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the two lands who understand aesthetics
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the runner-up
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We're sister nations
in what world
aesthetics is a western concept
tru https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHB3TnxSmk8
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Gaijin trys stop seething to someone praise Japan for one bit challenge: failed
Japan is nothing like France. If anything, you’re more like us. Or rather, we’re more like you since YOU created us.
France and the US are more like cousins but France and Japan feel like two very close friends who have a mutual agreement on their view of the world
cope mutt, even the bongs are far more aesthetic than you
I am proud to be on this side
Definitely more aesthetic than pooland that's for sure.
Your aesthetics solely constists of renovating old commie blocks and larping as muh trad and classic
all of japanese design is centered around satisfying some buddhist goblins and making it le flow and be le one with nature and reflecting light and shit like that, it's not actually to make anything pretty
east asians are obsessed with france and italy and their cuisine and architecture for that reason
poland couldnt really afford to make anything pretty in the past 250 years but we have really good poetry if you're interested in art
poland was never really particularly urbanised and the rich people lived in places like this in somewhat remote areas
i mean if anything the whole nature connection could apply to poland too
i'm sorry your country and history is ugly grey eastern european wasteland but seething at japan will not fix your land or people or culture
hey pal, only finns are entitled to care about mentionings
>ugly grey eastern european wasteland
3/4 of your country is the same geographically and germoids are by far the most soulless people of europe and this is a well known fact and japan is adjacent to you in that especially the modern post 1945 japan, nobody thinks of germany when you talk about poetry or architecture, music if anything
Poland is definitely not a wasteland it's a post commie thing, look a any major city there's a lot of greenery but as i've said poland is not known for being ubranised
japan is a based country but france is gay as fuck.
france is a based country but japan is gay as fuck
'All my work is based to some extent on Japanese art'.
- Vincent van Gogh
france is fucking gay. People who like france are annoying as shit.
two lands that understand cuckolding
japan is fucking gay. people who like japan are annoying as shit
Well, frogs are the biggest weebs (hence Franime) so it makes sense.
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VGH ...
>3/4 of your country is the same geographically and [highly subjective and wrong statement]
Name one major city that looks good lol.
How did France end up understanding it more? You'd think the Italians would have had a head start.
France hasn't done anything aesthetic in centuries
german humor
german engineering
german women
german romance
greman practicality
german work ethic
german industrialization
german military
peak sovl and aesthetics
germany literally started the romantic movement and the word, dominated classical music, modernist painting

just cuz we've been buckbroken after ww2 doesnt all that came before
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in australia - none

in europe - paris, Rome, amsterdam, Copenhagen, brussels, like, any capital that wasnt destroyed by war like berlin, Warsaw, London to some extent

and dont go posting some poor residential area - this is literally the former historical core of Tokyo. nothing left.
you have an underdeveloped brain. You're like an AI bot programmed by a pajeet. Everybody knows that france is gay and japan mogs
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holy cope try responding to my post next time
We are a Chad version of Japan, the loud-mouthed self-confident kind.
Japan is the incel version of France, they do stuff on their own. When they get the incel rage they're mean as fuck, but they're more submissive.
We share our love for art, food and aesthetics.
italians are a little too forceful
we're more subdued
japan is so fucking soulful holy shit
euros will never
Truth is Vivaldi > Mozart
Paganini and Verdi > Bach and Beethoven
In contemporary time you have nothing when we have Ravel, Russian have Tchaikovsky, anglos have Williams and Zimmer
Spain annihilate you in painting
what's the post even about, its a list of nouns
france fucking sucks. Everybody prefers japan. Reddiors were right about france unironically. Only autistic kids and boomer women care about france lmao. That and childish and boring poltards
you have an underdeveloped brain. You're like an AI bot programmed by a pajeet. Everybody knows that japan is gay and france mogs
its a contrarian opinion, hence why you voice in in the first place. theyre the less heard and less critically acknowledged

