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Kirara edish
too early chud
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I like bago
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same code as webm?
will i get kidnapped in thailand and sent to the golden triangle scam center
How to get acute jomon gd bros
>coomer sunday
watching dandadan
whats this webms code bro??L?
how do i get a gf with that body type
Not jav
She's pure and my wife
im watching rezero, shangri la frontier and negaposi angler
they look korean. are they zainichi?
everyday I ask myself what went wrong with SEAmonkey race if we're supposed to be the same race as them why are we so subhuman? is it negrito or jeet genes?
Jepang ahli zina laknatullah
first of my cousins got married, I’m feeling the pressure bros
where the hell do I find marriageable women?
are there any yuri animes in this season?
>negaposi angler
Weren't NUT supposed to be working on that Youjo Senki movie?
This is an obligation from my family too, since I am the oldest. But I don't plan on getting married anytime soon.
You guys get pressured to get married? My family just want me to be their personal ATM.
>my father just sang that heeyeyaaya heman song
what's going on fr
well, the fact is, or should i say, the TRUTHNUKE is, chinese and japanese women are cute. they're the true "asians". us brown subhumans are fucking ugly and there's nothing can save us except a nuke blast.
LakeGODS win
Bronny still undefeated
Gib chindo gf!!!
My uncle looks like a Mr.Bean and he married a Chindo.
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2bf these 2 girls in the thumbnail are very cute tho. anyone would simp over them. they're even much cuter than orei.
I can't find "African" hito anywhere. Does anyone even raise that? People say it tastes like shit compare to normal hito
that reminds me that i missed the today’s episode of wanpuri
Yes! Precure 5
get in here niggers

too big
just say you're gay
but im straight doe
finally they embrace their roots
love live superstar
generous indonesia literally give your country LKY
>but im straight doe
tes muka lu >>203883321
Why does LKY love Suharto so much? It's weird to me that the guy hates Habibi and Gus Dur but is okay with Megawati and SBY.
because habibi was a dumb leader while gus dur was blind and should've never been allowed to be a president
>if we're supposed to be the same race
that's where you're wrong
They have their own faults yeah but it wasn't THAT bad and I always believe they were necessary to stabilize this county, which LKY says is important IIRC. Also, both of those guys support the Chinese community more than Soeharto.
Because Suharto and LKY has the same dictatorial spirit in them, both have similar style of governance
When people say "I love asians" they really mean "I love chinese korean and japanese women"
Hol up ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Tangalog or Bisakol?
you don't understand because there was a constant propaganda to whitewash habibi, but as a leader of a transitional period, of a country that was formerly a dictatorship, he was very incompetent

the power of the president was even bigger than it is now but he barely did anything with it
What did he do wrong and what could he have done better?
It's no secret chindo women lust for pribumi guy
why? do you guys have special rights for pribumis?
WTF? InGODS birthed Singapore???
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Shittest LL
>almost all Malaysian royalty came from Indonesia
>now LKY has Indo heritage
i kneel...
he did way too little
in a chaos of a transitional period there was an opportunity to purge everything and start everything new

and what little things he did, they were the opposite of what indonesia needed
indonesia doesn't need democracy and freedom
what indonesia needs is discipline, law and order
>There was constant propaganda
>T. Fell for piyekabare enak jamanku to meme
>being critical of habibi means you're a piyekabare fag
is it okay to start to watch ive not watched any series of love live yet
>in a chaos of a transitional period there was an opportunity to purge everything and start everything new
Maybe he just didn't want to rock the boat? No one trusted him at the time since he was picked by Soeharto and our second president fucked up big time.
>what indonesia needs is discipline, law and order
Isn't this what we had for a long time? I still think freedom and democracy are not mutually exclusive to those things and it would really only delay the problem instead of tackling it. I'd rather not live under a junta, which is what this mentality would probably lead to given the track record of leadership in this region.
then that means he should've never been the president in the first place, let alone a president in a transitional period (hard mode)

if he'd been more politically astute, he would've never been in that kind of position in the first place
like fuck, you're a vice president but you don't have any strong connections with any military generals, what the fuck have you been doing?

