DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.Japanese speakers learning English are welcome, too.Read the guide linked below before asking how to learn Japanese: of older threads: requests, insults, politics, reddit posts, lust, learning method / eceleb discussions: >>>/jp/djtPrevious Thread: >>203795159
How many words do I need to know to read manga like Yotsubato with a dictionary?
>>203840330Btw by read I mean get through 1 chapter in 1 day and it taking about 4-5 hours
>>203840640If you have a little bit of vocab, idk like 1000 or less, and some knowledge of grammar you can easily read 1 chapter with a dictionary in under an hour.
>Page 10バンプ
>>203840640I started at around 600
doing anki for 20-40 min every dayseems i have to hear 2 hundred times per word until i output it instantly
>>203831858>>>203825259 (You)>まだ読んでみてはいないが線引いてるとこは教師が気になってるだけかな。自由記述から点引くわけじゃないよね。赤線がどういう意味なのか私にとっても謎ですね…。指示を読む限りテストの点には全く関係しないようですね。それと、最後に先生が「続きがあるのかな…」と書いているので、この先生はハルヒという作品のことを知らず、生徒が勝手に考えた小説だと思っているようですね。>mad guy なわけで直接本からじゃなくて記憶から書き写してるってことだよね。原作とどれだけ一致してるかが気になる。まさか一文字も違わないわけでは?この生徒がテスト中にライトノベルを読みながら書き写していたとは考えにくいので(そんなことをしたら普通はバレて怒られる)、記憶から書いていたんでしょうね。もし一言一句違わずに書けていたとしたらサヴァン症かな?と思ってしまう。
>>203849175まゆげボーン! ( ・ิω・ิ)
>>203841308>>203844682Are you guys being serious?If that's true then I'm incredibly excited now1 hour slogging through that early? Fucking awesomeDo you recommend I make cards based on yotsubato input or should I stick with 2k/6k deck?最近巷では韓国人女性に愛国心を踏みにじられることで性的興奮を得る「崇韓」がSNS上で流行ってるらしいね日本の「崇韓」について詳しい方々がその流行について詳しく紹介してくれています!
もみぢばは ちるこのもとに とまりけり過行く秋や いづちなるらむ
>>203849934I think at the time I did both until I felt more confident and then just did mining, but it just depends on you.
>Axolotlって、日本語でどうやて言うの?>ネットで探す>「ウーパールーパー」>私の脳の中、これしかない>upa rupa dupa dee dee.>私の頭がこの言葉を台無しにしてしまった
だから ooper looper だと言ったじゃん
Lads I did my first 20 cards I'm using the Core 2k_6k Tae Kim Vocabulary deckGoing to read some Tae Kim now
>>203853286Oh wait, I'm going to switch to the optimised core 2k_6k deck instead
I have unironically bricked my Japanese
こちらの shit を君に上げます
shitというrainbow beansですか? ^^
彼は道すがら帰宅方法を考える。駅まで行って初台でもいいが、歩いてもそう時間的には変わらない。混雑のピークは過ぎているから、そういう意味で電車でも歩きでもいのだ。What's in 初台 that is fine?
>>203836516daily reminder to read the official DJT guideDJT guide v3.0, written from scratch by 出来るやつs: - rikaitan site:
搖落暮天迥 青楓霜葉稀孤城向水閉 獨鳥背人飛渡口月初上 鄰家漁未歸鄉心正欲絕 何處搗寒衣
bump and using this opportunity to crosspost >>203855183>>203855596>>203856531
namasensei works for me.
Sup. Any ideas what those 2 kanji are? My OCR is shitting the bed and the dumb font isn't helping. Thanks.
Yojijukugo of the day精力絶倫 【せいりょくぜつりん】having endless sexual stamina
>>203862381here you are ;3
>>203859213>>203861321The situation would be like this.
>>203859213>>203861321>>203862501Sorry, I reread it and It's more likely to be the picrel.It's more likely >駅まで行って初台でもいいmeans>(近くの)駅まで行って>(電車で)初台(まで乗って初台で降りて)>(初台駅から家まで歩いても)いい
くそ、風邪を引いてしまった。早く熱が下がってほしい。>>203862996He obviously wrote it as ら嫌 on purpose.
