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DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.
Japanese speakers learning English are welcome, too.

Read the guide linked below before asking how to learn Japanese:

Archive of older threads: desuarchive.org/int/search/subject/Daily%20Japanese%20Thread/

Translation requests, insults, politics, reddit posts, lust, learning method / eceleb discussions: >>>/jp/djt

Previous Thread: >>204037642
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Is there a map like that with Kanji names.
Like I found one for Russia and Great Britain, but I doubt other European countries had enough relevance to get those.

all country have kanji name btw.
we love pola.. ahem, country balls! (ㆁωㆁ*)
Are there any more variations?
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Nearly finished reading through the level 1 readers which have a vocabulary of 350 words
I'll probably re-read them and see if I can remember the vocabulary
It goes
>350 words
>500 words
>800 words
>1300 words
So level 2 and 3 shouldn't be too difficult
Anyone know of any readers within this word count range or for readers that go beyond 1300 words?
Have any of you tried this one?
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>Look up for Tannu Tuva art on Pixiv
>It’s all countryballs
Kek, never fails to surprise.

I see, most seem to be identical as the current Katakana ones, with the exception of Great Britain.
The Pixiv tag for the ‘British Empire’ uses it still as well (Igirisu Teikoku one has merely two uploads under it).
おおおお~ッ気持ちいいッ トントン子宮
子宮トントン叩かれて 効く効く効くう
ふぁっくしちゃダーメ( ˘ω˘)ウムッ
あああああああああああ俺二セックスください! (T o T)
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シャチョサーン イイコイルヨー (*ノω・*)テヘ
Pic related. The sentence is a quote taken from this NHK Easy article.
I don't frequent this thread or the discord-tier garbage on /jp/ so I don't know if the advice is any good here. I have limited knowledge in the first place and even I see blatant misinformation all over places like Reddit, so I never use random people online as a resource.
And the thing is that garbage is inevitably going to be used as inputs for LLMs.
It's not the end of the world for me if I come across something I don't understand and I can't figure it out. I just move on. But there are times where I'm not getting something simple and I'll check what ChatGPT says. It doesn't do any of the heavy lifting in my studying. It's just something I play with from time to time. In the above case I understood everything in the sentence but も, so I'm isolating that variable. And that way I can also check its understanding of the rest of the sentence to make sure it's correct. I would never ever use it to actually teach me grammar. If it had told me that も meant something I had never heard of before I would go look it up somewhere reputable to see if it made sense.

As for things I know it gets wrong, it's problematic to ask for multiple examples that fit a certain criteria. For instance I asked it for other examples of auxiliary verbs like すぎる and it was listing random ass verbs like 食べる.

I imagine it would do better if it was explaining Japanese concepts in Japanese. Any advanced learners tried that? I'm genuinely curious.
I'm already confused by level 2 books
What is 飛んできた doing in this sentence?
It feels like it's giving the meaning of 'flying and coming' but I don't see how it could work as an adverb
Oh wait, not an adverb, an adjective
Or could it be seen as
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I think you have listed all the combinations that are commonly used.

Expressions closer to classical Japanese are still used from time to time.
>I have to get up.
>I have to buy it.
These two examples sound even more casual than なきゃ or なくちゃ.

>We must make a decision.
On the contrary, this sounds very formal.

A simple list for how to convert:
>...ないと => ...んと
>いけない => いかん
>ならない => ならん or ならぬ
>...なければ => ...ねば