>hans zimmer
anon, I ...
yawn. You suck
if you dont know then google you're obviously biased
>In contemporary time you have nothing when we have Ravel, Russian have Tchaikovsky
Russians are generally the best at that particular period, but its a period
a polish opinion on germany is similarly biased as an algerian one on france, or a Colombian on spain
i'd agree but i spent all of my formative years on american websites watching anglo media and that's anglo perspective i dont know what polacks think of germans except that their women are ugly
google something like top gear german compilation or something
they make fun of every single country

and Britain doesnt have the friendliest history with germany either. then, no one does lol
germans, scandinavians and jews can't argue for shit. It's always
>""I'm a superior race to you""
brits, french, and meds actually care about history and culture while germs only talk about WW2 and eugenics.
>If anything, you’re more like us
yeah because your gay plastic empire has replaced our culture with your atrocious jewish produced garbage, we have absolutely nothing in common otherwise
I don't know reddit's opinion on anything, I don't go there
so they're similar to me then
>germany literally started the romantic movement and the word, dominated classical music, modernist painting

and I am not retarded enough to believe germans are a different "race" from French or brits. not even hitler the race autist thought that lol
>korean defending japan
Is this bizarro /int/?
>comparing a baroque composer to a classical composer
>then comparing a romantic composer to a baroque composer

> I am not retarded enough to believe germans are a different "race"
not genetically but germans have an insufferable and autistic personality while french and brits are chill. It's germans who larp as tradcucks and assume all art should be statues of naked men and moefag anime loli crap. German gen xers are based since they're just alcoholics who watch horror movies and listen to rock music but german zoomers are the biggest faggots on the planet. They don't even drink or smoke.
A bloo bloo
I feel like im talking to a neural network generating random clichés
>neural network generating random clichés
is that a quirky way to call someone a normie or an npc? God germans are such pretentious faggots. Stop speaking like a dilbert comic strip.
Also known as an american
france is garbage.
>First world high trust high iq society vs brown soon to be third world low iq crime ridden society
literally nothing in common
the japanese, as a people of high culture actually know and respect french artistic achievements, contrary to worthless dysgenic mutts like the americans

when moebius died years ago pretty much every major manga artist paid homage to him because they knew how influential he had been in japan and elsewhere
try responding to my post again you really dont seem to read the
No! I <3 japan but there is nothing aesthetic in them! They don't have that energy, that faustian spirit pushing their views beyond their own already established principles, in a process of complete and continuous transvaluation! Their style is stale and not original! It's just embellished! They're obsessed with the become, but they ignore the becoming!
if you put japan anywhere near let alone above italy you are a stupid fucking weeb
How so?
japan rivals and in some cases even exceeds countries like germany, britan, italy, america. Japan is up there with them.
>autistic kids, redditors and /pol/tards
You just described weaboos
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also the 2 lands with the hairiest women
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What if I told you I rate them solely because I love this man and japs are the only people who give a shit about quality animation
stupid fucking weeb
france sucks and even redditors know it. Only pan-european worshipping poltard aspies care about gay ass france.
you know I'm right you sissy little bitchmade faggot. Japan > bongland

>You just described weaboos
otakus are better than cucks who base their personality of french ""culture"". France is a gay reddit country (except they're not even good enough for redditards LMAO).
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reminder that the universal domination of japanese camera equipment confirms they are the most aesthetically minded people on the planet

when you look into where they source their optics you'll understand our affinity
their language is objectively good sounding, like italian
french isn't as good sounding but has more prestige
if a language sounds beautiful it tends to spawn beauty
some arabic countries are beautiful but arabic sounds like shit.
>some arabic countries are beautiful
also you've failed logic 101
i never said all that is beautiful has a beautiful language
i didn't even say the reverse
i said "tends to"
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god i need a hairy gf so bad it's unreal
man I remember that

