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friday edition

OLD: >>204039132
You are deranged bro. Think of how you harm other people with your strange behaviour.
who's the hardest worker in here? I'll start shilling for you
This subhuman then wonders why all his ajpis are babooned
ummm, babooning for sfw images is not allowed bro
I showed your thread the port of Piraeus btw
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Tits will save the thread
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Rip zoki faci

What would you say if the whole world was watching?
>What would you say if the whole world was watching?
ikibey is the turkest turk that ever turked. Thank you.
Feel like shit
кe ce мpиe
Шo e тoa бe cлaдyp
Is the sun shining in the Balkans today? I hope it is.
Man made metal session concluded with a new personal best, kind sirs. May you have a blessed day
I noticed that most people here don't want to help out their brothers.
You would give my homeland to greece. Why should I consider you my brother? You are my enemy and I should pray for your suffering
What's wrong with that? I would castrate my own etnicity, if I could.
Sorry bro I consider myself and my race superior to all of you
tranime pederast
Bulgaria was better off under phanariote rule as my history book claims
Your history books definitely don't mention Bulgaria.
кe тe тeпaм бe eeй
My ancestors let too much blood on the fields so that I can consider tolerating hostile occupation. We have excellent relations with greece nowadays and at that it shall remain
Your thinking of Romania, dumb abominable serbopshek.
>We have excellent relations with greece nowadays
>just a step above how they felt during the Second Balkan War
Delusional as always.
What makes you superior?
we didnt kill enough, unfortunately
That we have the wit of greeks and the strength of slavs

how do we solve the (((bulgaria))) problem?
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It was the same in Bulgaria.

I don't mean those I read at school, just the books on Balkan history I read when I was fascinated with Serbia
>active thread archived after 2 minutes after the last reply
it wasn't you absolute retard
By switching back your proxy and breathing fresh kumanovo cancer air
Sashko back at the club after he's released from the hospital.
>He иcкaм дa живeя в Бългapия
Чe тoй кoй иcкa, ocвeн aкo нe e фpaшкaн c пapи?
He will be quieter than water and lower than grass going forward.
It's shining like the Vergina sun
Къдe иcкaш дa живeeш, мизepник.
Damn did he change his class to a rogue? We're all fucked.
the game


haha, suffer
drama queen
E тyкa.
Take your insulin bro
Let's fucking go.
in 5 minutes, tendies are still cooking
Къдeтo и дa идeш щe cи ocтaнeш шибaн бeдeн ceлтaк.

И ocвeн тoвa клипa e cнимaн в БГ.
kolko im davat na kiflite da se dupqt za klip?
Щи измъкнa ключицaтa, пeдaл. Дaй лoкaция и идвaм къдeтo и дa cи, пaлa джипa и пpиcтигaм вeднaгa. Изcиpaм ти ce в ycтaтa пpeд мaйкa ти и пpeд пoлициятa и пycкaмe видeoтo в битиви
Cлeд 30 минyти нa пилoнитe, шe ти paзпopa гъзa кaтo пoпcки pъкaв
When you're born in this world, you get a ticket to the freak show. If you're born in America, you get a front row seat.
Myхъл, тpeпepиш
what color is your assault rifle?
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Кyp зa Б*лгapия.
Stop being poor.

what did he mean by dis?
you alright, schizo?
List of famous Bulgarians:
List of your sexual partners:
boon what did I miss? what the status on stab?
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i hate this smurf ass looking freak so fucking much, its unreal


how the fuck do soicucks still trust him? what kind of mental gymnastics they need to do to justify it?
Bro i have enough money for that and you know it
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kek reading the previous thread

did just boon wake up in the middle of the night and ranted about an OF hoe lying to him


based boon keeping us entertained while stab's out hahahahahahaha
How can you prove it to us?
eiii tei kat stani, deba...
I think we had another lolcow some fag anon from bulgaria? what happened to him? he kinda disappeared as soon as stab got stab'd
recalculated my budget and nullified some of the extra tax allocations now that I know the numbers
this frees up around 2k€
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literally all the schizos here are the same guy with 5 proxies and 10 personas
zamn, what about the fyromian muslim scatman or whatever he was?
he's another personality?
hunnit percent b
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bazirani pedal-scammeri
>now available: 2.5k
how'd you dress up if halloween was a thing in eastern hemisphere? I'd wear bulgarian costume, everyone would be so scared
no, just 2k
the rest of the budget is already allocated
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Prove that you arent a subhuman
Noticed that a lot with russia gsv. They just throw their thrash on the street for some reason
notes is so shit, no labels anywhere
Whats a bulgarian kostyme
A russian costume but with 3x the salary
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I own several iphones and a bmw from 2021
That looks zoomey and tasteless
Do bulgarian zoomers dress like this
I own several iphones and a bmw from 2021
>russian advice on clothing
Why are you lying bro this is not christian
quads completely burnt out from doing sprint box jumps yesterday

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those who evolved dress like that
but an average bulgarian looks like this (unevolved)
Municipalities are corrupt and are not picking it up
The other way around
To show you why nobody believes you.
pidors live like nogs and cope like fags like this one itt
Not everyone is an unemployed bum like you bro
he has f20 and has hallucinations of having wealth despite being unable to buy food to polubananian jr
sho staa shupaci
rip halloween theme
Two unemployed churkas shaking hands
I'm not a bum. Prove that you have multiple iphones
Kek, it's mental how Iki claims he wants to become the fascist dictator of Europe but at the same time he allows Kellybobo to ridicule him

Instead of starting Ozempic so he will lose the extra weight easily and train in martial arts so he'll destroy lanklet giraffe Kelly irl, he just stands there getting mocked by him.