(Unless you have completed learning Japanese,) I don't think you need to use these wordings yourself, but it's very likely that you'll see or you've seen them on various occasions.
Yojijukugo of the day
已己巳己 (いこみき)
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daily reminder to read the official DJT guide
DJT guide v3.0, written from scratch by 出来るやつs: https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/
new - rikaitan site: https://rikaitan.github.io/
the ultimate midwit guide
I'm a bit confused by して
Can someone point me to what this is? It's not te-form する I hope
i think 吃驚 is read びっくり in this case
Yeah it is
>What is 飛んできた doing in this sentence?
It's a 名詞修飾語 (noun modifying clause). The whole clause modifies the noun 絵.
びっくり is a する verb. I don't see any problem with して being a te-form here?
Thanks for the first part
Also what is 吃驚 in this sentence? Is it a verb or an adverb? If it is a verb I'm a bit confused, are you 'doing surprise?' or are you doing some generic action in a surprised way and then saying something?
Yeah I'd say out of all japanese learning materials tatsumoto helped me the most.
Sorry びっくり is an adverb that can be used with する to mean "be surprised".
I don't get know jisho say it is a "verb", that's technically wrong imo...
>I don't get know jisho say it is a "verb"
*I don't know why jisho say it is a "verb"
Thanks a lot
how would you translate it?
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I will make a suicide mission. thank you very much (´・ω:;.:...
got a hunch your pullin my leg m8
特攻 bukkomi
夜露死苦 yoroshiku

both are japanese yankee terms, you know? B^)
I am indeed keenly cognizant of this fact
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I've seen this circle twice, is it an error?
This is a stylistic choice to make the number look like a date more.

It's 1905, so usually youd be fine saying 千九百五年 as the furigana suggest, but as you can tell here they didn't go for it and used 一九◯五年 with the circle representing zero.
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it's not an error. zero used only for Chinese numerals :〇
Btw this is likely not the only use of the circle you'll encounter. It's also used in the way as using * in English to censor letters. such as ま◯(ん)こ.

Actually I never consciously realized this is how its done in basically all of these wall menus in restaurants as well, maybe because it's handwritten and not printed.
Is this the reason numbers are "censored" with an X instead of ◯ (199X年)because otherwise it would look like 漢数字?
there is a difference between XX, ◯<censored-letter> and 〇<zero>
What is the difference between the first two then?
both are for censoring
Thanks, I was finding it frustrating
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In fact, the records of using a circle to represent the number zero go back for ages.
The picrel is a spread from a mathematics textbook published in 1702 (『括要算法』(かつようさんぽう)), where, in the process of calculating an approximate value of pi (=周, perimeter), the length of one side (=弦, chord) of a regular 65536-gon inscribed in a circle of diameter one and 65536 times of it are recorded as follows:
And the actual values are, according to WolframAlpha,

Undoubtedly this notation had been influenced in some way by that of older Chinese books, but I haven't examined in detail how zero has been actually treated in Chinese mathematical books.
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You'd be better off spending your effort memorizing basic kanji as much as possible because kanji that look complicated at first glance are a combination of a radical and simple kanji in many cases.
To give an example, 欄 in the sense of a column in a newpaper or a blank/space in a form is made up of 木(tree), 門(gate) and 東(east).
This means you can easily memorize 欄 if you already know these three.
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I'm so dumb that I'm at a complete loss how I say the following two sentences in English.

>彼は机 [に] 落書きした
>彼は机 [で] 落書きした

The 机に here indicates the desk upon which he scribbled, so his mom would punish him severely if she found it.
On the other hand, the 机で here indicates a designated place or location at which he scribbled, so not sure whether he scribbled on the desk directly or on sheets of paper.
欄 ラン、てすり balustrade, railing
憑欄 ヒョウラン lean on the railing
藥欄 ヤクラン railing enclosing herb garden

蘭 ラン、あららぎ orchid, magnolia
木蘭 モクラン lily orchid, Mulan

爛 ラン、ただれる to go soft, to spoil
腐爛 フラン to rot
爛熟 ランジュク over-ripe

䦨欄蘭爛 らん
It's hard to keep the ambiguity of the second sentence intact in English.

>He scribbled on the desk.
This heavily implies he was writing on the surface of the desk
>He scribbled at the desk.
This just gives you the location but also means he did not actually write it on the desks surface, but onto some unknown third thing.

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I see, thank you for your explanation.

