>>204569061Der terrorists amirite lads?Maybe time to start some commie Nazi gangstalking torture on non conformists eh (((lads)))
>>204569283You will never be white
good thread my neighbours are no awake due to me howling from laughter
>>204569375>no awakeLMAO genius sarcasmObviously they would wake up when their neighbor is loud
>>204569365Germans are swarthy niggas who ruined America by not being cowboysYou love car culture(Jewish Hollywood bullshit..)ListenI am the man who is forced to slay you
>>204569454Trump is german just like 30% of white americanswe literally run this place
>>204569505Red is Anglo/non German White is German Fuck you Satanist freaks
>>204569534>Uhhh muh land uhrrrhhhh muh landIt's a bunch of fucking destroyed farm fields producing demonic soy and corn syrupNo forests Fuck you
FUCK Fucking cunts
>>204568711War sein richtiger Name Bankräuber Elefant?