zoomers will never understand how batshit insane the post 9/11 period was, complete hysteria because the remnants of our gaulist politicians refused to go fight another pointless war for the jews
>hating my gay frogcuck country makes you a normiefag who loves the zog
keep coping. France fucking sucks. Japan mogs them.
fry those freedoms sanchez
i like how most frenchcucks on here are natsocs who hate jews. At least ashkenazis are smart. Also german soldiers literally cucked your women. A french guy worshipping nazis is the same as a mexican or a pajeet doing it. Cucked behavior.
>it's a kike
you worship a manlet arthoe who mde your country suffer blowback before killing himself LOL.
Sorry for this retard on my flag, we have a lot of mexicans and hillbillies in the south.
Alright Aron Schlomauschwitz.
also we have Jews on the coast, I suspect this glorious "Ashkenazi" didn't do so well in school. Maybe he's part miserable mizrahi lol
>you're apart of tiny hat tribe
cope. Ashkenazi jews are smarter than some gay pierre who consumes wojak memes all day lol
Anon you are aware that most of japan is also made from grey concrete, right?
all you can come up with are effeminate and bratty falseflags
all french guys are basic bitches who think worshipping nazis makes them quirky and iconoclastic lol
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>pole enters thread
>ruins it
>shortly thereafter
>american thread
>ruins it again
>pole just entered again
why even have this website anymore
was the entire point of the 15min lockdown just to make sure that no actual non-astroturfed discussion can occur
>german zoomer who likes wojaks and pepe the frog complains about the thread being ruined because his paper-thin shallow poltard views are getting made fun of
how much are they paying you braindamaged zoomers
we can only pray this goes away after the election
>the kikes are paying you shekels to make fun of me
german/scandinavian zoomers are so lame. It's the same 5 responses with them lol
I am a different person.

now this is a real genius

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My issue with Japan is that it seems to abort its national spirit every few decades. It went from Rosseau-esque noble savage>Prussian style militarism>Philippines but bigger>Shadowrun irl>back to noble savage because tourists like gawking at rural Japan. The whole cyberpunk future just didn't happen. Then again the US changes cultural iconography and course just about as frequently, so it's hard to say it's not a familiar frustration, but the US isn't a nation so it has an excuse at least.
>lame arab meme drawing with no point
you're a basic bitch who can only bark lol.
we have to ban this continent from 4chan
Quite a long period if you take the club of 5 (1850) up to Stravinsky (1970)
You say so but where's your foreskin? Where is it gone Shlomo?
>french /pol/tard thinking about dick
No wonder frnace is always seen as gay. Also don't nutsocks call small penises ""aristocratic""? LMAO.
It is true that Japan beats any other country sometimes.

I've been watching Madoka recently and I don't think anything like that could happen in the Western comics and animation.
this but unironically.
Gone. That was your foreskin Shlomo. Cut by the mohel, Blood sucked in his mouth. Gone forever.
behind portugal
>frenchcuck writes gay little poem about dick
french people are such theatrical homos. Also love how you brush of the fact that the nazis you fangirl over consider small penises as genetically desirable LMAO
I hate abrahamism like every other >80iq person but even then showing this as an example of semitic art is a little bit disingenuous. This is a random scribble of a local god on a piece of plate made by a random shepard. It doesn't represent the height of Jewish art. By this strain of logic we might aswell compare bell beaker pots or something and call it the epitome of French art.
I'm sorry your penis had to be mutilated to appease a bronze age deity. I hope reconstruction surgery will one day offer you a better future.
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>I hate abrahamism like every other >80iq person
>french vargtard still thinking about dick
you're trying to double down on your performative unfunny bit but it's not working lol You only make yourself look gayer with every reply. You type like a nancy boy.
What's really funny is that YHWH, the eternal image-less god, is represented as a man with a dick and a consort goddess.
I'll refrain from sperging out as I love both glorious Japan and Incredible France
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based, he had some good strips
Wasn't this painted when people outside of royal dynasty claimed he was still regional god of wind?
(ignore the image, my computer malfunctioned)
That's an archaic and peripheral depiction where Yahweh was still one of the many gods of the semitic pantheon. Monotheism was a long elaboration, first as monolatry and then as a merging of the semitic deities into the one God.
+ Australia
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Japanese art looks like some modern poster or fanart. It doesn't really bring that sense of pathos I feel when I see some beautiful western piece of art. This could have been included in some random fantasy book cover or movie poster and no one would bat an eye.
Mozart, Bach, Beethoven and most other classical composers were German
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why are poles so assblasted about japan
i smell something
Slava Ukraini
I don't say I dislike it per say. Just acknowledge that at least to my limited, biased and subjective perspective they are not as awe insipiring. I however must admit that they are defenitely better at showing nature compared to the western artists.
*per se
*the western art
Every major religion was aniconic at one point, except Catholicism. Buddhism included. Christianity and Islam evolved to use language as a socially dominant force rather than superstitions and idols, even now Buddhism is leaning toward things like relativity and metaphysics. Most people couldn't read or write until recently, as of right now nationalism is the religion of the modern state and language is the new totem.
but i literally mentioned music you dumb fucking retard
i smell fear and anger
just tell me this
do you see japan as Russia or Germany?
japan >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> france and poland (more like pooland LOL).
We were allied with Japan during russo-japanesse war and kept positive relations during WW2 why would I hate them?
Nobody cares about your opinion Schlomo. Jews are an art-less people.
because your entire flag gimmick on this board is to larp as people you think are poland or against people you think are antipoland

