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Bollywood Edition

No Br*tish "people" allowed under this line

And falklands
Exactly what I said.
Pull an Anglo and go get shanked in the street.
Concession accepted.
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xth for Europeans fuck off
Bernadette Peters was hot
Me rn
every time i see a scene from a bollywood movie they always look way more entertaining than ours do.
You acknowledged him. You showed that you are aware of him. Now he'll spam all day. Well done
I am so god damn sick of all the Europeans in /cum/.

All of you, fuck off
pic not related
You crazy
Fuck off he'll dump his dogshit posts in /cum/ even if he doesn't get a single (You)
for real though how do i get a gf
I don't have plates for the oven so I'm going to use 3 cookies as 3 plates to bake a little square of the rice crispies in and the bottom of the cookie will go into the fat I've been saving up (haven't changed it one time and has made me sick in the past but then it stopped happening multiple times)
>Goth culture is Anglo
Proof? Or are you gonna admit you're an ape and keep your L? Do you even know what the word gothic means and where it originated from to have the audacity to imply it's exclusively Anglo? You're not Anglo either. You're an african.
What's the /cum/ consensus?

Pretty or nah?
mouth too small
Mid but would
Americans just used to look like that
Not him but *ahem
not into the face
Bulgaria getting destroyed
I dnt feel like Bulgars are Slavs. Dont get a slav vibe from them
England isn't European
I never said it didn't start in the UK, retard. Unlike one of you retards saying it's American culture.
>spread to the Anglo world before Europe
Prove it retard. Do you even know what a gothic novel is you monkey?
>Germany, France
These aren't Anglo, Jamal.
Do not redeem.
>Russia like language
>Iron curtain cunt

What more do you need
We're literally the first slavs, uneducated retard.
>Russia like
We created the cyrillic alphabet, retard.
There's only one countermeasure against his kind. But do as you please anon.
Today 2 waves of 3 groups of crows flew over my head. All of thr crow babies they had are grown up
you lost give up already
>Unlike one of you retards saying it's American culture
American Goths ARE American culture. You admit it started in the UK. And it spread from there. Australian Goths are Australian culture cuz they put their own mark on it. Same for French Goths or Bulgarian Goths. But if you're talking SPECIFICALLY about American Goths, then it's American culture
>We created the cyrillic alphabet, retard

Mere words cannot convey just how much I don't give a shit.
europoors think they're still relevant lol
It's so adorable
>American Goths
So you split the definition of goth to different types and are implying that Americans aren't like regular goths? That would be true then, because Korn and Deftones are nowhere near goth, no matter how hard you spam it. Also that's a terrible argument. Like saying Taco Bell is real Mexican food.
You keep angrily replying after you lost so you clearly do give a shit.
what's with boomers and not covering their nose or mouth when they sneeze and cough
then when they do they do it directly into their hands and act like it's not a problem
it makes me want to murder
>go ahead and do some research for this deal for your own learning
No, I think I'll go home and smoke weed instead
>regular goths?
That's the point stupid, there's no such thing outside the UK because everyone puts their own spin on it