>Isn't this what we had for a long time?
no, we only had a superficial aspect of it
people broke the rules all the time and the government used it as an excuse to get you
It’s already Monday tomorrow :(
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you're either gen z or really dumbass who knows nothing
literally no military generals are loyal to soeharto at that time and everyone tried to wash their hand so they can get away with everything
even wiranto the general at that time had no guts to take over the country
>like fuck, you're a vice president but you don't have any strong connections with any military generals, what the fuck have you been doing?
My god, he was only VP for two months and that was during a time where a ton of terrible shit happened anon. I can't really blame the guy for not doing much considering we were economically crippled, have issues in East Timor and were politically isolated.
>no, we only had a superficial aspect of it
How could he meaningfully change law and order in a nation where the military already served in politics in a year?
I think he did too little but that really wasn't on him and he just didn't have enough time and had to carry baggage of Soehartos later years on him.
Malaysians protesting over the Philippines annexation of Sabah, 1968.

Nowadays Filipinos escape to Sabah to escape conflict and poverty and Malaysia is a developed country and is a popular destination for Filipinos to work as maids in while the Philippines got left in the dust comparable to an African country. The Philippines also became a popular destination for Malaysian males due to consistent economic growth, made the average Malay male powerful and wealthier.

If this is God's punishment for us then we deserve it.
dumbass, when did i ever say anything about being loyal to soeharto?
learn to read

here's the thing
if habibie was politically astute, he'd have done much more
if habibie was politically savvy, he'd have known that generals and ex-generals wanted megawati, sby, or someone else to be the president
but he was neither and as a result made a fool out of himself
The blame would've been placed to suharto for picking him up in the first place then. Habibie simply doing his job
>if habibie was politically savvy, he'd have known that generals and ex-generals wanted megawati, sby, or someone else to be the president
He stepped down after a year, didn't run again in 1999 and let Gus Dur deal with the issue. So does this mean he WAS politically savvy?
gonna fi d freak

>you're a vice president but you don't have any strong connections with any military generals
because you said this idiot, tell me a military general at that time that could work with habibie to help him and become a dictator
you are a fool because you think military at that time have no internal conflicts themselves so you think habibie can work them to solve everything
*habibie can work with them
Habibi and gusdur is one those feels good™ leaders that appeals to human right activist and other sort of hippy western stooge faggotry but absolutely ineffective at leading and their policy hinders development in the long run in ways similar to gandhi and mandela,. If habibi got full 5 year term its not only timor that would have seceded

LKY in contrast is the kind of leader that don't give a shit about those things but will do anything even necessary evil in order to make his country thrive
i wish china would nuke this shithole already
It wasn't too long ago you beheaded them
Oh it's reddit edgelord midwits again.
he stepped down after
>being retarded
>not doing much about the chaos
>nobody listened to him
>signed a bunch of stupid shit because he couldn't handle international pressure caused by a problem that shouldn't have happened in the first place
so, no

there were plenty, all he needed to do was to scheme behind soeharto's back once soeharto thought he was just a dumb loyal dog
but he was a dumbass through and through
he wasn't even loyal to soeharto until the end
so he was just a dumbass then
>Habibi and gusdur is one those feels good™ leaders that appeals to human right activist and other sort of hippy western stooge faggotry but absolutely ineffective at leading and their policy hinders development in the long run in ways similar to gandhi and mandela,.
>there was plenty
>can't even name one
as expected
>and their policy hinders development in the long run in ways similar to gandhi and mandela
Was it the local autonomy laws and the Timor Vote? The free election/free press? The Banks? Or are all of these bad?
hendro, wiranto, prabowo, moerdani
literally everyone whom soeharto distrusted
>but he couldn't
that's why he's not a good politician, and why he shouldn't have been the president
>and their policy hinders development in the long run
And those things are....?
What do all advanced asian countries have in common?
They have period of enlightened dictatorship that accelerated development and industrialisation of their country (Hirohito, Deng Xiaoping, Park Chunghe, LKY, CKS, Mahathir)
another proof that you know nothing
hendro and moerdani are against habibie
prabowo was still under wiranto and wiranto themselves like i said had no guts to take over the country
We have the longest dictatorship for 20 years and you're more advanced than us
We had suharto for a quite some time and it was suck big dick. Maybe he's not "enlightened" or whatever that means.
they were against him being the president because they knew he was a dumbass
Oh damn I mean Meiji not Hirohito
it's not really the dictatorship that matters, but a strict implementation of law, including anti-corruption measures, and the law must be reasonable and create order and stability

