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Poland will be richer than japan in few years.

Will it make Japan the Poland of east Asia?
Japan is already poorer than Slovenia, while Estonia and the Czech Republic are at the same level as Japan. It is certain that Poland will overtake Japan in the future.

Next year Poland will be richer than Japan.

South Korea$ 62,960
Czech Republic $ 56,686
Slovenia $ 55,684
Lithuania $ 53,624
Japan $ 53,059
Poland $ 51,627

I ment in earnings. I don't care for gdp because it's fake
ppp is a meme.
(so is nominal.)

rentals in Japan are cheap to a degree unimaginable to europeans, even eastern ones, plus local services are very cheap as well. its still way above and beyond eastoid europe.
You may have to update your data. Japan already earns less than Italy and Spain.
polen-sama, I kneel
USA is basically number 3 here but mutts conplain about prices more than any other first-world nation I've seen online. Either americans are extremly whiny or PPP doesn't really reflect wealth.
not nominally, no
Americans are wealthy in the sense they can buy lots of consooomer goods, fat cars, but if you look at rent (and im talking about studios, not McMansions), private healthcare costs, transportation costs (remember, they drive 50 km to work) as proportion of salary, its not that great

add in enormous income inequality and long working hours and many are frustrated

still better than most countries, including your and mine
Americans are extremely whiny and delusional
They literally have cheaper petrol than all rich countries and even many thirdies and yet they cry like they're bing holocausted every time petrol is like 0,4 per litre or some shit (idk how much is that in cum per gallon)
They also spend the least % of income on food and yet they cry about grocery prices like they're starving venezuelans, and then you press them and they reveal they actually order doordash 12 times a week
Many such cases
Look at the data provided by the Japanese government. Japanese salaries are lower than Italy and Spain.

Amerimutts are completely deluded about living standards elsewhere in the world.
It's quite literally
I double-checked it. you do earn a tad less less than spaniards, but a tad more than italians

spanish annual salaries are split into 13 (or 14?), therefore monthly salaries are lower
I would rather still live in Japan than POoooooland even if Japan was poorer than Pooland.

Japanese people are resourceful and will be able to maintain their beautiful country even in the absence of abundant finances which is not the case with p*Lacks.
Japanese culture emphasizes efficiency and buying what you need and nothing else which is evident in their preferred style of cars they drive (small, lightweight, humble and efficient).
p0lacks on the other hand will go to Germany to slave for 5 years at a German asparagus farm with their only goal being is making enough money on a 2nd hand BMW or a Mercedes and drinking themselves to death at the ripe age of 40.
good job nuking your small businesses you'll go far
retard, it's the opposite
I have Japan singled out as a budget holiday destination. Only thing that keeps me here is the long flight and the language barrier.
small businesses are still there it's just they no longer have these abhorrent signs and ads everywhere
>they cry like they're bing holocausted every time petrol is like 0,4 per litre or some shit
you have to consider petrol is as important to Americans as air due to the way "cities" are built. they drive 3x larger distances afaik. so even if petrol is 2x cheaper, it adds up to more.
Do you have info on suomi?
Have yet to compile and actualise data for other countries. Finnish sources usually suck. my guesstimate is in-between uk and poormany
Then we will be able to watch large Polandian-Robot moving in Kraków soon.
why did you use this color for Spain in particular, it doesn't fit the rest of the scheme
I like this chart. thanks
because im not even halfway done

there's also a correction for factual home ownership rates necessary. its obvious a minority of people in eastern Europe pay rent or pay mortgage in the first place, so that has to be considered
I think definitely lower than Sweden.
I checked quickly and the median wage is ~3300€ and you are left with ~2400€ after taxes
Switzerland will drop a bunch due to the adjustment for factual home ownership rates, no worries
thats actually similar to sweden and poormany, just a tad below. Finland also has cheaper housing. might work out well idk
I bless your autism
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*blocks your path*
I work as economist, its tangentially related to my job to evaluate consumer markets
you'll just pick the ones that make poland look good lol

no, the chart is bollocks for similar reason PPP is - it barely considers housing and its direct effect on disposable income.
>you'll just pick the ones that make poland look good lol
What makes you say that
>for similar reason PPP
Ah yes another episode of "mimimi everything's so expensive and cost of living so high, but PPP is le bad doe because cost of living doesn't matter or something"
This is actually a good thing because if Japan turns into a poor shithole the jeets, mudslimes and niggers will go somewhere else.
Why PPP is bullshit:
1 it doesn’t reflect today‘s real estate market, operating on affordability from 2000 or something
2 it doesn’t factor in home ownership
3 it doesn’t factor in healthcare and tuition fees
4 it uses an arbitrary deflator for „purchasing power“ basically made up, rather than looking at, for example, Eurostat consumer price indexes
5 Inflated by corporations formally booking transactions (see Ireland)

