like, 100 kilos.

Im barely 55
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got perma-banned from reddit again
So trve, king.
>Im barely 55
postni si slivkata, macko
Everyone who posts on reddit should be permabanned from 4chan
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ma tva tuk e r/bulgaria ve, postvash v nai-reditskiqt board, ne mi se obqsnqvai
i would but /balk/ wont feed me and tells me to kill myself
>rapefugee caravan i see
you won't, they traffic them in trucks and dump them in villages at dead hours of the night near Sofia

Idk why Bulgars treat them so poorly less than animals yet treated Ukrainians like royalties, same Ukrainians that think of you as gypsies and hate you
They're all reddit boards. As long as I can talk shit about niggers and jews i'm fine. Then the libcucks come and report me while sucking american cocks.
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pretty grim, the r/sofia and r/bulgaria jannies are like the most instane amerishart leftie meme sjw you could encounter personified
got permabanned for saying that fat people shouldnt use the city transport
ne mi govori na angliiski be bastun
Trannita li sa?
litex bitches been FUMING whole week
Use google translate nigger
pedali be, drugiqt pyt me permabannaha shot edin pita kak da kaje na tehnite che e gei i mu kazah prosto da spre da smuche pishki vmesto tva
myrzi me kurvo
You reap what you sow. Stay away from my 4chan.
hahaha, izbivat kompleksi ot boq koito qdat v daskalo
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meme quiz
>т. шибaн мизepник дeтo ca гo eбaли в yчилищe
shto mi govorish kato soiboi be
tiho ve abdal
Because I am a gay turk looking for my Bulgarian boyfriend
razlukata e che tova be rape/ child abuse koito me napravi po silen
tiho lovechka kurvo
a shamari?
Wtf is the first bar?
da obicham shamari <3
Every day I become a faster incelwalker
Walking ever so quickly towards nothin
You have an ENTIRE faggot board for people like you
az sym po incel karaneto
kachvam se v passat kombito si, slagam klechka za zybi v ustata i otiwam da karam iz grada sled 12 ei taka bez posoka dokato slusham kavinsky
mega got e
Why would I want a faggot boyfriend?
That's like telling a straight guy looking for hot chicks to go to an Indian STEMcel meetup, bro.
is it possible to survive in Tetovo only speaking Serbian?
tiho kazah ve mindil
>Mangal now harasses Iki

Kill yourself
Abe invalidcho
that site is a meme anyways
bdsmtest.org is the real deal
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actually weird why they only write Macedonian in latin alphabet
is it because Albanians can't read cyrillic?
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I couldve saved her, bros...
Go save mango
I hope you now realize how disgusting faggots are for us
the only loophole that could possibly exist is fucking 1800s antiques, which I'm guessing the schmidt rubin is, anything else you're gonna have to register for and have the clowns show up at your house for interrogations and shit. ain't having that, maybe 30 years in the future when the m38 carcano is also an antique.
Kak be shte q zatvorish v staqta ti li?
7.55 swiss will rape carcano goy on the range any day of the week lil bro
rate our minister of family

myzeto, mama vliza v staqta ot vreme na vreme
Looks like a german mixed with a jew
don't care, if I'm gonna have obsolete stuff they better be stylish, the bayonet stays on too for maximum aesthetics
taq kurva sym q vijdal v Plazza servitiorka
>rifle with 500 meter effective range is obsolete
Pls be quiet nogunz
is she any better?
Not opening goytube videos in publix
she has a sis
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bih i go dal, da
Much better
Average sofian
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qt jaba
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a classic, I don't my results have changed in years
our women are the most beautiful in the world
sadly they don't like Polish guys
I wish they were brown
Why don't you take your sadism out on resident masochist mangal?
total zoomer death
Albos usually speak half Serbian when they speak Sqljavic
what's the point of bullying trash? like pissing in the sea
>more make up than a clown
is it because they're not forced to learn Macedonian now so their only knowledge of a Slavic language is what Tito pushed down their throat 40 years ago?
>bumgarian fathers are such failures that their faggot sons are completely immune to CIA MangaUltra experiments
You only say that because you love me, clearly
ti kyv pedal trqq da si che da se interesuvash ot grim