we never have that
in soeharto's era people broke the rules all the time, and it was one of the reasons for the public being disillusioned with everything, because what was taught in civics class was never practiced in reality
and the more demoralized the people are the better it is for the tyrants or local tyrants, but not for the country
and their options are gus dur and megawati which are even more unfit to become a dictator kek
in the end nobody wanted to be soeharto 2.0 at that time and your dream about muh stability and development is nothing but hallucinations
super rich South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore going extinct due low birth rates.
Poor Philippines birth rates still above the replacement levels
which one is gonna laugh at last?
The wealthy citizens in those countries
Suharto dictatorship is 32 years and arguably only in last term it went bad
Indonesia highest growth was achieved under his presidency and this is after extreme inflation leftover from sukarno
what year this image was taken from?
rich people around of people who are different to them are not happy.
thats the future that awaits to the future old rich asians, to live surrounded by millions of young SEAs.
which cinema in Malaysia shows anime movie? I want to watch Overlord movie
Why did they skip that part and turn it into a movie?
not so sure. maybe they do have gaiden anime that only being released if you buy the lightnovels? profit?
Nigga prabs was literally couping the country. The only reason he wasn't successful back then was because he didn't ask CIA. It's everyone wants it so no one gets it situation.
how do you download the video
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prabowo is kinda two-faced, he tried to potray himself as a loyal servant to soeharto but at the same time actually wanted to have nothing to do with him despite being a son in law
eventually wiranto and habibie got rid of him because of this two faced behaviour
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Jawak = dwarf
Sundal = elf
Simple as
Id rather a chindo thanks
>pantangan orang sunda dan jawa menikah
idk how this shit is still believable to many when many intermarriage between those two already happened in the border provinces (banyumas, kuningan, ciamis, cilacap, etc) for centuries
One Race Human Race
Coworkers like my blouse
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i thought chinese indonesian CEOs supposed to be smart? why are they bankrupt now?
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Thailand slums look like they're about to have a golden age
No poster here is actually employed
>there were plenty
Name 5
Why do they always recycle that one Civ 5 image of Gajah Mada?
all are jawaks
jan lupa sholat maghrib gan
>father would rather die than do a hemodialysis
It's his own word to me
Dunno wtf should i do
His saving you from debt. Let him rest.
>border provinces
formerly sunda, thats why they speak funi
Our eco is okay, we also have a bpjs
My granduncle had this. If you feel like you want to save your father then maybe get his perspective and convince him its for the best. My uncle told him that every second is worth it if he gets to see his grandkids.
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Wash after you fap boyos. I got a pimple after not washing for days.
I tried bro, even before things become 'worse'. I talked to him about visiting a hospital. He afraid that the doctors there would just cut his guts out (his own words).
I did what i could, massaged him, bought him porridge from his favorite place, listened to his stories. But he never considered my words
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We were US citizens at one point.
Reassure him that hemodyalisis isn't like that. They open a blood vessel and insert a tube, its not scary, its a lifesaving operation that you can cover.
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Telah habis sudah
Cinta ini
Tak lagi tersisa
Untuk dunia
some people are like that, only to end up regretting it later when its terminal
hemodialysis isn't even that bad, and its basically covered if you have BPJS, 2 times a week and you basically get your life back.
Back from malang, very fresh
Elf look like THIS !!?
sedot lemak dicover bpjs ga dok
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This is how women react when they see me in my dreams.
Elfs in their Forrest
They are the same person. It’s insane how a good haircut can transform your face
That's it I'm growing my hair. No more military style
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Just found out about chindo bibit, bebet, bobot
See what I mean?
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Chindo are made for jawak (me)
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the gem that ACKed holobronies to oblivion
Sundaniggas is the zestiest niggas in indogland
They would give Thai ladyboy a run for their money if Islam didn't exist
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Cia Bocil ada yg punya gak bang?
How is this shit so fucking tasty?
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I don't know what you're talking about. I cant eat without onions.
Hold on, that's not garlic.
both are jawaks
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our onions are different THOUGH and some sources even say it's not even an onion THOUGH
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orei is the cutest
ya allah pengen nangis
why is she getting uglier as she gets older
ngapak is not sunda, it's actually pure javanese
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bbc taxes
Why are w*men like this?
senang nya hati ku
bro what the fuck is this
The only ones who are left here are the real gamers. WE ARE NOT GONNA MAKE IT MY NIGGAS
Thanks for reminding me why i fucking hate women.
hej norway
obviously not staged
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Imagine them vibing to this song instead
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Is it weir if I ask a friend (a girl) for a selfie?
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Time to reveal the truth, chud
Your girlfriend wouldn't like that.
yoooo wtf flipbros is this real?
As in, selfie together
Depends. Are you close and do you talk often?
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But she's my (future) gf!

