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maniniyot edisyon
me irl
Ramona Anndrew Blythe Daguio Gorostiza
Andrea Brillantes
watching The Patlabor series from the OVA to the latest movie.
guess why.
how do i get a job?
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It's almost 11:30, what are you doing with your lives?
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damn shes a dirty talker
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He's winning bros
>this was 8 years ago
wtf bros?
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were they always that big?
nooo no spoiler, i'm not gonna watch that, since I literally just started the OVA series
I'm thinking
The Early Days OVA -> Patlabor: The Movie -> Patlabor on TV -> Patlabor: The New Files -> Patlabor 2: The Movie -> WXIII: Patlabor the Movie 3
shes only 21 so she just went thru puberty
don't worry, nothing happens in the clip, it's just cool
why not watch the movies together? OVA and movies are one "timeline", TV and new files are separate
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It’s obviously a boobjob
>pick up mom from work
>talk to her about the news
>somehow, convo shifts into class struggle
>imply i'm a commie
>she stays silent the rest of the drive
mom's a lost cause
i've found my path, and i'm gonna ride it through to the end
Good night bros
Was going to study and do some assignments but I don't have caffeine so might as well sleep and do it tomorrow
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To look for funny quotes?
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Mencret gan
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Nah, the middle-class is the MOST oppressed ones alive.

I'll vote for a politician that will be explicit in supporting them.
The CCP will unironically outlast the West once they focus on growing & maintaining their middle-class taxcattle who will die for them.
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>Patlabor 2: The Movie
Just watch that one. Ignore the rest.
Post tits pls
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I watched Top wo Nerae! (Gunbuster)
its so epic, also watched the aniexpo casette girl OVA
nope, I want the full patlabor experience
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Happy Halloween !!
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If this shit hits P60 to a dollar, then I'll laugh profusely.

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