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balgarskiyat ezik e za mene zanimljiv za to shto nema padezhite i zvuchi stranno
I'm gonna feed him mushrooms before we depart. My last attempt at saving him.
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As a Pole Mutt I think Indian waifus are superior
ti kyv pedal trq da si da haresvash nqkva mursha

ciganki li ebesh
I'd sperm the pale twinks
u tryina give him a one-way trip to sashko's castle in the sky, br0
No psychedelics aee useful for treating mental illness
Saw a buga woman talking to a nigro on my 'cel 'alk
And some notmyproblem nigga driving super slow in the left lane with an ambalamps behind him with the sirens on honking its ass off but the nigga wouldn't budge
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He thinks he will is superior to you (second world citizen) and feels safe here
I see the fear in your eyes
I swear normoid creatures have a narrower field of vision or sommin. They have absolutely zero awareness of they bodies' boundaries in space and this is most obvious in supermarkets.
Most likely
Their educated classes speak Macedonian however
Greek person hears for the first time that you can do honest work to make a living.
She's completely dumbfounded.
>blocking sidewalks by walking in the slowest pace possible at 8 in the morning when people are going to work as if they're enjoying the car fumes and honks
>lining up 3 in a row like they're a roadblock so you have to walk on the road to bypass them
>randomly stopping in the middle of walking quickly and having people crash into them
>doing 180s without looking and getting surprised when other people exist
>blocking the tiny hallway in the store while they analyze the flour packet
>getting the big cart that barely fits anywhere to carry 2 bottles of milk
they do not qualify as sentient
bulgarians weren't so gay before they copied out anti-gay law. truly the forbidden fruit is the sweetest
They do it to piss (you) off
good, I hope Macedonian will thrive like in 300 BC
>randomly stopping in the middle of walking quickly and having people crash into them
Femorrhoids are the biggest offenders in my experience. They will do this when their dumb femorrhoid eyes see a 10% discount on shoes being sold at 10000% their manufacture cost.
it's been femoids screaming into their phones in classic balkmun fashion in 80% of the cases
>nigga having pedestrian accidents due to womanbreaking
they dont have to respect you because the men know they can heem you and the women are with men who can heem you
you are naturally hyper aware like a prey animal avoiding trouble because you are weak and the bottom of the food chain
Kek so much this
>nigga just crawled out of the stone age
it's the state that heems everyone in line over here in civilization
Shark eyes is a real thing I tried it in the metro when I was living in Shitfia. If you look at people, they will assume you've accepted the responsibility to avoid a collision and doing the work to maneuver around them. But if you look above them, they will see a checked out NPC and do the maneuvering themselves, since you aren't invested in preventing a collision.
bumgarian baiting skills, if you pay attention so you don't get run over by a scooterfag going 30kmh on the sidewalk you are hyperaware and prey, but if you cross on a red light and get pasted over the pavement like marmalade you are the apex predator
this isn't about respect, it's about retards being retards so I have to push them out of my way on the 1m wide sidewalk
i'd love to experience gay life of the 1980s Sofiq
I wish /balk/maymuns would stare into my eyes and collide into me too
>worrying about scooterfags
see, you are unworthy of respect, pedodestrian non-car owner
listening to this
I've seen scooterfags do a right turn into traffic without even bothering to look twice, and both times they almost caused a car crash
Humans do the same but they get actually run over in my experience, seen that 3 times
>the wild jungles of tirana and the slaughter that occurs daily
2 of those three times they just drove off without stopping
one other time some whore in a range rover did a 180 in the middle of the road and drove on top of the sidewalk and through a red light to reverse, she probably forgot where she was driving while scrolling tiktok
Based. The less cucked a society is, the less rights p*destrians have.
it's more about the traffic officer two meters down the road being too busy fining a 2010 audi 40€ for wrongful parking to deal with a car worth more than his house driving on the sidewalk
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Only тpoтинeткaджии are worse than pedestrians.
foids just panic and double down on their shit, they're absolute scourges like that
Based. Poorfag car owners seethe whilst blinged out drug money car owners break the rules with zero consequences, as it should be.
what tax-payin timmies gon' do bout it
SOMETHIN (pay for the damages with they tax money)
probably some codemaymun's trophy wife on her way to cuck him with the drug dealer
yes, until cops get orders from above to look like they're doing something and they confiscate all your cars and fine you 2k€ for speeding
then they put some decals on your ferrari and make instagram posts about how the cops are now driving ferraris to fine audi owners
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pedalite na kolela sa nai-zle
I'm dying laughing, but that could have been me tho
I think he panicked a lil bit
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So true!
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A local health diagnostic center has 10 parking spots and now they reserve two of them for RC cars. While the existing places aren't even enough for the people that come and go for blood tests and etc and they fill up the street