you are responsible for that polish flag earlier today who was pro-kurdish after all
you are the same people and the same flag
the same collective 4chanian hivemind
are you the homo obsessed with dick from earlier nor are you a new pierrecuck? France is fucking gay.
you can say the same exact thing about germanflags since they're just stormfag zoomers
this is literally the least racist flag
if you're thinking of racism you're thinking of argentinians, brazlilans, mexicans and american flags
do people actually like france nowadays or is it a meme? whats there to like about?
would you like to guess how it is that i know that you are hispanic
Ta gueule Shlomo.
>this is literally the least racist flag
no. Least racist flag is netherlands or some shit
>brazlilans, mexicans and american
they're 50/50. They both have a shit ton of libtard trannies and nazi faggots all under the same flag.
you do fucking realize no liberals post on this website right
im white and are you going to answer the question or nah

why would jews give a fuck about france other than there being a lot of muslims there now
you're not white sanchez herndanez
post your hispanic state
it's nowhere near the epicenter of american whiteness in the great lakes
your'e just larping as white
do not speak for us whites
Ta gueule Shlomo.
>they cant name 1 good thing about france
as expected
You cannot really compare Vivaldi to Mozart: they're too far apart in the evolution of European music.
Vivaldi is still somehow early modern, archaic, promethean, while Mozart is projected towards the future, almost avant-garde
Japan = unimaginative concrete blocks, living in pods (I'm serious look up metabolism) and 40 years old replicas of temples since japan can't be bothered to make them natural disaster proof
France =inventor Beux arts, art nouvenau, early modernism (Le Corbusier was a citizen of the republic), brutalism. Essentially the sole inventor architectural styles for the last ~140 years
poland - subhman dump of ugly crumbling commie block with dirty gray apartments stripped of ornamentation after WW2 and few good PLC buildings (designed solely by italians and dutch)
what to like about france:
>art hoe roasties
>overpriced effeminate pastries and other assortments of shitty food (cheese, wine, snails)
>annoying pretentious faggots
>basic bitch /pol/tards
>boring computer saver-screen ass architecture
>unbelievably annoying as fuck language
>violent nafris, arabs, pajeets, pakis, afgans and somalins
>terrible music and overrated black metal
>dipshit millennial hipsters
>weak jawlines and terrible facial hair on the men
post state sanchez
wrong. This is not a cuckservative or nutsock board. It's for weebs.

