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history, language, culture
japanese is superior
mochiron desu, VPN-san
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thank you, ramirez kun
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So where would you say the proper Japanese history (not being under Ezo) has started, Anon‐kun? Emperor Kōrei, perhaps?
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>Jomon Emperor
This still confused the hell out of me, lol.
japan history is longer more earlier
i agree. i wish japan still ruled korea.
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Of course that is better
if youre gonna post this again could you at please use proper grammar? you low iq jeet faggot
at least*
and guk beg japan to rule
?? whats going on here?
kkk. So older than 200 BC.
oh look, another thread from a nip about japan. go to 2chan, self obsessed cunt
hello kim go back to work
japan worship white man
all anime white character
Japan is the United Kingdom of Asia.
There's a lot of embedded insecurity.
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anime character is japanese
wrong, japan worship white man
only a incel would have this pic saved
Separate but equal
how would you even rank something as subjective as language
and isn't japanese history being hilariously late with written history, copying everything from china, having a bunch of civil wars and famines, and doing nothing for 300 years untill the americans opened the country at gunpoint?
even greece alone completely mogs them. or how many ancient japanese mathematicians can you name. yes these self obsessed yellow twats anger me
if it wasn't for europe you'd have no electricity and still living like its the medieval ages. The only thing you fags did was ruin an entire generation of men with tranime
The language is objectively awful on every level imaginable though.
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you are just ignorant of history idiot

japanese can live peacefully with what we have, so we don't need to invent things like white

however, when we are told that something useful is available, we make it better than the people who told them.

you use japanese technology everyday like blue led, flash drive, compact disk, smartphone, Infrastructure projects from bullet trains, computers, agricultural products

and it was the japanese who the invention by european better, like clothes and shirts and ties.

as I said, japanese can live happily with what we have, so we dont need to invent anything.

we didint live a barbaric life where we have to fight and do something to win and invade, like you in the west.

but when we learn something useful, we make it better many times over and teach it to the person who taught it to us.

now japanese product is considered best worldwide and no one can match quality and innovation

In short, japanese are just more superior then whites
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japan can do everything in japanese better than any other country in the world, so there is no need to rely on languages other than japanese, so there is no need to bother learning english or other languages

languages other then japanese can only express meaning, but japanese can add emotion to meaning, such as particles and exclamations, and can construct relationships other than meaning, such as casual and honorific expressions, making japanese the only language in the world that can maintain peace through free will without being bound by ideology or ideology

also it is the only language that can express science and the embodiment of thought better than any other language, so it is a language that can express intellectual and emotional expression to a much greater degree

japanese > english
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we do not worship you white
you look like ugly moai statue
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Post real people
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Then why do anime character have v shaped faces and deep set eyes?
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that is chinese idiot not japanese
so you pick only ugly cherry pick sample for japanese and not someone like kanna hashimoto
what retard
That’s actually fucking scary looking
Japan sucks and always has, land of short freaks.
Culture per capita
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amerisharts look much more scary
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t. la creatura
your economy went down the drain 30 years ago, your population is old as shit, and the yen is weak as fuck. grow up and so something about it
>In short, japanese are just more superior then whites
sure, whatever makes you sleep at night. are you going to make another japanese supremacy thread tomorrow? not that you're capable of talking about anything else. overly and misplaced nationalist nonsense always makes my eyes roll. i really do hope you'll grow out of it. i did
they introduced a gaijin tax so now i refuse to go there
i will curse japs on the internet
and i will go on vacations to indonesia and malaysia from now on
japan is becoming increasingly irrelevant with its refusal to change
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why do you draw all your anime characters to be white?
do japs have an inferiority complex?
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they wont admit it but theyre all obsessed with white women
that is nothing like same idiot
are you autistic? that is sign of not being able to read face
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why do you continue to repeat same lie idiot?
is white too low iq?
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<- realistic anime character
we are not interested with your women who look like moai statue and have no morals
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nobody wants to draw like american wyito kek
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they put characters like this in anime but they are often side characters or bad guys
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average british face
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hello kim dog eater
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Japanese history

- do nothing for 1000 years
- kill each other in a long civil war
- isolate themselves from the word like incel neets
- get forcefully civilised by western chads
- have angry incel gook moment and attack the west
- lose, get nuked and turned into a semi-vassal of America
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When asked in a scientific poll which country's men that Japanese women most preferred, a majority answered Koreans. Big Korean Cock is irresistible to Japanese women.
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no wonder
short stacks are known to chimp out
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I can see the short peepee kimchi man in the us is chimping out
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OP is 100% a beaner on base, regardless, yeah, it’s true
british history
- lose to japanese army in great east asia war
- lose all empire colony which was liberate by japan
- become colony of street pooping indian
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Minus the -“isolate themselves” that literally the story of Europe
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nice fake delusion image kim
british masculinity lol
and then you can add conquering the world
japan conquered the world too?
Europe is more attractive, generally (speaking of both places as a whole, not just the attractive areas). There's more sprawl and brutalist architecture in Japan. They've been getting rid of that in Europe for several decades. Random small German towns and such are incredibly picturesque.