>Like saying Taco Bell is real Mexican food
You're so stupid. It's not like that at all. What it is is like saying Taco Bell is the American tale on Mexican food
all big indian movies are like RRR, but varying degrees of shittier
why does it seem like everyone on 4chan like shitty jobs, like amazon warehouse and shit? where are the highly skilled highly paid career men?
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> I'll go home and smoke weed instead
Bro it's over, it's just getting embarrassing now. Go back to whatever general your vomit inducing country belongs to and never return.
Tfw no female silkworm gf
Excuse me, I wear contacts thank you very much
Umm what the slava?
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>there's no such thing outside the UK
Yes there is, mongoloid. Goths are people that listen to goth music. It's an extremely simple concept.
>What it is is like saying Taco Bell is the American tale on Mexican food
Your own argument, monkey boy. You took Mexican food and put a spin on it. Literally what you just said. Doesn't mean it's real Mexican food. All your mental gymnastics aside, I'm still waiting for any proof that Korn and Deftones are goth. Post it instead of juggling cocks in your mouth.
catberg is demanding my attention. again.
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i get incredibly pissed off when there's lots of loud noises around me that i can't control
beerberg is nagging me again
penisberg is nagging me again
Me too man
It enrages me
I said vibe dude.
I dont picture Bulgars walking around with the slavic balding pattern and tracksuits and eating those big cheese balls stored in water.
it makes me self harm and break things
Snapped a cute pic of my cat today.
With the penis
I wish I could personally strangle every "person" that plays their music out loud
women get the ick when they see you lose in a video game
RRR is plebian shit. Watch Kantara for true kino
I get the ick when someone carries around mouthwash in their glove compartment
I scratched my back and hit a small scab I didn't know was there now blood is staining my shirt so I have to put a jacket on but it's so hot
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>when he's enjoying his hobbies
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That's underhanded then. Like me making it a point to state that Americans aren't weed smoking ooga booga music enjoying jordan shoe snagging comb breaking fake chain wearing wrong DNA having creatures, because by default it should be known that they're not, and when I say American we all know I'm talking about white people from Wyoming basically.
>forgot image
legal niggas be like
>W I T N E S T H
File deleted.
Modern women are utter filth
i've watched enough indian flicks to decide i never want to see another
im about to nap soooo good im wiggling my toes and the fan is blasting
Two things that are connected
finance niggas be like
>let's call this incredibly boring deal PROJECT THOR AND THUNDER
get a grip bro
Housane :)
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I won.
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tax niggas be like
>this deal needs 75 different subsidiaries? why? it just has to
fuck off
I don't look like that
>piss a guy off so bad he threatens to kill me
>jannies give me a permanent 10 minute cooldown on all posts and I have to give them my email if I want normal cooldowns
They do it for free
this shit is so fucking cringe
VGH Canada
Alexa how do I get a business line of a million bucks with a credit score of 590
alexa how to make a million dollars from home
So you're either ban evading and the new spam feature got you or you were given a 15 minute posting cooldown because your post was submitted by a janitor to the mods so they can decide if you get banned or not.
Dogshit post
Bossberg wants me to get back to work. Kino for this feel?
Great cardio, though
Insane asylum background noise generative AI ASMR
Goon status?
Just found out the canadian word for roustabout is roustaboot
I'm not banned. And nothing I said was a bannable offense. I just upset a board lolcow by posting screencaps.
not a bad decision since bollywood has become not just as shitty as Hollywood but also low IQ. But you're also missing out on older kinos
We are living in the age of clay
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>bill 25 hours in two days
>5 hours for the next three days
not my problem
>nothing I said was a bannable offense
That wont stop them.
are you the /vt/ poster?
have you considered suicide?
Elect me for president and I will guarantee the swift execution of all internet jannies
Execute deez nutz haHA
This reply is my vote submission.
without jannies we'd have briankin, ratpedo and butthew shitposting endlessly
Fun fact: /vt/ is the fourth most popular board on the website.
Ratpedo, jason, goshcel, and butthew are the same guy. Fucking Michael
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>Goon status?
19 tabs open
personal collection open on the second monitor
tablet playing below the second monitor
phone is blasting erotic asmr
prostate vibrator/ ball tugger on
Wanna guess which is first?
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Emo killed nu-metal in 2004
The oil was smoking but it's fine. It tastes like nothing still
I breathe some soil smoke in and it smells sort of like pizza and gunpowder like a taste I've definitely had in my mouth before when I got sick from it
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cumpies, im drinking covfefe
Nu/b/ aka brown central aka poltroon hq
You don't bake rice xrypsy treats? Also, the oil bubbled wjej I put then in to fruy >:D
Lurk moar newfag
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Only bin here since 2020 gimme a break
wtf /trash/ is that popular? what do they even post there
Alexa is Styrofoam recyclable
>tfw been here since 2010
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Now this is a good movie
what the fuck is a vt
why don't you hop in and have a looksee
v-tuber. face-cam parasocial streamers for ugly fags and hags who use anime avatars
it's every bit as pathetic as you can imagine, and worse
for me it's july 2011