japan mogs all of gay ass france.
>France =inventor Beux arts, art nouvenau, early modernism (Le Corbusier was a citizen of the republic), brutalism. Essentially the sole inventor architectural styles for the last ~140 years
all this annoying art journalist shit just made me hate france even more.
at least 90% of the people here are liberals
>y-y-you're a spic
I'm not but mexicans are cooler than french faggots. Mexcians have good food, they have nice booze too (they can hold their liquor) and they have good music. They're hard to outsmoke too. French people are either dorky fucking arthoes or gay poltards. France is so gay. Japan should never be compared to that shithole it feels so dishonest and sickening.
I support Kurds since I belive in self determination of nations and detest imperialism it has nothing to do with Germany. Also saying we all believe the same thing since we share a flag is really disrespectful. It's as if I claimed every german is Poland obssesed homosexual because of that 1 tranny (who admited to using VPN to destroy our image) that shitposts about us being twink and shit.
post state
I'm a german texan.
Germany is controlled by USA
USA is anti-free europe
France is the only country that wants united european block against globohomo. To be against france is to be pro jewish
>than french fa-ACKS!
thank god my great grandfather actually fought in normandy and killed a bunch of burgers during d-day lmao
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>it's a mutted quadroon spic texican
it's ALWAYS the niggers south of you
It's always subnigger southrons
We burned your cities down
>muh grandaddy
french were a bunch of conquered pussies while america and the british were blitzing the nazis. You're not impressing anyone. You're just a dumb wine sipping french girl lol
You're a race mixed subhuman nigger Sanchez, you're not Anglo you're basically the rape child of iberians

I bet you're a fucking subhuman papist too
You were put in the oven then Shlomo, don't talk too loud.
Your willful ignorace is not a point of pride
retard my great gramps was a italian SS officer, try reading next time
>lame buzzword slurs
>afraid to give a (You)
also keep up the falseflags. All /pol/tards can when their dumb views are getting laughed it is beg for a hand and timestamp lol. They suck at banter since they all talk like cartoon characters or wojak Ai bots.
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I knew it was a subhuman
Actual white Americans love France
did mexico and france have some big fight that he'd be mad about?
nice desperate falseflag stormcuck

>Your willful ignorace is not a point of pride
lol who do you think you are confucius? Did you get that line from a birthday card at target?

you're a disgrace to italians. Leave france and come home to roma.
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Mon meilleur allié.
>continuing desperate falseflag
wrong. France is so gay. You're just some groyper. Japan > france
>come home to roma
Nyet, I'm fine in my shithole anyway+ he was actually a russian pro tsarist who fled and married a ottoman woman in italy
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Our oldest Ally.
Please ignore the Mexican
And fuck the bongs
oh so you're like slavic and turkish? basically a georgian. Cool.

>Please ignore the Mexican
this is like the 100th time you used this lame flaseflag but I still think mexicans mog frogcucks. Also I know you live in louisiana or some shithole like new hampshire. Fuck you yuppie. Go back to practicing debussy on your piano.
We don't have target in Poland and not knowing about brutalism or modernism is straight up embarrassing. It's seriously appaling that americans consider requiring such basic knowledge a confucian tier elitism.
>this is the person calling you a mutt
He asked a question I responded, simple as.
>not knowing about brutalism or modernism is straight up embarrassing
knowing about it is even more embarrassing.
> It's seriously appaling that americans consider requiring such basic knowledge a confucian tier elitism.
relax moron I just think you sound like a grandmas facebook story. Don't get all neurotic and start overlooking shit.
Mexicans have literally never contributed anything to America besides crime and poverty
France was our ally against England to win our freedom
You almost sound like you have some filthy limey sympathies or something
Every rational human can agree that Japan and France are great countries and America needs to be carpet bombed until nothing remains.
>they still havent said 1 good thing about modern france
>Mexicans have literally never contributed anything to America besides crime and poverty
>France was our ally against England to win our freedom
america still would've won without them. Fuck france
>You almost sound like you have some filthy limey sympathies or something
good lord dude shut up.
if anything the opposite is true, all of the retarded anti french sentiments and memes come from rednecks in the south and midwest
you're a disgrace to mickchads for liking france. A true irishman would boot you out of his country and replace you with a congolese immigrant just for liking france. Then he'd give the congolese guy some whiskey and watch him die of alcohol poisoning.
I already said it's the only country fighting for Europe freed from american despotism.
>Slavic and Turkish
Eastern Russian (apparently japanese?) and Saudi Arabian AFAIK, but i look mostly white (mostly because i'm stupidly hairy)
true. True american white supremacists will only ever accept british and german but will banter with and accept irish and italians. The rest of the other races are GAY.
>Yeah bro I didn't even need any help I would have won all alone
how long until they surrender
you must be 18 to post here buddy
France used to be an arch-ally of Ireland due to their common catholicism and enemity with England. Not that you would know anything about that Shlomo.
>Eastern Russian (apparently japanese?) and Saudi Arabian AFAIK
you got khabib nurmagomedov genetics. You a ufc fan?
After the multipolar world order is established they won't need to.
Only a small minority of massive retards in the Midwest hate France
>>Yeah bro I didn't even need any help I would have won all alone
this but uniornically.

