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how do you get a programming job in your country
used to be super easy like 10 years ago but now the it job market is really harsh for newcomers
>Create a GitHub account
>Search for an open source API project you might be interested in
>Create a simple project displaying that data in a nicer fashion
>Push every little update to your repository
>Repeat until you get a job
You can even create many projects with the same data
For example I found an air quality open source API and I made 3 different projects with it: An react based website that showed the whole worlds air quality in real time, a simple flutter app that would display air quality information after you selected a city and a flask app that displayed historical data, so the same as the flutter app but instead of current air quality you could select the date to show how the air was in that day
Stealth tasha thread
in mexico just by minimum knowledge and knowing english
awesome thanks
Git gud
Do CS at uni, people say you can get one without a degree but it's a lot more difficult.
idk, finished cs bachelor 2 years go still unemployed
>Do CS at uni
WRONG, computer science degrees are useless in this profession unless you plan to work with the government(usually shit pay), just get an internship and climb from there
also make a small project like >>204263254 said
make a small project, website, game, whatever and you'll get a junior/internship for start and things will work out on their own from there, also get used to git
>WRONG, computer science degrees are useless in this profession unless you plan to work with the government(usually shit pay), just get an internship and climb from there
this might have worked 10 years ago but from what I know now your cv will be filtered out instantly by HR if you don't have a relevant degree
also if you want to visajeet in the future a degree is a must
right now you can't. they pushed the it stuff too hard and it's over for juniors pretty much. degree or no degree - you are fucked
Im 31, lets say i start cs major in my country. Would you say its worth it, or not even try? By now i would be rejected by every company.
too late bro
I don't know, I'd like to know that too.
I've tried to get one for two years to no avail.
Post repos
What would you say should i do? Suicide or keep on living?
Go to job interview and show them that Skyrim nude mod you made, explain in detail how you coded the jiggle physics on the front and posterior.
find something else to learn. get into trades
trying to get into completely oversaturated field as a dude in mid 30s with 0 experience has little to no chance of working out, you'd just be wasting your time
better learn something worthwhile that zoomers don't want to touch like carpentry, house renovations, even plumbing
Im sort of a Catch 22 here, because uni here is free, but at my age no career is worth it seems to be, but uni here is free, but...
opportunity cost my dude
it's not free when you need to spend 4 years of your life for a paper that most likely won't land you a job
>but at my age no career is worth it seems to be
not sure about situation in Argentina but trades are making a big comeback here, and there's no competition because the demand grossly outweights supply
In argentina uni is 5 years minimum
>get into trades
Spoken like a terminally online retard who's never actually worked with his hands. Literally no one will take a middle aged man on as an apprentice.
Then its suicide. But ill do it happy
not only do you have to get through an apprenticeship for about 2~4 yrs (no clue about poland or argentinia) but to open your own shop thatll be probably around 4 or 5 years ontop not to mention the finance situation. You are then 40 with little to no experience if everything runs fine. You body is a mess by then. Theres a reason why they want 16 yr olds to start that shit
she looks so smart and stunning in this picture
What degree do you have?
It's really difficult to get in here now as a newcomer because the market is flooded.
I'm curious, what about your country? I heard many educated people left.
It is super easy in Italy, you don't eve need a degree or experience, but you'll earn like a bar waiter or a shoe shop clerk. In fact, the contract you get is the exact same, I shit you not. Literally no difference.
99.9% of the jobs are in a consultancy plantation, where you'll have to deliver results like you're working at FAANG for six figure while the tasks are so many it's impossible not to work less than 12 hours a day everyday without paid overtimes.
So there is a reason it's easy in Italy, pick your poison.
Cab driver, kebabs, cashier
These are probably your only options
Nah boy, not worth it, i spend the next year neeting up and then get beheaded in the railway.
>and then get beheaded in the railway.
don't do that you piece of shit, I hate when suicidefags have to ruin everyone else's day by stopping trains for two hours
Get fucked, if it makes you seethe, ill kill myself in rush hour.
Please, if someone can, make a smug pepe/seething wagie wojak from this situation.
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Do it. Piss off as many normies as possible. Traumatize the poor kids and driver looking at it. Create a huge mess that takes days to clean up.
I will never work blue collar no matter how much you faggots try to force me to. I already get sick when I just pass a construction site.
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I wish I know, I heard it's a well paid job
Whats YOUR job?
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Ive heard that in Italia things are the most difficult when talking about jobs. What do italians do to get by?
How do I upgrade my job?
I got my first frontend/fullstack job in uni and I'm still working there over a year later, but they pay isn't that great
I want to either have WFH or better pay
Independent? Workshop? Metallurgic industry?

