kurva anyátok editionprevious: >>204498015
ブダペストで私のハンガリー人ソウルメイトを探しています こんにちは!(お辞儀)わたしについて年齢:28歳、純粋な日本人乙女とても恥ずかしがり屋ですが、真の愛を見つけることに真剣です全くの純真な心(赤面)私の特別な願い 以下のようなハンガリー人の紳士を探しています:同じく純粋で処女(とても重要!)侍のように礼儀正しい私と同じくらいブダペストを愛している伝統的な価値観を理解しているなぜブダペスト?ブダペストはとても美しいです!橋、温泉、ロマンチックな街並み...(夢見るような目)ハンガリー文化を愛するように運命づけられた気がします!私が提供できること忠実な心 伝統的な日本料理の腕前優しい性格ハンガリー語をすぐに学びます!条件(必須です!)ハンガリーのパスポート 処女性 優しい魂 家族を愛する よろしくお願いします!(深くお辞儀)私のハンガリー人の王子様を待っています... すみません、これで十分かわいいでしょうか!
Feliz sexta-feira!
Daily reminder.Napi emlékeztető.Reper zilnic.Codzienne przypomnienie.
The Onion buys Alex Jones's Infowars at auction
>>>/gif/28135053Hu ha.
Sistemul israelian de avertizare timpurie în caz de raid aerian, foarte aproape de a deveni operațional în Ucraina
>>204533881Men shunday ko'raman.
>>204533881már megint a szőriköcsög
Schiffer: Magyar Péter esetleges választási győzelme után a Fidesz négyötöddel térhet visszaForrás: https://kuruc.info/r/2/280775/
Semjén Zsolt várakozása szerint a háború befejezése után sok ukrán marad MagyarországonA magyar állam az őshonos nemzeti kisebbségeket ismeri el, és államalkotó tényezőként tekint rájuk - mondta Semjén Zsolt miniszterelnök-helyettes az Országgyűlés magyarországi nemzetiségek bizottsága előtt csütörtökön Budapesten.Forrás: https://kuruc.info/r/2/280776/
Továbbörökítenék a torockói hímzést és csipkeveréstAz idei év utolsó hagyományőrző alkotóműhelyének ad otthont pénteken a torockói Duna-ház, ahol a résztvevők a tervek szerint a jövő évben is megismerhetik és gyakorolhatják a torockói hímzés alapjait és fortélyait. Kardos Zsuzsanna kolozsvári kézműves, foglalkozásvezető a varrás szeretetéről, a legelterjedtebb mintákról, a csipkeverés mesterségéről beszélt a Krónikának. (Forrás: Krónikaonline.ro https://kronikaonline.ro/szines/tovabborokitenek-a-torockoi-himzest-es-csipkeverest)
cringe thread
ÖT – Özönlenek a hangfelvételek a Tisza Pártból – mindenki lehallgatott mindenkit?
Schmidt Mária: Szájer József kiváló képességű, kipróbált harcos, akinek helye van a közösségünkben
Kővel tört fel 11 autót a Mecsekben, elfogták
good morning sirs
Mit csinál rosszul Európa?10-15 évvel ezelőtt az USA és Európa fej-fej mellett haladt, aztán az amerikaiak elléptek mellettünk, és akkor még nem beszélünk Kínáról – jegyzi meg Orbán.
Óriásit nőtt a román átlagnyugdíj, mégis sokan elégedetlenekNem teljes siker az átlagosan 48 ezer forintos nyugdíjemelés.
Semjén szavaiból az következne, hogy a papok között negyvenszer nagyobb a gyermekbántalmazók aránya
jo reggelt almak>>204534993>>204534993i slept well and did good thread!>>204531937>>204532014>>204532072>>204532203>>204533881>>204534163>>204534769>>204534884¡Hola!
i would sucky sucky on those toesbtw happy feet friday>>204517294does it happen in your gen?
Áldás jöhet a barna bimbi
Wang Yi egyesülésre szólította fel Oroszországot és Kínát
>>204535289>does it happen in your gen?Nem!
>doromboló macskák
Nem mondja meg Magyar Péter, melyik EP-képviselője agyhalott, melyik alkalmatlan, melyik Soros-ügynök
gm bois. It's friday.
>>204535770gumąfeet fridaypost piedini
Morning v4 gamersEnjoy your Friday
>>204535921ohiothamksbest regards
Români exploatați și transformați în sclavi în Ungaria de un grup infracțional format tot din români. Cum își păcăleau victimele
even this rockabilly shit looks good on risoshave you seen wh*te rockabilly women?i pray that you never will
>>204536856lmao ugly ass insecteven this is sexier
>>204534911Neked mennyi a rokkant nyugdíjad?
Escroci costumați în urși au distrus mai multe mașini de lux ca să încaseze banii din asigurări. Un biolog i-a dat de gol
man, this cartoon is dark
Touhou fiuten
Welcome to my crib
>>204538270this anime has sexy gilf
>>204538518You have a toilet? Oligarch!
I swear these fags are holding personal grudge against me by making shit OPs both for /ka/ and /v4/they target me personally because they know it will make me upset
>>204539058yea but it's also quoite darkand i don't mean the ayys raping Momo part, that was funny and light-hearted
what do gyaru bedrooms smell like?
>>204540816how would I know?
>>204540210the piotrek is a humongous dick sucking faggot, i'm sorry to say
wanna know what she made a photo of?
>>204541001You will regardless.
>>204540210kabigon bros his mad!tonight we feast!
>>204540857I've been telling this since day he streetshitted his way in /ka/
>>204541050he can be very nice when he's not being ass
>>204540857ueee ueee
4chan external sounds doesn't work as it should on firefoxREEEEEE
>>204541106yeah because posting tranime is a way of graciousness for you
>>204541139you're not winning any contests by doing something annoying
>>204541098who are you trying to correct sar?
