I want to live in Poland, I am learning Polish, I love the orthography and everything about the sound of the language. But I'm a NEET and a mentally disabled retard, so retarded that I don't notice basic redundancies in my speech
You have self awareness, even most people don't realize it themselves. You've got it
>>204433374good luckhttps://youtu.be/GeXUMh4872s?
>>204433561I didn't understand enough of this to feel good about myself
>>204433625dont worry about ithttps://youtu.be/CX7TWc1Ra7o?f
>>204433685I usually watch clickbait slop in Polish but also I used to watch a lot of history vids
>>204433374You could hold a basic job in retail or logistics just fine
>>204435159Autism is bad enough in my own culture, imagine being autistic in a foreign country, and being a second language learner is like autism in a way because you have decreased capacity for ambiguityBut maybe I'll get there
>>204435241I've been in your position before, in 2 different countries actually.It's harder than you think and you'll probably fail but its worth trying anyway, good luck.
>>204435696If I fail I can be a vagrant like Bald and Bankrupt, without the obvious
>>204433374dawaj na /polska/ mordouwielbiamy obcokrajowców mówiących w polsku
>>204433374Are you a twink?
>>204436140I'm straight with a girlfriend
>>204436072n-nawet mnie?
>>204436326ciebie mordo kochamyjesteś słodki i ważny
>>204433374if you are a neet in usa you will not make it in a slavic country .give it up,society is ROUGH around these parts.
>>204436072Ja wiemNie mogę mówic po polsku na chuj
>>204436462>Nie mogę*nie umiemteż uczę się polskiego
>>204436462I have a collection of posts from /polska/ that I used for the basicsIts slang heavy but simplistic enough>>204436489Thanks I know you from the general
>>204436526wgl nie pisz tak często zaimków (,,ja") tylko postuj ,,wiem"
>>204436726>Nie idz na /polska/ bo tam sa tylko inceleBaza..
>>204436462>Nie mogę mówic po polsku na chujthis sounds like a Russian phrase translated to Polish 1:1, it doesn't feel idiomatic in Polish
Why would you want to live in Pooland? Even if you claim to "love" the language, you can easily experience it from home without needing to move there and figure out life from zero. You do realize that being an immigrant is just making shit 100 times harder for yourself? And for what purpose? Because you like the sound of gibberish that you can't understand yet and believe it's beautiful. Whatever exotic features you think you love, will eventually lose their magic as you actually acquire the language and spend thousands of hours listening to it.
>>204442773>Why would you want to live in Pooland?because it's beautiful here
>>204442787Yeah, yeah, every country has beautiful public squares designed for tourists, but show us the soulless commie block street alley you actually live in, Pavel.
>>204442893>every country has beautiful public squares designed for touristswe don't
>>204442893>Yeah, yeah, every country has beautiful public squares designed for touristsshow serbian lol
>>204442979didn't post... like i thought
>>204442773>Whatever exotic features you think you love, will eventually lose their magic as you actually acquire the language and spend thousands of hours listening to it.This is the belief of a man who never truly loved any language he learned. Someone who learns languages only for some mental stimulation and ego.
>>204440636That's interesting because someone once said that my accent when reading Polish sounded RussianCould just be "na chuj" >>204442773But I can understand a lot of it now and it doesn't sound like gibberish to me anymore and when I learned how the orthography worked it deepened my appreciationI would not say Poland is exotic anyways.I've definitely spent a lot of time with the language and only grown more appreciative of it
>>204448030For me I actually had a phase of disliking the sound because of all the affricates (shhh sound) constantly but then I came around especially learning more and more words
>>204442893>soulless commie block street alley you actually live inI am not disgusted by the commie blocks they have in Poland. They are really not bad, no offense but Serbia would logically be way worse