>>203863946お大事に!I think he meant to say that my reply was 嫌味
>>203864119>お大事に!ありがと。検査の結果、インフルエンザも新型コロナも陰性だったのは幸いだった。>I think he meant to say that my reply was 嫌味I see.
>>203864119You said it.>>203864361Take good care of yourself.
Help the battery is dead!
I want to slobber on Zundamon's beans.
全ての俺の shits を君に giving
Good round of Golf today. Time for Japanese.
Bros wtfYen is pronounced en in Japanese
I'm confused how duplicates are supposed to work for the core 2k 6k deck
>>203873624It should not have them. However I'm not sure what you mean anyways.
>>203873926Cards with the same kanji on the front円, circle円, yen 四, pronounced し四, pronounced よん
>>203874273Words like this are very rare. I would just not give a shit about "getting them wrong".
>>203874273For 円, you should know both meanings by your 3rd time. For 四 or 七, it's just pronunciation which you should eventually learn both on and kun naturally.Now shit like 10 上s, do whatever you want. I for one try to recite as many meanings I remember and reset it at like 8 days if it's one of the ones I couldn't recall.
What are the best graded readers you've found?
Probably to my own detriment I have never bothered with material that is appropriate for my level and just brute force my way through whatever I deem interesting.
I've watched Shogun with Japanese dub and subs, the subtitles and the voices say the same thing, which is practical, but it seems pretty rare because in other movies/series I tried to watch, subtitles were different from the audio
>>203878073I have not done this in a while but online streaming services usually have matching subtitles for the shows they feature. I watched some Netflix stuff years ago. I also watched the Japanese dub of Better Call Saul for a few episodes then and the subtitles were matching.This necessarily means using a VPN since you never ever get the Japanese subs option with a non Japanese IP.
>>203878073>通常の字幕においてまず挙げられるルールが、1秒当たり4文字という字数制限です。 これは、文字の読める子どもからお年寄りまでの大半の人がストレスなく読み取れる情報量であると解釈されており、1930年代の映画字幕の黎明期から変わらずに続いているルールです。 2021/08/24( this article says, there is a limit of 4 characters per second for Japanese subtitles for movies, for the purpose of making them easier to read. So whatever language is spoken, the audio information can be shortened or the wording may be altered.
>>203878710240字 per minute doesn't sound that bad, honestly, especially since movies have lower text density.
Speaking of battery replacement, how do you guys say バッテリーを交換する in English?All I came up with are as follows:>change the battery>replace the battery>swap the batteryHowever, I'm not sure which one is commonly used in everyday conversation.
>>203880892I'm 100% certain i've heard all 3 of those phrases said at some point or other. Personally i think i use "change the battery" most but i think its regional. They all seem natural to me.I think "replace the battery" sounds slightly more formal though, but not by much.
>>203880892Replace is basically manual/salesman speak. Change or swap is more natural for spokenword.
>>203881111>>203881151Got it.Thanks for the detailed explanations, both anons!
I realized everything in the world was shit.All hope is gone.
如来所以興出世 唯説弥陀本願海五濁悪時群生海 応信如来如実言能発一念喜愛心 不断煩悩得涅槃凡聖逆謗斉廻入 如衆水入海一味摂取心光常照護 已能雖破無明闇貪愛瞋憎之雲霧 常覆真実信心天譬如日光覆雲霧 雲霧之下明無闇
>>203883232よしよし>All hope is gone.Nice album!
なぞ:阿弥陀仏がトイレに行きたいと、何を言うでしょうか? 答え: 「極楽浄土に行って参ります!」
>阿難彼佛國土 諸往生者 具足如是 淸淨色身 諸妙音聲 神通功德 所處宮殿 衣服飮食 衆妙華香 莊嚴之具 猶第六天 自然之物Ananda, in the land of this Buddha, all those who are born there are equipped with purified bodies such as these, with sublime voices and transcendent virtue, the palaces they live in and their clothing and food and drink, and all excellent flowers and incense adorning them being like those which naturally occur in the sixth heaven—>若欲食時 七寶鉢器 自然在前 金銀瑠璃 硨磲碼碯 珊瑚琥珀 明月眞珠 如是諸鉢 隨意而至 百味飮食 自然盈滿Should they wish to eat, bowls and utensils of the seven treasures naturally appear before them—of gold, silver lapis, mother of pearl and agate, corals and amber, and brightest moon pearls, bowls such as these—appearing before them as they wish with food and drink of a hundred tastes filling them spontaneously>雖有此食 實無食者 但見色聞香 意以爲食 自然飽足 身心柔輭 無所味著 事已化去 時至復現And though they have these foods, in reality there are none who eat them—merely by observing their form and smelling their aroma, they feel in their consciousness they have eaten, and are naturally contented, their bodies made light and airy, with no attachment to taste. When the meal is over these all disappear, and at the next meal appear again.本当の食事が無いのなら消化も脱糞も無いであろう
>>203883551If it were me, I'd change おれ(俺) to わし(儂) and swap ぼく(僕) for わたし(私).To be more specific, わたし(私) can be used in formal settings regardless of sex and age.Actually, even successive emperors after WWII use わたし(私) or わたくし(私) when delivering his address in front of the people.