you're way younger than me. I can tell you're a dipshit basic bitch zoomer. Go back to your pepe memes and nick fuentes.

french are fucking gay. The irish and brits don't hate each other they just have a kino rivalry. Unlike france who brits actually hate since they're such annoying fucking fags.
You don't understand sentiments because you have none Shlomo.
I like how you're a catholic but also a nazi dickriding stormzoomer. You literally worship a jew dude.
Dunno mate never heard of UFC
Yet only you got your dick mutilated to appease the tribal god of the jews. Mad how it works.
He made fun of YHWH previously>>203799615
. You'd know that if you weren't mindless uneducated mexican shlomo.
french people are so obsessed with dick lol.
LOL. LMAO even.
>[laughs in nafri]
>He made fun of YHWH previously
ok? is a catholic who says "fuck allah" all of a sudden not catholic because he tecnhically disrespected god. All of this is just nonsense.
>we have absolutely nothing in common otherwise
We also win wars and control the world, fr*nce surrenders and can't even control it's own cities.
this. France is fucking retarded.
You're just mad at catholicism because its esthetics completely outperform whatever the jews ever put up. Silly hats? Mutilated dick? Two vessels?
Come on that's silly. Judaism is ugly.
Idk anon, nuking your pathetic brown shithole was pretty aesthetic.
t. lost to vietnam while France obliterated them.
>You're just mad at catholicism
it's literally the same as judaism lol. You literally worship a jew yet you call other people jews if they disagree with your gay ass lol
There's one major difference: I kept my foreskin and you didn't.
the vietnamese were literally getting butchered. America had to pull out because they were looking like war criminals. During the span of the 60's to the early 70s people considered it a genocide.
nobody is impressed by your small dick. Except your boyfriend jesus maybe. Also jesus would hate you since you're a closeted homosexual.
>nuking your pathetic brown shithole was pretty aesthetic.
wtf are you on about?
And? You both believe in a book that says goyims should forever be jewish slaves who are like dogs that only deserve master scraps.
I was baptised but I dont believe in any of this abrahamic bullshit.
Good. Same for me.
I'm a white american, you geographically and ethnically illiterate poletard.
That's a myth Henry kissinger knew you were not achieving your goals so he pretended you could easily win by destroying laos and cambodia and then retreted promising weapons to the south viet gov which never arrived. All because US sissies are too scared of war.
>writes ">[laughs in nafri]" in >>203802386
>Habibi Im white I promise!!!!!
You're not fooling anybody
what a disaster of a thread, every single one of you are sub 90iq
>Habibi you don't get it I was only pretending to be a nafri!1!!!!!!1!11111!!
this thread might as well have been a smear campaign to make france defenders look retarded
nigga we literally killed 3 million vietnamese soilders.
you are twelve years old
And? You lost the war.
not much campaigning needs to be done for that. We all know "france defenders" are fucking losers and annoying idiots.
poland is such a gay country. Fuck poland.
>blatantly running away from the topic
Embarassing, Americans are so fucking dumb and cultureless. You are all nafro-mexican losers who can only spam one word and then you dare to call other people gay or stupid.
Don't overthink it
Life never goes how you want
That is just how it is