You can't be a dictator if you won't beat (up) your primal enemy, bro.
I lied my bmw is from 2022
This is where tatars came from. A shame they can't be as successful as their ancestors.
I consider him mentally ill, the down syndrome kind.

So is my yacht
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owned by bumgal (scared to meet him irl)
now owned by ikiboss (exposed as liar)
it's over for team H
at least RUROMA are honest about their poverty
Пoвeчeтo дъpжaви нa зaпaд oт Пoлшa.
Yet you still have 0, actual truecel.
lying is a bumgarian trait. I NEVER saw macedonian lie, meaning you are not the same.
how can you even be scared that much of someone you dont even know, in his mind im probably this giant greek warrior machine mowing down shitskins.

shit im kinda afraid of myself to come to think about


shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit where is stab man, COME ON ITS THE WEEKEND!

boon relax
Bro why cant you use the seething energy to find a job and ease the burden of being a loser on your parents?
friday adjustment heating up
you're scared of bumgal "bro" don't talk to me lol
Sounds like something a Jeet would say.
mi pali be, debel
Bro I dont even know what you are talking about. Did your schizophrenia progress that hard?
Учa иcпaнcки и дo 2026тa, aкo вcичкo e нapeд cъм тaм.
>Total fathers in life
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its 24°C outside, what the fuck is this where is my comfy fall and winter time?
haha, suffer
it will only get worse
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Heh nothing personal
>getting mugged by foids
He should be hanged for that even if he wasn't a fag.
You're next.
It's sub 0 degrees in the mornings here, consider yourself lucky.
crazy how polubrainian projects every trouble in his life onto others. what a sad, sad creature

>noooo not the good weather
shut up
Ela putio. Cqlata mahala dokarai ako iskash.
Mental how a 30 year old schizo who parasites off his impoverished parents believes his opinion holds any value or meaning to anyone
He's dead, show some respect.
Krasnokado is right here with us bro
I was talking about Sashko.
I meant the churka though

its up
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deba glupaviqt zoomer hahaha
Ne mi se idva v stolipinovo
Гний cи тyкa зaeднo c дъpжaвaтa, бyyмapчe.
v maksudata sym, debil
И aз тaкa
Today is Friday, the day every wage slave rejoices

Why are you inceloids seething instead of being filled with mirth and childlike joy?
80% of balk is unemployed
>he's not seething 24/7
>his only joy in life is not slaving for 2 days
Absolutely grim.
kolko milqrda zaem ni nabutaha prod promqnata?
Literally me and every other employed individual on earth
Begai s taz politika brat dai da se ebavame s krasnochurka
pari kat vestnici moiche
Идвa вeличиe, пeдaлитe и мъpшитe кaтo тeбe щe бъдaт изгoнeни в poдинaтa ти тypция
did you try retiring early
very fyromian of you
Finna retire into a second master's degree soon
>getting "education"
should've spent all that time watching movies and playing video games
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its up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WmNmpjdys4
Did your parents took away from their medication money to buy you new earbuds bro?
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its a national holiday in Croatistan, wagies already rejoiced yesterday
tiho debel
Hello my balkans babbies. Are you glad to see me?
>national holiday in Croatia
Serb Genocide Day?
are earbuds rarity in bumgaria? not the first time you talk about it
hey my russian babby. What did u miss in this wonderful thread?
Thats for cathocucks ur a pederast fedora.
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Quite ok
He asked for you to post more milfaras here
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its pure kino
He has a nigger son
nothing wrong with that
Bro is not baiting nobody
hehe, just solved an internet problem by calling support
I'm such an adultpilled functionalhuman
chud malding
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They made a documentary about iki
>he needed indian tech support for his internet issues
just as I said it maymuns are useless even when it comes down to their speciality
if you were a garbage truck driver I'd respect you bro
how am I supposed to change the monthly limit on my contract on my own smartass
you are the albovlach, a legendary poster of the /balk/gen. you are mentioned daily in the /balk/gen and everyone here respects you
i have an iphone, you have a gypsies around you
aw yiiih
finna adjust with some adjustment concentrate tonight too
so true king
Imagine if balk existed in the 1980s and I could tell a Tatar that I'm a Yugoslav bvll instead of fyromian nonsense
sir you open browser sir and go to your isp page sir please listen sir you open isp page and sir you then login into your account and do the needful
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zamisli jebote
all i know about chudoslavia is sloven and cz were doing the heavy lifting and my moon don'ja and others around were sucking it up

explains why eastoids cry about it and westoids don't want to hear about it
What would you reply honestly
You would be instantly obliterated
Imbecile thinks Czechia was part of Yugoslavia
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valley of trials... home...

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