>>203884281>his addresstheir addresses*My bad, I messed up.
>>203885034to fix yourself ;3
ボブは魚が好きだ。As for Bob, fish is a thing that's liked (by him)I'm a bit confused
What exactly is the difference in meaning between 世界 and 世?
>>203886606That's what the sentence means, yes. What is confusing for you?
魚が好きな人。Fish is a thing that's liked person人は魚が好きだAs for people, fish is a thing that's liked魚が好きじゃない人は、肉が好きだ。As for fish is a thing that's not liked people, meat is a thing that's liked>>203886653I guess I'm a bit confused by が and は
>>203886619the original meaning of the character 世 is "generation," as in the period of time of about 30 yearsin Japanese this word is よthe meaning of this can be extended to mean "an era, an epoch, an age"which can refer by further extension to the current world that we live in, or this life, this society世界 is a Sanskrit word from Buddhism, Lokadhātu or लोकधातुFrom लोक (loká)>free or open space>world, realm; the earth or world of human beings>the inhabitants of the world, mankind, folk, peopleAnd धातु (dhā́tu)>layer, stratum>constituent part, ingredientloká is 世 "the world, the age" and dhā́tu is 界 "the bounds, the domain, the realm"this is the most common world for "the world" as in "all the physical bounds 界 of the current world 世"
下 くだ kuda下手 heta下痢 geri地下鉄 shikatetsujesus christ what a mess what kind of reading system it is..
>>203887171the chinese reading of 下 is か or げ (like 하 )there are many different japanese (not chinese) verbs for "go down" like くだる, おりる, さがる that are written with the chinese character 下 but not phonetically related to 下and also Japanese (not chinese) nouns for "bottom" or "underneath" like しも or した that are written with 下 but not phonetically related to 下下手(へた) is another japanese (not chinese) word related to はた(端) as in "the outer edges of something" written as a chinese compound "lower hand"in the same way a japanese word like きょう "today" is written as a chinese compound 今日 "current day"we must separate the chinese from the japanese and understand how the readings and okurigana work to begin understanding the elegancethere is a massive amount of history behind it
>>203886619>世界(せかい)>世(よ)It's too hard to explain the difference between the two.All I know about the difference is 世界 can be used alone whereas 世 in the sense of space and time in which objects exist often comes with demonstratives as in この and あの.Examples:>この世の地獄>Hell on earth>この世は金が全てだ / 世の中、金が全てだ>Money is everything in the world>あの世>The other world>Note: this word usually refers to the world where people are supposed to go after their death.>世界で最も速い動物 / この世で最も速い動物The fastest animal on Earth>世界はあなたを中心に回っていない>The world doesn't revolve around you.
>>203886679You're getting the hang of it. The differences are that が marks the subject of the sentence and serves a necessary grammatical function. In English you have to state the subject in every sentence, while in Japanese you're allowed to omit the subject if it's obvious. Omitting the subject like this is a bit like how the word "it" is used in English. If you say, "I went to the store. It was busy," you understand that as meaning "The store was busy."は doesn't have a rigid grammatical function like が. Attaching は to a word or phrase works like putting something in parentheses in English. You have your core sentence and a parenthetical phrase can be added in as an aside without altering the sentence (kinda like this right now).So if you encounter a sentence in Japanese like 「魚は好きだ」you can think of that as meaning "(As for fish) It is likeable." as opposed to 「魚が好きだ」which means "Fish is likeable."This may seem like splitting hairs, but the differences between は and が get more pronounced in more complex sentences, so as you read more you'll get a better feel for how different the two particles are.