Asian women are more attractive though, so you've got that.
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Japan did too, they were just late to the game
>civilised by western chads
Nigga the Japanese literally bathed daily while """people""" in the West didn't until extremely recently and you can read their own accounts on that everywhere. Plus animalistic conditions in the slums of hellhole cities were literally a modern invention of yours.
Japanese culture also has had an incredibly sophisticated system of interpersonal relations reflected even in the embedded features of language, an impossibly refined artistic production including the world's first psychological novel in the 11th century, and one of the highest book circulation and literacy rates in the world even before opening up.
They now have top notch public transport and you don't, you have crime-ridden streets and they don't.
emperor is above your king idiot
most prestigious monarch with longest dynasty of world
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nobody cares about your manlet emperor
iggy pop is based. 1 point for the brits.
The world needs Belgian nationalism, don't lose your spark
they didn't actually control all those territories, they fought a bloody war with China for the better part of a decade and never even came close to defeating and annexing China, which was their explicit goal. the only territories out of that list they actually controlled were Korea and Taiwan, the rest of them simply suffered from Japanese military occupation.
both of you are wrong. Not only did Japan never control the world, it never even controlled most of Asia - it simply wanted to. Similarly, Europeans never controlled the world - although they did occupy and hold colonies in almost every country, which is basically the same thing. Additionally, having a colony is not the same as "conquering" someone. Conquering is about warfare...it doesn't include the totality of European sprawl.
Japanese history- basically cavemen for thousands of years and now completely subjugated to US

Japanese language- silly language putting desu at the end of every sentence

Japanese culture- Emasculated autism and perversion
my nigga out for blood. My nigga never forgot unit 731. This squid nigga will never forgive hirohito
I didn't even say anything negative about Japan. I simply corrected your post which was misleading.
Shut up before I shove kimchi down your throat Mcdonald man
are either of you actually Korean? How do I know I'm not talking to a Private Jose Gomez or Jamal Jones?
>So where would you say the proper Japanese history (not being under Ezo) has started, Anon‐kun?

please go to japan and impregnate japanese women
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kim history is being subjugate by japan and becoming civilized
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no one care of your low class king who is german who did many crime of genocide worldwide in history
I hate US you are the ones fostering diversity spectrum tranny privilege shitskin welfare ideology and I hate it your country is decaying and thanks to you Koreans are decaying too I hate it sm
I would say it started since Taika Reform in 645, when centralized the government of Japan was born.

I didn't even say anything negative about you. I was giving you hype.
You jap shut the fuck up faggot whatever you say you can't defend your emasculate nation. I am sergeant Yi Soon Shing of the Kimchi Dragon Marine division, and I am descendant of Admiral Yi. I will have all of you know that Korea is the best. Kimchi is delicious, Hangul is easy, turtle ships fucking rule and kpop is best music. Fuck you jap
unit 731 is lie by ghq idiot learn history
NK-POP >>>>>>> K-poop

therefore North Korea is better.
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stop your fabyong kim
NK is based
official power level goes
imperial Japan > NK > democratic Japan > south """korea"""
I haven't been to Europe but while Japan is pretty advanced it still feels third world sometimes, like squat toilets or people biking on the sidewalk etc, you can feel some thirdieness in places.

Overall to me the west still feels more advanced to me despite us not cleaning our assholes properly or having barely functioning public transit
>war crime no happen
embrace your accomplishments. Don't be spiritually weak.
Would Qianyu.
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>raping five year old little boys and treating them like prostitutes until they turn seven is LE GOOD for some reason
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gay stupid thread.
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You literally were stuck in the middle ages with literal paper armour until we came to your shit island and gave you modern technology, like guns, the invention of glass, ect ect you dirty savages had nothing except maybe metalargy but you could not even make steel properly so you had to fold it on itself just to make it stable enough to be used, although to be fair thats basically all of asia, china, japan, vietnam, literally all of asia should be fucking walled off and fucking nuked especially gooks and chinks i fucking HATE chinese and japanese i hope you fucking wipe yourselves out we should have nuked japan until the whole island just fucking sinks into the water.
And stop coming to our fucking country and pouring boiling water on nine month old's or raping and murdering dutch girls in france, you fucking slanted eyed niggers need to be mass deported from the globe and sent back to whatever japanese pedophelic anime porn addicted communist shithole you came from TOTAL ASIAN DEATH
uh oh that's not very wholesome of you :(
japanese have tiny micropenises
smallest in the world
see this idiot


you white is not special
>another thread of netouyos getting ass ravaged without fighting back
Starting to get bored of this board
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you kims have smallest penis
why would we accept lie mare by CCP and ghq? they made up lie of nanking to justify atomic bomb genocide of innocent japanese because you could not find any crime japanese army did

eyes - ugly black like chinese, slanty
hair - ugly black like chinese
height - 150cm, jappu men are shortest in the world
koreans are better and stronger than ugly japanese
>because you could not find any crime japanese army did
this shtick is getting so fucking old. Can you guys go back to defending loli cartoon porn from the dirty westerner or whatever it is you guys usually do? war crime denial is so last year.
Jap history
- lose to western army in great east asia war
- lose all empire colony which was liberate by america
- become colony of america
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loser french history
>rlook at ris inventrion wre mrade usrering westen technorogy and sirence that they grave us wre ah so smrart
why do you not speak properly? are you too low iq?
Japan is loser country.
Lost ww2 and its colonies despite many crimes.
And now is loser american military base.
Why japan so pathetic loser?
Im mocking you. The only technology you ever "invented" was based off of the roots from the tree of european technology that we planted in your ass backwards child raping country, faggot.
you lost ww2 and then were saved by the anglos, and we even made sure french soldiers and commanders were in charge of the reinvasion so you guys could look good
Still better than loser japan
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like I said, japanese can live peacefully with what we have, so we don't need to invent things like you white

but when we learn something useful, we make it better many times over and teach it to the person who brought the technology

you white can not make better product than japanese products because you are inferior
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japan was successful in objective of liberating asia from western colonial
it is thank to japan asia is not colony of european
learn history idiot
>realistic anime character
>Posts Chinese zainchi
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kim using platform shoe to lie about height
plastic face plastic heel
you chons is all fake

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