Upon the river, tower new they name The Four-Fold View,
For east and west, north and south, spreads water sparkling blue
But now there is no way for me to take you by the hand,
And look from on this balustrade at homeland I once knew
だから cocks
塔の上から立ちションしちゃダーメ( ˘ω˘)知らんけど
kakurenger is kino
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today is a good day to die (´・ω:;.:...
So pretty much the same thing as ‘*’ asterisks used in censoring words.
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沫雪乃 庭尓零敷 寒夜乎 手枕不纒 一香聞将宿
沫雪者 今日者莫零 白妙之
袖纒将干 人毛不有君
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bump again &
for those who are enthusiastic about riddles like me
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I've always seen the X as used in years as a marker that the number itself is arbitrary and the author doesn't want to put a precise time on when it's occurring as opposed to it being censored outright.
官尓毛 縦賜有 今夜耳 将欲酒可毛 散許須奈由米
You are correct, it's a slight difference to "censoring" a letter.
When a near-future SF work is translated into Japanese, "the year 20XX" or the like is sometimes added to the title or included in the introduction whereas it is not seen anywhere in the original. Since it is a fiction about the future, it is difficult and often unnecessary to specify the particular year the story taking place in. In addition, an arbitrary year can prevent the work from being compared with the real world, which otherwise would happen once the real world has caught up with the supposed year of the work, and might lead to criticism from those giving first priority to the accuracy.
But seemingly other countries don't like this kind of expression.
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I always thought of the famous 北斗の拳 example and while I'm no longer sure I always understood it in a way that it's actually a long time after the 1990s, but the survivors are no longer counting years so it is eternally 199X.
This might be bullshit though, I don't know.
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>"the year 20XX"
Wait... Am I just mistaken and it is quite normal to say something like "20XX" in English? Is it accurate to say that the Japanese just use it as a kind of loanword?
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I own one of theirs, maybe it's a different edition? I purchased it during a short trip to Japan to entertain the possibility of learning the language, but I'd have little use for it. Excepting that I study Chinese and not Japanese, I was quite satisfied with the reader. As it's a compendium of fables, not all vocabulary is immediately useful in life, but it should be a great resource for reading widely. Fables also have a repetitive structure, which lends itself naturally to improving your pattern recognition as an early learner. I'd definitely consider it a worthwhile purchase if I chose to master Japanese.
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I am sorry that I am not that familiar with the 北斗の拳, but since it was written in 1983, before the end of the Cold War in a narrow sense, there were probably quite a few people, especially teens who were the main readers, who were pretty nervous about the possibility of a nuclear winter.
As for the reason for using X, I think it would have had the effect of giving the fear for a wide age range of people who would become mature and enter society at different points of time.
>the 北斗の拳 -> remove "the"
>it was drawn in 1983,
do japanese people can シツdistinguish in computer? in this website, it's possible
Is it possible to distinguish I and l?
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Wrong thread my mentally ill eskimo friend.
>藥欄 ヤクラン railing enclosing herb garden
This word is sus
>page not found
hope you die stupid faggot.
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hello isaac ;3
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Come on man
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It has gotten more difficult
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別にパロじゃなくない? Σ(゚∀ ゚]q)
あなた達も anime perverts ですか
も! (*´・ω・)(・ω・`*)ネー
いわゆる hentai で常に jerking off ですか
一体誰のことだよ?? ><
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Isn't this just scene switching at the border between the upper and lower halves?
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同じ穴の狢ですの( ・ิω・ิ)
It is, but the way it's drawn looks like it's some kind of parody to me~
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It looks like a drawing style such as that of "Death Note", but at the same time it seems to be within the range of the author's own style.
It's possible the composition of this panel may be a parody of something particular, though I can't think of anything that could be at the moment.
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why not a feminine sports guy? :3
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Keep reading at your comfortable pace.
This tale, a fiction created in a later period (during Edo period (1603-1868)) modeled after an actual Buddhist monk who lived in the Muromachi period (1336-1573), is fairly famous among Japanese kids.
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>modeling after*
or might
>based on*
be better?
"based on" sounds best to me. :)
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Because that would be pretty gay desu.

was* modeled afterもbased onも、どっちでも自然だと思う。ただ
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Thank you for the rapid reply!
sorry i misread.
>>204246659 <-- ignore this
That was***
Its supposed to be "That was".
I dont know why but it feels off otherwise. Sorry anon.
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Thank you for the rapid reply and explanation.