>>203888158Thanks, that helps clear things upI'll try to keep the parenthesis thing in mind
>>203886679>魚が好きな人。Can also be the person that the fish likes>人は魚が好きだPeople like fish>魚が好きじゃない人は、肉が好きだ。Again there is the ambiguity from sentence 1 as far as I know>Xが好きな人is famously an ambiguous phrase, because 好き marks both the doer of the liking and the object of the verb with が. Usually the が is hidden by は, though. I think Japanese people in general don't like it when there are double particles like that, so sometimes they might switch it to using を for the object too.>象が鼻が長いことAnd others really mess up with your brain when it comes to subjects in Japanese.
>>203891056ウルトラマンセブン! (゚∀゚)アヒャ
Today is the voting day for House of Representatives election in Japan.I'm not that into >>>/pol/ but at the moment a bit curious about it since the current ruling party (Liberal Democratic Party) may be replaced in this election.
>I turn on the TV to watch something entertaining.>Almost every channel is talking about the election I'm not interested in.>I turn off the TV.
>>203889192>>魚が好きな人。>Can also be the person that the fish likeslol no
杪秋獨夜無限少年非我伴 可憐清夜與誰同歡娛牢落中心少 親故凋零四面空紅葉樹飄風起後 白須人立月明中前頭更有蕭條物 老菊衰蘭三兩叢無限たる少年は我が伴に非ざれば清夜、誰と同にするか、可憐なりけり歓娯するは牢落にして中心に少なく親故も凋零すれば四面は空し紅葉の樹は飄って、風の立ちぬる後に白須の人は立つ、月明が中に前頭に更に蕭條たる物も有り老菊に衰蘭、三両の叢註釈親故:親戚と友だち。白須:白鬚。前頭:この後。未来。
自分は cocks を愛するのみ
>>203894563you're an idiot
I'm a structural engineer and just started learning the languagge with an idea to move to Japan. What level of japanese is required to do an engineering job? In Germany it's okay to have a comfortable C1 for example.
>>203894563>>203894631>>203893259>>魚が好きな人。>Can also be the person that the fish likeslol no"魚が好きな人" is grammatical.
>>203895399And sounds natural (at least to me).>>203893259>>203894563>>203894631To give an example, 彼が好きな人 can be taken in two ways as:>the person who he likesand>the person who likes himTo remove this ambiguity from the sentence, you need to rephrase it as:>彼の好きな人 (the person who he likes)and>彼のことが好きな人 (The person who likes him)
Yojijukugo of the day紅灯緑酒 (こうとうりょくしゅ)Red-light districts and green sake. Fun, food and drinks.
>>203896130>Red-light districtsIf I'm right 紅灯 does not have the meaning of "red-light district" in Japanese as it does in English. It is really just "bright light"...
>>203896472hmm you are right. I am mistaken.
>>203892152>we need to bring back AKB48選抜総選挙 instead
There's always some guy
>>203836516How do you y'all study conjugation?I just can't seem to get it to stick :/
>>203904482Are you telling me you're seeing a conjugated verb and you can't tell which conjugation it is?
>>203904586More so I have a hard time remembering the rules to conjugate a given verb.The answer is probably just pure memorization, but if any one has any tips, I'm all ears
>>203904679My advice: Stop trying to memorize conjugation tables. Why is this even important?If you're struggling with this you clearly are not even close to being able to strike up a casual conversation. And you will never be able to get there from memorizing conjugation rules either.
what does >立てん>1人ずっと立てない人おるなあ>熟女になっちゃう>立てない棒の解像度高いのやめろmean? they're reactions to a genderbent broly
>>203904482when you identify the type of the verb it's kind of easy, it's only possibly five different forms because there's only five vowels.Maybe you're having trouble because you're not thinking about conjugation in terms of the root (the part of the verb that doesn't change) and stem of the verb (the syllable that connects the verb to whatever modifies the verb) and you're trying to memorize the whole 書かない,書ける,etc.