the fact countries like Portugal, Ireland or Canada rank relatively highly even though simply moving out of your parents' basement is an enormous task shows its utter bullocks
my brother in christ, they emigrate even to Armenia. jeets are the dust particles of the planet, they go literally everywhere there's air
anon, I...
Good thing brazil is already a turbo shithole.
Get ready for the inevitable mass influx of third-world migrants
It's already here and it's beautiful
Used to live qround 2010 i think, it really did look like that, mostly due to not having THAT much tourists as today
I hope you're joking because I know a maddening amount of people actually think like this
I can't express how much I admire Polska. Mere 20 years ago it was a backwards post-soviet shithole, but now it is a developed Western European Nation which managed to remain white and based Christian. They have all those mind-blowing futuristic skyscappers, cozy and well maintained medieval towns, booming IT-sector. Soon they shall surpass Germoney in terms of military power and will be able to take down ruzzia single-handedly.
Rzeczpospolita 2.0 gdy?
>third-world migrants
We have 41 millions of them already, 38 millions poles and 3 millions others
They have different way of life
Like every adult family member needs a car, and not a shitty one, but a big truck.

Europeans on other hand, can barely afford even a bicycle, I'm talking about even a shittiest car, sice it's overpopulated and overpriced shithole.

Russia has unironically optimal living standards, all hard-working people from my environment have several properties, good job and vacation to thailand/Mediterranean twice a year.
Amazing how russia keeps winning on economic field while being most sanctioned country in the world.
Every nation is like that. Poles cry about low wages while people in Ukraine make 4x less and children in Africa are starving
>Europeans on other hand, can barely afford even a bicycle, I'm talking about even a shittiest car, sice it's overpopulated and overpriced shithole.
>Russia has unironically optimal living standards
>biggest country in the world
>gee look how rich we are despite your sanctions
So what, u r also one of the biggest cunts. Yet u would quickly go back to the stone age if u get turned off of SWIFT like we were
brak duszy(i małych biznesów)
>Yet u would quickly go back to the stone age if u get turned off of SWIFT like we were
Nah, we'll do alright. We aren't corrupt like you homos.
Japan = Germany
South Korea = Poland
North Korea = Belarus
China = Russia
Taiwan = idk
Vietnam/Philippines = Ukraine
No, it will make rich people more rich and more people poor.
A better adjustment would be -$1000 for insurance and student debt, if you pay $300 a month your balance will grow in perpetuity
Happy coal!
Eastern Europe is a complete economic backwater compared to Japan, its funny how ignorant you guys are. Japan still has one of the most complex economies in the entire world, they can and do manufacture airframes (Mitsubishi is a major supplier to Boeing, if not for politics they could probably make airplanes), aero-space grade carbon fibers, aircrafts, space launch vehicles, spacecraft, satellites, armored vehicles, warships, oil tankers and lng carriers, missiles, heavy cranes, cruise ships, all sorts of industrial machinery with ultra low tolerance, cars, forklifts, high speed and commuter trains and I could go on. They export culture, anime, video games, etc. Eastern Europe is an irrelevant backwater compared to Japan in every aspect
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>Eastern Europe is a complete economic backwater compared to Japan, its funny how ignorant you guys are. Japan still has one of the most complex economies in the entire world, they can and do manufacture airframes (Mitsubishi is a major supplier to Boeing, if not for politics they could probably make airplanes), aero-space grade carbon fibers, aircrafts, space launch vehicles, spacecraft, satellites, armored vehicles, warships, oil tankers and lng carriers, missiles, heavy cranes, cruise ships, all sorts of industrial machinery with ultra low tolerance, cars, forklifts, high speed and commuter trains and I could go on. They export culture, anime, video games, etc. Eastern Europe is an irrelevant backwater compared to Japan in every aspect
he's right though
We make half of it too, plus food on top of that but it's pointless explaining it to dumb niggers here
compare how many japanese cars and electronics you see vs polish ones (we don't have any)
USA in general is basically second world -tier, like China and Russia and other of you BRICKS.
>2009 soul
>2033 soulless
student debt repayment is around 500 dollars on average, yes, but only 1 in 5 mutt has it. thus 100

200 dollars is the average premium
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Poland is getting buttfucked by Chadthuania.
noo, not the 35 euro per month... I kneel to our Lithuanian massa
Polacks were boasting on here for months about a higher minimum wage, lol.
still we can buy more because of lower prices
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please forgive us, we have nothing on our Lithuanian masters
Average monthly wage is 2000 a month. Dispoable is like 100
Only with food and some other basic goods, Poland has lower AIC and saving rates.
actually its 2.50 dollars

>source: my ass
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He tried to warn you. But you didn't listen.
he said today that poland will be more powerful than russia or germany in 20 years