Inverter? TIG? MIG?
I wanted to go to a barber (I've never been) and then to a photographer to put a photo on my LinkedIn
My github is alright although I could have more projects
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I know most techniques but for my job we use mainly mig/mag
I work for a company that makes "tinglados" I guess the closest english word is warehouses
look for a better position while still working for your current one
also if it's any encouragement to you, when I started I was making 1500 euro per month and 8 years later I am making over 5000 euro just by staying with the same company and getting incremental pay rises each year
Looks like the trades will also oversaturated since everyone now "just trade bro". Those hello world level programmer will gtfo soon and job market secured
Thats okay, talk to me about whatever
Be Indian and apply for a work visa
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do you think argie glowies lurk this site?
I find the whole trades thing debatable. It depends of the country, which trade, the economy.
Here most trades people are informal work, in usa thats not how it is.
Nah, dont think so, the only glowies in here might be a obscure forgotten department from some yankee agency.
Also, whos the woman?
it's tashka from natasha's adventures channel on youtube, I highly recommend watching her
I was referring on firsties tho.
Here trade is full but programming is scarce. Most thirdies are like that.
Funnily enough, most thirdies who come here get into trades too. I have only met two thirdies who were interested in programming in my entire life.
I landed a government job that's amazing, I work with engineers who also know how to code and they praise me all the time. The only problem is that it's the government and I'm worried I'm foiling my prospects elsewhere by sticking to it. Right now I'm super glad I got the job to begin with, but should I be concerned for the future?
Supposedly, sofware developement and IT in your country are not woth it. But anyway, what is worth it right now?
I don't even know man, I'm unemployed and couldn't find a job the last two years.
I've heard the same old shit you'd hear everywhere in the first world about trades, but the pay isn't that good and the work itself is shit from what I know.
Maybe it's worthwhile from an outsider's/someone-who's-used-to-it-and-willing-to-do-illicit-work perspective though.
Yes it's terrible to work as a software engineer in Germany. It's much better being a thirdie laborer and I wish I could escape. Only 500k in my portfolio and the job security sucks as well!
>uni here is free
You can't suffer in Argentina
Those jobs have been outsourced to jeets or automated by AI. Only senior devs have job security in that sector. Entry-level programming jobs are becoming scarce.
It seems like at a certain point with a lack of any real experience you're just fucked. Society tells you to stop being a neet loser but good luck getting a trade when you're not a malleable kid and getting a degree when you're a certain age just seems futile.
I STEMcel maxxed, I have a physicians degree and license and currently doing residency in radiology. There has been talks amongst our circles that AI might take over imaging diagnostics but it's too damn complicated and is several decades away, if it does get good at it I can always move to interventional radiology doing angioplasty so I am safe from the meme machines, good luck to anyone doing only repetitive mental jobs.
You need to crossdress first.
> compete with 14000000 thirdies who grind for exams 24/7
> get into university
> get a degree in Math, Physics, CS
> get an advanced degree from foreign uni
> grind leetcode if you haven't already
> after that different pathways:
> Indian startup (high risk, high reward, no travel issues)
> Asian companies (low risk, medium reward, low travel issues)
> American companies (medium risk, high reward, extreme travel isuses)
> European companies (medium risk, medium reward, extreme travel issues)
> Government jobs in India (low risk, very low reward)

It's not that bad. Most difficult step is 1 and 2

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