>>203905522Yeah, when its a new word its hard to remember the dictionary form sometimes. And I think you gotta start there before you cam begin to conjugate it. The existence of irregular verbs doesn't in this respect either :/
>>203836516> 이음악을 들으면 프리저를 죽이기 위해 잡몹들을 작살내며 돌진하는 버덕이 된 것 같다
>>203904679>>203905698There's no need to memorize conjugation tables, you will just get a feel for it, but imo understanding the bases helps a lot:> conjugate by throwing stuff onto their bases, which puts them into the right form (連体形, 仮定形, 未然形, etc.) and then you throw on whatever particle you want. When putting them into romaji 五段 bases end on a consonant*, 一段 on a vowel*barring ワア行 stuff like 言う which had some sound changes partly elaborated in that Wikipedia article
>>203838868I can't unsee picrel in this
>>203905999thanks, I'll check that out
After not really reading for quite a long time, I did two weeks of Anki again and somehow it seems ot have unlocked my brain and I can suddenly read a lot of words again that I have forgotten previously even though they didn't show up in Anki yet. Seems weird.
>>203908611It looks like his ass from the thumbnail
>>203908818No one here speaks Japanese.
>>203908902I stopped trying after seeing the first three characters but it looks like that's just the name of the dude
>>203909098Correct. It's 炭治郎 (Tanjirou). Aren't you a weeb and just know this by osmosis?
>>203909393I guess not
I'm doing tae kim and the core 2k 6k When do I start getting input?
two openly german people is too much for one thread. i shall take my leave. this guy is obnoxious enough for the both of us.
There's three actually but you can still fuck off.
>>203910417whenever you'd like, I advise to at least finish tae kim or most of it.
> 夕立 / ゆうだち> sudden raining in the afternoon on sunny day in summer>> 朝立ち / あさだち> Erection at the early in the morning
>>203910897>朝立in english this is called morning wood
>>203910468What should I input with?I tried looking through wikipedia pages with yomitan and it was interesting>>203910777Any recs for easy going input to just reinforce what I'm reading in tae kim?
I had another problemI'm looking at verbs like する and wondering why core 2k 6k doesn't have info about the irregular past tense form した
>>203911983Why would it. The core deck is a vocabulary deck that gives you pieces of vocabulary to practice reading. It does not try to teach you any grammar.>>203911837>What should I input with?For tradition's sake you can start with よつばと! (and immediately despair at the differences to the vocab decks and neat grammar guide sentences).
>>203912168>Why would itBecause it's an important thing to learn?How am I supposed to see the word した and know that it's the conjugated form of する if it's an irregular form?If it was on the card I'd at least recognise that it's an irregular formIt'd be like having aller on a card and not including information on the present singular indicative conjugations
>>203912336Again, this is not the purpose of the core deck. It's also not even an issue because Japanese verbs are stupendously regular and your grammar guide covers all the important exceptions pretty much immediately at the start.
>>203911837not really, just take your time.
>売(バイ)= sellhehe
>>203905353立つ is "stand up." 立てる is the potential "can stand up." It's most likely used here in the same slangy way English "get it up" is. Lacking more context it reads to me like 4 comments from 4 separate people.>Can't get it up.>There's one person there who never gets it up.>(I'm? He's? i.e. Broly is?) becoming a MILF!>Plz don't with the highly accurate depictions of a floppy rod.
>>203908902I do.>>203908818なんでや!見えんやろ
>>203914928一度見えてしまうとそうとしか見えなくなるやーつ (´∀`(⊃*⊂)
>初めて彼と会った日のことを覚えていますか?>Do you remember the day [when] you met him for the first time?Sorry to ask a beginner-level question, but am I correct in assuming that the relative pronoun "when" here is interchangeable with "on which"? Like:>Do you remember the day [on which] you met him for the first time?
>>203915273It might just be me, but i'd say "upon which" not "on which". "on which" feels a bit strange to me for some reason but i cant explain why.But yeah, you can use "when" to replace it there and it sounds perfectly fine to me.
>>203915273>>203915593no way someone speaks like that
>>203915643Its politician/literary speech, but it is used.
>>203915593>>203915686I see, thank you for your answer!>>203915643What's a colloquial way of saying it in English?Something like:>Do you remember the first time you met him??
>>203915834>Something like:>>Do you remember the first time you met him?>?yep
立つ to stand erect立つる 立てる 建てる to erect, to make stand
I simply do not understand anything, that's all
It's okay to be afraid sometimes
>>203916379heartwarmmed bro :3
>>203916918>ダサさtfw a cat sounds Onii-chan (ΦωΦ)
>>203916845If thats heart warming i want my heart to be a block of ice.>>203916918俺もそう感じた。ドン引きした、まじで。
>>203916379What's wrong with that Danish guy?His insane request to her made me cringe.