litwak cope
>1353 euros average monthly salary
lol, in what universe... did they add all the ceo salaries while completely exluding working class people
Żmudzin toilet cleaner being rowdy again lmao
If we took Możejki and our business from shituania than it's over for your city state
>no only poor people wages must matter
typical poor litwak
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>Slovenia, while Estonia and the Czech Republic
i dont know if youve noticed but those are small countries and they dont work by the same rules
also czechia is in free fall, those figures dont show anything meaningful
also lmaoing at shitaly
housing is insanely expensive compared to income in poland due to retarded recent policies
>you don't understand it's good that lithuania is an expensive shithole!!! and the we drive to biedronka in suwalki so we dont starve
do you not understand what average is? if there's one IT bro making 6000 euro and 4 lidl cashiers making 1000 euro it gives 2000 euro average
it's quite accurate
You're literally doing that disgusting żmudzin
he's a dentist
although I don't get why would a dentist emigrate, they make 10k+ euro per month here
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I moved here a long time ago. Probably before most of you zoomer incel fucks were born.
He's not. He's just like sasza the draf dodger, making shit up
we're at RP v3.2137 since 1989
not very christian
>Soon they shall surpass Germoney
our economies are tied so unless we get some political spine we're just going to crash the plane with no survivors
do NOT look up how much of GDP is natural resource exports
Sasha had a backstory too, first he was IT, than a lawyer in the making. It was too hard for him to cope with being a fag that's sponsored by parents.

You're a toilet cleaner fagajtis from Żmudź
Cope incel.
/balt/ knows I'm legit.
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>our economies are tied so unless we get some political spine we're just going to crash the plane with no survivors
biggest cope ever

>i been a serf for a long time!!!
kek typical litwak mentality
Whats up with all the Poland threads lately?
Cope fag, you shit out lies and use vpns you lithshit nigger. Hope russia ends you and we wont blink an eye for you weakass niggers
Literally a non-post
superiority breeds jealousy
like Los Angeles, but with bad weather... grim.
Jelly incel.
Lol here in Lt lidl cashier is dream job for many
Lmao you żmudzin nigger spammed shit on vpns multiple times to hide, no one belives you you fucking minirussian
I use a vpn but it's always set to geo-location for the best internet connection, lel.
things cannot be that bad
Sure thing nigger, I remember you spamming shit under multiple flags, often with Polish ones. Always same images and same post style. You've been outed so many times you disgusting rural animal that it's amusing that you're trying to cover up those obvious fuck ups. Go clean ślą toilet
i agree with the bongol >>203833561
That's the same for every older or unskilled young person in Europe without an education or training. Lidl and Aldi pay relatively decent wages.
Nigger, I've posted pictures from locations of every flag I've been under when asked.
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Lithuanian dentist poster is based, he exposes our flaws and makes us push harder for self-development to not fall behind Lithuania
You've been screen capped you nigger, that litshit posting under a Polish vpn was you
Fuck you you dirty lying swamp russian
I was in Poland not that long ago and I posted a few pictures from my trip, but I was too busy to use 4chud when I was there.
As it was a short trip in two cities*
We suffer in america in ways euros cannot comprehend
You posted niggers under a irish vpn you fag and I remember you posting nonpolish images pretending it's Poland

Eat a dick you fag, you took the images from FB so that you can't google them. You think there are people who don't know??? You're a fucking lying russian nigger that only thinks hes lithuanian
This. We have to drive far. Cant live near work because zoning or some shit.

btw are you american?
Doesn't ring a bell mate, I've never been to Ireland.
I think we can conclude I mind broke you with some shitposts. I posted images that were clearly from Poland.
Yeah of course you won't fucking agree that you've been outed. Eat a dick you toiletcleaner litnig. We fucking know who you are
You are malding and seeing shadows.
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He's seen through my shitposts
All of those countries are whiny pampered bitches
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>Lithuania richer than Japan already
I kneel before our polish overlords. PLEASE COLONIZE SOUTH AMERICA.
Still poorer than Lithuania,Estonia or Poland lmao, countries with 0 natural resources unlike Russia.
On average. Because wealth in Russia just stays at the top among certain putin picked mafiosos.
I wonder who all of them have to thank for this. Certainly can't be Germany so I wonder who else probably themselves lol!
In case of Baltics, it's literally all fault of nordics and their benevolent colonization.

For Poland it's pure FAUSTIAN SPIRIT
Of course of course. Everyone but Germany I see.
germany can't even fix east germany it's more of a shithole than it was 30 years ago
You're dark blue
Considering Germany has a recession now, and you being one of our main export partners, us still having a growing gdp and not being in free fall like Czechia which actually was dependent on Germany, Baltics or Poland success didn't rest on Germany primarily.
>tfw orange
Feels good being second-rate westoid
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retard from reddit who does not understand PPS
Are you saying that eastern Germany is more expensive than western Germany or are you now arguing against yourself like the true retard you are? (It's a rhetoric question, don't answer)
you posted purchasing power not adjusted to wages (like a reddit retard)
You are all redditors
>Average salary instead of median
I am moving to Poland in the summer ( dual citizen ) and I cannot wait to leave this brown jeet shithole.
>let me tell you about your country
Fuck off kruat
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Doesn't matter how hard you try, Poland will never have Japan's most valuable asset, you know what it is Jakub.
No matter what happens
I love you all the same
this, average salary is biased in favor of westoids because easties have less wealth inequality
German toilet cleaners when???????
>Ireland and Canada so low
Damn, I guess GDP per capita unsurprisingly might not be the best metric to measure living standards.
Also I'm sure a bit more Indian migration to build more houses will fix it.
(I unironically heard this argument often, Canada needs more migrants to build housing for the migrants lol)
>bottom 2

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