Same as with two local supermarkets. I must have seen like a total of 3-4 EVs in the entire area I live in.
So very simply, when the parkings are full I just park in those soycar spots and they can go fuck themselves alongside with ΔΕΗ and Protergia which "own" the spots
Po magistralite s kolelo ne moze
i had a ribeye steak yesterday
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If I see one more BBC meme I'll go outside and shoot a nigga down in the street
bbc memes are posted by racist timmies with a pseudo-bestiality fetish doe
Amazing how a fitness instructor on yt can take 3 minutes to demonstrate a 2s movement and ultimately fails to show you how to perform a single rep in proper form
If they want to suck nigger dongs how are they racist?
why do you think the first prevents the second?
You said you have worked in a clothing store and have interacted with gays
they want others to be degraded, it's max racism really
They don't view them as people
Because if they are truly are racist they would find the idea disgusting. Same with homphobes. Same sex attraction produces visceral responses in heteros on the same as maggots.
Faggots like being degraded.
and yet straggots are the main perpetuators of prison rape
disgust does not prevent sex, if anything it gives it a taboo element that makes little timmy feel like a rebel
Meanwhile go to pol to see their trap and blacked fetish on full display. They used to buck break bruthas back in the day in America.
kys bikecuck
nothing more degrading for a thug than being exposed as gay
>/pol/ is one person
This BBC shit is literally a demoralization meme pushed by Jews. If one had the money and the will they can open up a porn studo called COLONIZED and feature hung southern european men fucking exclusively asians, negresses, indígenas etc.

Except no one does that. Why? Because porn is Jewish. A Jewish weapon against Whites.
BeeBeeCee meme is a Jew meme spread by homosexuals.
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the fetish starts with them wanting to see women degraded. eventually tho the embarrassment with what they have become reaches critical mass and they subject their own selves to the dynamic too
because it's boring
literally what's the point of fucking someone lesser? it's just boring, basically vanilla
ajde navijamo za Albanija
And whatcha gonna do bout it tho?
NOTHIN. So sit down wy boi
>and feature hung southern european men fucking exclusively asians
Never going to happen because it hits too hard home for them and they got a monopoly on the industry
>negresses, indígenas etc.
this however is already a thing but turns out the market is small
>A Jewish weapon against Whites.
White people pay for it and thus it exists, if nobody payed it would not be made
No the fetish is clearly that they put themselves into either the position lf the fucker or the fuckee. In this case it's clearly the latter.
>It's le boring
Maybe to densitized porn addicts whose brains are so dopamine fried they need to find a new kick that hits stronger.
undercover agent code named man gal's objective is to turn bumgerian men gei not to have fun
it's always funny when someone who considers interracial, a common as fuck normalfag fetish, the peak of degeneracy tells you how other fetishes work
like a blind man telling you the purple paint is actually orange
ah the famous beauty of bumgerian woMEN
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>tranime skanderbeg
it's sooooo fucking over
but at least they got the armor semi right
coombrainers are not necessarily putting themselves into any position, or rather a voyeuristic third party is also a position
you are not cool and you are not special
shut the fuck up
normalnigs cannot comprehend voyeurs