>>204535921autor ostatnio zrobił komiks jak kukulux klan ją ściga bo ten z prawej przestał być rasistą czy coś
mortal kombat isn't esport game rn
>>204540210lol u madget back to the fagbag you sissy
the game awards soon
>>204541770who the fuck is mr bartosevszki? is he some famous jew?
>>204541897>Bartoszewski was born in Warsaw to a Catholic family.[5]
>>204541954>Bartoszewski was a chevalier of the Order of the White Eagle, an honorary citizen of Israel, and a member of the International Honorary Council of the European Academy of Diplomacy>Bartoszewski's scholarly credentials were controversial. He had no university degree but used the title of "professor", suggesting that he had an academic degree
>>204541258obviously nip cartoons are goodno sane man would claim they aren't, just look at the foremost anime complainer
i forgot to buy 2nd nunchucki won't be able to play mii boxing with someone else
What should I have for lunch? Thinking about 2 mini pizzas and 1kg of skyr
>>204543924An entire kg of yoghurt?
@204540210shut up retard your days consists of consuming
Would you?Me: yes
>>204546410Crêpe with beans and cheese?
>met my ex at the party a week ago>got drunk>she took me to her place>we fug>I came inside her, because she wanted>can't get this outta my head>text her and ask if everything is ok, and if she got her period (she was supposed to get it this week)>read my message, but haven't respondedIt's only been half an hour ago, but I'm freaking out. Already took hydroxyzine, but I'm still shaking. I can't fucking take it!please tell me everything is going to be all right
>>204548066Don't worry. Her kid will be black.
>>204548066thoughts and prayers
not reading normalfaggot bragging
>>204548889you've certainly read it because it's normalfaggot humblebragging
>>204548994i stopped reading after the 3rd word, so i didn't
absolute garbage day at work, fuck this
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8Sjwn9oynQnever noticed that this memesong has such a cool drum track
>>204548066your own fault
>>204551828hozzád nem szóltunk pedofil
>go to Pest>hop in Szuper Diszkont Ázsiai Üzlet for a snack>first store clerk I see is a meccha qt rice
>>204548066>wychodzenie z domu
>>204552062>szóltunkfull skizó
>>204549451goonfor relax
>>204552221te egy magyaroszágon körözött gyerektaperoló, óvodai predátor vagyrosszul hiszed azt hogy bármelyik beszélgetésnek is része vagytl'dr öld meg magad pedofil, nem vagyunk rád kíváncsiak
>>204552288lmaomeséld el hogy röhögtek körbe a rendőrök amikor feljelentést akartál tenni?soha nem volt rendőrségi ügyem te kis csicska XD
hűha https://youtu.be/jspShPStqKI?si=kAigO3HUZOkiDN1n
>>204549640>>204548786>>204548645>>204552193just got message backNOT PREGNANT I REPEAT, NOT PREGNANT!!!Fucking dodged that bullet holy fucking shit!I'm drinking tonight, and celebrating. Fuck I might even go out and have some fun.
>>204552355not joining the army
>>204552421you vill die for joos and be HUMBLEad adget zogbotedad ad>>204552395jakbyś walił konia renkom to byś się nie martwił o takie rzeczyruchacze wyjaśnieni
>>204552421why not?
>>204548066I hate sex havers so fucking much it's unreal
post cats
>>204555802gyapjas a hasa
i crave friesi should've bought a shaorma menu instead of just a shaorma
midori has a black catshe's a witch i tell you
Henlo. Time for Asian footgirls.
>>204557783i.e. momoko thread?
>>204557886Yes, especially Momoko's feet thread O:
>>204557949that's one slutty momoko
>>204558072that chink is extremely ugly but the resident turbo autists are face blind
>>204558009Based! Yes she is, and her feet are beautiful.>>204558072>>204558265Begone you filthy plebenians, Momoko is eternal.
>>204558265you got chased out of the other thread so you wanna flee here?just get back to your groomer discord, fag
>>204558387i don't even want to say what this outfit makes her look like
>>204558387>>204558400>>204558471you have a lot of cute azns and you are still posting the ugliest onewhy?
>>204558265shut the fuck up retard
>>204558515you're like a kindergartner who keeps pulling on the ponytail of the girl he likes
>>204558471Like an angel!>>204558515Momkoko is cute>>204558651Yes, he is!
and i want to eat proper meat God damnit
>>204558923>Like an angel!more like a butterflya nocturnal one
>>204558945I'm going to buy2 kilogramme of pork chops2 kilogramme of beefand a sack of sauerkraut
>>204559147i'm going to buy one (1) small centerfire round, fire it next to your ear and then drive the empty case in your kneecap with a hammer
>>204559358*whispers* psst! nocturnal butterfly is a euphemism for a street talker. at least it is in Hungarian, i thought it was universal
>pelletscome back when the shell is atleast big as a PET bottle
I'll make a photo of my scarred eardrums Tomorrow so you'll comprehend how deaf i am
>>204559564the point was to make it painful but not deadlywhat would i even do with an arty shell casing, use it as a club?>>204559625and you have the gall to shit talk the greatest musicians on planet Earth
i want pork chops too
also howe come you're eating meat now, are you getting it directly from a farmer?>>204559165xexe
>>204559165that looks like a Lemko houseshe's prob living the TRAD life with a Lemko husband
>>204562257it really doesbut afaik they like timber houses in the Jap north as wellwonder if it's a Russian influence
>>204561123sleep tight>>204559874directly from a store meat filled with estrogenyummy
>>204563039oh great another lunatic
>>204563237Im right and you know it