N-not really?
We've worked on project together multiple times but never really talked outside work related things.
If I was born as a Malaysian or Singaporean, would I be happier? Or is it not worth it and it's still better to be a Filipino?
Wait... Aqua left Hololive?
I don't follow vtumor anymore
why is that 600 pages long computer networking book so interesting to me why am i even so autistic
Nah don't.
Do I look like I'm happy?
Yes, definitely. They're rich and getting even richer nowadays

Stop lying. You don't suffer.
Are you guys firstoids yet?
sundanese male are honorary malaysian male
i once saw an actual laos flag posting on /int/ (not a diaspora muttcel like me) and i still wonder if it was real to this day
try reading CODE by Charles Petzold
its a good primer on hardware to software
what's your book? (I think I know it but I can't recall)
seems interesting, im thinking about reading nand to tetris and doing the coursework for it after, i dont even code that much i just really like tech

also the book is Computer Networks : A Top-Down approach global ed 8th edition
same, tech isn't even my field/profession but it has been pretty much my passion.
>Computer Networks : A Top-Down approach global ed 8th edition
ah, that doesn't seem to be the one i've read back then, its more python and socket, practical one.
same i actually dropped out of my tech major because of the lack of jobs and the fact that i dont see myself working in that field but i cant see myself not doing tech stuff for fun
>tech isn't even my field/profession
So what is your field?
Loving women is my passion.
>various malls holding halloween events today
>lots of kids running around in costumes

today is a good day
Yeah I just went to the mall to buy a new Laptop and there's a ton of Halloween decoration there but idk why? We don't celebrate Halloween.
I think SEA should celebrate Halloween cause its cool.
Just ate my mushrooms. It was mmmmmmm fucking good. Tried tomato before but the transplanting part always stunt their growth.
made me uoooh
We "celebrate" it because it's a convenient holiday to have more events in malls.
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Do you guys think I should grow my hair out or keep this haircut for another year? It really suits me but now I’m not sure anymore.
Can't even hear my own voice https://files.catbox.moe/3r12yw.mp4
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I saw a Lao flag on /pol/ a few years ago. that dude claimed to be a real Lao, but I’m pretty sure he was just a larper. because he stated that the word "Lao" (referring to his country) is pronounced the same as "whiskey," which is a clear mistake that a native speaker would never make.
(these two words sound very different, even though they are latinized in the same way which is the reason most foreigner thought it's pronounced the same way)
>Nah don't.
B-but why?
Maybe if it's in a party or something?
Are Lao and Hmong related groups?
I think I met a few Hmong guys in the US a few years ago but I think they're pretty different.
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this you?
I really2 need a 2nd opinion.
It would still feel too weird if you were specifically targeting her alone. Maybe you could pretend to take a selfie with some of your coworkers and slowly move toward her
hair needs to fit the head shape
give estimate what your head looks like
>They have period of enlightened dictatorship that accelerated development and industrialisation of their country

You actually need to have competent people in a dictatorship for it to actually have a positive effect on the country.
difference ethnicities and not related. Lao is Tai-Kradai, but Hmong is a semi-nomadic hill tribe who live in the mountain in southern China and mainland SEA (northern part).
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The reason why other "benevolent dictatorships" like LKY worked is the fact that his inner circle is essentially on the same wavelength when it comes to prioritizing on getting the system to work. In comparison, Soeharto's inner circle was mostly filled with scum and dumbasses.
banyak gak, okay lah
follow your personality la
Susah2 je. Sy plih yg ni la. Haha
vgh... white women...

need to grow out your hair la
about 2 months okay kot
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ngl i would love to have a white woman treat me as a humanoid pet
Bro, your pride?
are the singaporeans the brownest yellows?
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>So what is your field?
only general practice though, haven't got the connections and money to get specialization.
not medfag (og) though
To have a gf is to humble oneself, anon
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actual smart nigga. i stopped doing physics after high school and kind of regreted it. i want to re-go through calculus in a more rigorous way and refresh my knowledge to study electronics after

also why did you study physics? do you want to become a teacher? pure physics / math are the key to unemployement here
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Indonesia mentioned!
I'm a Médecin not a Physicien
just some regular ass pill dispenser/prescriber
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>840 competitors for 2 pns positions
is it over for me already?
uh oh my ESLism is showing up here..
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You can do it, anon
physician not physicist
if you wanna have a go at STEM again, look up the /sci/ book recommendation chart. it's quite comprehensive
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>been talking to this gay femboy on discord
>its literally just like talking to a woman
fuck me, i dont care about what you did today nor what you wear
fucking hell, do i really have to act all corny even with guys?
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japanewe waifu....
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nibba it's morning already
quintessentially malay post

if you are attractive enough you can straight up ask for a hookup but all youd get are hookup types, at least thats how it is with girls
No both of them sucks in their own way.
>ask for a hookup but all youd get are hookup types
well yeah, thats what i want - at least, right now, dont matter guy or girl tbf
my convo with him is not going to go anywhere near sex, its the chilean fag if you've been around the log
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> post a loli getting choked
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she's not a loli you filthy frog.
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November 5 is less tan two weeks...