こんなのを本当に食べるか?Does this meanこんなの食べ物を本当に食べるか?
>>203917126saying 'this' doesn't always mean food :3
>>203917126The の here is a nominaliser and it means もの here.Therefore, こんなものを本当に食べるのか means the same thing as:>Do you really eat this stuff?However, it carries a negative connotation that the speaker doesn't consider it as food.
天地解 而雷雨作雷雨作 而百果草木皆甲坼天地の解(わか)るればこそ、而(しこう)して雷雨作(た)て雷雨の作てばこそ、而して百果草木(ひゃっかそうもく)の皆(み)な甲坼(こうたく)すれ
自殺しないで一日過ごせた私は す ご い会社なんていうものに行ったことは無いのになんとか生きてる私は す ご いこんなボロボロな体をなんとか保ってて崩壊させずにいる私は す ご い
guys hear me out栗と栗鼠
bump ass piss
>>203920519so re na! >:3
Is it appropriate to ask what a line in a visual novel means here? Didn't get a satisfying answer on /jp/
>>203916379Oldie but goodie.
>>203920801Ask away.
>>203920892What does the>切り取り線ついたままですよmessage mean? Some context>they're brother and sister>the brother usually makes meals for the sister so I'm almost 100% certain it's not store-bought tamagoyaki
>>203921076I'm not the Japanese anon who you replied to, but they've got to work for a living and it's not that easy to quit their current job and to look for new one from the ground up.
>>203921978>マイナス思考現実的*>仕事やめなきゃ何かするにも時間が足りないIf you quit your job, how would you make money to spend on something entertaining not to mention your living expenses?
>>203922232>If you quit your job, how would you make money to spend on something entertaining not to mention your living expenses?苦界に身を沈めるしかないのかい join the global /int/ discord
>>203922376>2024>tell someone to follow the teachings of JesusThis is why you're optimistic that much, huh.Okay, Okay, it's a waste of time to reply to you already because I'm NOT interested in religion.>>203922696一応「不労所得」という手もあるけどね。
>>203921144maybe, that means sister's leg garter (´ε`;)ウーン…
Daily reminder how this society works.(a famous meme probably first posted on 2ch)
it's been 1 month to start study and i can't barely read post in here.
>>203915635its their identity. hating gays is so last century so they needed a new one
>>203923646英語できる方がよっぽど偉い! ( ˘ω˘)ウムッ
>>203923784Absolutely.meant for >>203923646
>page 9なぞ:日本のタクシーはどの一人称が使うのか?答え:私(和タクシー)
写真や動画をポストできない。4chanがもっと制限を課したような...this and also the 900 sec wait.>>203926695thanks :3
/trv/ ignored me so let me ask here - where should I go on halloween in Tokyo? Shibuya is banned this year too.
道しらば たづねもゆかむ もみぢばをぬさとたむけて 秋はいにけり
>>203927861 page lists 164 Halloween events in Tokyo, but apparently most of them are held indoors.This is just my whim, but what about the Halloween event in Ikebukuro? the rule of participation: ways to participate in detail:
>>203927861You shouldn't go anywhere on Halloween, just stay at home.
>>203928395Oh no, it's already over. Ignore Ikebukuro.
>>203923646that's normal, no need to stress over the amount of time.
>>203923646Perfectly normal. Carry on
>>203927861Halloween is not a Japanese holiday. If you want to celebrate Halloween I suggest you go to the US.
>>203934547I'm gay btw if that matters.そして来週の今頃の自殺を図ってるよ
>>203935911I don't know who you are except for the nationality, butwhy do you want to c*mmit s*uicide?
>>203936996He does not. He's just a shizo so ignore him.
Tell me what you are currently watching/reading/playing in Japanese!