I only know because I started posting on /v/ after tf2 went f2p
I meant in cum though. Browsed /b/ exclusively from 2010 to 2013. Pretty dark times
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Since been here since 2008
how old are you?
Old enough to know better, too young to care
t. roodypoo
I used to be huge on CN. Basically how I learned English. Learned to speak from CN, learned grammar from 4chan. I think CN went downhill when they released Camp Lazlo and those other soulless shows like Juniper Lee and I forgot what else.
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good afternoon
I remember religiously watching camp lazlo every morning before school
vroom vroom
R.I.P. Moo Deng
i love my driving appliance
I am exactly halfway done with the book I'm reading. 116/232.
me too i got my car back today i hated the rental car the auto shop gave me it was too big
The weekend begins in 3 hours lets freaking go!!!!!
Some interesting ones

>/cgl/ has a massive decline
>/jp/ experienced an insane uptick in 2021
>/x/ has somehow gained popularity in the last 5 years??
>all those relic of the mid-00s boards (e.g., /w/, /cm/) dropping off hard
Kinda sad but at least to be honest Camp Lazlo wasn't as bad as some of the other nu-CN shows. Like fucking Robot Boy. Literal trash. Before that sheep in the big city. That was so awful.
i put appliances in my appliances in my appliances
I'm waiting on a part to fix my car
Drove my mom's car today which is automatic and it wasn't bad at all. Way better than the last auto i drove.
Bro same
whatcha reading?
Walked behind a girl with a really fat ass and stared at it
should've groped her fat ass
badass. did you snap any candid pics?
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She Orgasms In Stereo: A Feminist Manifesto by Amanda Huginkiss
Walked home with a girl with a really fat as after the team dinner and she wants me to pick her up for work at the office next week.
if you're not an incel i hate you
Degeneracy, there's femanons on there too grooming simps
Hate you too bud (:
microsoft smartest engineers from new delhi bring to you...
Dang I ain't heard roodypoo in like 15 years
im a volcel
If you don't remember the cow and chicken ketchup episode and the ed edd & eddy hide and seek episode you and I are not homeslices.
does the nostalgia harm you, candyass?
Me too. At this point actually having sex would be too weird
I am an OG Mucky Boy
On the contrary, I find it refreshing. Do it again.
where are the sexicans?
Quit pretending to be Roman. You are a Dacian
Quit pretending to be a kid next door. You're a delightful child.
everybody shut the fuck up for a minute
slept for 12 hours but i'm still tired
i will be reincarnated as a sloth in my next life
Rice crispies melted at 120-130 degrees c but still least theu still tasted normal
Angry Beaver bros, ww@?
That shit was bigger than sliced bread back in the day
You never hear about them now
are you a cute little honey bun?
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A sexy little honey bee gf perhaps
We didn't have Nickelodeon, but CN was better anyways.
Try the following: Rohypnol, Sevoflurane, or Dexmedetomidine
like at least 50% of finish posters are transexuals
>cow and chicken
Isn't that just a Ren and Stimpy rip off
anyone know any good carolina bbq places in NC?
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i don't need to sleep more i need to wake up
do you eat beef?
weed is what you do when you have nothing in your life and is just waiting to die
drinking in excess*
go away
yeah. But I'd prefer some place that serves turkey and chicken too
around RDU
Bro cow and chicken was a crackhead show, but what the literal fuck is this?