Shit will be a pain in the neck.
is this AI generated? i can't find it through 'nao
>listened to jedag jedug
>listened to Thai club mix
>now listening to budots
i am one with the trashy folk of asean
How can we fix indog psyche?
So weird that I may have yet to see a pinoy shitpost similar to that.

So far, I believe that we're about to tear each other apart American-style in 2025.
Total Jawir Victory
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pagi pogi saar
pagi ges
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listen to horeg
don't you fucking dare to taint my oshi.
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The war is over, go home.
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ma ma ma ma moo deng moo deng moo deng
ah dode dueng dueng dueng dueng dueng
deed diw diw diw diw diw
Do Thais like Hmong?
Idk how Thais view hill tribes in general.
I see, then first message ask for it straight up, pajeet style.
you know i hate all of you, right? every. single. one. of. you. oh yes, i do
yeah, at least, I've never seen anyone hate them or think they're a problem as they're trying to integrate into society in this past decade. although I've heard they got discrimination in the past because of communist insurgency and involvement in drug trade.
Aren't most Hmong anti-communists? I never read much about them desu, except they're a bit like Latinos in the US with a lot of them being in gangs.
It's ok I still love you

what do you guys call it, just club music in general? here we call it Thaibeat, its got a pretty distinct sound too
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It's hard to find a job without facebook. Problem with jobstreet and such is that they only recommend corporate jobs that require college degree, not for those with high school diplomas.
i'm not a rapist nor a creep, asking it direct lile that lol

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It's a different situation depending on the country. they're anti-communist in Laos, but in Thailand, the Thai Communist Party in the past cooperated with various hill tribes as a communist army in Thailand, lurking in the mountain range.
I'm not entirely sure about their standpoint on this communist situation, but I assume that people in the past would have lumped them with other hill tribes. since there are many hill tribes in Thailand, people often don't make much of a distinction between them.
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We call it "sai yor" (Its name comes from the dance moves in which the body is squatted down.๗. this type of edm is exclusively played only in rural parts.
ges, itu si fufufafa beneran gibran anjay wkwkwk
goblok banget sumpah
thanks, anon
you guys think i can get a girlfriend in vietnam without speaking any vietchong?
i really REALLY like their women
what do people over there think of indonesian? (i looked like a jomon guy)
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explain yourself burmese sisters
oh, i also love how Thai JK looks, so i would love to date on of them as well.
and no, i cant speak a lick of thai
Fuck working man
>you guys think i can get a girlfriend in vietnam without speaking any vietchong?
I've seen black folks with Viet gfs here so it's possible.
>what do people over there think of indonesian?
Normal people don't really care about Indonesian that much. Terminally online fags in their local shithole forums lump them in with other Muslims and call them "Muslim savages".
what did you guys have for breakfast?
New day
New bread
too early chud
where is this "local shithole forums" i wanna interact with them.
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Banh mi with round buns (not burger buns thoughbeit)
Just finished my coffee now back to waging
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seblak+ coffee
It's called voz.vn and most chuds are contained in "Chuyện trò linh tinh" (miscellaneous chat) and "Điểm báo" (news coverage) boards.
thanks, im gonna find my vietnam gf
also is there a video roulette app (like omegle) that vietnam used? in indonesia its called ometv
>is there a video roulette app (like omegle) that vietnam used?
Not that I'm aware of. Services with similar feature like Litmatch is also cool for chatting with girls and stuffs. But it's full of minors whoring themselves so I don't really recommend it thoughbeit.
>Services with similar feature like Litmatch is
*Services with similar features like Litmatch are
i was a frequent user, sadly theres no way to add more than 4 account inside one device.
(i got banned on all of them) so i need to buy a new phone kek.
met a fuck buddy there once lol
>sai yor
ayo thai niggas really do be naming they dance after SpyxFamily n shiet
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can i talk my shit again?
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Makan siang gratis
>most chuds are contained in "Chuyện trò linh tinh" (miscellaneous chat) and "Điểm báo" (news coverage) boards.
Sounds like kaskus (Indonesian forum)

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