>>203939698your post
>>203939698Pokémon Brilliand Diamond
can I learn basic japanese by rewatching japanese youtube videos everyday and looking up words and grammar I don't understand?終わりだ
>>203941409Why not
I'm doing core 2k 6k with a bit of kanji/radical knowledge but not much elseI'm having to read the word, understand the meaning and then think about the Japanese word that matches with itYeah I have a rough idea of what a kanji can mean but I don't know how to predict that so it's almost as if my TL - NL cards have become TL - NL - TL cards
>>203943867>Yeah I have a rough idea of what a kanji can meanI meant sound like
>>203943852"どへっ" is not normal as a meaningless exclamation, nor is it normal as a collapsed utterance of "どうぞ" or any other gessable normal word.I have never seen such a vocalization and I have no idea what it actually means.I know about this work ("Skip and Loafer"), but haven't read the manga.I guess that the author uses such unusual wordings to emphasize the girl's being unpretentious and a bit off, and the recognizability of her emotions. I'm not so sure, though.Though no one cares I like the OP animation.
Yojijukugo of the day杯酒解怨 (はいしゅかいえん)杯を酌み交わして、怨みを忘れるという意味。
>なんかいるなぁ変な振る舞いしてる彼女が見知らぬもののように言ってますか?それとも彼女が言いようのないほど変ってことですか?>>203944246>>203945608どうもだんけ!>as a *slurred utterance of "どうぞ" or any other *guessable normal>emphasize the girl* being>, and the recognizability of her emotionssounds unnatural here, but I cannot think of a good way to make it work rn :>
>>203946885>>as a *slurred utterance of "どうぞ" or any other *guessable normal>>emphasize the girl* beingThank you for the corrections.>なんかいるなぁ>変な振る舞いしてる彼女が見知らぬもののように言ってますか?Not really. If it was the case, the teacher would say "なんだあれは…" or "どういうことだ…", which implies he has never seen such a behavior and can't figure out what it means.>それとも彼女が言いようのないほど変ってことですか?Yes, she looks "変", but not to the extent "言いようのないほど", I guess."なんかいるなぁ" is more like the teacher has noticed someone's odd behavior, but it is slight and/or vague, so the teacher doesn't feel it necessary to sort it out with the specification.If she looked so strange for the teacher that he couldn't put it into words, he would say something along the lines of "ヤバいのがいる".
>>203935340ホントに切り取っちゃダーメ( ˘ω˘)ウムッ
>>203948268Thank you very much!>so the teacher doesn't *consider it / feel like it's necessaryAh yeah the 何か instead of like a 変なの is what really throws me off. To me it feels like you could say 何かいるなぁ to any student
>>203946885>and the recognizability of her emotions.I rethought on it. How about>and that she exposes her emotions (easily?).?
I really want natto. I've been craving it ever since my last trip to the holy land.
>>203948672ATRIちゃんが足になってくれるから2倍萌えだよ! (ㆁωㆁ(ㆁωㆁ*)
>>203948647Yes, "何かいる" literally means "There is somebody." But when there being a person is obvious, "何かいる" gains a connotation and becomes semi-idiomatic, meaning "There is somebody worth noting". It usually refers to a strange person.
>>203836516TIP(Tiny Ichikawa Pecker)
>>203948903Ah, that clears it up! Thank you so much!>>203948785誰やねん、こんブス
Lesson 9 grammar東京は大阪'より’おおきいです。虎はうさぎよりおおきいです。うさぎはとらよりちさいいてす。 negative formおいしい おいし'くない'(い adjective) まずい! ばか ばか'じゃない' (な adjective)nounえんぴつ pencilきんたま nuts/ballsくらす classみず waterくも cloud/spiderverbsすわる to sitたつ to standわかる to understandしる to knowのる to ride
>>203948965>こんブス酢昆布…かな?(難聴)>>203949074>AliveJTいつもあんがとおすとりゃ〜ん! ;3
What's the best source for Japanese phonetics you've found?
>>203950465Listen to da Japanese people and use your mouth to copy the sounds their mouths make(Wikipedia articles have generally accurate enough scientific descriptions for personal use if you like that kind of thing but it's all gibberish like):>tɕ, ɕ, dʑ~ʑ] are lamino-alveolopalatal [t̠ɕ, ɕ, d̠ʑ~ʑ]: the affricates are sometimes transcribed broadly as [cɕ, ɟʑ][23] (standing for prepalatal [c̟ɕ, ɟ̟ʑ]).[24] The palatalized allophone of /n/ before /i/ or /j/ is also lamino-alveolopalatal[25] or prepalatal, and so can be transcribed as [ɲ̟],[26] or more broadly as [ɲ].[25] Recasens (2013) reports its place of articulation as dentoalveolar or alveolar.[27]