aren't you forbidden from eating beef?
If I started going bald I think I would actually kill myself. Good hair is literally the only thing I have going for me.
guy just walked below my window asking his friend(black) if he knew what a cuck chair was
you probably wouldn't lets be real
any cock masters itt?
I don't think I remember asking the opinion of a fucking Brazilian. Get out of my general.
its not as forbidden as much as it is disrespectful. We don't have a command-style rulebook. I only eat beef (and meat in general) when I want to try new cuisine or I am eating out at fancy places. My diet is 90% homemade vegetarian food otherwise
Baldness and height were never things I thought people cared about till I came here, and I'm pretty old for 4chan.
what does this mean
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Yes, I'm aware that I'm developing a problem
are you a master at pleasing penuses?
I have nothing in my life and I don't smoke weed.
>its not as forbidden as much as it is disrespectful
but why is it banned?
Kill your faggot
I don't know why these days don't just go to /LGBT/ and leave normal people alone
I know what you mean
The baldness and height stuff has been pushed particularly hard in the last 5-6 years
Obviously it always mattered, but lately it's become a brainworm and tool to demoralize people
This whole scene is honestly kinda pathetic.
>Kill your faggot
I don't have a faggot at home THOEVER
You could be talking to a girl!
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Tell me you're under 25 without telling me you're under 25
All you little faggot keyboard warriors don't realize that saying gay retarded shit was the pinnacle on internet humor until 10 years ago
You should kill yourself
It would make your mom happy
this song was played all the time at my local mall.
New Dandadan episode is out.
because it is disrespectful to the overwhelming majority of people who consider eating cows disrespectful. Also the ban isn't total. You can get beef in most cities in the open.
>start wfh job
>getting paid to masturbate multiple times during my shift
I made it bros
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>overwhelming majority of people who consider eating cows disrespectful
>You can get beef in most cities in the open
What would happen if I bought ribeye in a city that sells them?
my legs are getting bigger, and they're rubbing against my nuts.
how come no one told me about this at the gym?
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wel/cum/ to mcdonalds, may I take your order?
1 box of nuggies and fries please
Cheeseburger pleaseburger
mocha frap and a medium fry please
grim world. ghastly life
I need a double cheeseburger and hold the lettuce
dont be frointin son no seeds onna bun
we be up in this drive thru order for 2
I got a cravin for a #9 like my shoe
we need some chicken up in here, in this dizzle
fo shizzle my nizzle extra salt on the frizzle
dr pepper my brotha, anothuh for your motha
double double supersize and dont forget the fries
You're tellin me, bub
>a #9 like my shoe
manlet shoelet
zoom zoom
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lynched. unless you buy it from muzzie chawls. Which is where it is sold anyway. South Indians also don't give as much of a shit as northies do
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>own a bunch of expensive clothes in small
>getting fit would mean having to rebuild my entire wardrobe
woah woah woah woah mamacita
poor guy
canadians coming out of the water
innocent snow puppies on the iceberg

wot dat?

GIWTWM (the seal of course)
Her name was Carmen
She lived down in Spanish Haarlem
And I think I had the key to her secret garden
When I seen her
I used to wanna beg her pardon
But I was scared
I ain't really have the heart

And when she's walk by I would panic
Even though I was cool with her pops,
Louie, the mechanic
Went to school with her brother
But I never could build up the words to express how I loved her
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pop that pussy
**pops your bussy**
think of it like muzdog favela
great post
Omfg just go away fucking faggot
what if i am a female and into pegging?