mhmm, no idea what caused this seething
tell the jews to open up a BLACKED GAY studio when you go back to jew york, only this can save the white race
>White people pay for it
There were statistics released and most people who go on thst website are not even from white countries
>noooooo!!!!!! Pornography should be legal!!! I should have free and easy access to my fetish okay? I need to coom!!!!!!!!!!!!
In our blessed land the production of pornography is already illegal. Godwilling I will turn possession into it too. You will see how quickly the prussian state will form from the balkans once we remove such intoxicating factors.
Pornography in general must be halted. It lulls the male population to sleep, and makes them docile. It's a great ill that must be removed.
They’re invaders.
Israel cultists.
The same people that recently murdered 20,000 Palestinian kids.

Be careful.
Don’t attack.
The world is with you.
Other people are solving the problems.
Find ways to safely undermine the enemy.
You are fighting against windmills. Take your meds and learn to read posts properly, brat.
Nigger the only thing that stops me making bombs out of pressure cookers and throwing them at wealthy jews is the fact that i believe with discipline i can persecute them and their enablers much more broadly and to a much greater extent.
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A Rabbi owns Pornhub, to get more shekels for le Motherland like Haim Saban

Well yeah, all the brown races want a piece of whites after decades of Western media propaganda painting them as degens.
Lol. Everyone with a brain knows that dicipline. over the male orgasm is key to military might. Don't try to make me out to be some anti sex prude when i have engaged in literal sodomy
That’s the Thracian & Bulgarian spirit.
enough, dog, you're not even some serial sexhaver who can at least claim mechanical talentry. you touch your peepee like any other 14 year old, and erotic storytelling has reached max entropy like any other branch of modern storytelling. you are not special
he is a homogay turk and a US citizen
Obedience to hierarchy is in my blood so my family always becomes a part of the lingua franca when an empire dominates. Today it is the Americans. Previously Ottomans. Before that Romans. Before that Selecuids, and so on and so on.
Bulgars are historically Jewish allies bro, there are so many Bulgarians in Israel you know. Bulgars here are just le edgy pol users who never interacted with a Jewish person irl and know them from pol memes they repost to fit in with their neonazi brown friends on there.
I should buy some ice cream desu

Again, your posts have literally zero connection to anything I am saying. I am now officially downgrading your reading comprehension below that of actual schizophrenics and will cease replying.

Sex is the act that is the least relevant to most paraphilias out there, it's why they're called fetishes. What mechanical talentry? I'm simply saying that from the point of general knowledge of how certain fetishes function I absolutely know more than anyone else in this thread larping as a puritan while getting their ass gaped.
>muh erotic storytelling
I can guarantee you even 12 year-old me had read more erotic storytelling back then than you have now
and he takes it up the ass unironically
>Again, your posts have literally zero connection to anything I am saying. I am now officially downgrading your reading comprehension below that of actual schizophrenics and will cease replying.
Retard, you are the one with shit reading comprehension. The only thing I champion is prohibitting pornography. I don't care what fetishes go on inside your puny little head. It's immaterial and doesn't effect me. You are the one going "waaaah vanilla" when you don't even have sex, lol.

We are never your allies.
Death to all zombie golem.

You are merely a parasite and you know it.
Be found by Bulgarians.
“Israel” doesn’t exist.
brat do you think I grew up in a monastery?
I can conjure up pseudo-bestiality gay rape betrayal with some sprinkled in cannibalism, scat and ultimate snuff on the spot
this isn't some special talent you've acquired, it's just worthless squalor beneath most people
i need you to open up a BLACKED GAY studio bro
But that's not really anything special tho... Again you cannot actually think up fetish specific content because you don't get how X appeals to certain people. You are merely selecting things you've decided are wrong/degenerate and grouping them together without a binding thread.

fucking gay king distracted me from making a thread again
I wasn't tho, at most I can be accused of that by putting scat in there, which I shouldn't have. being 200iq I am simply able to discern the basic bitch formula to the taboo, while you try to play it off to normies as some esoteric shit. face it, you're a basic bitch fag
I can write anything better than the both of you.
so true, bro
been asking for this for years now

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