Face it head long
>killed 1,200,000 more soilders
>Yeah, but ze history books, they say you lost, nie? Ha ha, very funny, yes? such is life, ha ha!
I fucking hate the polish bros
Poorland is a communist shithole outside of the Disney-fied town squares. Japan is an aesthetic mix of the modern and the old. Only Italy and parts of China compare to Japan in its sublime combination.
We haven't been relevant since we left the old world.
I hate poland and france so fucking much
>Best countries:
1. United States
2. Japan
3. Germany
4. Australia
5. Jamacia
>Worst Countries
1. india (all of south asia desu)
2. israel (but palestine too)
3. every dumb slavic / southeast european shithole
4. france
5. arab/ underdeveloped african countries or something
Feels good to see that there are still people assblasted by our mere existence
Japan is the best country in the world. Italy should be in the top 5. Why did you put our country in the top 5?
>Why did you put our country in the top 5?
luv america
>Disney-fied town squares
How are they disneyfied? Outside of a warsaw and Danzig they're literally exactly the same and even then the changes are still based on history, you have no idea what you're talking about.
>Japan is an aesthetic mix of the modern and the old.
Sadly only in cultural sense. All the old buildings were destroyed during natural disasters and rebuild on the same """""" Disney-fied""""" principale as the polish old buildings.
Only Italy and parts of China compare to Japan in its sublime combination.
True for Italy. Chinesse culture outside of taiwan is mostly fabricated though. I'm posting a video since I know a mutt like you would read a book
That's it for today I'm going to sleep since I'm tired so don't respond.
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wouldn't read
>I'm going to sleep since I'm tired so don't respond
holy fuck dude shut up you sound like someone's cranky grandma. One japanese is worth more than 100,000,000,000 polish
This, reading shlomovitch being assblasted at us is like drinking a fine cup of (French (non californian)) champagne
I understand you Mike, i get you hate us mostly because of our collaboration during WW2 and the ungrateful speechs that DeGaulle had after WW2.
I agree with the fact that France has been a real drag for USA all over the 20th century, so yea i completely understand your hate.
But dont blame a whole country for the shameful acts made by an elitist minority.
Im just tired of being constantly portrayed as a Snobbish effeminate gay man in your medias.
that is by a contemporary artist who has an instagram
>(French (non californian)) champagne
>calls others butthurt when you randomly mention california champagne because it lives rent free inside your head apparently
kek theyre not sending their best
I want to smear my smegma on your face
nah de gaulle had a right to question nato's ties with us. Even I can see that. But fucking french people on here are so annoying. Why can't they be more like quebechads? They're like french rednecks.
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My aesthetic development has been most strongly influenced by Japan but I am also a francophile
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Only cat ladies that walks around in kaftans likes france. Unironically
*Catholic concept
this post makes me like norwegian posters. Norwegian posters are the most based.
What aesthetics does Ja*an have, first copied China, then Italy, and now United States
japan is superior to france.
Unironically true, what Japan does is a cheap imitation like everything they do when they copy something foreign to them.
They copied the former world's largest religion Buddhism and Tang which was heavily internationalized. It's like saying the US copied the UK when they stole about as much from Germany and France as well. In Japan's case that would be Tibet, India, Persia, and many other of the hundreds of ethnic bodies comprising Tang. Japan's most egregious copypasting was in Meiji.
Why are obsessed with us? Let us alone
French people have refined tastes in art, but why did they let Paris become a piss-smelling shithole?
That alone makes me think they don't really care about aesthetics that much
Xi, don't you have a country to attend to?
Looks like Japan is a cat lady nation then
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What's wrong? We have 754679 property developers and 1 of them is a cheesy small developer who decides to copy something and then what? What can it change? Or do you think your building is actually famous here? Does everyone want to copy it like Japan
Love me Japan me

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