we had it all, bros
you know that movie point break? i think it's kino
You're not
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>what if i am a female and into pegging?
you have proof?
just stop
Peg my bussy and make me lick the strapon clean spinny-chan
stop what? stop eating? sleeping? working?
it do be like this tho
spinny is jason, you moron. why would jason need a strap on since he already has a 15 inch gigadong?
I really wish we had it like this.
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can't decide where I'd go, either red lobster or cracker barrel
Jason has admitted on /fa/ and in /cum/ to having a small to modest sized penis at best
do you really need 5000 parking spots though? like does it ever get filled?
breathing is involuntary, dum dum
cracker barrel is mid as FUCK
stupid ass pruner southerners think dry ass grits and biscuits is the greatest breakfast ever
i feel like having a 15 inch penis would be a curse not a gift
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Having an 8 inch penis is a curse if you're not a fag. Believe me
going to the cheesecake factory in 2 hours
i have many happy memories of picking things out in the cracker barrel gift shop but yeah their food isn't the best
it looks like a nursing home in there on sundays after church every old person in the world loves cracker barrel
nice im still trying to decide what to do tonight they're having a halloween night at the small bar in town my friend is trying to pressure me into going to and i'm not sure what to do
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ill eat the chicken tenders in your honor
you'd be a porn start though realistically speaking though a 15incher would never be able to get hard
Sheep in the Big City wasn't nu CN, it was pre-2004
sounds fun i wish i had friends to do things with
yeah pretty regularly, I almost had to not go to a place like that because the lot was so full. PLus they'll try to get extra spots anyways because not every is eating at the same time and some people work there.
Got a 24 hour ban for rolling in a thread, meanwhile 1/3 of the catalogue is race bait. Good job janny fucking trannies.
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i have never been banned i only got a warning one time for making a thread too early
Yeah that's why I said before that. It was one of the rare shitty shows.
Yes we do. Finding parking over here is cancer and it's paid most of the time. Americans can just drive to the restaurant and be sure they'll have parking that's also free.
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My wife unironically wants to start an onlyfans where she just posts her feet.
it's over.
How to you feel about ICP endorsing Kamala, which means the juggalo community will now all be voting dem?
This is a major policy shift given previously they've always been an apolitical bloc
What will it mean for America if this is what swings it?
she won't make any money
every girl thinks she can start an onlyfans to make money and they end up making 40 dollars and everyone in town knows what their kitty looks like
trading your dignity for 40 dollars is a bad trade and you'll forever be known as that skank with the naked pictures online
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imma be real with you, i wouldn't mind my wife having an only fans as long as she's making decent money from it
I unironically thought that chiropractor was a type of dinosaur until 2 days ago. And I never questioned it when people said that they were going to a chiropractor. ok? Have fun I guess?
I mostly just like the gift shop because I liked it as a kid. That and ihop is trash in my area, waffle house is trashy, and village inn is in a congested area. But at the same time, it's really not hard to cook breakfast food, but besides that I'd go for
>cheese bites
>rainbow trout
>chicken pot pie
>bloody marys and mimosas
Tell her it's 2024 and she will make a grand total of $18.49.
Cum con cum. Alternatively known as cum con sex
She claims it would just be feet pics, not nudes. I don't think she would go that far since she's pretty self conscious about her body anyways.
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sexo con cum con cum con sex
>Insane Clown Posse
>International Communist Party
I'm on to them
im gonna use a picture i took for the next op

there's a million other girls doing that that have been established for much longer that have no problem with nudity and are completely shameless so she won't be able to compete with them anyway
there's nothing to gain here really only the loss of her dignity even if it just just pics of her feet
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>I don't think she would go that far
oh no no no no
true, ill try and redpill her that it's not worth it
Fun fact: the ICP is listed as a gang organization so you will lose your security clearance if you are a juggalo like my coworker
Did you see it coming tho?
Tfw no blonde sporty gf to provide blonde sons who like football
Some dude in a youtube video sad you guys had good school lunches before Michael Obama ruined them.
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zoomies these days will never know
no, she's not a slut or anything, I think she might have just seen success stories on Instagram or something
Provide me*
Look at all of tje blondes lifting the goalposts being not tired ans look at the others
Idk what her goals are. If she's serious and consistent she could be pretty successful, but I think people only showing their feet aren't going to get far and probably aren't taking it seriously. Maybe you could convince her to give you footjobs though
who is your favourite footy team
I feel truly sorry for you bud.
I wonder how many retarded women basically took a massive risk in fucking up their lives and careers for what turned out to be like $300 instead of the millions they were promised.
Just had a 15 minute (900 second) post timer and it inspired me to write this song
I may be done with 4chan

Forgot what i originally wanted to post about even
a lot there are tons of regret stories and women coming to terms with the fact that once it's online, it can't be taken down
I wish I knew that a year ago
>lose clearance
>go to bureaucratic purgatory and still get paid salary
>work production goes to shit while gone
>eventually return
>hide in the chaos and look busy

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