>was* modeled after
Is this mean
This tale, a fiction created in a later period, was* modeled after episodes of an actual Buddhist monk who lived in the Muromachi period.
what a cat you are, staring at muscles too much! (ΦωΦ;)
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Hmm, from the "realistic" style I was thinking it might be a parody of something 3D
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It looks like we've crisscrossed our replies.
>That was***
OK, I think I understand now. You mean
>That was modeled after an actual Buddhist monk [...]
, right?
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>This tale, a fiction created in a later period, was* modeled after episodes of an actual Buddhist monk who lived in the Muromachi period.
This tale, a fiction created in a later period That was* modeled after episodes of an actual Buddhist monk who lived in the Muromachi period, is fairly famous among Japanese kids.
Because you're using two commas to insert a sub-sentence (a parenthetical clause) it gives your sentence a flowery, sort of poetic feel. I feel like without either a "that was" or a "which was" it feels incomplete. I have no idea why, though.

Yes, that's correct. Sorry if my replies caused any confusion, i wanted to reply quickly to correct my mistake.
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I hate to say this, but 3D is even more out of my field than 2D. Other japanon may know something.
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>Because you're using two commas to insert a sub-sentence (a parenthetical clause) it gives your sentence a flowery, sort of poetic feel.
Thanks for the lecture on nuance. I often (always) struggle to keep my compositions from sounding too childish, leading to changing word order and vocabulary again and again...
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That cat needs castrating.
>Sorry if my replies caused any confusion, i wanted to reply quickly to correct my mistake.
I don't mind at all. Don't mention it.
extreme anal burning ですかね
If its any consolation i could understand the sentence perfectly it was just a bit off the mark in terms of flow and felt a bit unnatural.
> I often (always) struggle to keep my compositions from sounding too childish, leading to changing word order and vocabulary again and again...
You didn't really sound childish to me so i wouldn't worry anon. Your English is pretty good to be honest. Just keep at it.
I'm grateful for your kind words. It's so motivating!
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To me those two letters having two short parallel bars each look clearly different. Perhaps that is because I am subconsciously recalling the stroke order. As the picrel shows, those two bars are written in the opposite order.
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(;^ω^)…⊂ミ⊃^ω^ )⊃ アウアウ!!
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Is it just me or does おみゃんこ remind me of おニャン子クラブ (pic related)?
By the way. they debuted as an idol group (and disbanded) before my time, so don't get the wrong idea about my age!
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Fun fact, one of their members ended up marrying 秋元P
>Is it just me or does おみゃんこ *sound like お…
"Remind me of" sounds weird if you use it with "is it just me"
>the way* they
Yojijukugo of the day
天変地異 (てんぺんちい)
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I see, thank you for correcting my English.

>>the way* they
I didn't notice I mistyped a comma as a period.
Thanks for pointing my error out.
驚天動地の如く! :3
ドイツの有名な食べ物じゃないか? :)

いつかその料理を食べたい ><
Just think the name is really cool tho.
everyone except for me is so smart
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Someone should warn her that binge-drinking can lead to liver failure for her own good.
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mとnが時々発音が日本人には似てる。 ^^
まつ人の 今もきたらば 何如せむ
ふままくおしき 庭の雪かな
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>go to onsen
>see man from india there

gross. sad day.
暑い ><
今はもう完全に裸のままだよ〜 :3
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やりたいけど4chanはわたくしがbanされたな〜files uploadできないな〜
お悔やみな〜 ><
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>[しかし...純粋に悲しみを共有するには、](adverbial clause)


And your are correct. That comma after 俺が is kind of odd, but possible for some reason. I parsed like the above since any other parsing makes the sentence even more weird.
I felt the same.
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しくしく。 まるで歯が立たずね(´;ω;`)
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I'm only a beginner but I'm finding the lack of kanji to be frustrating sometimes
I think kanji helps break sentences up into words and as a beginner who can't just look at a conjugated word + adjectives + whatever else is tacked on and identify where one word begins and ends it's frustrating

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